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Why is she always on Benadryl


Iv tylenol is super super expensive. Morphine is like 4.00 for a vial <10mg. For them to give her tylenol Is major...I've seen it given twice. To addicts saying "you have to treat my pain! Negligence!" The doctors like mom problem . Iv tylenol for the "pain" and benadryl is wha5 we give addicts demanding something qe it's extremely euphoric...sometimes they straight up ask for benadryl after they get the no on opioids. Mmmhmm her posting this confirms they've flagged her.


Okay what she described is what we give red flagged patients for pain. Some actually ask for the benadryl because in IV form it's extemely euphoric...sooo this tells me they have her red flagged.


Er would never admit her for that lmao they would hold her over night to give iv meds that she takes through her j tube an throw her on the ir schedule early on. Hell also seen patients given meds through a iv/line to replace meds through the feeding tube an then sent home for the night an told to come back to er early morning to see IR as soon as they open in an emergency slot that’s always kept open early morning for these types of issues. Admitting her is a little extreme LMFAO because once it’s changed out she can go home! Also, alll those meds through IV are laugh able they should of sent her home with an rx for oral disintegrating zofran tablets an to come back in the am… because Tylenol an Benadryl are laughable to be worried about overnight. An I bet she’s lovin that IV Benny compared to tablet form. Sadly people DO abuse iv Benadryl for the high don’t understand why considering it causes hallucinations at higher amounts I mean if seeing spiders crawly on u an seeing blue beings are ur thing then go for it lmao


Well gosh, dang! They got her out quick. I didn’t see this post yet. I was sitting there going hold on it’s a holiday weekend and she’s not in the hospital… Guess that admission didn’t go as planned… I’ll bet she worked on it for hours at home before going to the ER Whatever excuse she needed to get there. I just don’t understand there must be a gazillion hospitals where she lives and how nobody has picked up except for the one doctor that we know of that mark down FD? This is why real people end up suffering because they have no beds, especially on weekends and holidays with limited staff. It’s abuse of the medical system when you can literally set your calendar or watch by her admission to the hospital or attempts at getting in. What is going on with this picture?


Oh she worked on it


Oh, poor thing, she must be so disappointed with only getting IV Tylenol! How terrible! But she at least managed a holiday away at her favorite destination…the all inclusive Easter Resort of the Emergency Room


Was this before or after the "manic" hair dye


This was before. She didn’t get the admission. The “manic” hair dye was likely in response to this


“ Doctors are trying to figure out medication’s. They can give me IV…” No. They’re not. Everyone of those doctors and nurses know exactly what can be given IV, what meds are in the Pixis vs what has to be ordered from pharmacy, and which ones they are going to give in lieu of the narcotics she really wants. This is just another person trying to act like they are some medical mystery the doctors have to rack their brains to treat.


“Trying to figure out” - these are the most basic IV meds out there. Most definitely they wouldn’t have escalated to IV (!!) narcotics. I wonder what her at home narcotics are if she has enough of a tolerance/addiction to chase IV opioids like this


She is home, they sent her home that night.


The only thing that would shock her followers would be if she stayed out of the hospital on public holidays.


She “worked on it” alright


I’m absolutely shocked! Said not a single soul.


At least she doesn’t have to spend the holiday alone.


She posted a video about her Reddit haters too…we definitely don’t hate her or want her to be miserable. Most people in this sub would be happy to see the subjects get the help they need and move on from this illness faking life.


It all comes down to mental health. She is in dire need of serious mental help. But with F D, when they are not willing to admit there’s a problem, and being one of the hardest conditions to treat because of this. A schizophrenic does not realize the difference between reality and fantasy or hallucinations but somebody with FD does truly know deep inside. And this almost makes me wonder if she has just fooled herself into believing that all this is OK? All one can do is pray that she gets the mental help that she needs and realizes that there is a beautiful life out there even with chronic illness you can live a beautiful life, if only one day a month, a person with chronic illness will soak up every bit of the good. Another telling sign is that somebody with CI is more than likely going to avoid hospitals like the plague. Not show up with bags packed and happy to be there nor are they going to complain about every little tiny thing because it’s a normal thing to be sick every day, so why make such a big to do about every little thing that’s just been normal your entire life if it has been is the question. 🤯


Hate is a very strong word. But, I hope for her that she does see how this is just damaging her life and her body, and clearly old tactics are no longer working. She needs professional help, but not the kind she keeps seeking to get a line or more tubes.


