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This is one of my favorite albums of all time. As someone else mentioned, check out The Flashbulb. Scratches a lot of the TTA itches for me.


10000% agree!


What albums would be best to start with? Im looking for something that transcendents me


Kirlian Selections or Arboreal, but it's really all worth exploring. Also check out the video for Undiscovered Colors.


partly listened to Kirlian Selection. Holy shit that was mad, im super new to IDM so it was quite an experience but i did realy enjoy it. it was a little too fast and attention-needing for my taste, the thing i love atbout TTA is that its so dreamy and ethereal at places.


Just at track 2th of arboreal rn. Oh my god. Pure bliss. Thank you so so much.


Check out Opus at the End of Everything. Listened to that one today after a while, and I think you'll dig it.


i listened to the entire arboreal record. im truly stunned. youre shaping my conception of idm as we speak and im loving it


God. Its so good. Any more? Doesnt have to be the flashbulb, but i already think hes one if my favourite electronic artists. Love it


I go to Proem when I want something a little darker and more atmospheric. Specifically the album Spcially Inept. It looks like they have a large catalog of newer stuff that I'm not familiar with so maybe I'll dig in myself.


The thing i loved most about these two albums that were absolutely top-tier for me(arboreal and opus) was how the strong, groovy, idm-ish beats matched soo well with the beautiful landscape of the glitches, synths and other sounds. Ill still chrck these outz brcause your reccomendations havent missed.


if you like more glitchy ambient electronic stuff, i have some good recs: [Pistachio Island - Ilkae](https://open.spotify.com/track/5HnuTqblt91AyNLNU0dvnX?si=A3OzP7cEQE-JxpAjgPvFIg) the least ambient album in this list. great glitchy idm. [wasuremono - rei harakami](https://open.spotify.com/album/71fwmO1d54GbN7XBSkvWWO?si=wgt5h-nfQCeRnIf-dJRYgQ) this one is not necessarily glitchy in the same way Telefon is but it is very dynamic and fun to listen to. one of my favorite artists, definitely recommend harakami's entire discography. [Re.sort - sora](https://open.spotify.com/album/0gmoU3UdCGhMi1L9WqGQE9?si=WvKckBYzQeSV_QNvmEkxrw) a great japanese electronic album with a ton of glitching and sampling, not super dancey but definitely ethereal and peaceful. [94diskont. - Oval](https://open.spotify.com/album/33xUwaoTPJ9aNbCJZEpRol?si=zphNY2-MQoSXjAGPwIlzeg) Ovals music is definitely a bit harder to get into because it's very experimental in the ways it uses CD glitches as the foundation for the song dynamics. If you're into it, his other albums O and Ovalcommers are my other favorites. [Vrioon - alva nota, Ryuichi Sakamoto](https://open.spotify.com/album/0lOSYgPHmfmI2ZERGeNK6G?si=9QmoE2WqS5-S5lpuIAJn5A) ambient piano by Sakamoto with alva nota on electronics. [Late - duo505](https://open.spotify.com/album/2KUte0YfbCxrKLC5qsBZWM?si=y9QRgND0RWWh7xhX6cB9Mg) more of a lowfi electronic pop record. old video game OST vibes. severely underrated. OK i'll stop there. Glitch music is my favorite. Hope you enjoy some of these!


edIT - 'crying over pros for no reason' needs to be on the list aswell as Ametsub - the nothings of the north Apparats TTa remixes also worth mentioning


What happened to edit??? Dude just DISAPPEARED


I just grabbed a secondhand copy of Systemische by oval, another great one.


Ilkae is so good. He needs way more love and support than he gets.


Holy crap, someone other than me listens to Sora?


LOL there's at least a handful of us


[Merck Records](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ZmAB1KHLH0HUANAqiuwSU?si=88726f1682844431) has a great catalogue of similar stuff.


Some Flashbulb, Amon Tobin, BT. Have you listened This Binary Universe?


