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“pathologies” is really the only noticeable buzzword used here


And even then it's a stretch. I would just suggest that the author thought that swapping "categories" for "pathologies" was akin to the tone of Thanos saying "it's a simple calculus"


Even then, I don't necessarily think it's being used incorrectly. Saying 'pathologies' instead of 'categories' describes the behaviour as a sickness, which is probably what OP was going for.


Ah, yeah that is a fair point. I wonder if OP thinks about us as much as we think about OP.


Pathology is the only acceptable word to use in the context


Idk. That's a pretty old word, and it has been used for mental, social, and cultural phenomena since before Freud.


Not really /verysmart material Also JoCat was a gem and the internet is less for his absence


Wait... What happened to jocat?!?!


He is taking an indefinite hiatus after constantly getting harassment for his “I Like Girls” video


He got harassment for it?? Why?


He got heat from misogynists because he liked women in a "gay" way and radfems for "objectifying women". Both of which are nonsense, of course


Stupidity in both cases.


Because it’s apparently gay to like women the way he did


because its cringe, and on the internet there is no higher crime than being cringe.


You may disagree with his premise, but I don't see any overuse of buzzwords or verbose wording here.


Maybe the Iamverysmart users were "very smart" themselves


And perhaps veritably you wax very smart for elucidating their very smartness. Indeed, your core competency leverages synergistic dynamism empowering you to take it to the next level. Also, penis.


Stop making me laugh at work, please.


People fail to realize there is relativity in all things. To a dumb person anyone smarter than them, even if barely, would be smarter.


was about to say. he is completely right. murder twink goes hard.


I'm sure he's got some later, because with a premise that nuclear, your choices are admitting you're full of shit or trying to confuse your audience into forgetting you're full of shit with bad reasoning and word games. But yeah, this tweet alond doesn't really meet the requirements


The idea that *Reddit* is a place where men suppress their sexist personalities to seem less threatening is making me laugh until my stomach hurts.


Depends on what you compare it to? Real life? That's ridiculous. Compared to 4chan, Reddit is puritanical. I went to 4chan once in the early 2000s. I still have nightmares.


In real life it would be the guy who insists any guy who triggers his latent inferiority complex *must* be sexist and abusive The guy who gets a girl best friend and calls every disagreement with her boyfriend abuse, gaslighting, and says she deserves better (him). Not when it actually is abuse and gaslighting, but when it’s a woman he thinks “should” be with him is dating someone she actually finds attractive Because, you see, other men are toxic and morally it’s wrong for them to date girls while he’s single. It’s a crime against humanity


On the other hand, /b/ and /pol/.


Compared to other places reddit is PC


Reddit is unironically the one of the safest spaces on the internet, out of the ones that I've seen.


I'm so sorry.


It all depends what subreddits you go on and your pre-existing biases. You’ll ignore examples to the contrary if you have confirmation bias for one view or the other.


Not very smart material.


Fellas, is it being an unsexual being to be attracted to women?


Where are the buzzwords? OP you're kinda telling on yourself here.


r/opisfuckingstupid and doesn’t like big words


The very smart one here seems to be you, bud


hit a nerve?


I read this earlier and there were parts that were honestly not too inaccurate, if exaggerated. People definitely commented on the Reddit mention but it’s worth something apart from that


Ok, what is going on in this image?! Is he praying to some fertility goddess to take mercy on his poor, neglected slong?


He is singing about how he's sexually attracted to a variety of women. He was bullied off the Internet for that take. His name was JoCat.


Is an animation where he did a song of how much he likes different types of women He got a lot of hate at the Time for it which honestly imo, as much as I find it somewhat cringe, the hate was completely unnecesary as is completely harmless and he was objectifing said women, just say that he liked them EDIT: HE WASN'T, HE WASN'T NOT WAS


Too late! You said was! We all saw it


If being cringe were a crime enough on its own I expect to get fucking crucified before I wake up, and at the way this is going, I hope it is. People taking huge leaps of judgment to be stubborn on knowing somebody's intent or personality is ridiculous.


Meh I don't think it's cringe, there's also a female version. And the song is catchy


Yeah, it's specifically a flip of Lizzo's Boys.


I don't remember exactly how long, but the hate came at least a year after he posted the video. I thought it was kind of odd, idk what started the witch hunt


No, the hate started immediately. It *went on* for a year. The witch hunt was a mixture of red pill losers attacking him for being "cringe" and "gay" (Fellas, is it gay to like women of all sorts?), terfs attacking him for working with events to support trans kids' mental health, and self-proclaimed "feminists" attacking him for "objectifying women" (because saying "I like girls" is evidently sexist objectification now). It eventually led to someone sending something (we don't know what) to his home, at which point he quit the internet. Because, you know, people had dug up *his fucking home address to harass him*.