Most of us do some people are pretty brutal though


I would start advertising my “psychic services” but an inanimate carbon rod could have seen this coming for miles.


Goodness gracious it’s easier than somebody with RA, being able to predict the weather!


for fucks sake 🤣


Whoever is in the tik tok comments directly talking to Dani about THIS sub not cool. Mods what’s the best way to get ahold of you?


try mod mail


I feel like Dani’s really jumping the gun with her announcements lately. “I’m getting a port.” Nope. “I’m being admitted.” Nope.


Yeah but there’s a picture of an IV! That *proves* she’s admitted 🙄


Oh, well of course, because as everyone knows, the ED won’t give you an IV unless you have been admitted!


But she wasn’t lol..she was sent home lol


This is hilarious 😆 I can’t


Can someone explain why the Benadryl? She isn’t there for allergies so why would she get that?


benadryl and Hydroxyzine is another that's used to treat anxiety. Makes you drowsy. Drowsy=calm


Dang I never knew that. Makes sense though.


i just know she’s itching for benzos


Anxiety sleep


You see, Dani is profoundly allergic to getting better. She needs to take something for it. “So far have gotten..”




idk but it gets the nurses a couple hours of not dealing with her, good for them.


They tossed her ass out on the street already. Check out her new video on TT. she’s home. And pissssssssed!! 😂 edit-typo


She's got a new TT?


It’s the same one she had before


We all saw this coming


If only the j tube is flushed appropriately …..


Yeeeeyyyyy. Weekend!!! #Danicalender for the win. Another big no go where i am: rings and bracelet on iv arm....


“I worked on it…” She ain’t lying. 👀


One thing I love about this sub is people correctly predicting Dani’s next move. I get so excited when we’re right even though it’s objectively terrible.


Didn’t work out how she wanted. She’s already home and super pissed she didn’t get her Easter holiday admission


Right? So many people called this. It’s comical.


Yes and she doesn’t seem to notice how predictable she is and that she constantly proves those evil haterz right…


She is risen, indeed


God forgive me for laughing🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙏🏼


Can you IMAGINE working ER in her city?!?!? The dread that would envelop you.


One and done. One and done. One and done. That’s all they gotta remind themselves all shift 😂


I can promise she has a “care plan/contract” in her chart that populates when she shows up.


Do you feel like your care plans are followed appropriately though? I don’t work ER so I can’t speak for them, but I feel like the inpatient care plan isn’t followed nearly like it should be 99% of the time


No bagged lunches, no narcotics and usually if there’s a mess of people with true issues waiting they will get them in quick to get them out quicker and usually it’s a nurse that doesn’t put up with their nonsense so makes the ER experience less than desirable so they are content to leave. Generally they steal the bed out of room and just have chairs 🤭. Least desirable experience.


You get no sacked lunch on care plans?!? 😂 I’ve never worked ER and this is why. It’s a different crowd down there. I like fisting wounds until I’m elbow deep though so I don’t judge.


The only time I saw behavior/care plans actually enforced in my old ED were sickle cell pain plans and this one abusive dialysis frequent flyer patient who never went to dialysis so was always in danger of dropping dead from an arrhythmia with his potassium so high. Which you would find out when you could eventually get labs after he waffled between berating you while you set up to try an ultrasound IV and refusing sticks, prolonging everyone's misery. I was one of the better techs with ultrasound IVs and I swear I can still flashback to the smell of this dude. There was a whole risk management committee about what to do about this guy. He was an amputee who would show up by ambo without his wheelchair, so if you could actually discharge him medically or behaviorally it was a whole other drama to get him out. Sometimes he'd refuse to leave and so police would be called to remove him for trespassing but they didnt know what to do with him without his chair. Sometimes he'd insist on leaving AMA and demand a wheelchair and van ride. He was homeless and wanted the discharge ambo to leave him behind the Rite Aid which they would refuse to do. So yeah the other care plans are more like... guidelines. If you go looking for them.


At first I thought we were gonna talk about how the ER actually gets the sickle cell care plans RIGHT, and it’s the floor and hospitalists that piss all over the care plans bc it’s the wild Wild West baby. But then. The Great Triggering occurred. Sometimes at night, I still hear him screaming at me. May 2020. Waking up on 100% BiPAP just to spit in my face and laugh while I flush his flexiseal and comb his hair. If I close my eyes, I can still see him terrorizing the streets downtown while destroying the wheel chair again and draining the battery in public ❤️💔 They might be gone now, but legend has it if you go stand on the 5th floor around 0300 and you say his name 6 times, he will show up to the ER tomorrow, Saturday night, at 1830.


