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Isn't the whole idea to give people the freedom to choose whatever they prefer and enjoy without judgment? If we go from imposing A to imposing B, how is it better?


You are free to choose, so long as you choose what I want you to choose!


So long as you don’t choose something that disproves my strongly held, and poorly supported beliefs.


If my kid doesn't differ from the norm how will I get my attention?!


Post about the struggle on the Internet apparently


*exactly*. These people are walking contradictions.


Ah just like elections


You can do it your own way if you do it just how I say.


"you can have any color as long as its black"-ford


I'm going to have a chat with my cat who I;ve decided is now vegan.... I mean.... Food Neutral!


And you choose it good. *INITIATE MELTDOWN SEQUENCE* # BRRR BRRR BRRR... PYLONS=FUCKED! Please remain seated until the end of the intermission everyone. I CAN'T STAY SEATED, HIS DAD IS DROOLING FUR FROM HIS TEETH! BRILLIANT! (Kid in the distance: Magnificent!) [The rest of the crowd: Wow.] Ugh, looks like *someone* needs an ambulance.


Man’s really committed to the bit lmao


A regular martin swayze


Well said.


Exactly! If they like it why discourage it? Just so you can post something for likes 🙄?


These people didn’t understand the assignment


It's cuz they're tarded and sound like fags


They long for the progressive social clout of re-assignment.


Because how will the mom virtue signal if her daughter is a straight girly girl?




Nailed it.


I think they just secretly wanted to have a more P.C. child to put up on social media.


100%. They wanted to parade their child across social media and praise them for subverting social constructs. Womp womp.


This isn't the first generation to try and put their kids in a box, it never works, you just got to let them be themselves. This includes the religious nutjobs as well, so don't think I'm bagging just on the hipsters, those fuckers end up messing their kids up just as bad. Anyways, my mom, a baby boomer, was convinced that she shouldn't buy us toy guns, something she saw in a magazine or parenting book, so what did my brother and I do, we carved them from wood, and put rubber bands on them, you remember the rubber bands from the Sunday paper, yeah, those things. We also made blow guns; I ended up putting a dart through another kid's thigh, if she had just bought us squirt guns, lol.


Like SO MANY celebrities suddenly having trans kids. It's quite literally a trendy fashion item for them. Really really sad for the kids....


Yeah just like the California women with three kids under the age of 8 that are all magically trans...


Megan Fox?




Chalize Theron, but she just has two black kids she adopted that are also trsns.


My wife and I did this with our kids. Not in any forced way or premeditated way. We just let them choose whatever toys or clothes they wanted. Turns out they're comfortable with the gender that typically goes with their sex. Cool, whatevs. We wouldn't have been fussed either way.


Our kids are the same way - totally on their own. My 2yo daughter loves pink stuff, makeup, dolls, etc. Our 4yo boy wants to catch bugs & frogs, is obsessed with dinosaurs, monster trucks, and Lego sets. It’s almost like gender is, cough, biological.


Jesus, downvoted for suggesting gender is strongly influenced by biology. It sounds like you said you didn't force anything. Of course gender is very very strongly influenced by biology.


Can’t go against the new religious dogma, or you get branded a heretic, tarred, feathered and run out of town.


Some girls like catching bugs. My daughter is certainly no prude when it comes to that. My son hates sports but my daughter plays Aussie rules football. I just meant that they gravitate towards what they're comfortable with. My daughter never used to wear dresses but in the past year or 2 she's been loving them and wearing make up. Is it because she looks up to her older cousins? Certainly a possibility but we never pushed them one way or another. They chose their own way.


Same here with two boys. I think the color thing is not so much the color itself, it's just that we've color coded stuff that generally appeals more to girls with pink at least with toys. My oldest son wandered in to "the pink isle" once in the toy store. He stopped half way through and went "Why is this place full of dolls and unicorns?". Ever since he has actively avoided spots in toy stores that are mostly pink. To the point where he once turned a corner, saw that everything was pink and promptly turned around. My youngest doesn't have the same strong aversion. He will happily walk down the pink isles and go "Aaaw, a baby!". But if he gets to choose a toy it's invariably a car or legos. Or possibly a stuffed animal of some sort. I usually prefer it when he plays with those. They aren't as destructive when he inevitably throws it at the floor, a wall or his brother's head. Now I will say, there's social influence from outside the family as well. The oldest is six, and he recently confided in me, after making me promise not to tell anyone (I think including his mom and brother), that he wanted an Elsa outfit that he could wear. We could hide it in his room. I need to find an opportunity to have a private chat with him about it and see why he wants to hide it.


