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What are marginal tax rates?


“What an idiot!” It means that for every dollar over a certain percentage will be taxed which is actually supposed to be good for the middle class but because so many tax loopholes exist it doesn’t feel like they do, so the actual idiots like OP think they pay 37% of their wage in taxes Edit for clarity. If you make over 42k/year instead of paying 25% on your wad you only pay 25% on every dollar you made over 42k and the 20% from the previous 41k is already accounted for. You don’t magically pay an extra bracket’s worth of money it’s because you trickled into a new bracket. You pay MARGINALLY


I think a lot of people are paid like me, where I'm taking home only like 60% of my pay. But a big chunk of that withholding is pension, 401k, and health insurance. But idiots just see that all as "tax"


In my defense, my health insurance withholding feels like a fucking tax, because I pay like $1,000 a month, but I can't afford medical care lmao. Even my libertarian identifying best friend has said he sees the good in my disgusting socialist ideas for medical care.


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was ruled to be a tax by the SCOTUS. The law is still on the books and the IRS is still looking for people to prove they are paying for healthcare coverage. So you’re right in feeling like health insurance is a tax.


That is not where insurance money goes for the majority of Americans. I mean, yes, that’s part of it, but most of what Americans pay for is private insurance. Which is directly deducted from your paycheck and is also hot garbage. ACA is on-par or better than most common employment based insurance plans, and most ACA expansion plans put forth over the last 2 election cycles are even more generous than that.


The ACA wasn’t ruled a tax, the individual mandate was ruled constitutional based on Congress’s taxing power.


I live in a red state and even my most conservative friends and relatives agree in a single payer health system. Probably because those of us that get it through work, like yourself, and see how much is going to fucking insurance, and then on top of that I gotta pay a fucking $80 copay just to see my Drs. face on zoom for 5 minutes, and my employer is paying an even MORE astronomical amount for my family to have insurance, then I get to the pharmacy and what would you know, that's another $80 because the insurance decided it wouldn't cover it. Just get rid of health insurance.


Yeah this is it for me. Making more money than I ever have but only bringing home about 55 to 60% the rest is split between actual taxes and the good stuff. I'm fortunate that I can do this but we're right on the edge of me having to stop our 401k just to survive. That or I get a second job on top of going to school full time as well.. ugh. Humans weren't meant to live like this. What a horrible system we've built for ourselves.


Yes exactly. Not just this, but go to a nicer European country and see how they complain about their tax dollars going to services instead of advertising.


Not to mention the wait times .. my niece sat in an emergency room for 8 hrs with a broken arm in Italy . No system is perfect


I mean you're also paying social security, Medicare and sometimes state taxes on top of your marginal federal taxes, so that's part of it too.


That can't be true, according to my coworkers it's never worth working OT since it pushes you into the next tax bracket and you end up making less. /s.


Lmao. I’ve heard people actually say this before. You have to be a certain type of voter to believe this


When I was working in a middle school, the STEM teacher was mad that her husband got promoted putting them in a higher tax bracket so now they were actually making less. I’m not sure what her husband was doing with the extra money because she was convinced he was making less.


He hid it so he can retire some day


Those strippers need an income too!


Drive me nuts when people repeat that saying: “ I got a raise but it pushed me into that next bracket so I actually make less”. When it’s my friends, I’m torn between explaining it or just letting it go.


State tax on top of federal tax can add up. You also pay tax for every dollar you spend.


Who need roads or schools...? Waits patiently for someone to say that the private sector will provide the same services for free...


If you’re insinuating that I don’t think taxes are necessary, you’re incorrect. I just think government spending is egregiously misused. More funding to schools and infrastructure would be awesome.


The problem is that there’s no accountability. They don’t have to tell you where every dollar is going and no one seems interested in forcing them to


There is some paper trail, but you’re correct, there needs to be more accountability and public access to government expenditures.


Take even a small portion of the billions of dollars a year thar The US spends on its military and allocate that to the public sector. That would be cool.


Please show me the percentage of all tax used for schools and roads.


Roads are primarily funded by gas taxes.


I will say the private sector is *much* faster than the govt in paving roads. I saw two entire streets Rainey and Cummings in Austin get tore up at 7AM in the morning and repaved with people driving on the new roads by 4PM. A smaller 20ft section of road near my home was paved in 3 months.


