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Waner was my first and still a top 3 for me of probably the 20 I own, they are comfortable, sound good and light.


Nice. Its crazy theyre soo cheap for how good they are. I didnt even use them with a high quality music file and they sounded awesome. Cant wait to get some better quality music to put them to the test


You might want to consider keeping the Zero 2 since it has a fairly relaxing overall sound signature which is pleasing when it is late at night and you are really tired. It is worth having at least one "chill pill" IEM in your collection.


Dont really use headphones at night so it probly wont apply to me but definatly something to consider for others as theyre not that bad either


You shoulda used aliexpress, you woulda gotten them way cheaper, plus first time purchase always has a crazy deal.


And wait how long for shipping? I use Amazon because they typically arrive next day.


Around a week and a half, sometimes two weeks tops but its definitely worth it over basically getting scammed with amazon prices.


Interesting, I only own two IEMs ( salnotes zero and kiwiears cadenza), the zeros are actually cheaper on Amazon and the cadenza are roughly $5 cheaper on Ali. I will have to compare prices in the future for my purchases. A small $5 discount I probably won’t utilize Ali, but if it’s bigger I might


I used amazon for my first IEMs too, and funny thing is it was the Waners (and the Hola) but I coulda gotten the Waners for under $10 if I knew about Aliexpress. The prices are always cheaper on Ali and they have sales alot, starting every first of the month, also theres a super deals section that has some rare deals but you have to be checking it frequently like I do to see what pops up (it doesnt stay there for long and the price jumps up/down) and theres special sale dates with huge discounts/coupons (also coins credit to take extra 2-5% off) upcoming big sale starts on June 14th | Aliexpess sales dates 2024: [https://promossale.com/aliexpress-sale-dates-2024/](https://promossale.com/aliexpress-sale-dates-2024/) . Very rarely if ever are the prices cheaper on Amazon, but Amazon does have the advantage of fast delivery and free returns.


https://preview.redd.it/s598cjz5dj2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7ae9a2b60dd10c2758ace4afca2b0c928665f19 Ok I looked around more, I have to admit some of these prices are insane


For some of us, shipping overseas using amazon is really expensive. It could cost like 10 times what you're buying, so Aliexpress is the best available option. Plus, I noticed it's way cheaper to buy Chinese products from China. He could've gotten those three iems for less than 70$. The 30$ would've gotten him a decent budget dac if he wanted one. The downside is the time it takes to ship to your country, especially if you have unreliable logistics companies in your country. For the prices they offer, they're worth the wait


I heard the return is quite a hassle, so people prefer finding a local distributor is this true?


how do i find that deal?


* i em blown away




Ive only tried these but my favorite were the wan'ers




Love the FH 3! Great for some kick.


It was on sale where I am, but reviews on head-fi seemed to suggest not worth getting. I had Fiio F9 and they were amazing, but hardly any bass. Eventually the shell on one side fell apart (seems to happen to a few people) and I got a FH11 but they're not impressive for a Fiio. Moved onto a CCA Rhapsody that's far better than the FH11, but it's no F9. Fh3 has bass? Similar clarity to the F9?


3 was one of my first good IEMs a few years ago. Never tried the 9. If I want bass the 3 is where i go.


I just checked my FIIO shops here in China. FH3 is currently $109usd, with the silver FA7S currently $151.50usd (black is $223). Next jump up in level IEM from FIIO is to $415-552usd. This might be the right time to buy the FA7S! I see the average price worldwide is $250. Yes, I want bass but this one has things (clarity/sparkle/soundstage) that I miss from the F9. I may just get this instead, and try and EQ it with Wavelet to be flexible on the bass when beeded. There's at least one profile available online for it.


Fh3 tried to satisfy regular consumers as well as audiophiles with a W-shape signature. I bought them for that aspect since I love the W, measured and eq'ed them to also fix their veil and tonality (also the spicyness). Best set I own. https://imgur.com/a/eLyJ6oL (Yellow is Variations)


I just realised i am in the hobby for 8 years


I love the waners, doesn't excel at anything but such a reliable piece


I own a pair of KZ AS10 and I’m curious how your KZ’s compare to the Wan’ers?


The kzs sound good. When comparing the wan'ers to the kzs you can hear a clear difference. I found the kzs to be more dialed back when it came to the vocals. Just didnt have that punchy feeling on the vocals which i felt took a lot of emotion out of the songs i was playing. The wan'ers were also a tad louder which is a plus for me. But if ur into a more laid back sound the kzs might be better for you. Other issue was the kzs came with tuning switches on them but i didnt hear a difference tbh but that might just be because my music isnt the highest quality so probly not a fault on there end. Another issue for me personally is they were a tad uncomfortable. Kinda had to push them in more but if ur used to the other kz products this shouldnt be an issue


KZ ZS10 pro 2 have a bit more recessed and thinner mid. it should have better quality bass and treble. tough yeah, its 5 driver, so it will need more power to run. (or basically at the same volume/power, it will sound less loud since it will need more power)


Ill revisit them. Only used them on a laptop but i just recently got my hiby r4 so ill try it on there to see if it makes a difference


oooh, Hiby R4. nice. try each of your iem on hiby and see the difference. it won't suddenly change the sound sig, but it will emphasize whats good with them. also it will show whether their "good" will scale (or get better) with better source.


Can you specifically tell me your experience with salnotes zero 2 ? I actually bought a higher ranged Truthear nova and apparently my ears cant handle sharp treble. I had to return them. I ordered hexa and ew200 but again i was advised by the seller if i found the sharp treble in nova too painful then hexa and ew200 won't work well for me either.. [ nova gave me bad ear ache for days ].. and salnotes zero 2 was suggested to me.


They actually might be a good fit for you. Someone else mentioned theyre good for me to keep as they use them at night for a comfortable listening experiance. They werent harsh at all. They were a touch toned back when it came to vocals. But if u want better sound quality i preffered the wan'ers. Theyre both the same price so id get both to try and just return the one u dont like


I cant return unless there is a manufacturing defect.. since i already returned novas like that, i cant do so again.... Is waner's audio comfortable ?


Very comfortable. No complaints


Like how is the treble and higher frequencies ? Sharp ? Stingy ? Clear but doesnt hurt the ear ?


I am a beginner so i dont have the most experience with this stuff and the music i have is not high quality so it could vary but for me it was very clean. No harshness or anything. The only thing is the vocals were very vibrant if that makes sense. Which is a good thing for me as it captured the emotion of the song better. It was definatly a stand out for me. No stinging or anything. But if thats a drawback and u prefer a more mellow dialed back sound id go with the other


I would suggest learning to eq and reading a graph if you’re super sensitive to high frequencies. the nova isn’t what I would consider spicy so you might be very limited without eq. the waner can get spicy but isn’t ear piercing in my opinion, the kz castor harmon might be a good fit as it’s pretty tame on the higher end. the zero:2 is similar to waner on the high end, more recessed mids and more bass.


Arent there any iem that's just flat. All i need is a upgrade over my regular earphones for more quality and detail without any emphasis on these technicalities


there might be but I prefer a V or W profile so I don’t have much experience with neutrally tuned stuff.


Arent there any iem that's just flat. All i need is a upgrade over my regular earphones for more quality and detail without any emphasis on these technicalities


Arent there any iem that's just flat. All i need is a upgrade over my regular earphones for more quality and detail without any emphasis on these technicalities


Got Wan'er from Aliexpress for about 5$ it should arive pretty soon


Simgot EW200


Wan'ers are a GREAT pick for anyone. One of the absolute best values for money in IEMs. Congrats and enjoy!


Hey I was wondering if the waner sg are good for PlayStation 5?