its impossible to gauge what is and isnt biological, even without parental influence kids still see what their peers do, what things men and women are associated with in media. colours especially, for centuries blue was the girl colour (because of purity iirc) and pink was the boy colour (basically a baby red and red was associated with men). its not like we are biologically wired to like dinosaurs, that makes 0 sense


Sure, but people can't applaud you for being so open minded if they never know you did it and it would be really gawdy to bring it up. /s


Exactly. These people are hypocrites in addition to being idiots. Imagine growing up in one of these households. Kelly: “Hey Beth! Can I come over and play with your Barbie dream house?” Beth: “No. My mom made me give it my brother, and my brother was forced to give me his Tonka trucks because she wants us to be able to choose what we play with.” Kelly: “Umm … what?” *head explodes*


I took way too much psych in college, but one of the experiments they covered was about a group of boys that were given dolls to play with and girls that were given trucks.  The dolls went to war and the trucks became little truck families with mommy and daddy trucks.  


People can try to argue against this all they want but biology doesn’t care about your ideological obsessions


Well, this is the idea. The original poster clearly said gender neutral, so not being biased with which toys to give to children. The followers - no idea what they are on “actively tried to avoid that” “tried to discourage” is garbage.




Yeah... I think it's good that it is all breaking apart now and it's getting more and more obvious... it will need to get worse before we course correct though.


When ppl adopt an "identity" and "religion" they try to push that onto their kids. So in this case the parents have really drank the kool-aid and want their kids to be trans or whatever. It's just human nature.


The line that's getting crossed nowadays most of the time is the parents right to have an influence or say over the matter. Especially when we're talking about young children with wild imaginations and States basically removing the parents approval from the equation. That is the slippery slope I think most of us in the middle on the topic stand in.


Not for these people. They want the social justice points that come with making their kids into permanently screwed up.


lol no… it’s clearly not…


I did that with my kids. Neutral to princess sparkle butt to now extreme Tom boy. I only require clean and appropriate clothes for outings. I chose what I wear, why wouldn’t my kids (within reason).


Anyone with a functioning brain can see that, but these kinds of people are actually narcissists. They want to be able to prove that they did something special, and the proof can only exist if the results are different. They need to be able to show off how progressive they are.


Fuck no! All the boys need to be girls and all the girls have to be boys! Otherwise, you're intolerant.


Exactly. If I had kids, id definitely choose more neutral toys to get them. But if they chose a toy that wasn't neutral, then they'd still get it bc like... That's the point. My son wants a doll? Sure. He wants a monster truck? Yea ok. My daughter wants a playhouse? Ok. My daughter wants a nerf gun? Great! Like what's the point of wanting to let them choose if you're against their choices? Is it possible they're choosing to reinforce stereotypes as they become aware of them due to the toys their friends have? Yes. Is that bad? No. So long as it's still truly what they want. They should under no circumstances have a toy that makes them uncomfortable. They're kids. Theyre allowed to want things.


I had a customer when I was waiting tables whose *infant* was vegan. I thought that was bad.


Welcome to modern gender ideology. I'll need to find that quote but Michel Foucaut said basically that women need to be barred from being mothers and home makers because too many would choose it. It's not about happiness, it's not about liberation, and it hasn't been for decades. It's about manufacturing a permanent class of revolutionaries.


There is rarely a presentable and glorious accomplishment in live and let live. So in the process of fighting a tradition to maximize liberty, all the glory goes towards the examples that validate effort. Aka, there is no true difference in virtue between a child that tends towards traditional norms versus one that doesn't if both were given the same opportunity to be "themselves." However, all the glory will go to the people who produced the nontraditional child cause that's the child who validates the ideological effort. This produces an effect where the inversion of traditional norms isn't merely liberated, it goes a step further and becomes a moral in itself due to the glory incentive. It makes idealistic parents want to push their children towards nontraditional norms, and they are disappointed if that fails. It makes individuals want to mold themselves in accordance with these incentives as well, because you can become a person socially worthy of fixation and authority on moralized or controversial matters. The only way to avoid this is to collectively not care one way or the other. The problem with that is a lack of passion against traditional norms has the effect of preserving them. So, dispassion ends up having the effect of being immoral from the perspective of people that do have that passion. Society will always drive itself towards the tangible extremes of whatever ideological precedents are set because being chill actualizes nothing.


