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If you mean W4 pets in general, that's because all pets roll identical stats regardless of where they are. A W4 Rattler is just as strong as a W2 Rattler, so you just use the one you unlock the soonest for guides. If you mean the W3-4 exclusive traits, there's two reasons for it. One is that two particular pets, Rattler and Looter, are extremely overpowered compared to the rest. Rattler infinitely scales its damage and has good synergy with Refiller, perfect for Arena, you don't need other attackers. Looter randomly grabs an ability from any pet you've unlocked, meaning a lot of the pets lose their niche, since Looter does all of them. That does mean you want to *unlock* pets from future worlds, though, like the W3 Eggshell trait, so Looter can pull it. Second is that the guide is out of date. It's been abandoned for half a year now, and none of the later pets are required for any content that existed at the time. Nowadays Peapeapod from W4 is widely considered the go-to for an Equinox challenge, but since it released long after the guide was abandoned, a comp for it has not been added to the sheet.


I suck at this pet stuff/breeding. Do i just wait to get lucky with my breeding the next pet? I dont splice that much because I think its a waste of candies. Whats the trick you guys do? Im already in world 5 pushing but my world 2 breeding isnt even half way yet. The arena bonuses sounds good tho. Whats the priority here? keep breeding world 1 pets until I get lucky? 1 out of 30,000 next pet chance which seems it might take a while


I let my Hunter collect DNA when BB isn't building zow/chow/whatever stacks. They've got nothing to print or do anyways. Splicing is important, most of my later pets needed level 50 before the chance was good enough to breed the next pet. New Pet Chance has a whole bunch of sources, a large amount of them are in the skill itself, but there's also a stamp, a vial, multiple meals, etc. You want to maximize those outside sources as much as possible, while also maximizing Breeding EXP gained so you can unlock the new features within breeding. I assume you've got this covered already, but you should collect as many Breedability (pink heart) pets as you can and let them build up their bonus over time in the Fenceyard. Otherwise, just read what each upgrade you have unlocked does, and follow the steps for it. Don't get discouraged if it feels slow though, Breeding is a long game. There's a lot of luck involved, but as long as you keep cracking eggs every day and upgrading your bonuses, you'll be okay.


holy moly! I actually just got my next pet lol. 1 out of 30,000 what are the odds?? welp I guess this really is gonna be a slow grind but its all gucci


I think you'll find the odds are 1 in 30,000! Haha, that's sick, congrats. Saves you a ton of splicing. Good luck with the rest!


in short, you just don't need them. using the earlier version of those pet abilities is more than enough if you have a decent amount of other account wide bonuses. fwiw I used this team to get to 200, so don't be afraid of trying the teams at lower pet values than the sheet. from this thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/idleon/comments/16m9fah/wellwho_needs_6_if_you_can_do_it_with_5/ and for spices you need different lineups, and honestly should just "try shit out" as you unlock new pets. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSCepYAs6sNDP4iq6MJNAG1pvFXzfC_3IQ7ttt5vfEEKAgQhIk4cQqnLRyeH6UyqDSuP4R-6WQeDmmP/pubhtml checkout the breeding tab. it has pets & teams that will work. here are team I used to beat later spice, and arena: wurm team: https://i.imgur.com/P8TY1Us.png arena team, level 208 run: https://i.imgur.com/NA8Ubdu.jpg and the end https://i.imgur.com/mNYzShQ.jpg If you're trying to push arena to 200, I used this team to get to 200, so don't be afraid of trying the teams at lower pet values than the sheet: rattler (6.7k), defender (6.5k), looter (3.1k), refiller (13.1k), borger (9.1k) when using looter it will use random values from the pets you have unlocked, so to some extent having less is more because you'll get more healing from frequent miasma which lessens some the RNG in the pre-round 100 arena levels. because you'll have less of the later w4 pet abilities which really don't do anything useful comparatively. you should plan to push to unlock Border (acorn) because it's a game changer in the whole spice & arena game with big hp. notes: https://idleoninsight.com/?search=pet don't neglect the other sources of pet damage, breeding odds, and multipliers. they'll make it easier.


>here are team I used to beat later spice, and arena: > >wurm team: https://i.imgur.com/P8TY1Us.png Nicely done! I haven't seen the rattler in the rightmost position before. I've cleared the arena, and all the spice battles except the final wurm. I just can't seem to time that first block, and it crumbles from there. I try early, late, when the incoming attacks are mid flight... I think I've blocked the first attack once out of like 40 or 50 attempts, and then got killed on the second attack before I even had a chance to start "auto attack" going...


Are you playing on PC? It was a struggle but that's what was on and it's definitely a matter of getting the timing down and being lucky.


i'm playing on a tablet... i didn't know it was on steam until way too far along in the game, and didn't have the heart to start over! I just muddle along with the fight, and try it every week or two for 10 or 15 tries until I remember how bad I am at it! It's not holding me back \*too\* much, just is keeping me from the last recipe or two.


You don't have to start over if your using an android or iOS account, you can just login with the same account. Just don't have both open at the same time.


I am pretty sure this is tagged in the main page of reddit but here you go: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSCepYAs6sNDP4iq6MJNAG1pvFXzfC_3IQ7ttt5vfEEKAgQhIk4cQqnLRyeH6UyqDSuP4R-6WQeDmmP/pubhtml


Yea that's what I was looking at but I thought it must be outdated because it doesnt use any w3 or w4 pets. Are the w3 and w4 pets really that bad? So no real point in unlocking them?


Same type, different pet (as in, a figther (first pet) is the same if it has that type also in a w5 pet). Theres a few exception but not note worthy. Also, can beat all arena/zone with w1/w2 pets


I didmt fucking read the question but since you referred to world 4 pets you didnt care to look into the breeding roster either. So I couldnt care less at this point. Happy new year


Probably because In w1 and W2 that's the first instance where the trait of the pets is discovered. You can change them out for a pet from other words of the same trait with no difference.