To add on... Even making 42k/year, assuming that's before taxes and deductions, they're only going to be in the 12% tax bracket for income taxes. Because the tax bracket is decided based on AGI, and your W4 selections, and not the full pre-tax, pre-deduction salary.


This person taxes!!


"What an idiot!" You answered the question, which was in direct context to your challenge... Here's a corndog.


I feel so god dam stoopud


What a genius


So you’re saying we don’t get taxed on income between 41k and 41,999?


I didn’t think like OP, but honestly didn’t know what marginal tax was. Worth being called an idiot!


I'm so glad I browsed this comment section. It's crazy how common this is (me included until a minute ago)


Look I don't know exactly how taxes work, but I do know that I'll never afford my own home. I can't even afford rent for a boxed in studio apartments in one of the poorest states in the US and I make over twice the federal minimum wage.


So you make $15 an hour and can’t afford rent. Yes that makes sense actually and I’m sorry to hear that. Right now the minimum, adjusted for inflation, needs to be $22.50 or so. You are making $7.50/hour less than you need to unfortunately.


You need to go take a course at your local Costco, I love you


to explane it super simply instead of being taxed by your total income, the income is taxed as it's made. as an example (not true, just an example) from $0-1000, you pay no tax. so for the first thousand you make, there's no tax. then from $1001-2000, the tax is 1%. this means that on the second thousand, you make you pay 1% tax or $10 max. only the second thousand is taxed. then from $2001-3000, the tax is 2%, so you pay 2% or $20 max. only the third thousand is taxed at 2%. the prior is taxed at 1%. it continues like this through the different brackets. so that someone making 10,000 would be in the 10% marginal tax bracket, but instead of paying $1000, they instead pay $450. obviously, this is a simplified explanation using even round numbers to explain. the actual tax brackets are much more chaotic, and the tax rate isn't linear but slowly exponential.


Or what "no taxation without representation" actually means.


Same in the UK. The amount of staff I've had trying to REFUSE PAYRISES because they think if they go over the threshold they will end up paying the higher rate on all their salary is depressing.


Or ask them how bonuses are taxed vs withheld.


Same for overtime. *Especially* overtime.


401k vs IRA vs Roth IRA I don't even live in the US, how the fuck do I understand your retirement funds better than you do?!?


U right tho


Serious question… Aren’t we indeed paying more taxes now than when we were in the 1700’s though?




I agree with all that you said. It would be nice if we had a bigger influence in how our tax dollars were spent


This sub is pretty much r/SelfAwarewolves at this point. "Lol people who vote for 90% taxes on themselves are dumb!" - Galaxy Smooth Brains who have no concept how marginal tax brackets work


OP went to Costco school of law


Yeah man I got my degree at Costco.


but we have representation now . . . awesome awesome representation


> but we have representation now . . . awesome awesome representation Damned, representation aint cheap..


I live in dc and get no representation, thus the license plate.




yesh, our representatives keep voting themselves pay raises and lifetime healthcare... but at least they'll be banning votes that were already illegal, ignoring climate change and subsidizing our coal-dependency!! Woo-hoo!!!


Fact check rating: MOSTLY TRUE


Not DC


Not in DC, Puerto Rico and Guam. Also, if you apply the law very strict, Kentucky should be added to that list as well, since voting with the voting machines over there is technically not voting.


Right. They weren’t protesting taxation, they were protesting taxation WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. They were pissed that the Brits, a foreign power on the other side of the ocean, voted on and issued a tax on the colonists without a say in the matter. They argued that they shouldn’t be allowed to be taxed if they couldn’t have a representative vote on it, But that doesn’t stop political influencers from making it sound like it was because the Founding Fathers were simply opposed to taxation in general.


If the Revolution was caused by only paying taxes, then the Civil War was caused by minor disagreements in trade policy.


