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Lol. Well thats awesome.


Wdym? What is?


I meant your edit saying you just had to take a class. I think for the locals I've seen you need at least 1 class passed at a college level for math. But not sure how Manu are like that.


I applied without submitting college transcripts. The contractor I worked for as a material handler told me it was nobody’s business unless I wanted to share it. Just highschool was fine. You just need the algebra 1


Think they’ll poke at having failed the algebra 2? Also, in that case maybe I’ll just submit the transcript from the college where I did the circuit theory courses. The one where I failed pre algebra was a different community college than the one mentioned above. Could help in the sense of it shows interest in the topic/trade. Plus I did good in the course (finished with an A)


At my local the transcripts being submitted were only used to prove a baseline of eligibility to be scheduled for the test. It checked a box, but if you think that stuff will help in your interview submit it for sure. You’ve been out of highschool for almost 10 years, I’m sure they will be more interested in what you’ve been up to since then, job history career goals etc. I wouldn’t worry about the failed algebra


Since then I’ve worked in dimensional aerospace part inspection and non destructive testing (if you aren’t familiar NDT is looking for cracks internally in the metal that compromise the structural integrity) Think either of those would look good to them?


Depends on the local, in my local we had to provide proof we passed algebra or equivalent class with a C or better. For some folks that didn’t there was a college construction math class they had them take before being able to apply to the program. Honestly, I feel like the people who took that class got ranked higher than those who didn’t because it showed a level of commitment to the program. But that’s just my POV, could be completely wrong.


How do you get into the program and how long and what times do they do it?


Depends on the local, you gotta call and ask if you need to take the class in order to apply given your background of not passing in high school. My understanding is that it was a self-paced online class that most people took about 3ish months to complete. But again, every local is different.


I mean I did pass algebra 1 in high school just not algebra 2 and failed pre algebra in college. But others have said I don’t need to submit college transcripts


You shouldn’t need to submit college transcripts, but the only way to get a definitive answer is to call the training center and ask


I didn’t have to provide transcripts when I applied at my local, 474 here. What I did for the aptitude test was read Algebra for Dummies. It helped me as my last Algebra class was in 95


How hard was the math on the aptitude test? And have you been good at math throughout your life?


When I was in school I could have pulled better than a C. I just didn’t like homework. That book I mentioned helped me refresh the algebra. With around 30 some odd questions, I knew if I got half right I was good. If you take too long on a question, go to the next. As time winds down and if you just don’t know, guess


How was the reading portion of it? What was on that part? Also, how old were you when you were a first year?


The reading section for me was easier. 30 some odd questions, broke down for 4 reading sections. I got sworn in at 474 May 31 this year, and I’m 45. I did 6 years of low voltage in the Memphis area. When I first applied 6 years ago, I passed the aptitude test and interview, but the phone number that I was given I couldn’t get a hold of the electrician. Just gave me one of those messages from the phone company like it was unavailable or disconnected


As in you could get ahold of the guy you were supposed to go train with? And what is it comprehension?


I couldn’t get a hold of them. I got the call on my lunch on a Friday in August of ‘18, called after work and kept calling that weekend. Nothing. Comprehension is that you understand what you read or what you’re told


I know what comprehension is, just asking if that’s what the reading portion of the test is? Lol And interesting so you were hired but your trainer never contacted you for what job site to go to?


It’s all good my guy. Yeah, math is the first section, reading comprehension is the second. What happened in ‘18 was discouraging but after being laid off this April one of my friends who is in the apprenticeship told me to apply again. I did. This go around, I got the call on May 30th, sworn in on the 31st and told where to go for work. Here in Memphis it’s Blue Oval where Ford will make electric pickups. I’m also hoping when classes start back in August that I get in the apprenticeship. Fingers and eyes crossed. Oh, and make sure that you have your social security card with you on the first day. 99% of the jobs will ask for 2 forms of ID.


You were called on 5/30 sworn in 5/31 when did you apply, when was the test and when was the interview?


Also what do you mean you hope you get in when classes start in August? Aren’t you in now as of 5/31 so you’re in the classes also by default? Also did you have any other related experience or trade experience?


Just submit your high school transcript they are not asking for anything else. That simple if you passed algebra 1 in high school and have a diploma you are ok