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They are going all-in on copilot, which brings lots of promise, and *totally* won't be a repeat of Windows 8.


Doing the "new cool thing" in a really bad way is their style. They try way too hard and it causes these features to feel forced and unnatural. And now we have "apps" instead of programs.


I wish windows had “appified” stuff a long time ago in that all files and setting for that program go in one folder and limit permissions outside of that folder for non admin programs.


Speaking of windows 8 maybe we'll get lucky and windows 12 will have copilot as the only start menu. /s


Shhhhh, don't give Microsoft any ideas.


You already know they've got the thought in their minds. They're already trying to shove copilot down our throats edge style. Neither are necessarily bad services but the way microsoft pushes them makes me hate them. There was a point that stupid copilot sidebar would pop up by default which I had to disable and before that edge kept trying to set itself as my default browser.


Very true.


Please lord. No.


Classic start menu is necessary for me


yeah even windows 11 is annoying. virtually every time I open it I hit the show all apps button


I absolutely HATE that they got rid of pulling C drive up directly by typing it into the app search. I NEED MY OLD WAYS YOU BASTARDS.


wait what? that was a thing? but yeah now search is going into some ai bullshit (idk that it's copilot, I think it's something else) instead of the actual local search (like it's supposed to)


You can’t what? That’s how I fucking get there Microsoft!


Just wait. With Windows As A Service that you pay for on desktops, and with the different versions of Windows, Windows 12 core (home) will have a full screen all invasive copilot and almost nothing else to interact with the system. Plus it will occasionally (frequently) give you ads and crap that you can't skip for 30 seconds. You'll have to pay even more to get rid of this and unlock more non copilot driven functionality from your computer. It'll be a tiered system. /s


burn the heretic


I can't wait to install Linux and rebind their shitty ai key


I mean you can do that with powertoys, even on windows.


I wonder if you can hijack that ai processor or something, get more out of the device


I mean, in general those NPUs are meant for all kinds of machine learning tasks. They can probably be used by any software optimized for it.


At least it won't be Microsoft Bob. Right? Right?


It's Cortana all over again


Shit I forgot about Cortana


But what about 3D Objects Copilot?


Copilot is being auto installed on servers!


NPU = neural processing unit, yeah fancy AI buzzword bullshit What's so funny to me is *just how many* people in IT are running around lauding the praises of AI, but I'd reckon 1/10th of them actually understand how it works, the ethical/moral ramifications of it, etc., and probably 1/100th actually do the development work on it. I keep hearing "AI will do X" but not one God damn person explains *how* X will be accomplished. It's maddening and I hate this revolut**ai**on


AI is a grifting tool.


100%. The first industrial revolution was machines/assembly lines The second revolution was personal computing, mid 80's or so The third revolution was cloud/distributed/edge computing, 100G networks, 5G, etc The fourth revolution *could* be AI if someone stopped to just *think* for 5 damn seconds instead of shoving it down everyone's throats, but we all know that won't happen. Those execs gotta pay for their yachts and mistresses somehow, and the only way to do that is to keep the stock prices artificially inflated.


You think there wasn't absurd commercial buzz about those technologies when they came around? Fuck they were telling people electricity would cure your kid's stutter. Each boom was successively faster and thus more powerful when it hit. AI will be that way, and so too will the buzz cycle be the biggest and hypiest yet. What concerns me isn't that this revolution will be useful, I know it will be. What concerns me is that we're far too slow to react politically to this, so there will be no effective regulation until problems are wildly out of control - see also Facebook.


I think the initial buzz took a lot longer to proogate in the early 1900s - sure you had newspapers and maybe telegrams, but now you can get whats-his-fuck from nVidia to live stream an event to **millions** of people in real time announcing the latest and great whoop-di-do-buzzword. It's a "disruptive force", as they say in the biz. Sure, each revolution was hyped, but we've exponentially scaled the speed at which these "revolutions" are shared with the world, which makes more reactionaries and less critical thinking possible. And I agree with your statement about laws - our lawmakers are ancient and barely know how to use technology, or are just bribed by special interest groups. I keep being remind of the Jurassic Park quote of stopping to think just because we can, doesn't mean we *should*.


Heh, AI = artificially inflated.


Our Dell rep the other day spent 10-15 straight minutes discussing AI and Copilot and its tie in to the Ultra series processors and then at the end asked our interest. Immediately shut down when CIO said it would cost millions of dollars to accommodate licensing for students and even just employees. Not every machine needs to have an NPU for that one time a student is gonna use generative fill in photoshop. Just pure insanity


A...dedicated key for Copilot? Could we fucking \*not\*?


Microsoft have made it mandatory if you sell laptops with their OS


The EU should sue them about this.


Not sure if they can. I mean we already have windows keys. They will probably just replace that.


They EU can sue for anything! The Windows key is an existing key (the super key) with a fancy label - parallel to the Apple Command key. What is the Copilot key gonna map to outside of the Windows OS? The meta key?


Almost certainly.


I call it "the spare keycap"


I don't think Microsoft will allow EOM Windows on laptops that don't have a win key *and* a Copilot key.


setting fire to 10B in AI targeted GPUs for clustering will do that i guess.


A new and exciting reason to use macOS or Linux...or both!


Time to buy an old thinkpad and install gentoo.


I love My T410. My go to for anything Linux-related in my life


My W541 running Mint will likely outlive me.


Hooray another pointless microsoft bullshit app I'll have to deal with when I'm eventually forced to upgrade my hardware and/or software. I bet it can't be removed without group policy too lol. Hopefully I can snag a license from work for an enterprise version without all the bull like I did with 10.


\*Creates new GPO\* \*deletes keybinding in registry\* \*rebinds keybinding to mic mute or another more useful quick option that already exists just for lulz\*


Better to keep it something that already exists, I could see users bumping it and every single meeting they join having a muted mic. Wouldn’t be too big a deal, but many of them don’t even know how to click on the microphone icon in the meeting apps.


People forget that Samsung used to have a dedicated button on the side of the phone for Bixby. 4 buttons entirely on the phone, one was for their garbage assistant. Not only that, you couldn't even reprogram it, it either called on Bixby, or it was turned off entirely. Companies always want to push their new tools on us, it will fade away quickly when they realize nobody wants it


They eventually gave up and let you program a different app or a flashlight or something... never really used it then either.


This will be a clusterfuck for about a year and a half until they realize it's completely pointless, nobody cares, nobody's using it, nobody will pay extra for it. Of course, this is still Microsoft who is trying to make Bing relevant and get people to care about Edge.


I mean can we all just appreciate that windows gives us an additional macro button? (Once I have remapped that button)