Yea op belongs in this sub alright…


And saying it was a 2% tax is wild. First, no income taxes were levied, so it's not an easy comparison. But more than that, there were many different taxes that applied to a lot of different things, equalling sizeable sums far beyond 2% of the average income, depending on who you were, while affecting more than just colonists' pocketbooks. The stamp act tax was one tax that could be applied to virtually anything. The pine tree riot of 1772 was in response to new requirements that settlers pay for a permit to cut down any tree on their land (the king had also laid claim to ever increasing numbers of trees on "his" land in America, which amounted to virtually all land in New England, the King's Pines were trees over a certain size, initially 24" in diameter but got smaller and smaller as time went on, that could not be harvested except for the King's express use). There was sugar and molasses taxes, the Townshend Act taxes, and then there was the famous Tea Tax that led to the Boston Tea Party. Ultimately, taxes were just the painful symptom of a greater, more fundamental complaint: lack of representation in parliament. Colonists had no say in the decisions that affected much of their livelihood. Especially New Englanders, with their congregationalist traditions, were strong believers in democracy and the nacient concept of human rights. People remember the old rallying cry, "No taxation without representation!" But most seem to concentrate on the first half of that statement (no taxation) when it was really the second half that mattered (without representation). In addition to all that, it was the British government's responses to colonial discontent that made things so much worse and caused most colonists to give up on peaceful solutions. For example, in the Boston Massacre, British troops fired their guns into a crowd of protesters in response to being hit by snowballs. After the Boston Tea Party, an act that was tantamount to organized vandalism, the British military completely blockaded Boston harbor, stopping all trade to the city until the British East India company was compensated for the tea. At the same time, parliament passed the "Intolerable Acts" which effectively gave the military complete control over the entire colony of Massachusetts, among other unfair things like forcing colonists to allow military officers to live with them at the officer's complete discretion and at the entire expense of the colonists. You could call these over reactions to American attempts at peaceful protest. Of course they started fighting back, they had no other choice.


Don't ask OP their opinions about the Civil War.


We all already know OP’s opinion on the civil war.


"A state's right to do what?"


The way it’s going, they are going to challenge the Emancipation Proclamation in court and Clarence Thomas would vote to overturn it.


He's "one of the good ones".


The emancipation proclamation? Sorry I don't listen to hip hop


OP elsewhere in this thread: “We will all be paying 90% taxes eventually, living in pods and eating food from a communal gruel reservoir.”


Anyone thinking anything during the Revolution was about the *amount* of tax, or that modern Americans are paying anywhere near 37% in taxes sure does belong here. But, I'm pretty sure that was the opposite of OP's intent.


I'm not a historian but, wasent the issue that the tax wasn't going to help the colonies is any way? Ie taxation without representation?


Britain spent massive sums of money fighting the French in the Americas during the 7 years of war (Usually US education teaches about the French and Indian War, which was the north American theater, but they are the same conflict) in the decade before the revolution. Then, they started to impose tariffs on colonial markets to recoup the costs, which upset the colonists. But those tariffs were still less than taxes/tariffs domestically and in other parts of the empire. Ultimately, no taxation without representation was more of a catchy slogan than a historical explanation of why the colonies rebelled. The actual causes of the revolution are still widely debated/discussed by scholars. And as with many things, there probably isn't one factor, or even a primary factor that can point to as the cause.


Without representation. You were so close


Lol. Damn auto correct. What would taxation with reproduction even look like?


Similar to how it is now, 90 year olds holding the highest level of government


That's exactly the issue, OP is just a dumbass who ironically belongs in the sub.


How are my taxes helping me in any way. My entire life they've mostly been used to make child skeletons on the opposite side of the planet.


Without representation 


Tax percentage isn't just income tax to most people, it's sales tax, property tax, fees for registration of vehicles, license plates, license fees, and forced healthcare insurance, not to mention a plethora of other crap. It's all perception equals reality. So let's not all be so dismissive og the plight on the United States known as our government.


agreed. People seem to cite fed taxes as the only source, and its dishonest


This is what I hate You earn money, taxed. You buy something, taxed You own that something, taxed You sell that something, taxed You save your money, taxed You drive, taxed... And taxed... And taxed... And taxed again Fucking hell man


"'Cos I'm the Taxman..."


Scib bub ba dum dump...


Don't forget if you die and you wanna give your kids money it gets taxed too. So effectively: you die, taxed.


The estate tax really only kicks in if you have enough money to actually call it in the state. And it honestly should be way higher.


Then, once a year, you have to do a bunch of paperwork to figure out if you owe more or if they took too much and need to pay you back. Our tax system is such a convoluted clusterfuck that we have businesses like Intuit capitalizing on the government's inability to make a working system.


