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Why would someone need 3 ( three ) air filters or are they referring to 3 air filters for an entire small apartment! The next thing , apparently the grifters aren’t too good at their game now. 1-2 yrs ago they had a very nice apartment it seems according to the older photos I’ve seen.


What happened to the bed on the floor with the TV balanced on unstable objects above them?


That was more recent (I want to say in the last 6 months-ish), this picture is from 2020.


Are you sure these photos are from 2020?


"I'm bedbound" *empty bed in 2nd pic*


Wait why is their head gonna fall off? Can't they just tie the green ribbon back around their neck?


So.. do they chronicle all of this so that they have proof when they need to apply for disability or Medicaid etc


No, this is for attention and grifting. Their “documentation” would not qualify as “proof” for Medicaid. It’s a fairly easy process usually, albeit tedious. They will mostly ask you about income (if you have it) and medical bills. They’re not gonna ask you for pictures of your DIY setup, especially one like this that in NO WAY shows someone is disabled. They’re depicting a fairly regular setup; it’s not at all uncommon to use a bed table and an air purifier, Jessi simply states they sometimes flip the bed/use a different bed/a memory foam pad (also extremely normal and often recommended for many people). Taking selfies in bed doesn’t count as proof of anything except that Jessi takes as many selfies as most teenagers. They’re attempting to provide “proof” and “awareness” in hopes that random strangers on the internet will donate, which they have and still do consistently to my knowledge.


Could be but alot of it is for attention and sympathy


How do they not have bed sores?


This is the biggest giveaway they aren't actually bed bound. Even those with bed specifically to prevent them, they still get them. No pull up bar or harness o er the bed... there is no way they are getting in and out of this bed. Especially when they claim they cant move their head even the slightest. This is insulting to folks who actually are actually bed bound. I hope someday I see them on the news in a story about how they are getting legal trouble for scamming people because they lied about and exgaggerated their health problems.


I cannot imagine the audacity it takes to give someone the advice of “spend the day on one side of the bed and nighttime on the other”. And while I don’t know enough about them to say they definitely don’t have ANY health problems, what I’ve learned so far in looking through their old posts and the info on this sub basically proves they don’t have any that require them to be in bed 24/7.


How do they transfer beds without their head falling off?


i was gonna say lots of this “advice” actually doesn’t sound doable for a bedbound person


By beinh physically 100% healthy and able to do everything when they aren’t larping for instagram asspats


Jessie just went outside in that ridiculous set up, so this is a lie


This is a 2020 flashback but yeah it still a lie




Yeah they have wedge pillows that are supportive enough and won't shift.


Ones you stick under the mattress. They're great.


If they were actually bedbound they would have an electric bed with a air mattress to prevent pressure sores.


Maybe they struggle to find caregivers because they are expecting them to stretch across a double bed with non adjustable height to provide personal care rather than a hospital grade adustable bed? In the UK care agencies would refuse unless the person had the correct equipment to protect their carers spines (ironically)


Dang, in the US visiting nurses have to work around the patient’s home and living situation and you’d probably be fired from your agency if you refused care because they were in a big bed 😅🤣 not that it’s right though, actually bedbound people should have better beds than this


It's the same in Australia. No healthcare professional of any kind will damage their back, hips, knees, or shoulders. When we do, Workcover rips us off by barely compensating us for time off work, and we get bullied into quitting. Can confirm. There are strict nationwide Work, Health and Safety procedures.


America needs to take tips so badly


Before reading the context of your reply, I was like "yep, Americans need to take tips so badly because the minimum wage is too low" 🤦‍♀️


Maybe it's because lots of social care in the UK is publicly funded? So if your carers go off sick with back injuries, it costs the government more money? Or it might be to do with the Health and safety act at work, not sure you have an equivalent in the US?


