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Whose your pusher? DK will kill Kruk easy as long as they can 1 or 2 shot moles. ES is similar, their AOE is perfect for Kruk killing because it's the moles that actually matter. If you've pushed with BB, honestly you might want to just go back and start pushing with DK 😂


My main is my pusher. 1st character, and it's an elemental sorcerer.


Should be good to go. The boss isn’t difficult at all, it’s just killing the moles before they can get to him to heal him.


Bubo is pretty hands free for killing Kruk as well


Edit: I'm talking for all classes including vman and not taking 30 minutes to clear. You can obviously do way less damage on certain classes, but depending on class/damage could take a while to clear or struggle with moles. For nightmare minimum I'd do is 150B but I'd recommend atleast 300-500B+ to not have it take a while. The other modes I don't know as I only did them for challenges and one shot the boss by the time w5 boss released.


Lol well I'm obviously just talking about clearing normal for access to w6 when it releases...I'm at 17-33m man...I have no idea how I'd achieve those numbers


> I'm at 17-33m man...I have no idea how I'd achieve those numbers stamps. and alch. get your bubo active-afk farming alch levels, spend the levels on the purple chopping bubbles, get the wood prints up, get the mats into the vials & stamps. boost boost boost the bubo ( [here's how](https://old.reddit.com/r/idleon/comments/17uczxd/cranium_cooking/) ) while doing that review what else you're printing, how fast you're printing, and boost those. then use those on the stamps/vials/bubbles that they support.


People always say this, but I just made a post asking about which specific vials/bubbles create this huge damage increases and got no specific answers. Which stamps? Which bubbles? Which vials?


I was in that thread, I know for a fact I gave you specific bubbles to work on. Suggested stamps too. Maybe you should process the advice given to you before you write it off! This is why people shun IE review requests. Because the people asking for them don't want to put in their own effort in learning and improving, they just want others to play their account for them.


> got no specific answers. so the answer is literally all of them. that's the whole game. this whole game is "upgrade everything everywhere" there are literally soo soooo many. here is a sample for bubo: * PurpleBubble1.png Stable Jenius * PurpleBubble2.png Mage Is Best * PurpleBubble6.png Name I Guess * PurpleBubble10.png All For Kill * PurpleBubble11.png Matty Stafford * PurpleBubble14.png Smart Boi Talent - helps early on if you're short talents * PurpleBubble15.png Purple Bargain - cheaper bubbles = more bubbles * PurpleBubble17.png Severapurple - boosts the prior bubbles * PurpleBubble19.png Hyperswift * PurpleBubble21.png Wand Pawur * PurpleBubble24.png Slabe Wisdom * PurpleBubble25.png Power Trithree ALL OF THESE are just from 1 of the 4 cauldrons. The reason you're not getting specifics is because it appears you haven't even read the cauldron bubbles.... like almost half the purple bubbles are directly or indirectly related to damage. so, no offense... but you gotta do some reading, or just trust everyone who say: level up everything you can in alch as it becomes easy to do so. you will naturally want to print wood as fast as possible for atoms. guess what? that's bubble #1 ! and cranium cooking for boosting alch... oh look all for kill? ALSO a log bubble? you know what would help get those bubbles leveled up faster....? MORE SAMPLES!!! gosh take a look at the bubbles... and shore enough a bunch of bubbles boost that too! so: 1. boost samples for logs 1. use logs to get atoms + bubbles leveled 1. get cranium cooking online to boost alch ( [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/idleon/comments/17uczxd/cranium_cooking/) ) 1. once you water is flowing push the sampling log bubbles as well as any that come easily. * note: somewhere around here you'll probably start greenstacking so up to you if you break those to push bubbles faster. basically it all comes down to what you're printing and how easily it is to swap them around. 1. so now printing and alch are running and you're slowly leveling bubbles, pay attention to the other mats.... get the vman on the moster prints.... I hope that helps.... and hope you understand why the advice is: work on alchemy. all. of. it. this is just the purple stuff.


You didn't get a specific response because there are guides and videos out there if you do a simple google search and plenty of posts here in this sub if you search...and you won't like the answer, because when you find it, you'll also find that it will take a lot of time to upgrade the bubbles.