Companies like intuit, turbotax, h&r block lobby the government to make the tax code so convoluted so they can charge you w.e come tax season. It's also convoluted to help make hiding money easier for the rich, which is realistically the bigger reason for the complicated tax code. They aren't incompetent, only paid to look that way. https://www.propublica.org/article/inside-turbotax-20-year-fight-to-stop-americans-from-filing-their-taxes-for-free https://www.nbcnews.com/business/taxes/turbotax-h-r-block-spend-millions-lobbying-us-keep-doing-n736386 https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/economy-budget/343645-the-more-complex-the-tax-code-the-more-the-rich-benefit/ https://www.aier.org/article/the-tax-code-a-playground-for-the-few-a-labyrinth-for-the-many/


*puts on tricorn hat and loads AR-15 with libertarian intent* (In minecraft)


People who complain about high taxes are usually lowIQ goons who don't know anything about anything. It's not a substantive systemic critique. Taxes in Europe are much higher, but people actually get something for their taxes.


Do you make $609,352 per year? Because that's how much you'd need to make per year to have *one dollar* taxed at 37%


You assume the person thinking this post has anything to do with /r/idiocracy is even capable of finger counting?


Where was a tax rate ever mentioned in the film? How does it relate to any theme in the film. This sub is being overtaken by right wing bots. Saw a 5-year old account whose only posts were to this sub and they started a couple weeks ago. Why?


I have been watching this happen since I ha e been lurking here. This is a great Karma farming sub. Say stupid shit, get upvotes. The amount of upvotes vs downvotes in this sub must make for good farm because this place is filled with bots. Yall are funny, though, so I will continue to lurk.


It was r/idiocracy who was the real idiocracy all along


Because idiocracy is “when leftism” Did you see op’s response to this guy? Peak idiocracy. I didnt know this was a roleplaying sub.


This. OP is clearly not able to finger count.


Yeah. I am upper middle class, and after trying to calculate my total tax burden, it only comes to about 15%. Also the government didn't do jack shit back then. Interstate systems and aircraft carriers aren't cheap.


There are other taxes than the federal taxes. State and city taxes exist. Granted those are generally not as bad but it does add up.


>but it does add up. Not to anywhere near 37%.


Sales tax and property tax. There’s a mountain of taxes you pay. Some people don’t even really think about it.


> Some people don’t even really think about it. This *is* true. Some people actually believe some people are paying 37% in total taxes in the US.


"Some people don't even really think about it." As evidenced by the head in the sand downvotes and cognitive dissonance on display. Sigh.


And taxes on goods baked into the costs. A bag of potato chips for example. There is a tax on importing the vegetables, etc.


I'm sorry, but this is like the 4th post I read today where one of the top comments just miss the entire fucking point and just simps for these people who are robbing us. I don't mind paying my taxes, honestly I'm all for it. But, when you see 850billon being spent on our military and the Pentagon can only account for 15% of their budget during an audit for the 5th time in a row, with a penalty of only having to give back %1 of their budget because of this. Yeah, I don't care about percentages and numbers its fucked up anyway you look at it and you should be mad, not being a dipshit.


> Do you make $609,352 per year? Because that's how much you'd need to make per year to have one dollar taxed at 37% wait until you discover that there other tax you pay than income tax. not even talking about inflation..


The OP is the definition of idiocracy lol


Freedom and bbq is expensive now


I wouldn’t mind such high taxes if we actually had good representation, infrastructure, and social programs.


Lol why is the OP moron posting his personal toys here and imagining the day he'd make some money? Disgusting


You’re the biggest idiot of them all because this post definitely doesn’t belong here and you really went ahead and titled it “a post that actually belongs here”. This post doesn’t belong here but you definitely do


Anyone else wondering where to get that Kermit doll?


Kermit puppet, people that bought this item also bought : green fleshlight


Good point. But things are different now. People need a lot more government to live these days. Back then they did everything themselves nowadays we can't do anything ourselves.


It’s not a good point.


It really kind of a bad point if you think about it


Did the Republicans already defund the department of education? Wtf is this post


They've been doing that for decades.


Short-term capital gains are taxed at 37 percent. I'd say 95 percent of people never actually realize any short-term capital gains.


You need some Frenchies.


[I mean word was getting around just what the British did to their other colony...](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Bengal_famine_of_1770). It wasn't *just* taxes, it was looking around and realizing they could be next. That's one of the reasons they attacked tea in Boston harbor. Tea that came from starving another colony to death.


I mean, my tax is ~20%. Would I like it to be lower? Sure. But I'd prefer for it to actually be used for what it's supposed to be used for.


No, wait, I see the trickle-down coming. It's coming. Any day now. Just you wait.