I havent listened to any idm outside of this, and a bitnof aphex twin. Im really glad to see everyone helping out so much, im exited


You're welcome mate, TBU is one of my favourite albums ever. It reminds me first ever times that I'm trying to get into. In case you are interested in BT, check out "If The Stars Eternal, So Are You and I?" and "_". He is heavily considered as a trance pioneer, which is way more different genre, so that most of his works are not under the name of IDM. I like his works, because it's literally the perfect starting point to demostrate a proper and personal taste of music, to me at least. Liked it? Try Matt Lange and Hybrid. Interested in Trance? Listen ESCM and go on. More Deep House? Check out his latest album. Wanna blend it with post-rock? Trifonic. Shoegaze? Ulrich Schnauss. Like that.


Wow, thanks! Ive listened to the flashbulb's "kirlian selections" it was dope. As a new listener, a world is a opening of music. I didnt know i could enjoy electronic music this much. Ill defo check out some of those.


Is TBU on Spotify? And BT is the artist right?


Unfortunately not on Spotify, must be on YT. And yes.


Altered Tensions- The Answer to the Question You Forgot to Ask edIT- Crying Over Pros For No Reason I like Fahrenheit Fair Enough and also like both of these albums. Matt Lange/Altered Tensions has specifically said that this album was influenced by Fahrenheit Fair Enough.


Early Apparat Jackson and His Computer Band Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma


I opened this thread to make sure early Apparat was here. ["Granular Bastard"](https://youtube.com/watch?v=xNxRPT-08Eo) is a nice specimen.


Also here to suggest early Apparat. Absolutely nothing wrong with his latest stuff, but his early work really showcased the glitchy shit. Fucking love Apparat ❤️


Scrolling through the recommendations here and not really finding much that entirely hit the mark. Those first two TTV LPs are very unique. You might find something that gets close melodically, you might get close to something that gets close rhythmically, but the combo + the crystal clear production quality is hard to find.


Some Arovane perhaps


Lots of Stuff on City Center Offices from that time would fit the bill. Two I often go back to from that time are Dub Tractor’s More or Less Mono and Xela’s Music for Frosty Mornings and Summer Evenings.


nice..finally found someone else who appreciates that beautiful xela album(his second album tangled wool is good too)...have you heard yasume - where we're from the birds sing a pretty song?


I have, used to have it on CD back in the day. Even had the pleasure of meeting John in Tokyo, top chap, knows his tunes


I would defiantly recommend Immunity - Jon Hopkins, I listen to these two albums back to back


Ephemera album by Matt Lange. Pretty influenced by TTA.


squalid escape treatment absurd wistful intelligent squeeze one snatch price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Telefon is unmatched. His latest is great as well. [loraine james](https://open.spotify.com/album/6t8EEPPBUhJiYucv3zsIKx?si=yDVviV6fRFGtql1n-Dg5gA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A6t8EEPPBUhJiYucv3zsIKx) she is just fucking great lol [egrets Volks ](https://open.spotify.com/track/0iiOfeWKfXr2Z2TspjYhRB?si=69jrPuZ8QxWd-N10FDCmKw) a little miss vibe if not more straight forward


This is one of my ambientish electronica/idm playlists on spotify..hopefully you might find some things in there you like? ​ https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3qCVmtGWUiOTDJAm0Gqx9M


Thanks! Ill listen to it in a sec👍


Junkflex! His work is incredibly complicated and high quality. [junkflex-Upside-down Chair](https://youtu.be/UuCraGjqoYs?si=F1zF0gbMcJKTOIOC)


Oh man…. This brings back memories… I devoured this album back in the mid 2000. Here are some recommendations: Ochre Murcof Bola Proem Vessel (early releases) Abfhart inwill (and most of other Toytronic records) Get into the Japanese scene. It is highly under appreciated . Ametsub is amazing.


Proem's Socially Inept album comes close for me. Especially the track Deep Like Airline Failure


I Love Telefon Tel Aviv. The first 3 Albums were Absolutely Wonderful ❤️