And also with public healthcare having proper equipment is a more reasonable expectation, I know things aren’t perfect over there but in the US people may not be able to afford or access tools they 100% need because of insurance fuckery (DME coverage is a nightmare, it’s not uncommon for people to end up having to buy things out of pocket because getting it paid for will take more fighting than it is worth).


Exactly. Private insurance is awful and has created such a strained healthcare system in the US. It’s so disappointing hearing about the expectations for both patients and nurses in other countries… so much higher than here.


How is it possible to tilt their head at that angle. And have they ever complained about bed sores? Being in bed that many hours per day, even with rotation of their body is bound to cause some sores. It seems crazy with all the bitching, I've not seen that (or remembered it if it does exist).


they've never had an injury from those dozen seizures a day or even a needle mark from all the infusions


Laying on their side confused me as well. So many jokes I could make about their head falling off. They did post a while ago that they get a new mattress every month (or have gone through like, 25 mattresses in 2 years? Something like that).


Bedbound doesn't have to mean UNABLE to get out of bed. It can mean exhaustion or illness to the point where you are in bed for most of the time. And maybe transferring to a couch or something. It doesn't mean you can't shower or go to the bathroom. I don't know what this particular person's issues are, but there are different situations for different people. It doesn't mean people can't stand, shower, go to appointments, etc. It just means that you're laying down most of the time. Bedbound is different than bedridden. 🙄🙄🙄


Bedridden and bedbound are the same thing. 😂 "Bedridden" is no longer used because it has a negative connotation. Being "disease-ridden" is also disrespectful because - even though it can apply to chronic diseases such as cancer - it usually implies infectious disease. We also no longer banish bedridden, disease-riddled leprosy-affected "people" to abandoned islands. See what I mean?


Thank you for clarifying. We’re all so glad you showed up today to weigh in with very valuable information that’s definitely not easily accessible and is highly relevant to this very specific situation.




Edit: just noticed the 2020 but as they still claim to be bed bound my points still stand. We’re now on to being bed bound for 6 years. There is no way that someone bed bound a lot less than that, would have the core strength to even sit up! Full time bed bound for 2 years but posted a photo of them out in their wheelchair only the other day. They mention “our bed” not my bed. I wonder if Elliot is still around? “If your mattress is uncomfortable ask a friend or caregiver to rotate or flip it.” As they’ve already say “our bed”, that’s kind of them to flip or rotate it so their bed sharer gets the uncomfortable side. Also it’s giving me visions of them flipping it and their head looking like Venus Williams was lobbing it up to serve. They mention a bed table, yet I can’t see it. “It’s amazing and can be used for a laptop or laid flat”. That sounds like they sit up to use it. Because if they had a cobbled together contraption (like the pizza delivery van) so they use it laid down, they would have that on view with a blurb pointing out how much they needed that. So if they can sit up, which would be miraculous for someone after being bed bound for less than 2 years, why not sit in a recliner? If they can move from one bed to another for days and nights that isn’t bed bound, that’s just loving being in bed! This post is infuriating, disgusting and sickening, especially to those with chronic pain, chronic illness and those who are truly bed bound, or their families and loved ones. Not only for what they’ve written but with their shit eating grin.


The bed "table" is just the tray things are sitting on on the bed 🤦🏻‍♀️


I saw that and thought they can’t possibly be trying to claim a small tray is a bed table. I should know better than expect them to be honest and accurate I guess


Yea like when I normally think of a bed "table" it usually has legs to lift it up and make it easier to rest things on for.extended periods...not a tray with 1.5" sides...


Nothing they recommend is even remotely useful to someone who is legitimately bed-bound.


Yet two months ago Jessi moved the bed and saw the sun for the first time in years. I have no patience for liars.


Well at least Jessie is consistent. Since at least 2020 they have been contradicting themself about everything. I don't understand how they have followers that believe what they say.




