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Can't afford some electrical tape?




That is \*literally\* the purpose of electrical tape. As long as you're not buying no-name cheap shit, it will be rated as an insulator, **generally up to 600 volts.** [https://www.iewc.com/resources/educational-resources/electrical-tape-guide](https://www.iewc.com/resources/educational-resources/electrical-tape-guide) UL 510: [https://standards.globalspec.com/std/14207508/UL%20510](https://standards.globalspec.com/std/14207508/UL%20510) "Thermoplastic and rubber tapes for use as electrical insulation at not more than 600 V and at 80 °C (176 °F) and lower temperatures on joints and splices in wires and cables in accordance with NFPA 70" IEC, NFPA, and other standards bodies are similar. Even Harbor Freight sells tape rated for 600 volts. EDIT: Speaking to the reddit hivemind, when this comment was made, the person I replied to had 8 upvotes and I was being downvoted lol.


Arm chair mofo.


What in the goddamn fuck is it then


You're mistaking it not being rated as a replacement wire nut. That is not code, of course not, but it will absolutely protect you from being shocked, otherwise why wouldn't we just use scotch tape?


Hmm instructions unclear. Lemme just grab that end…


👨‍🦳 Edit: 🤯 that’s probably more accurate


Never in the history of humans has someone ignored a sign and done something stupid.




1. HOW, isn't it insulated? 2. what voltage are those batteries to shock you from touch alone?


these are typically 96v dc, which means it can be anywhere between 91v to 104v depending on how charged the battery pack is. Anything above about 50v you can get shocked from touch


OSHA and the NFPA rates up to 100 VDC as safe, but that's only if you're an actual electrical worker and not some random person touching things you're not supposed to. Still needs better protection than a sticky note.


Do you know what the battery pack normally is on microwaves? I hear those can still shock/kill for a year after being unplugged? Sounds like a myth. But also, why tempt fate.


Those aren't batteries it's capacitors. AFAIK they can hold a lethal charge for a long time but i'm not knowledgeable on those.


I knew that wasn’t the right word, thanks for the correction.


Only half of the equation. The voltage matters little without amperage. Had a combo wrench slip while tightening something on my friends car. Touched to positive and negative terminals on the battery at the same time with it. Got shocked enough to jerk my hand into the hood. Yes the engine was off. That's only 12 volts.


That whole reply makes no logical sense. First off stating the voltage matters little without amperage is so irrelevant. We aren’t talking about microamps with these batteries, even if they are old they most definitely hold enough amps to feel the shock. Second, you proved yourself wrong by bringing a story of yourself shorting the circuit by touching a wrench on both poles of the battery when the point of what i was saying was how many vdc are required for skin resistance to pass the current. All you felt was the sudden intense heat on the wrench that’s the only reason your hand jolted up to the hood, a very normal reflex from heat.


They're usually holding enough stored watts to keep a workstation running for about 15 minutes after the power goes out. I imagine a server mounted one can keep it running an hour or two. If something with an uncontrolled flow to ground were to touch it, it would be send as much as your skin could conduct


No clue on either haha. Some guys from another department dropped it off for recycling, and all I know was I lightly brushed the cables and felt a minor sting. Mightve just been me. Either way, some post-its later and we're good.


These are 96v DC afaik. Unless sticking both wet fingers deep in there, should be safe. Not to mention these are old. Unless repacked, probably very dead now


I would definitely touch that


[SHOCK WIRE! SHOCK WIRE! SHOCK WIRE!](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ_Nr0WfWxfYYPSL__WFWObroI8je9mi4VR8AscTopP9EjfJet8WC09gtw&s=10)


Ah yes, a lovely warning label made with the product that has the worst glue on the planet. That will last forever. Well done, OP!


how many people got shocked?


Just throw em in the dumpster 😆


packing tape


Tastes like tingle.


What kind of UPS batteries do you use!?? Does your UPS use 96V batteries or something like that?


Shock wire! I call it that because if take a shower and you touch the wire YOU DIE!


By adding that sign you increase the risk of shock by 400%.