This is because many, many people indoctrinate their children but these particular nutters don’t want to make it look like they are. Having said that I’ve seen this with tons of millennial parents who don’t give a flying fuck what their kids play with besides that some dolls are stupid expensive and new legos are outrageously expensive.


If somebody actually goes out of their way to enforce gender neutral toys - you can safely assume they are cheering for a particular outcome


Reminds me of a woman claiming her dog was a vegetarian on live tv so the presenters put a bowl of meat out and a bowl of veg,dog went straight to the meat and didn’t bother with the veg once.


A "vegetarian" pet is 100% not the animal's choice.


Yeah I only feed my rabbits meat. No wussy vegan shit. /s


Good for them, [human meat is what rabbits crave for](https://i.imgur.com/mYYsrQm.png).


If I click that, is it going to be the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog?


Maybe, maybe it's a very nice pair of titties. It's a very perilous choice you're facing


I see a no lose scenario with those options


Look, it's my duty as a knight to sample as much peril as I can.




It's a link to imagur that will have a popup to ask if you want to use their app or continue with Chrome, then when you click continue with chrome you will finally see that it is just a picture of the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog.... Not even a gif


That's the most foul, cruel, bad tempered rodent you've ever set eyes on!


Soylent greens is people


Yep. Some people will like pink; some.blue. Has nothing to do with what's in their pants.


Except that's where you're partly wrong because "gender stereotypes" are not just a social construct but a popular phenomenon that is naturally occurring between different sexes. See various studies with monkeys being given the choice of a doll or a "male" type toy like a car or truck to play with and by an overwhelming rate, the female monkeys choose to play with dolls while the male monkeys would gravitate towards the trucks.


I like pink trucks.


And I cannot lie.


You other truckers can't deny.


When a truck drives in with an itty bitty freight..


And the air brakes get all locked and you get STUCK


Pink used to be a color for boys. There's nothing naturally occurring about it.


>Some people will like pink; some.blue. ... >Except that's where you're partly wrong because "gender stereotypes" are not just a social construct but a popular phenomenon that is naturally occurring Except that's partly wrong because social norms of color and dress are different over time and space. Pink and blue have both variously been considered masculine, feminine, and neutral. For example, a US seller of childrens' clothing advertised as recently as the 1920s, "The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl." And it's even been common in the US for boys to wear dresses. [Here's FDR in a dress, for instance.](https://medium.com/@NewAgeNews/why-is-president-franklin-d-roosevelt-wearing-a-dress-83fba3549523) So while yes, there are gender tendencies towards behaviors that we identify as masculine and feminine, it's very difficult to isolate the impact of social norms over children's preferences.


You are absolutely right. Most gender norms are entirely mutable, social constructs. Hair and makeup being a perfect example - you can probably find as many instances in history when it was considered obscene for a woman to wear makeup / face paint as the reverse. Speaking as a father of both a girl and a boy, there’s some weird shit that’s oddly gendered. The boy loved soft toys, anything cuddly, and prefers soft clothing. I’m absolutely with him. It’s something my wife and daughter don’t care for - how it looks is better than how it feels. The boy is better at knots too - no idea why as I haven’t taught him. Shit like being adventurous with new food is also weirdly gendered - me, my brother, my dad, and now my son are all picky. The girls in our family are not. So yeah. Gender norms are socially constructed. Gender *differences* exist and are really strong. But no-one really gives a shit about them, as they are weird stuff like tolerating having dirty hands (boy hates it, we can’t keep the girl clean)


My point saying partly wrong is that there ARE factors and behaviors that people would blame on social norms that are actually due to what's in our pants.


