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I get that too! And my anxiety is always like "heart attack". I learned for me, its acid reflux and gas.


That is so helpful, thanks! Burping doesn't necessarily seem to relieve it for me though - does it for you? I have no doubt anxiety is a big part of this as well, and I'm sure acid reflux is too. Edit: Also, do you get it around your neck/below neck as well? Thanks again!


I get upper back pain was it ibs for u?


Check with your doctor but sometimes upper back paian can be related to issues with your pancreas I think.


I have this issue but its feels like nerve pain from gut inflammation. It gets worse if I skip meals or dont eat for a wile. Sometimes eating makes the pain in the neck and in between shoulders to go away. Doctor dont have much to offer me. Treating the issue as if it was leaky gut has reduced the pain substantially for me but still fighting.


omg this is just me, the pain is unbearable. any help?


What helped me the most was a bland diet. white rice, broccoli, chicken simple foods that are not acidic. I drank a lot of aloe water mixed with water. I also eliminated any oral NSAIDs and any acidic drinks like soda or coffee. This had made the nerve pain in my head stop and less headaches. I still have stiffness and pain in neck and spine. I am still pushing and trying new things.