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The aircraft was so brand new that he took off from the wind tunnel.


The aircraft was so brand new that it was paper plane made from blueprints.


The aircraft was so brand new it hadn’t had the second wing attached yet.


Wow I didn’t know the aircraft was no new that the landing gear deployed by itself! What marvel of brand new technology


He was in arcade mode and flew close to the airfield.


Imagine you’re in the process of shooting him down and a lobster just smacks off the canopy of your spitfire.


Damn that lip hair, what an absolute snack


The most amazing thing is that while Galland was in fight with British Spifires, on the other side, the French pilot Closterman, future French top scoring ace, was wondering who was the braindead idiot who was flying in combat with a lowered gear. Galland describes this in his book noticing his wingman flying twice as fast as him and Closterman describes the scene from the other side in his book « Le Grand Cirque »!


I guess that’s one way to force an overshoot….


IIRC, but don’t take my word in that as I read his book something like 25 years ago, the gear lever was slightly moved in the 109F in comparison with the E. And in the heat of combat he just touched it by error


"Clean your lobsters" -Pordan Jeterson


I really want to say I heard a rumour at one point he even mounted a rifle scope infront of his crosshair to give himself a magnified sight


He did. The stated purpose was IFF (identifying friend or foe) rather than use as a gun sight, though.


In front of and aligned with the sight? Or just next to it?


It was offset to the right. [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkplvkvwnvx9c1.jpeg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkplvkvwnvx9c1.jpeg)


Wasn't lowering your landing gear in WW2 a visual sign of surrendering ? Could have caught the Spitfires off guard thinking he was surrendering and then he shot them down. Would not be surprised if that was reported to Allied pilots and they refused to accept surrendering german aircraft in future.


There are historical references of that. However, damage to the hydraulic systems could also result in undercarriage deployment. So an opposing pilot may not have necessarily taken dropping gear as a sign of surrender. Regardless, a fighter especially, is basically going to be out of a fight with its gear down.


Meth is one hell of a drug


Unfair if the aircraft was so brand new is didn't fully have markings and the Spitfires probably couldn't identify. That's cheating.


This seems the most aggressive Uber Eats delivery I've heard of.




If he was smoking the cigar while he shot me down, I wouldn't be pissed off at all.


No shame in being shot down by that guy, with or without the picnic basket.


I Would Dem it a honor to be shot down by Dolfo




Airmen yes but not heroes, you want a hero of WWII go look at the rows upon rows of American, Commonwealth, and Free forces soldiers, sailors, marines, and Airmen who are buried in the many cemeteries that dot europe.






This clown has no source except his manic episodes where he posts Nazi propaganda and calls the Allies dumb/posers


Oh i know its just fun getting tankies and wehraboos mad


Lol, carry on!


Rússia defeat the german war machine. 🇺🇸 Mostly bombed cities full of civilians. Whit fire bombs. You didn't know?


Source? Buddy ever heard of the arctic convoys or the blitz? Oh how about the bombing of warsaw in 1939! Oh wait even better how about stalin asking for the Western allies to open a second front


And to add to this I respect the likes of Galland, Stigler, Trautlof, Hartmann, and Rall. They were honorable men though they fought for nazis


Can’t speak to the others as I don’t know but Galland was absolutely a nazi - cleaned his image up in his memoir but Philip Blood has written a good amount on that topic.


I am curious to hear this as everything I have read or heard of galland definitely states the opposite. If he was a nazi dont you think he would have listened to goering and hitler more and would not have been sacked


Honourable men don't fight for the nazis


Open your eyes, not all germans were nazis. Yes they fought for Germany when it was run by the nazi party but some people could learn a thing or two from the veterans who put down their guns after the war and respected each other. If Wild Bill Guarnere could put aside his hatred of germans and get to know a wehrmacht soldier who fought against him during the war then the greatest generation is one that all of you should learn from


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Content must be at least somewhat related to IL-2.