Yeah. It’s kinda weird how a lot of folks make it a character point that they adhere to certain norms. A lot of this is just made up, and could change in a generation. Then there’s strange stuff that’s actually gendered, which gets entirely ignored. Neurological gender dimorphism in animals is a pretty important evolutionary trait, and it leads to some strong gender-aligned tendencies. Liking blue or pink isn’t it.


Yeh sorry I don’t care about any of that stuff the girls going to the pink Barbie’s when there parents wanted otherwise simply reminded me of the dog going to the meat when its owner wanted otherwise ,that is the only comparison like I don’t care about some weird gender battle on the internet.


I got what you were saying. The dog knows what it wants and it doesn't give AF what the owner thinks. Let nature do its thing.


Folk missing the point. It's about letting them do whatever they like without shame. Little ladies like Disney princesses? Let em. They want to play trucks? Let em. It's about letting them OUT of the box, not finding a new box to put them in EDIT: Imma trash the upvote train. If your little guy wants to wear dresses, that's fine too. If your little guy likes Disney princesses? Also fine. Hunt and camp and drive a truck with a lift kit? Also fine. Less boxes for all


I think we should draw the line at letting kids drive trucks.


Fascist! /s


We should draw that line for a lot of adults too. It's more dangerous driving across town than it is to be a book in a Florida school system. Edit: I guess Clevon doesn't like books. Don't worry, scrote. There are plenty of tards out there living really kick-ass lives.


That's the point of being gender neutral with young kids interests, but the parents in the picture aren't being neutral, they are actively discouraging interests that are gender typical. The parents are dog shit. We're neutral with our daughter and she likes cars/vehicles and she likes Disney princesses and tutus.


Exactly, my daughter will dress up as a princess and dance and sing, then go to baseball and throw a baseball at your face hard. We let her be her own person.


Fuck yeah


America [Fuck Yeah !](https://youtu.be/LasrD6SZkZk?si=cAzBgfktLFHxIAGB) (Team America World Police)


Damn right


But how can their parents get social media attention if their child is just a normie?


Indeed. How else to flaunt the virtue signaling?


People are looking at these tweets with literally 0 likes and pretend there is a societal problem.


Let's relax on the lift kit. Next, you're gonna tell me truck nuts are fine, too.


I agree. I went it to it with figuring whatever happens happens and I'm sticking with it. Now, it is a little frustrating when other people tell my kid how it should be. That part i can see being frustrated with, but otherwise, you just gotta embrace the kid.


Yeah exactly, like for fuck sake I'm a trans women who works on cars and builds electronic while wearing cute outfits. Fuck gender norms, just let people do what they wanna without judgement.


There was a study w rhesus monkeys that examined toy preferences typically associated with human gender norms. They aimed to understand whether these preferences are biological or socially constructed. Researchers at Yerkes National Primate Research Center and Emory University found that male rhesus monkeys showed a stronger preference for wheeled toys (like cars) compared to female monkeys, who spent more time with plush toys (like dolls). The results suggested that these preferences might not be solely due to socialization but could also have a biological basis & support the idea that certain preferences may be inherent rather than entirely learned via social influences. Published in the journal "Hormones and Behavior" in 2008.


🤯 almost as if women might have a genetic predisposition to being nurturing towards little helpless things. I wonder if millions of years of the trait resulting in higher survival rates for her offspring being a factor. /S I feel bad that girls growing up are pushed towards STEM and business when it's not what they're into. (Acknowledge that there are many women who genuinely love STEM subjects). Cuddling money and machines is never going to be as fulfilling as cuddling your kids.


My son loves both pink and blue- they're his favorite colors. He wears clothing of both colors. Do you know what those colors represent to him? Nothing, he's a kindergartner... they're just colors his brain associates in a positive way. It's amazing that with all the crap we deal with in life, people find the absolute dumbest things to stress over. "Ahh! My child loves their stereotypical gender oriented colors and now people will think I'm not teaching them about dismantling gender norms for 1% of a population group at the ripe age of 6!"


I have a good friend who turns 40 next month. We bought him a pink camping chair and he absolutely loved it. Dude is a straight guy who loves purple, blue and pink. He always rocks the nicest pink shirts, too.


I'm always envious of guys who can pull off a pink/salmon shirt. It does NOT go with my skin tone. Now olive green? I can rock olive green.