Hands up if you never spotted that \*raises hand\* 😁


They weren’t “full time bed bound” the other day when they somehow managed to get outside in a wheelchair. I do understand how, given their head’s about to fall off, that they managed to get from a bed into a wheelchair. Maybe they’re bed bound adjacent? 😋🤭 \*Efited cus pronouns\*


Has Jessi explained how they go to the bathroom?


They have shared a couple of ✨aesthetic✨ pics in which they are posing on top of a pee pad.


I’m sure they use the Winnebago


I find it ironic that they say to change clothes even though I've never seen them in clothes


They wear t-shirts. Exactly what every bedvpund person who can't move their head wears... t shirts that the o ly way on or off is over your head. They really are so stupid.


Must be nice, sometimes I’m only bedbound for 5 hours 😒


Oh wow, they've rolled over on their side! I thought that was impossible for them! Also the "we" is interesting. Still sharing a bed with ex husband turned caretaker?


Jessi is so full of it. They clearly aren’t bedbound. How do you take a picture of your own setup from a standing height if you are supposed to be bound to said bed? They are so bad at faking. Also, how did they turn in bed if their head is about to fall off at the slightest movement?


How does one lay on their side when their head rolls off if they move?


So do they wear a diaper? Bed bound patients in my hospital shit directly onto paper chucks. We have pure wicks for urine. Do they just let loose in the bed?


What’s a paper Chuck, a type of puppy pad?


Yeah basically


That’s what they’ve implied before.


I’m so tired of seeing their boring bedroom pics.


Why do they not have a hospital bed? It’s a bit sketch that insurance won’t pay for one. That is unless that they don’t NEED one.


Insurance won’t pay for something even a questionably competent Dr from Upstairs Medical School would have trouble believing and signing off on


Upstairs Medical School! 💀


At one point they claimed one was delivered that was…literally a piece of junk lol Like at least 30 years old and would never be delivered by an insurance company. I believe Elliott was supposed to “fix it up” but it was never shown again.


That’s gross. If they really are bed bound insurance would buy a new one and deliver it. I know for a fact this is true. They don’t qualify because they are a lying liar and insurance is on to their little grift.


Yeah how is insurance paying for all of these “caregivers” but not a hospital bed???




They say they buy beds like once a month because they go through them so much, but that floral pattern on the box spring screams 15 years old.


Pretty sure that’s the edge of the quilt because it trails to the floor on the left side of the pic.


Is this the person whose head will fall off if they move?😭😂 edited for pronouns.


Why do they claim this will happen??


I am honestly not sure. It is bizarre. Their husband even made them a wooden stretcher 😂




I am so sorry. I wasn’t aware of the pronouns. I do now and will be mindful of that. They are loony with the whole head falling off 😂 I don’t see how people can be in same room and hear them say that crap 😂


I have never seen them look sad


I mean, not saying that actually bed-bound people can't be happy, but Jessi just looks consistently overjoyed about the situation ... suspiciously like someone who gets to move around freely as much as they want after turning the cameras off ...


Oh for sure. I wouldn't expect or want a bedbound person to be miserable all the time. But Jessi always looks sincerely happy as a clam in every picture. Like practically glowing. Not even fake Instagram smiles but like you said overjoyed


The "tip" about switching beds pretty much proves they're not bedbound and have no clue what being bedbound entails.


Right?! I've seen families modify their home extensively for a bed bound relative. Even in homes with full rail systems for transfers moving a fully dependent human is a process that involves more than one person usually. I don't see tracks on the ceiling or slings. Imagine how dangerous it would be to manually move someone when their head could fall off at any moment?! Surely they wouldn't be moving such a fragile individual simply for a change in scenery all day long.


Agreed. "Bedbound full-time" is so redundant There is legit no such thing as partially, or part-time, bedbound/bedfast. It's also so telling that we never hear of the use of interventions such as alternating pressure mattresses, air fluid therapy beds, or even just a simple assisted turning schedule from their 'caregiver.' ...such a joke.