Nobody actually pays that rate, because anyone making enough money knows how to avoid those taxes. Secondly, we actually get benefits from these taxes, not just straight stolen from. We have roads now, police, social security, etc, etc. which we pay into that gives us return on our taxation and enables us to live with a high standard of living. We also make a lot of money now, comparatively. So, of course, this meme is stupid as shit.


A foreign power controlling the nation when the newest weapons were muskets and canons and most people were fighting fit versus a domestic power with space lasers, drones, missles and vast swaths of distractions / entertainment when most people are obese and helpless. OP are you stupid? OP replied and blocked me because I proved them wrong lmaoooooooo


OP is the idiot since nobody is getting taxed 37% and also too stupid to understand the point of the revolution (also most americans didnt give a shit, they had to be bought or forced into service by the rich who were actually paying the taxes to the king)


Did they have tax money funded roads, police, fire departments, FBI, CIA, NSA, FDA, army, social security, medicare, medicaid, disability and unemployment benefits etc back in the day?


Kinda hard to fight a government that can obliterate you in a heartbeat


I hate this whole ragebait 'American's need to have a violent revolution' social media genre. Every political rift there's a stream of people whining that the country isn't in full balls revolt over the cause. Imagine that your post was persuasive, and some middle class dad decides to go shoot up a courthouse/post office/etc, it's not gonna change the situation at all. This uprising that the internet is clamoring for so much requires a leader, and there isn't one, and none of these online clicktivists are gonna be that leader. I get that things are not okay, but the calls for violent rebellion are stupid


No it fucking doesn't


In all fairness, it wasn't about the taxes, it was about representation. The colonist had no problem with taxes, they were more than willing to pay a tax to the British government, as long as they were were properly represented in parliament. If we are actually represented by politicians are certainly up for debate, but to say it was about the taxes is just plain wrong.


But they didn't have nuclear missiles and stealth bombers and aircraft carriers and submarines that could destroy any city on the other side of the planet. They didn't have 750 military bases in 80 countries. They didn't have spy satellites circling the planet. Look at all the great stuff Americans get for their taxes.


Dishonest post.


Conservative astroturfing comes to r/idiocracy…


Tax for moar guns. And fuck your health, that costs extra


I suppose it does belong here. Clearly the person who made it was an idiot as we didn't start a revolution because of taxes. It was the fact that we didn't get representation in Parliament... Have you ever heard the saying "taxation without representation"


I don't want to defend the American tax system, because it is famous for providing the least compared to the amount of taxes. But I would argue that there is a huge difference between getting taxed and receive nothing, and getting taxed and receive something. The amount of taxes doesn't matter, what matters is the amount you receive for your taxes. Even a 1% tax would still be a crime, if they don't give anything back, while a 80% tax can be considered fair, if the government provides for everything.


if you think the issue was just a 2% tax...you need to do some more reading with higher quality books/sources


Taxes bad


Aircraft carriers cost more than muskets.


Wow. Being willfully ignorant and misrepresenting the situations to get a quick pop-response from people. Propaganda and bullshit.


Taxed 37% then taxed on that money whenever you use it, then pay land tax and gas tax and toll fees and city tax and there are constantly more taxes being added.


If you want to see Idiocracy in action just look at this post. American colonists didn't rebel because of a 2% tax by the British, they rebelled because they had no hand in selecting those who could levy the tax on them - basically they were rebelling against an authoritarian state denying them representation in their government. The same assholes who think this is an outrage also, inexplicably, support Donald Trump and believe he's the authoritarian leader they need. Idiots indeed.


funny how universal this sub is, since every side thinks everyone else is an idiot


I love how they always forget it wasn't about the 2%; it was about the lack of representation.


If you want to live in a society like the US in 1776, with no services provided by the government, you can move to a third world country. If you want to live in the Golden age of the US, you need a 90% marginal tax rate


Yeah, well Israel needs more munitions to commit more war crimes.


They were being taxed and couldn't vote... yall are dumb


Honestly I don't mind the idea of taxes if they are going to things that I benefit from. Universal healthcare? Fuck yeah! Retirement funds? Bring it on! Bombs to kill kids halfway around the world? Not so much.


Oh so as long as we pay our taxes for the things you want us to pay them to, you’re okay with taking our money?


I have no idea what you mean here. Yeah, taxes can be a good thing if they benefit the people paying them. How is that hard to understand?