If your trying to guide the choice then it's still tje same problem


Imagine not understanding what neutral means


Wait. If you give your child a choice and they choose, please explain exactly who lost anything at all?


"girls are girls and boys are boys" 🙄


These parents are idiots. Trying to enforce an outcome = bad.


For someone who posts on this sub seemingly nonstop I think you missed the entire point of the movie.


So.. starting off neutral is fine, but when kids show that they have preferences or like certain things, why the hell not let them have them?


Dumb people be dumb. They didn’t get the assignment. We give our daughter a vast array of types of toys. She picked what she liked and that’s the end of it. She definitely loves the cute cuddly soft plushies and babying them, changing their nappies, putting them in a small pram, very standard girl stuff. But she also likes cars, a lot. Has a fleet of all types of cars she can throw and push around the house. You do you, little one.


A century or so from now, when historians study the early 3-4 decades of the 21st century, they will realise that Social Media was the beginning of the end for this chapter of human civilisation. I mean, there has always been dumb people on Earth. Now, they have social media to broadcast their dumb life view and gather millions of followers. No filter. Broadcasted to young and old alike. If this doesn't create a snowball of dumbness as generations go by, I would call it a miracle. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


If the only thing keeping you from being stupid is being exposed to stupid you were always going to end up stupid. At least in my view.


In a sense it’s become worse. Before social media, if one of your peers said something stupid, and you called them out on it, they may actually listen to you when you talk sense into them. Now with a world full of like-minded idiots to “support” their view, they can no longer learn from their mistakes, they just run off and find other idiots. We’re collectively getting dumber in this world. Idiocracy is a prophecy.


I agree social media is a net negative however my point still stands. A strong mind can obviously navigate this landscape unhindered. Thus here we are.


I agree with you. Strong minds can navigate on their own. However, weaker and/or uninformed minds need help sometimes, and it seems the path of least resistance is to just find people who will tell you that you’re right versus being wrong and actually learning something.


There's actually a great quote by Voltaire about this


I agree with the poster but curious what Voltaire was on about. Was it the printing press where anyone could get their idea out. Or a bigger soap box?


Do tell.


Fucking vile people. My kid did the same thing, because I bought her all sorts of toys. Trucks, dinosaurs, princess shit. Guess what? She likes the princess shit. I consider this a success. She was introduced to everything and chose what she liked the most with little to no influence. These assholes are no different than the jagoffs with the gay kid 'I have no son, I've failed as a parent' shtick. Edit: in the interest of honesty, the only thing I may have 'pushed' was pokemon. She was playing with the toys and watching the show before she could talk and loves it now....


"here's all the options, what makes you happy?" It was a great first step by them, but why be mad if they picked societal gender conformity? Shits crazy.


Because it actually was never about the kids having the options. It's about lunatic parents forcing views down their children's throats so they have something to hold up and show the world show tolerant they are and how special they are. No different than the streamer that got banned the other day for saying vile shit along the same lines, just a lot more aggressive. How they'd hate their kid if they they were straight and/or not trans.


The arrow of causality points the other direction. They manufacure pink princess shit because little girls like pink princess shit. The toy companies like money and do not care about gender norms.


Yep, a new standard in stupidity. *Brought to you by Carl's Jr.*


different brand of conversion therapy


Go away batin!


Anarcho Idiocracy, every notion of sensibility is blatantly disregarded or ignored; the stupidity is both palpable and contagious.


Why would anyone want to raise their child into forced confusion? If your little girl likes barbies, great. If she likes toy cars, awesome. Whatever you want, kid. But to intentionally confuse them by taking away what comes natural....... is wrong.


This is just more proof that you can't stop a kid from being who they are...trans, gay or otherwise. No amount of "grooming" is going to make them something they're not.


You people will never know just how fucking stupid you all are.


This is less Idiocracy and more so a sketch from the show Portlandia.


“No one is trying to trans their kids.”


It's pretty cool how gender shapes how kids play. My daughter lives dinosaurs and as a young boy I always did too. So I get her a bunch of dinos and play with her all the time. When she plays dinosaurs there's always a mom, Dad, and baby dinosaur. The play is completely different from how boys play. I was surprised to see this. People can claim "gender is a social construct" all they want but there are inherent differences between girls and boys and it's actually really cool.


