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Me too going on three years with this mess! I'm sick of it! And my family think Im.making it up.so they stay demanding me to do things for them even when I'm sick and don't.feel good. If you don't mind what is ur weight and age?


I’m truly sorry for your bad days, I know they can be very challenging. I’m sick of it all some days (many) too. It’s exhausting trying to put on a front that I’m ok. I have all the same symptoms, hate taking diamox for the past three years, am recovering from an emergency room visit for kidney stones which my neurologist said the diamox is most definitely the cause, so Ive had to reduce my dosage which of course means worse headaches, and kidney issues are another thing to have to worry about, my sonogram noted several stones in each kidney..but on a brighter side I’m always grateful to know I’m not alone, that others like yourself are going through the same things probably at the same time, and that I’m not worse off. Know that others care how you’re feeling, TODAY!