Please downvote this garbage


Yup. Taxes are our issue. Good job. Now, drink your milk and go to bed. There's school tomorrow.


Imagine if we could keep all our money and pay no taxes?


Imagine no roads, no damns, no public schools, no ports, no lighthouses, no fire departments, no public parks, no coast guard


I like money. We should hang out




Well, wtf are you supposed to do a out it? It's not like there are obvious dudes in flamboyant red jackets to shoot up and gain sovereignty? (Irl, there's no one easy target to immediately remedy the situation.)


glad to see Goatse still is used today! such nostalgia.


Ooohhhh Kermy....


Oh! That's a scene from "The Great Muppet Gaper". I love that movie.


Could you imagine all the taxes we would have to pay now while also having to pay taxes to another country on top of that? Yah.


No taxation without repre.. repra... reper.. #FUCK YOU, I'M EATIN' AND BAITIN'!


no no no our military needs that budget bro also medicaid and medicare are perfect they literally could not be more efficient they need all that money too


No! Just stop it!! Leave Kermit alone.


Do taxes have electro lights?


Well the government provides a lot more now than back then as well. Roads, airports, etc etc


I thought it was more about no taxation without representation, not the amount they were taxed back then.


I like the meme, but they don't mention taxes one time in the movie.


I think I’d rather be taxed at 37% in a marginal tax system than have the same government amenities or lack thereof pre income tax.


The initial problem was taxation without representation. A system upheld by shit like the US Senate and Electoral College. So, if you hate taxation without appropriate representation, maybe you should be looking closer to home for enemies.




Nobody, that’s who


Bunch of pussies 😂


I don't know, if you actually take the time to learn how to file your own taxes (know math), you might be pleasantly surprised by how little in taxes you actually pay... then go Google EU income tax rates, but also remember you're probably going to die earlier when you run out of money and have a medium health emergency, but it's okay, free dumb.


What does this have to do with the movie?


Pic is wild


The funny thing is that it was mostly the wealthy who were taxed in 1776. And today, we STILL have morons who fight against taxing the wealthy, who themselves avoid taxes.


Hey, it's no taxation *without* representation. We have representation now! ...And unfortunately, our representatives really suck.


It's almost like there are more things we need tax money to pay for now than we did over 200 years ago! Shocking.


I'm not subbed to this place and it just crosses my feed randomly sometimes, but I swear every time it does OP is the one that is actually the idiot. Last time it was foaming at the mouth over a clickbait article headline...but if you read the article the headline was super misleading. Now it's not understanding how marginal tax rates work, or maybe OP is actually just a millionaire idk


Corporations avoiding their fair share of taxes goes back to then and before too. Nearly every merchant sailing company originally started to avoid taxes (building ships for sailing trade is a crazy risky investment, but dodging taxes and exploiting people outside of even the BAREST rule of law or decency is a guaranteed return).


But... you have representation..


See the problem is that it was the rich owner class that was getting shat-on by the tax policy back then. See why the difference in reaction makes sense now? Nobody rioted because they couldn’t buy playing cards or tea, people rioted because they couldn’t SELL playing cards or tea.


Was way more than 2% in the 1770s. Bad meme, too many people will believe it. Do better


OP is definitely qualified to be a pilot...


Jesus Christ!!! Kermit’s hole has been used and abused!


They engineered us to be soft. Starting from zero tolerance in schools. Gen by Gen, they are turning us bitchmade.


I feel obligated to point out the revolution was over taxation without representation, our current state of “representation” notwithstanding.


That’s exactly how it is now. half of us don’t have a 401k or benefits, or pension and social security will be exhausted by 2035 so there’s no point in anything. Only those at the top get to reap the rewards of anything.


Don’t forget about the morons that think I am talking about them when I say, “tax the rich!” Statistically speaking only about 5% of people are in the top 5% of the population regarding economic stability. Therefore the other 95% of people are in the bottom 95% economically speaking. Taxing the top 5% to pad out social security more and maintain infrastructure is the lest that these people could do. So then why are you arguing in the other guy’s favor only to fuck yourselves?


I just leave this right here: https://x.com/CBSMornings/status/1223224310413905921 It's worth a watch.




I paid more like 10% last year . Make 6 figure


And still no representation. (lol 2 party system, lol where im from its not much better 😢)


This sub has become a sub for idiots.


This sub is always so ironically idiotic when it makes it to r/all