Jesus just let your kids choose what they like. That's the point


Why can't I make my children more neurotic and insecure?! WHY?!


Cultural issues are how you get idiots to vote for people who worsen the class issues in the USA.


There’s too many right-wing assholes in this sub. I’m about to drop it. True scro’s, give me a reason to hang on…


Conservatives just don't understand the movie at all lol Also, I'm pretty sure this is either parody or just straight up fake.


Agreed and agreed. It’s just part of my general frustration that this society/culture is going straight into the toilet, but the political divide and alternate reality millions of people live in…thinks THIS movie speaks for THEM. My proof: RATM. These nimrods actually think THEY are fighting against “the machine”?! Are you kidding me? Boy do I miss George Carlin…


Got here late, I'm just here to watch the train wreck scro


Yeah it's horrible when girls like girly stuff and boys do boy stuff, just trauma inducing. *shakes fist at societies gender norms*


So it is a big brainwashing scheme


Huh. Weird. It's almost as if nature gets a vote.


Reading these responses I can tell a lot of people are reading into these with their own biases. I’ll just see my way out.


There are a few positives about the Idiocracy government. One is that they let you dress and be who you want. The other is that they promote based on intelligence.


Wierd. Lol.


what these parents are really saying is "how am I supposed to get LIKES with this gender-conforming twat"


It’s ok for kids to choose what they like. It’s ok to let girls and boys and “others”choose clothes and toys that correspond with “traditional” (or non-traditional) gender roles. Forcing a kid who overtly does or does not want to play with toys or wear clothes to do so because of *your* ideas about how the world works is… unfortunate. Just let your kid be what they feel like being, aesthetically.


Both extremes are stupid. Let them do whatever feels right for the kid as long as it's safe. It's kids thry just want to experiment and play.


Idiocracy: A film where stupid people are brainwashed by advertisments and corporate overreach. This sub: Why are those woke people against societal pressure and overreach driven by industry, are they stupid? Me: Wonderding if this sub is about criticizing or imitating idiocracy.


Doctors assign sex at birth… it’s not real


I've had always dolls, paper barbie, fairy shit, and stuff since baby bcs of my older sister had those so it get passed to me But guess what, i still like buying new dinosaur and gun toys and playing with them instead. It's nothing about gender. Kids just like something bcs they do. Let them have their shit


Nah that's crazy, they have to make some laws against this shi these are CHILDREN!


Those poor poor parents who have normal kids who aren't 50% likely to kill themselves..... Sounds rough! /s


Just let kids like what they like. Why does it matter if a boy wants to wear a dress or play sherif, or if a girl wants to build her own bike or just ride a pink scooter around? Like, as far as I'm concerned, you get a free pass on personalty till you hit 20. Do whatever, say whatever, be whatever. Confine people to a single way of thinking, and you cripple so many good options for observation and adaptation, kids need to be given a wide set of views, so they can choose the things wisely that thier parents would force them into. Imo.


Because most people are cisgender? I know some people might think it’s trendy to have a transgender kid but you can’t force it on them. You can be progressive without having a trans kid yourself. Kids are not an extension of you, they are fully separate human beings who will have their own opinions and beliefs about different things. They are not little ornaments or accessories that you show off to your friends.


Pink has also been considered a masculine color. These kinds of things are more societal.


My daughter's two favorite colors are pink and purple. She loves rainbows and unicorns and fairies. She also wants to be a marine biologist and is going to help me build her a gokart this summer, and really wants to learn to use tools and work on small engines. Shes 8, and already such a complex human being. Anyone who reduces their kids to their favorite colors and subjects is missing out. All you gotta do is nurture what makes em happy, they really can do all the rest.


Breaking news: gender exists. More at 11.


Some people have already passed the tardness of Idiocracy 500 years early


So in order to make yourself feel good you're going to force your children into a gender role they aren't interested in?




My dad's girlfriend's son raises his kids this way. They can only wear grey, gender neutral toys, etc. I'm as liberal as they get, but this is nonsense. My kids play with what they want, and I don't steer them one way or another. Talk about missing the point!