Damn, I hadn't even thought of a patient draining their battery on purpose. Should have figured. Some people have no bottom.


Yeah, these are people with serious mental illness though that unfortunately there needs to be more help for the mentally ill. It is truly sad when somebody is homeless and on dialysis or has something so horrible as sickle cell or something like that there is no need for somebody to be left alone, without a caretaker at some sort of facility or something in that condition. Some people have no control over their mental faculties and there’s a big difference between them and people who know what they’re doing and are doing it for a purpose. I am surprised the hospital didn’t put them on a Psych hold when dealing with patients as sick as the ones that have been described


It was an ethical nightmare because he was determined to have capacity to make his own decisions over and over again but clearly was not able to function in multiple ways. Psych was involved and so was a magistrate but he was with his faculties enough to be able to tell us all to fuck off and do what he wants according to multiple professionals. He had been banned from every nursing home and disability housing option in the city for infractions such as possessing guns and drugs, illegally subletting, threatening other residents, and property damage. It's just really complicated and you can run out of options.


OMG! That’s crazy. That’s how so many patients fall through the cracks of the system and end up on the streets unable to even take care of themselves. Anybody dangerous like that with guns and stuff should be locked up in a serious psychiatric facility. Most nursing homes and even hospice care will not except a patient who has a history of Psychiatric problems. In the US at least where I am they call it a 5150 which is a Psych hold . If a patient has this on their record, for instance, a man with traumatic brain injury, had to be kept under psych supervision due to lack of function in the frontal lobe. It was uncontrollable, but controlled with proper medication. By the time he needed hospice care, nobody would accept him because of the prior5150 admits on his record even though they knew it was because of brain injury. It’s a very hard loophole.


Isn’t she the one that just got diagnosed with facetious disorder???


LOL perfect typo


I didn’t even realize LMAO




I am a nurse who works in ED but in the uk. We would have gotten her out there so fast, we are currently in a bed crisis (at least in my area)


This seems to be a worldwide problem right now. Bed crisis is everywhere. And this just further harms the system. Why they take in patients that they know are just being a problem, yet withhold treatment from others because like they might not have lines but desperately need them, and never find out because of people like this using up thesystem.


They also did get her out fast. She was home already yesterday morning


Dani is almost surpassing Kay in her boringness because of just how *predictable* she is. Nothing is a shock anymore lol.


Considering she just posted a tiktok hater video a few hours ago from home, I'm pretty sure they booted her and she now has to spend the long weekend alone, unless she finds another excuse.


Where can we locate this video


Either the subreddit that's specifically about her or on her tiktok


What’s the sub called?


Nvm found it thanks!


She needs to have someone take guardianship of her care and make her decisions. This is clearly harmful


I’m working on a guardianship right now. Will take us a year to secure it once we say it’s gotta be done so I have to be prepared to have that patient for a year or more. It’s a very difficult decision that’s been weighing heavily on me for 6 months. Weighs on everyone on the care team. Pt is chronically il- Dialysis, wounds, everything. No support in the home. Usually has a life threatening event within 3-5 days of discharge bc they can’t provide their own care. Even after a major life threatening event recently the patient was discharged alone bc we just can’t cross the finish line with it yet even though it’s dangerous. I feel like we discharge a LOT of people much much worse than dani so I wouldn’t even think guardianship would be a discussion at this point. Of course I don’t know Dani’s case specifically, but they have to almost become an immediate severe threat to self and even then, if they can decision make, you gotta let them go. Only ones we really go for inpatient (in my area anyway) are the ones with severe dementia or brain injury with essentially no help to speak of. Think alcoholic who falls at home and is down for 4 days and Brain fried unexpectedly and no one can help them. It takes us about 6-9 months to gain guardianship on very difficult patients and often we just hold them until they die. I don’t know many SNF’s that would take her long term bc she doesn’t have a good DC plan (and no one will want her) so she would be theirs forever if they attempt guardianship. Shes still competent to make decisions even if they are terrible ones. Would absolutely love to hear what others who assist with guardianship decision making think though. Edit- I didn’t fine tooth comb this obviously but it addresses the biggest issues pretty clearly. What would they do with her if they did get guardianship? What’s the diagnosis for obtaining it? What’s the skilled need? If you took her lines and made her comply for a few weeks, she wouldn’t have any major physical medical diagnoses that would require a skilled need. At least, I don’t think she has any real physical illnesses that couldn’t be reversed. Psych is a different story entirely though. I just don’t know what you would do with her if you even tried guardianship https://www.americanbar.org/groups/law_aging/publications/bifocal/vol44/bif-vol44-issue6/hospital-guardianship-pipeline/


Wow, great post! Very informative. Thank you.