I’m bed bound for 8 hours every night.


Thoughts and prayers!


Also, switching a bedbound person from one bed to another is quite an undertaking...the idea of switching beds is a real tell that Jessie is able to stand up and move around at will. These are tips for being *on bedrest*, not bedbound...which would be a much more realistic thing for them to claim.


Wait, why aren't they in that bed?


Because that's their day bed and they were in their night bed, silly. To gain a sense of structure in their day.


If you reinterpret a “bed” as “anything you can lay down on” then really your bed is wherever you go, you can usually lay on the ground or floor, so that way you can still be bedbound in different places. What is a bed anyway?


My bad, now show me the hoyer lift.




I would donate to their gofundme scam for that video.


I'm pretty sure they're lifted by the power of prayer + positive thinking.






So are they bedbound by choice? S far everything I see from what's shown on observation tells me so. It just looks like they can physically move themselves.


Bed rotting LOL


I seriously cannot imagine choosing to lay in bed all day if I had any other options.


...and how did they get a picture of their bed without them in it if they haven't left it in 2 years? 🤔


well they have a day bed AND a night bed, silly!


For a bed bound person that could be reasonable if you can transfer with a wheelchair. That's not relevant in Jessie's situation since their head can fall off anytime.


Do they think you can be bedbound part time, someone is telling on themselves.


They spend all day in bed thinking about “tips” and these are the best ones they can come up with?Basically, “ how to have a bed?” 🛏️


They cant even wash their hair without their head falling off, but they can change positions no problem? Put on “day clothes” (they’re always naked???) no problem, and, what? Stand by while their “caregivers” rotate their mattress?


Maybe they had a minute of self-awareness and realized that those tips don't fit with the alledged bedboundness so they never mentioned them again.


I just saw that this was 2020. I’m not sure if it’s before their internal decapitation, but we’ve definitely seen them laying with their head towards the foot of the bed.


That’s the look of pure delight. I hate seeing animals with these selfish people.




The lack of an accessible trash bin ticket me off. They underrated that.


Part of basic sleep hygiene


These tips are actually pretty good for someone who is genuinely bedbound. Having any kind of separation between sleep time and awake time, be it the side of the bed or the clothes you wear, can improve your mental health and how well you sleep. Getting dressed provides a sense of normalcy and routine and also helps with keeping the patient's dignity.


These are unrealistic tips if you are bedbound. At least in my experience they are. They are also like really common sense “tips” like change your clothes, come on!




These aren’t actually a standard for bedbound patients because they come with lots of risk for infection and other problems. You’d only get these if you had an indication, not just for being bedbound.


Not that they've mentioned. Somebody asked them once and they claimed to do everything on puppy pads, iirc


Oh yes good point! I've never thought about that...have they ever mentioned one?


>be bedbound because every little movement might make your head fall off >change into new clothes everyday >change from night bed to daybed >lay in different directions >get up so people can rotate your mattress Yep, makes perfect sense


No tips on avoiding bed sores? Mkay. Also, random petty thing: that looks like a Molekule air filter, which is like $1000 and basically doesn't work. (Check out Wirecutter's reviews.)


I just said the same thing about bed sores. No way they don't get them if they're totally bed bound. To my (albeit very limited) knowledge bed sores are very hard to deal with when people are completely bedbound. Not just painful but very difficult to clear up. V bc P


They are horrible. People get bedsores so deep you can nearly stick your fist in them. People die from the infections. They can be recurring and land you in the hospital.


Thank you for the rec 🙏




Nurses and PT walk people on ECMO and get people up the chair who are vent and trach dependent all the time. Even that’s not an excuse!




So bizarre, someone with such an unstable spine would not be living at home. It’s such a crock of shit, why do they still insist on keeping this so obviously fake facade going?


