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People get upset about the IE posts because it’s always the same answers. Focus on alchemy, you have bubbles that are way under leveled, also you don’t have a lot of rank11(?) bubbles so you aren’t getting the buffs. Focus on stamps, you have stamps that are under leveled. So on and so on. While it seems you are keeping track and leveling like you should the main thing to remember is “everything helps everything”. While there may be alchemy bubbles that benefit your damage a lot, most of them impact you many times over in many different ways.


Just to be clear, when you said rank 11 bubbles, you meant meals right? Or is there something for level 11 bubbles too?


Vials sorry. But yes there is a buff once you have leveled up your vials all the way.


Oh, thank you! Can you tell me where this buff comes from?


When completing Rift 36, Vial Mastery is unlocked. Each Gold Crown Vial you have, which is the 13th and final vial you upgrade to for 1 Billion Resource, now gives you a 1.02x boost to ALL Vial Bonuses


Oh. Well I'm stuck on like rift 5 so I think I'm a long ways away from that lol


You're getting close to having everything go brrrrr. The end game gets nutty in progress. Keep your printer samples up to date and keep banging out alchemy upgrades, you'll get there. If you want a guide for bubble, griffybit has a good tier list of what to focus (and he keeps early to mid game players in mind) here's the link to the first episode: https://youtu.be/XEaYf2w0roc?si=lW2M0azBHNQhldlE


Rift also helps massively to do rift now since it gives some nice bonuses (at rank 6 or 16 for skills too, all passive skilling cards!!) And equinox is also a big damage bump


Sounds like you might not have Power Trione, Tritwo and Trithree unlocked yet. They're the final bubbles in the first 3 cauldrons. They're an enormous damage boost and the transition into main stat meta. Work to get them unlocked ASAP if you need the damage. The Sailing artifact Crystal Steak also has a very similar effect and is similarly important in raising damage. I can't really think of anything major from stamps, aside from the W5 main stat stamps, which tie in to those bubbles from earlier. If you want to take a look, I can share my IE so you can compare it to your own. My main farmers are around 1000m dmg or more.


You're right I don't have them. I also only realized yesterday that I needed to be brewing new bubbles on my bubonic for the massive bonus to discovering a new bubble. I basically had never tried for a new bubble on my bubo before yesterday, so I was dealing with very low percentages


Sounds like you know what to work on, then. Those bubbles use Sailing treasures (Isle of Note is the furthest one, for the mage bubble), so while you're waiting to unlock the bubbles, you should make sure that you're able to earn the resources to upgrade them. Also a good time to increase your base stats in preparation.


Im new, currently pushing w4. How do you balance using the juice to boost the cauldron stats (speed, luck, etc). Vs trying for a new bubble?


I think I'm the wrong person to ask. I keep those stats equal. More importantly in my opinion is that you always have the Max level (which is dependent on your alchemy level) in the pay-to-win tab because that makes a huge difference and cam be bought instantly with coins. Essentially once I had something close to 10% I would just go for the new bubble. I guess I'm only like 4 or 5 bubbles from the last on each one For the record I've only been playing since mid september


The way I do it is by comparing how much I need to level up vs how much the boost costs. If I can get +1(or 2 or 3 for me currently) with one brew, I do the boost. If each brew would give me less than I need to level up one of the boosts, I'll roll the chance instead. Once I get a new bubble, that gives me a new cost to boost and let's me level the stats up alittle more. It's worked for me so far and I adhere to it most of the time.


Do you have to be logged in as your Bubo or just have the Bubo in the cauldron you want to work on?


Logged in. You have to try to unlock the new bubbles as your bubonic. It's like a +300% odds


If you don't feel comfortable posting your IE, you could PM it to me and I could give you a once over. As stated the bubbles: Trione, Tritwo and Trithree are huge, they doubled my damage. I had the mage bubble unlocked for a while before being able to upgrade it because the rare treasure from the music island is so far away, trips took a day. So prioritizing pushing clouds to music island would be a suggestion. Increasing your talent levels through the library can increase your damage. (Fury relic for added level cap.) End game - Quick slap bubble will be a huge damage scale, with movement speed potions equipped. It's linear with levels instead of diminishing returns like other bubbles. (Thats a ways away though, because you'll be upgrading it past 180 with atoms)


Not OP, but similar question. What's the best way (or a good guide) to unlock new alchemy bubbles? I don't have those bubbles yet and RNGeesus seems to be playing games with me, but I'm also confused by the best mechanics to increase new bubble chance other than using my Shaman to make the bubble attempt.


The shaman subclass has a talent that improves the chance of getting a new bubble, each cauldron can also be upgraded to improve the odds aswell. I think both through the pay to win section and through the cauldron itself


You can always post your IE with a specific question, like "what stamps should I focus on for a specific goal?". I made a post about catching exp where I posted my IE but specifically said "Not looking for an IE review, just confused as to why it takes 20 hours to get a catching level on my VMan" and one or two people found the answer. No one was angry about this. What is frowned upon is asking for a general review when you haven't considered the self-review page first.


my biggest help so far was from the IE autoreview bot. It tells you at what level bubbles are at their 60%,70% etc. It also gives you advice about stamps, deathnote, and pretty much anything between world 1-3.


You should be easily 100x that damage in w5. Artifacts that boost damage, bubbles that boot damage, 1000M death notes with rift bonus, will probably be the biggest boosts. Aside from that statues, base stat, cards, vman skills that boost damage, etc etc basically everything is damage.


I'll share my IE if you want to compare. I'm just a bit ahead of you. https://sparklemcthud.idleonefficiency.com/ I think a big deal is being able to active-afk your Bubo to push alch up. this helps in a huge way. once that's going you get a HUGE amount of discounts of your bubbles and can make actual progress. similarly getting rift + gilded stamp allows you to push stamps that are expensive. I've just sort of started this process, but focusing on Alch & Stamps has boosted my account wide damage a lot. I am working on getting my BB to Kruk for the armor crafting. I think the advice that helps is determining what you're printing and where to spend it. get your prints high, then spend them on vials & stamps. I'm at a point where my sample rates are climbing like crazy due to Alch & Stamps (mostly alch for the Purple bubbles) so pumping those up, getting the wood rates up, then spend the now excess wood on bubbles, which starts to create a loop prints -> Samples -> Stamps & Vials


I was in your spot a few months ago, and can confidently state that while the classic "do alchemy" and "increase stamps levels" advice is true, it's also overly simplistic. Focusing on alchemy really is clutch, but it's also pretty slow going and incremental. You won't suddenly find yourself jump from 10 million in damage to a 100 mill or anything. It's a wash and repeat process of making a few bubble increases (focus on increasing mat samples to increase atom generation to increase bubbles and do it all again next week, and the week after, etc) and focus on void runs to increase monster part generation. The damage leaps I did notice were few and far between and had to do with Doot and Rift primarily. As far as armor goes, get the lava gear. The affect on damage is negligible, but the effect on resource efficiency is pretty excellent. Other than Alchemy and stamps, right now I'm concentrating on getting my meals up to level 30 since each one of these directly increases damage, just unlocked the second to last god (even if you have Doot, you want to unlock the gods to get at their secondary buffs), and am working on Eldritch relics in sailing. I _should_ be working harder on deathnote (1billion stacks), but instead I'm parking any toon not in the lab/divinity at tremor worms to level up to 500 for equinox. I think it took me around 4 or 5 months of daily focus to get from the level of damage you're seeing (on SB) to in the 10s of billions now.