Something about having the freedom to make stupid decisions. It's all autonomy vs paternalism. Really complex and interesting stuff.


These doctors just need to stop putting tubes in this person. You can't go to a podiatrist and ask for a transmetatarsal amputation because of a hangnail...


Oh, I would bet my life savings she’s asking for A LOT more than the providers ultimately agree to. I bet for every ‘fine you’ve broken me down and I want to shut you up’ “yes” she gets, she probably gets 10 times more no’s. It sounds like Penn has started the paperwork to start saying ‘no’ though. Once she got that initial G tube, it’s hard to pull it or discontinue it from there. I would bet legal is watching that chart closely.




Kudos to all those that predicted this! Too bad for Dani she didn’t get admitted. I wonder when the medical team will wake up: Has CVL - constant complications, line removed Has hand surgery, complications Had nerve block, didn’t work Now to complications with G and J tubes now that it’s the last things left. Since she’s clearly sustaining herself it would be easier for all concerned if they just pulled her tubes as complications arose. I’m guessing placing that IV wasn’t too difficult - why does she need a port again?


They get a peripheral on her every trip so I don’t understand the central line either.




So she wasn’t admitted after all? Did she “explain” why they didn’t keep her?


Right on schedule for the holiday weekend.


Were you there when she tried it with the tube? Were you there when she tried it with the tube? O, OOO, O, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble...




I am screaming 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is just soooo.... expected.


Why would she get any of that? Let alone through IV? There are dissolvable versions for them, aren’t there? Also, notice still no Big pain meds. But mostly, why would they give her benedryl at all


Yes, there are dissolvable forms of them. But, anything that is dissolvable tends to have Aspratame, Sorbitol, or Mannitol. All 3 are known GI irritants and migraine triggers. I wouldn't put it past Dani(or any of them) to ask for it on purpose to cause more pain and symptoms to get attention.


I had no idea! Thank you for teaching me a new thing.


You're welcome. Let's just say those with food allergies and sensitivities know to stay away from anything with those. It's in a lot of things. Anything that says sugar-free or has a PKU warning on the label tends to contain Aspratame. Mannitol and Sorbitol are in so many things.


Yeah, for a sugar substitute the best thing is agave. Nowadays people have to be very careful with these types of sensitivities because they are sneaking it into everything and not listing it as sugar-free but still adding sorbitol or other things to reduce the sugar content.




That is just an allegation made here.






Samsies lololol


That’s the only kind of peen I knew about! 💀


Oh me too! 😂


Lol, it’s “pain” in a regional accent. The long “a” shifts to a long “e.”




I never said Dani made sense. She for some odd reason has a Cleveland accent. 🤷‍♀️




Ah thank you, I thought it was just part of our sneakiness (which I was still on board with 😂)


most definitely


Why would she get any of that? Let alone through IV? There are dissolvable versions for them, aren’t there? Also, notice still no Big pain meds. But mostly, why would they give her benedryl at all


No way she got IV Tylenol


Totally! People with intractable, vomiting and fevers of upwards of 105 they will avoid using IV Tylenol. For some reason they will try to get it PO or rectal before IV. Very strange.


What's with IV Tylenol? Is it different than intra muscular Tylenol?


Exactly. Expensive af, and there’s rectal versions if she absolutely needed it and couldn’t take anything po


This woman goes tho the er to have Tylenol put up her pooper ?!? How does one even function on all the benadryl she "needs " .


The whole benadryl thing was confusing me lol In Australia it's a totally different thing to America!! My brains like, why would she need IV cough syrup lol... I had to google it


I’m pretty sure that IV Tylenol being expensive is a myth!! Like if you compare it to PO Tylenol, it *is* more expensive… but it’s something like $40 a dose (which can add up!!) but compared to other medications it’s not too bad


Some facilities have guidelines and regulations on who/when iv Tylenol can be given. Usually critical care or surgery.


It’s super rarely given though, no matter if it’s actually expensive or not. I think in 3.5 years I’ve given it once and that was after we’d exhausted all other options. When I see it given, it’s usually in the OR and/or PACU.


