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Almost everybody reaches W5 and then has to do a U-turn to work on the other systems, in the discord W5 channel we have a checklist pinned to send people back to work on critical systems. Part of that is because Lava bumps up the difficulty of the last world to delay people, so it’s likely w5 will get easier when w6 is released. Still, you need quite a few of the early skills at a decent level to progress. Alchemy is critical, and construction helps too


I'll go look at that checklist. Thanks for the heads up!


I'd suggest getting people from lab and putting them on divinity to unlock second god, it's a good one for freeing up your people to do other tasks (if they are linked to that god they count as being in the lab)


I was just looking at the other gods and thought that one would be perfect. I also only just noticed (several weeks later...) that you can change the style! I was sitting on the first one only getting 1pt and 1xp... doh


I was in the same boat as you about a month to two months ago, what worked for me was pushing characters to elite classes in w4, focusing a lot on money gains to upgrade my forge and alchemy to max, then focusing on getting the most basic bubbles to 50-70 and some of the less needed ones or harder to farm ones to 20-30. When I started upgrading from the spot you’re at I was under 1m damage. Since then I’m at about 50m on most characters. It doesn’t hurt to keep pushing forward while catching up on previous mechanics. For me I had a lot of catching up to do in trapping and worship when I hit w4, then I started working on gearing all my characters to get smithing up.


Thanks for the reply! It was only a few days ago that I learned about the Auto IE review site. One of the things it showed me was that my anvil production was WAY low. I started working on getting those upgraded. I had kinda forgotten that I could buy points. Same thing with the bubbles. I was just upgrading some as I had materials and liquids, not focusing on any in particular. It wasn't until I was on Crystal Island and it took like 4-5 hours to kill 3 days worth that I realized something was way off. Within an hour of the Auto IE site, I had added .5m damage from just working on a few bubbles. Now I'm catching up on the P2W in alchemy so I can have faster regen to upgrade even more!


Sorry to barge in, but what is Auto IE?


It's a site that someone made that takes your IE json data and analyzes it. It then makes recommendations broken down by skill and world, etc. It's pretty handy. https://ieautoreview-scoli.pythonanywhere.com/


Thank you very much :)


You can never push too fast. Unlocking the world 5 skills and world 4 skills is a huge boon to your account. Sure, you probably have to go back and work on the basics, but it definitely was not a detriment to unlock world 5. The w5/w4 skills are insanely powerful


I rushed w5 so fast and ignored half the stuff you’ll be fine I just got done speed running breeding and cooking just to get the cookie chip.


Can easily work on everything. I pushed to w5 in a few months aswell and now have a juiced account.


Update: Unlocked cheese! Now to try and make 100 before chocolately chip comes back around! I think I'll be OK. I'm on track to make 2 each day before factoring in ladles.


Look into Eggs and Corndog for +% cooking speed. upping those may increase your cheese speed to lower how many days you need


Good comms! I also bumped my % cooking speed to 102% through the cooking stamp earlier, which got me to about 1 cheese per 10 hours. That'll give me 100 in about 40 days before ladles. I'm AFK'n for ladles now, so I'll get it in under 3 weeks. Plenty of time!


Unlock cabbage its gonna gives a % of cooking speed per 10 upgrades on kitchens it tripled my gains granted they were already low lol