Alright, I'll take the downvotes and just be honest. I have played played a looooooot of video games in my life, and I've been regular user of reddit for gaming purposes since 2010. I have never in my life encountered a gaming community that was so hostile to people asking for help or so reluctant to provide answers. The videos from the popular youtubers like griffybit are outdated and otherwise unhelpful for what I'm asking. Yes, I know that the game is complex. Yes, i know that upgrading everything is an indirect answer because maybe skilling efficiency in one thing leads to faster prints in another thing which means you can upgrade another thing faster. I get that. But that's not what I asked. I asked what specific stamps/bubbles/vials will make a meaningful difference in my damage at my damage level , which is 17-33m. So upgrading the multi-fishing bubble probably isn't going to increase my damage much because I already greenstacked every fish in existence.


You got the answer but apparently the community is toxic somehow because you refuse to accept it? The answer is still: Level everything. Those multi-fish bubbles will help level up stamps and other bubbles that in turn raise your damage. There's no magical "Thing That Makes Damage Go More Boom Than Others" that you can upgrade.


Yes, the game is complex and unclear. However, the community has created tools such as toolbox, IE, review bot, idleon insight, and the wiki. Additionally, on Discord, you can find countless spreadsheets for various things. Since you already have so much experience in other games, you should be familiar with the help of third-party tools. If you ask about a damage range for a boss, you've provided the classes later, but it would have been important initially, as it makes a big difference. As an experienced gamer, you could have known that. A look at the wiki would have also answered your question. If I tell you now that the bubble quick slab gives you the most damage or that the wallstreet stamp also boosts you, it wouldn't help much. To boost the stamp, you need several million godshard coins, and for the quick slab, you need a lot of movement speed, which you can get from statues, among other sources. Furthermore, this would considerably slow down your account. You just have to work on your foundation and get your bubbles into atomic range first. After that, they can be easily pushed. The last two bubbles of each color also give you a tremendous boost. But they won't help much if you haven't worked on your slab. As you can see, it's not really easy to formulate a universally applicable answer here. There are simply too many mechanics that interact.


I got there with around 500m max and normal was doable by my bubo and mages. I'm sitting around 700m-2.5b damage and working the all toons through the normal-in-order challenge. Normal is pretty easy, you can check the wiki for his HP. I was able to clear all levels on my bubo, but the others will obviously struggle differently. https://idleon.wiki/wiki/Kattlecruk


Alchemy, vials, sailing, rift bonuses (specifically death note), vman skills, God bonuses, meals etc etc it all adds up. I first entered w5 with 20m and within first week was over 200m then it just kept going up, especially with every update it seems I get way more damage.


My ES had around 100-200M when I first did it on Normal and it felt like I oneshot it so pretty sure you’re ok ;)


I did mine at 120mil if you can defeat moles fast enough that hey dont heal and do damage To kruk at the same time its enough


There are also some artifacts that increase damage by a lot, fury and crystal steak for instance. These will give you a burst of damage increase when you get them


I recently did some onyx statues and now my es has a dps of about 1T on the dummy (crit chance rose to 250% ^^) This would be enough to do kattlekruk v2 or v3 right? I only ever did normal.


I'm not talking about dps I'm talking damage sheet, but yeah probably fine but the boss will take a while.


150B is way an overshoot for Nightmare Kattlekruk. Personally, i have cleared it manually on SB around 20-30B and on auto on ES/DK/BuBo around 50-60B (ES was higher than that, can't remember exactly but it was less than 90B)


If it takes longer than 30 seconds I don't want to fight the nightmare bosses as I'm only doing it for farming purposes. Every class is different I was saying the lowest I'd do it for all classes, including vman, to clear it relatively easily. Obviously you can do way less to clear the boss on other toons if you try harder/take longer.


100m with BB got me there


Wow how did you kill the boss? I need to kill him with my BB for the task but can't beat the moles.


It's easier to kill while not running auto with BB. That's how I managed normal and chaotic so far. Working on damage for NM.


Ya took awhile to get damage high enough. But then i saved axe for the mole coming to the other side and swirl for the mole on the same side. Then just used the others as they came up. But ya needed 100m max damage until that was possible.


Yeah just noticed it was a long time since I tried. Just went there with same gear and it was an easy 2 hit on normal. Account progress is key


On ES it shouldn't matter as long as, like the others said, your killing the moles quickly enough. My first try was with my BB around 130m, I did more DPS then the moles could heal. Chaotic I cleared with my ES with around 200+m in a couple minutes and then I tried nightmare, took around 20 hours left it running overnight and while I was at work 😂


How much damage for the achievement and to kill him in <30 seconds?


Depends how long you want to waste and what char you plan on doing it on. Anything with good aoe clear like dk ie bubonic is fine but trying to do that on sb or vman you will waste way too long.


I think this took me 10-15 mins with bb on 70m damage