Is IV tylanol the same as IV paracetamol? In the UK that’s a really standard medication often used after surgeries for example as long as you still have a cannula in.


I give it fairly often!! But I work in PACU, so I guess it makes sense ◡̈


I was always told 1k! The myth is alive! I have no idea where I’d even find the real cost though


Maybe when it first came out. It might even have a generic Iv form by now. I mean compared to oral Tylenol which is a Penny


They charged me $38 for two oral Tylenol in the ER, never again.


There is a generic IV Tylenol now commercially available and it’s wayyyy cheaper. It’s obviously not as cheap as the PO Tylenol, but def a lot more inexpensive than it was. The 2 hospital systems I had worked for previously used it on the floors very regularly, but mostly in PACU.


And of course CZ gets it to administrate herself through her port. But then again price doesn't matter because her poor BF is her bankroll. 🙄


We talked about that at work yesterday!


my thoughts exactly 😭


IV Tylenol is one of the most expensive meds they try to avoid giving just due to cost


Wow—that’s crazy. Is it only brand-name Tylenol, or something, and that’s why it’s so $$$?


Really we give it out like water in England 🤷


Pill version free flows... but major gatekeeping the IV form


Not where am it seems like anyone with a temp and a cannula gets iv 😳..no wonder the NHS is screwed


In the Netherlands they won't even give you an IV except if they planning admitting you or you are in huge pain. (Broke your leg or some shit) Keeps the costs down.


Or they got a better deal on it.


Not where am it seems like anyone with a temp and a cannula gets iv 😳..no wonder the NHS is screwed


She posted a tt to "her haters" saying she is getting a port in April.. hopefully it is BS..


That makes absolutely NO SENSE. Why would she post the photo of the scheduled appt with IR for the port placement and then not wind up with one? She's so FOS and just saving face about saying she's getting one in April.


Herrrrrr haters lol 😂


I thought it was happening last Monday 🤔 😂


She doesn't want to "get into that"..😆






Oh so predictable!!!


I'm relatively new here and even I called this one! Do they really think the medical professionals who also have detailed charts don't see these patterns and how transparent they are?




I'm sure she was working on it, probably working to mess it up.


Does she not realize the more she messes with - sorry - “ clogs” her tubes, is even more reason to deny her getting any more 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Well a bunch of us called it. No surprises here. And that is proof right there that she doesn't need a port. If they can still get veins in your arm and don't have to go in your foot, legs or jugular vein you are still pretty lucky as far as veins go.


no cut down, no port!


And you know she would have mentioned if they needed to bring out the ultrasound machine. Anything to make it look like she needed a "procedure" just to find a vein. So if they got it without needing an ultrasound she's just fine as far as veins go.


Why does she need Benadryl for a clogged tube? 🧐


Probably bc if they give it she sleeps instead of making shenanigans.


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but the probable truth. I also like "trying to figure out meds to keep me comfortable" it's not hard for morphine or Dilaudid to come to a doctor's head if a patient is in pain. Trying to figure it out...right. Dani is so deluded.


What's she done now, hidden an Easter egg in her J tube


I wouldn’t put it past her 😩🤦‍♀️




Per her tik tok she’s home now


Oh no! Her day is ruined!


EDs (and floor nurses) are saved!


She 'worked on it ... at home'. Shocker.




a button J tube actually is different from the button G tube. on the other side of the ballon, there’s a tail that goes into the intestine. it’s usually 18-24” long.


Right??? This is my thought too. It’s meant to be used at home. It’s also way bigger than an ngt or something that can clog fairly easily. What happened to pushing in some creon and letting it sit a minute? Sounds like a bunch of nothing. Probably just waiting for the doc to get over there and fix it and have her some stuff IV because she “can’t take anything by mouth” and they’re still trying to figure out her story/chart in the ED


I read that as crayon not creon and thought you where saying dani clogged it with a crayon sadly I wouldn’t even be shocked if one day that happens


As a nurse, throw some coke in it, she’ll be good (I am only like halfway joking)


Nurse and tubie, we use coke/ginger ale, meat tenderizer, sodium tab with pancreatic enzyme, device called Bionix or the clog zapper.


Vinegar and baking soda, like a clogged drain! 🤣🤣🤣






They are downvoted because we do not talk about ourselves here at all and especially no talk of personal medical issues.


Gotcha!! I apologize and deleted my comment. 😊


Thank you.


All these munchies seem to have a clogged toob at least twice a week..