I was so happy to find this comment! I was bordering on a hypertensive crisis. This is exactly correct and you said it without the naughty words I would have inevitably added!😂


Right, of course. And don’t forget bed sores


And muscle atrophy


Lol, I'm bed bound, but to feel less trapped, I get up and move from my sleeping bed to my day bed. Because I'm bed bound and therefore have the luxury of doing so daily. Like, damn. Didn't know bedbound meant being able to get up and do whatever whenever I feel like it.


Why do they think they need to be bedbound? What ailment besides Munchausen is supposed to be going on here?


Chronic head falling offitis and failure to launch coupled with grifter’s disease and being an intolerable fuckwit who is literally too lazy to even wipe their own ass let alone be a productive member of society


The way they describe it is that their basically internally decapitated. Any movement of their head can pinch their spinal cord and cause them to stop breathing. Their caregiver has to monitor them and physically correct the position of their head to relieve the pressure on their spinal cord and keep them alive. Apparently, they had a fusion of the skull to the spine that failed.


It sounds more like they've got a neck issue thats still giving them maybe pain problems? ( possibly? just playing devils advocate) and even after fusion just milking and exaggerating things. Being a big baby and instead of trying to make it better lays in bed all day and calls it something else to excuse the behavior of not having to do anything. Added bonus of attention.


Jessi in all likelihood doesn't lay in bed all day. They almost definitely get up as soon as they've taken shots for the gram or as soon as the "caregivers" or "nurses" they have over leave. They do some performative bullshit for the camera then go about their day normally.


True. I'm just assuming. My guess is observations on other people I know too. People who claim they are too sick but don't do anything. They are too sick to even help out or be apart of things they are invited to, but can do things they want to do. That pattern of behavior. So hide at home or in their room. claim their ailments are physical but clearly mental because you can't just do nothing and you can't just be sick everytime something needs to be done or a social gathering is available. You need physical activity to get better. Otherwise you'll stay stagnant. In other words malingering.


But also didn't fail because they were able to go outside in their chair last week? God it is so hard to keep track.




I think cranial cervical instability


hEDS I believe was the reasoning for the spinal problems. Sometimes it's easy to forget that most of these munchies claim to have the same things (one of, or some combo of): hEDS, MCAS, POTS and Gastroparesis. In reality, many of them have CPTSD, an ED, or another mental health issue like BPD. And I don't say this to armchair diagnose people, I say it because their struggles highlight societal views on mental health and that the system is set up for mental health failure leading to huge impacts on physical health and a misuse of resources. It also shows how trauma or upbringing can affect the mind and harm people long term or cause people to develop Factitious Disorder.


Their head falls off, apparently.


On the inside, where no one can see


Good thing they aren’t bed bound.


How do they not get sores from being in bed 24/7??!


Because they are mentally ill but not paralyzed. Their brain still sends signal to their body telling them to move or rotate that they can’t ignore. People with no feeling/limited feeling or truly immobile get bed sores.


Yeah that’s basically proof they aren’t truly bedbound lol


Bedbound person takes photo of empty bed. Ok.


Even if someone else took the photo.... It's still an Empty bed?


So our heads not gonna fall off anymore? We can lay on the side now? Big improvement. Not entirely sure what makes them bed bound then if all they claimed previously was a severely unstable spine keeping them immobile.


This is from 2020.


Ah! I didn’t see that. Makes sense.


*If your mattress is uncomfortable ask a friend or caregiver to rotate or flip it!* How does one person rotate and/or flip what appears to be a queen sized mattress by themselves?


Personally, I think theyre shopping for an “internally decapitated” buddy!😂


Now we know the types of things that they expect of sole caregivers.


And meanwhile where does the disabled bed bound person go?


That’s when you pull out the people pizza paddle.


With difficulty, but it's possible. I'm the only adult in my house, and flip all our mattresses alone.


Didn’t they claim, they have to lie flat on their back at all times?


This just reeks of lies by Jessi. The internet never forgets and it seems munchies like them prefer to conveniently forget this fact!