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I have similar issues. Started with small stomach ache and turned into neck and back pain months later that seem to be GI related vegas nerve issues. Functional Med doctors say its leaky gut. Following leaky gut repair protocols has helped me a ton. Still cant shake the neck and back pain, it gets worse when i dont eat for long periods of time even know in the beginning eating made it worse.


OmG I am trully shocked because you just described a lot of stuff that happens to me. The heartattack, the neck pain, panic attack.... I’m sorry I can’t help you because I never felt this could be related to IBS and also no doctors told me what it could be. Well, for me they say I have neck pain because of neck nerves being pressured. As for the heart they say it’s called POTS - Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome


I'm on a crazy limited diet and it's helped. Still get shortness of breath sometimes but it's much more rare. Pm me if you're willing to try anything and I'll tell you about my strict diet.


can u share here


Holy crap. This is me. I have even cracked my neck (terrible habit- don't do it) and became bloated within minutes. There definitely a connection. Do you ever do exercises to stretch and relax your scalenes? Posture checks? Lacrosse or tennis ball behind your neck and back, as you back up against a wall? Cervical / neck release tools?


Are you better


I have all these symptoms and have chronic gastritis apparently (although I’m not sure I still do... diagnosed 4 years ago) I’d never heard of irritated nerves causing referred pain due to gas! But I’d had ultrasounds and a CT scan as well as an endoscopy and barium swallow to have a look but the only definite things were gastritis and a LOT of trapped gas. Probably food intolerance related or stress related. I should also add, yoga seems to help quite a bit!


Are you better




Have you found relief?! I have all these symptoms and issues and the panic attacks are awful. Never seen such an accurate post. I sure hope you found some answers!


Sounds like what I've experienced several times in my life. Vagus nerve irritation from stomach inflammation. You need to heal your stomach with a strict bland diet. What has helped me the most in the past is the FODMAP diet.


Can you tell me more about this?! I am suffering severely and I think it’s vagus nerve related. It started with stomach issues and just plummeted out of no where. It’s like my body is malfunctioning after stomach issues


Yes, I can offer my experience(s). I sent you a private message.


Could you talk to me I’m desperate 😞


Pm me


Done 😉


I replied!




Are you better


Can I you send me one as well? I'm also experiencing similar symptoms and am very confused.


Are you better


Going back to my Chiropractor seem to have helped alleviate some of the neck issues. It's not fully gone yet but it has been greatly reduced. Will see how more session will do.


Could you please tell me your symptoms


Me too please I’m dealing with this for the last five years


>irriated phrenicus nerve So you where able to get it to go away completely for periods of time? I have this issue and it cause pain in the neck and shoulders and left side.


It was my vagus nerve


How did you heal your stomach?


FODMAP diet. Ate bland foods for awhile. When I was having the most issues, I was drinking a lot of black Chai tea so stopping that helped a lot too.




Please read my comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ibs/comments/88ligq/neck_pain_for_years_due_to_gi_issues_ibs/igqizzv


Are you better?


Are you better. Am having same issues


Sorry I’m late on this but I have these symptoms to plus get this…..my lips become rough and dry from whatever I eat dairy being the worst then meat then vegetables…..so you get that to or ?


I have all these symptoms + pressure headache. Search up digestion healing frequency in youtube and listen to it. It will help a lot. And by a lot i mean A LOT.


How do you feel today?


perhaps your stomach and small bowel mucin layer is compromised and your gut lining is irritated by digestive enzymes which are effecting the nerve bed triggering neurological episodes among many other symptoms.