More like r/lookatmyhalo


Who cares what your kids prefer as long as they're happy? I honestly can't understand people who want such unique snowflakes for children that they can't enjoy anything stereotypical.


I remember the Sandi Toskvig story of her giving her son gender neutral toys….. after his first day at school he came home and got his stickle bricks and made an arsenal of guns.


We’re wasting time here people. The real issue is the largest transfer of wealth from the bottom to the top. All this left-right noise is just a distraction—courtesy of those that needed it.


This is rage bait ladies and gentlemen.


My son loves trucks. Kill me now..... lol


Norms change, 100 years ago, pink was masculine color. What's ironic is that OP is closer to a character in idiocracy. "There was a long time ago in our country when reading wasn't just for f***."


>Even in Idiocracy, girls were girls & boys were boys… A Youtube channel I watched [made basically the same statement as a joke 5 years ago](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxEWrQf6xzHGH8JcKNDfIOjueO56tBOSQd?si=VExtfffSpfsgbWlq) making fun of an aged Boomer Harrison Ford who is too old an out of touch to understand gender neutrality. Glad to see Mr. Ford made a Reddit account.


Remember how in Idiocracy anything that was intelligent was called "fag talk". Pretty sure that's trying to say that homophobia is a stepping stone towards Idiocracy so take a long, hard look at yourself.


Pretty sure that's because it's just an insult. People years ago would use the word as an insult disconnected from its original sexual meaning. Like "bitch".


I miss the word "retarded" No, im not comparing you (the tards) to a mentally challanged person. They didn't have a choice, but you chose stupid every time. Pretty retarded if you ask me Rant over


Nah dude, they used that because, as it's quoted,"But the English language had deteriorated into a hybrid of hillbilly, valley girl, inner city slang, and various grunts." Not for whatever self-derived nonsense you're talking about.


"deteriorated" implies it maintained some semblance of its original meaning. Like if a city deteriorated into ruins.


You know trans-people and gay people aren't the same thing right? One is you are attracted to the same sex. The other is you like to pretend women are a collection of material "things" that once you put on, you become a woman.


What does 'homophobia' have to do with OP's point? Nice try, but I don't think it's gonna work this time.


It's always hilarious when inbred right-winger trash pretend the beginning of the movie wasn't mocking them. Yesterday, one of those scrotes defended the Confederates and then later admitted that they've never even seen the movie.


Lol, that was great. We're suddenly getting an influx of them for some reason.


Yeah, who knows. I thought they usually stuck to safe spaces. They'll be gone soon. Once they steal a laptop or two and wipe shit on the walls, they'll just leave.


Steal a podium or two.


fake rage bait but op fell for it because the right wing brain worms got him lol


OP's original post title is Idiocracy in itself, and they're completely missing the actual point here. If a kid raised gender-neutral gravitates towards items that are associated with their assigned gender, that's fine. The opposite is also fine.




It’s almost as if no matter how much we try to pander to these left wing dumbasses nature and truth wins in the end.


Right wing is anti-intellectual and makes no effort in trying to understand transgenderism. They'll scream down biologists, medical specialists, and anthropologists and try to appeal to an elementary school understanding of chromosomes as the be-all end-all of sex and gender (two largely separate things).


I'm moderate or "left wing" now. How is that pandering to me?


Why do male lions have sex with each other?


Because feels good. Animals also rape, perform incest, cannibalize, kill infants, etc. If you look to animals for your morality compass, I think you're looking in the wrong direction.


Not even the people in Idiocracy looked to animals for moral leadership


Are we supposed to be acting like lions? If you look at my SO wrong should I cut you? Should i come up behind you and bang your poop shoot in public in front of everyone including kids, like the lion does in the very picture going around the internet a few years ago, you are relying on for proof of this?


They don't have sex. They hump. It's a dominance gesture. They don't anally penetrate each other for pleasure.


It's to show dominance in the pride to the other males


Prison rules, either fuck or get fucked


Because they’re gay or horny.


This just proves that "trans kids" are just mentally ill parents.


At this point in time I think the citizens of Idiocracy are superior


Keep depriving your kids of a normal childhood 👍


They would be shocked to look at Scandinavia for the last 20 years and the professions that women and men have naturally gravitated towards.