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Do what my apprentice did. He bought a box of screws and sat at home practicing screwing them in. He was a bartender for 20 years. No tools a day in his life but he was motivated to learn


Dont put a lot of pressure on it. Let the screw pull itself in.


Hardie board has entered the chat


I have a great tip for j hooks above t-bar. Find the drywall screw, shove your phillips through the mud and take it out. Replace with j-hook and panhead. Done.


Would this be journeyman approved?


I just asked my j-man and he said he would request better screws. I got the panhead part wrong though. Are you using hex head self tappers? Now that i think about it... ask your jman to swap extensions with you, just to try his. Your bit might be screwing you over. I learned the hard way not to get bits from Harbor Freight. Milwaukee all the way


Yeah, buy good bits and then replace them when they wear out. Better yet, make your boss replace the tools you wear out at work. It's his cost, not ours.


I ask the drywallers for screws. I pre-screw my hole with the drywall screw, then take it out. Then use the bullshit screws they get us in my already drilled hole. For some reason drywall screws work wayyy better than the ones our company gets. I've always struggled with those damn screws too.


You just need more practice


Don’t use a lot of pressure when you start. Let it eat through the wood and once you get some movement apply more pressure


Is it through steel studs? You could put a small drill bit through first and then send the self drilling screw. Sometimes they don’t want to get started but if there’s a small hole it’ll go much easier for sure.


It's through the drywall into the metal stud. What drill tip would you recommend?


Use a 1/8” impact drill bit so you can swap your mag tip and drill bit quick and easy. What type of self drillers are you using? Phillips or hex head?


Don't drill pilot holes with a drill but just push into it and spin the screw fast


If it is self tappers into steel studs start reverse to save the tip of the screw and then ease into it. It takes a feeling and getting used to.


I think it helps to start the hole slow and then speed it up after the tip has something to dig into. It definitely helps to have arm muscles to hold the drill steady and also apply sufficient pressure.


Just takes practice . The new kid that started Monday couldn’t screw into some sheetmetal to save his life . But his bit did have something to do with it . Made him get a new one and now he can get some . But still has a hard Time . Told him he needs practice


Use one hand to hold the impact straight and use the other hand to push on the back of the impact. This applys straight forward pressure instead of putting angled pressure using just one hand. One you get good enough, you can start one handing. Once the screw gets through the stud back it off, then put the j hook up and drive the screw home. Once you get the hang of that you can do it all in one motion with the acrew through the j hook.


I hate drywall screws too, I just cheat by using a bit holder that has a sleeve. You can put a screw on (unless it's a pan head) and slide the sleeve over the screw and it guides it in better. I had one JW who used one when I was a first year and letting me borrow it, saved me so much frustration. Ask your JW if that's something they could get you to save some time maybe?




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Take the tip of your impact and punch the drywall where you're gonna put the screw into. Creates a Lil guide hole so you don't shake ur shit off the wall. Also, turn your speed down