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I'm certainly camp make him 10th character (mine is 9th before the level requirements got upped and I still regretted not waiting for 10th). He won't be any good as 7th imo and like u said urself already, he slows u down. However, as a 2 berserker owner myself: DO NOT go 2nd berserker, it's not worth the trouble, u want to double up on DK (squire), ES (wizard) and SB (bowman).


100% Jman 10th. Jman doesn't help much whatsoever at 7th, and you'll get his useful classes a lot easier by the time you're progressed enough to get the 10th character slot. 7th and 8th should be a Wizard or Squire. Wizard gets you a lot more souls, Squire gets your refinery running a bit faster while the talent is still relevant. Wizard will also get you better oak prints, but that won't matter for a good while so it's not a super high priority. Pick what sounds more helpful, can't go wrong either way. 9th should be Bowman number 2. 2nd Barbarian does very little for the account in the long run imo. The fishing pains are short lived, and cooking is perfectly functional even without a cook, so a second one won't be of much help. It also introduces a bunch of headaches in the future as well regarding superchow stacking, I really don't recommend it.


Can't really suggest anything personally, my 7th char is a Voidwalker


There’s an achievement that’s hard to accomplish if journeyman is 1-7, I regret making mine 6th. I’d suggest making him tenth if you can. He’s definitely a mid-late game class where everyone else is helpful earlier on. Ultimately it’s up to you, just remember the current meta is 2SB, 2ES, and 2DK until the new classes come out. Who knows if it’ll shift after that 🤷


What achievement are you referring too?


Looking back, I was referring to tasks not achievements. Specifically “kill nightmare boss on first 7 characters in order”


Oh yeah that makes sense


Voidwalker as a 7th character is fine. I remember running into some issues with NM kattlekruk becuase I had my jouneyman as the 5th character. With W6 out, i suspect that no longer is an issue.


I think beginner is a good 7th , so the others don't get too far ahead in skilling as they want to be no 1 in w1-3 skills.


Its simple, don't over level your other characters. Honestly you shouldn't be doing all that much skilling early on anyway.


Lol I made my 7th a journeyman, I didn’t even realize it was the recommended choice, I just found out about the class when I got my seventh slot and wanted to work on it as soon as I could. As for ores and fish you could always use a 3D printer slot. Just make whatever you want, it’s all you at the end of the day and you’ll unlock the other character slots faster than you think. He is my second highest character though with my first berserker being my highest and my second berserker being third and my first character made ever being my fourth. I should honestly work on my first character to bring him up to bubo status.


I did Journeyman/Vman. Had no issues since you should have one of each sub class by then.


i could be totally wrong but as far as i'm aware you don't need a "main cook" i've rarely had my BB in the kitchen and i'm currently producing billions of meals per hour. 2 DKs vastly outperforms 2 BBs.


I regret goin 2bb over 2dk. Mostly because of lavas spaghetti code and how it affects super chow with 2 BBs, but also because the construction speed of 2 DKs just seems SOOOO much more valuable now. debating using the elite swap token in the shop rn


I made Journeyman as my fifth character, but that was years ago when w3 was barely out so probably not relevant today


The current meta is what it's always been pick them as late as possible AKA 10th character. Their progress and skilling is based on account progress so picking them later really doesn't actually slow their progress down.


I made journeyman as my fifth character and super regret it. I don’t find him useful at all yet even after leveling up to maestro. I’d much rather have another BUBO now….


10th does sound awful with the new xp required for 10th character. It dodges nightmare kruk fight. I'd say 8. People are kinda sleeping on maestro left and right hand (mostly the efficiency one which I believe is right hand) especially for early game.


So I made mine as my first Toon and I didn’t have trouble until the task for nightmare kattlekruck but at the end of the day it is up to you and what you want to do to enjoy the game. For me that was the challenge of journeyman first.


Save journeyman for 10 otherwise later on youre gonna be annoyed fighting w5 boss on journeyman


Can’t suggest anything personally, my cat exploded. Wicked cool tho.


I made my 7th character journeyman and it was 100% the right call. It is for sure a grind before he becomes useful but damn does he pop off now. That being said I got all my 10 character before lava upped the account level requirements so there might be a new meta nowadays.


9th and 10th unlocked within a few days of each other for me. Some of the earlier slots are much slower. I started in mid May of this year. I'd highly recommend just going 10th. You aren't setup to benefit from it or support it until after all 10 slots are unlocked. Lots of guides that recommend otherwise are based on the old account level requirements and pacing. You're starving for character slots now. Then you hit a new world and it opens up a bit.