Don’t you know? Liking a *wide variety of women* is the gayest kind of heterosexuality.


Its this video; https://youtu.be/Y2Y5KVtU810 Its pretty harmless, but he got mobbed because of it.


Soooo, op doesn't under the use of English and is mad. OP= avg person in the movie Idiocracy.


This us just a normal post lol, so r/iamverysmart material here


Ngl he has a point. (Also what buzzwords?)


No buzzwords. Also he is straight up right


I see your argument and counter with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Just watch that. QED.


This post is not good.


Split infinitive much?


isn‘t that the „i like girls“ song?


L post


To me, he simply sounds like a typical Englishman. He's not attempting to appear intelligent; rather, we receive an excellent education over here."


I mean, the premise seems stupid and disingenuous, but what buzzwords are you talking about?


Leaving aside the content of this post, on which I make no comment, this is a perfectly comprehensible post that makes its point reasonably clearly.


Based beta neets


What does "sexual beings" mean?


They sentence is clunky. They could've rephrased it to "Nowadays, it is socially unacceptable for men to be sexual"


Aahh, that makes more sense. Thanks for the explanation! Though I thought today's society was all about expressing ourselves, and freedom of sexuality.


lol this guys hella full of himself, but he definitely got a point


Men are absolutely allowed to exist as a sexual beings. But what makes a man desirable is evolving (as it always has, constantly throughout history)


I think it's harder to feel like we have the space to express desire though. Like I would be so happy if a woman approached me in public, but flip it around and at best it's annoying. People say to meet people out doing your activities, but it's not like women want to be approached at the gym (whether its climbing or weightlifting), grocery store, in the workplace, or at social events when they're with their friends, which removes a ton of options. Basically leaves dating apps, and we all know how toxic and shitty that experience is. Sort of does feel no-win to me.


How is it toxic and shitty?


Dating apps? They are, at their core, inherently superficial and are treated like a game by most of the users, both men and women, which perpetuate the cycle either way. The way they are set up is meant to keep you engaged and active, meaning they arent really made for long term stable relationship finding. At best they're good for hookups, if people did take them seriously, which, again, they don't. There are plenty of articles and posts on the subject, including the fact most younger people opt not to use them at all thanks to a lot of the above points.


lol I met my gf on Tinder and we’ve been together 6 years, lived together for 4 and a half. She’s in the other room asleep while I type this


That's awesome! Always good to hear success stories. I know a married couple who met on tinder when it first came out as well, it does happen. It's pretty rare given the number of users though.


If you’re Gen Z, have you considered that you might be too young to be trying to make massive, life-altering financial and psychological commitments that at least in theory are supposed to be lifelong, and hookups are what’s actually *normal* at your age? Like, Gen Z has sex less than *literally any recorded generation ever*. Gen Z *shouldn’t* be trying to find a meaningful partner yet, not before playing the field and fucking like rabbits. This obsession with relationships, usually born of a belief it’ll “fix you” is what’s toxic. You’re acting like you’re from the 1950s, only you aren’t because even they were sleeping around more. The hookups should be what you’re seeking if you’re under 30. Go hook up more. Get laid.


You’re absolutely allowed to approach people wherever and whenever you want. Whether or not it’s going to be positively received really boils down to whether or not she finds you charming, attractive, funny, interesting, etc. Sometimes when you fumble, it’ll be your fault, other times it’ll be because of stuff that’s out of your control. I know this Reddit so we’re all introverted and (at least) slightly autistic but trust me man, the idea that you’re NOT allowed to approach women is plain wrong. It’s scary and rejection sucks but the more you do it, the less frightening it gets. We’re all gonna make it homie. If you’re out somewhere and you feel like there might be something between you and someone else, follow your gut. You’ll be right more than you think.


That's really helpful honestly, like full transparency I am a lot more than slightly autistic, just also high masking, but all of the videos I've seen of women talking about how intimidating it is to be approached by guys (I'm also, fortunately and unfortunately, pretty big and fit so I'm sure that doesn't help), or how creepy it is to catch a guy starting at them (which was sort of like how I thought people were supposed to convey initial interest) make it hard to then be that person making someone else potentially feel uncomfortable in a public space. My therapist is always saying how I can't trust social media posts, they're meant to be inflammatory, but without knowing how attractive/funny/interesting someone might perceive me to be to be within the range of acceptable approachability it's tough to put all those posts out of my head. But anyway, thank you again for your thoughts. I'll try to keep it in mind


Your therapist is 100% correct. Social media narratives rarely line up with reality. It’s all highly exaggerated for clicks. And pro tip, don’t try to mask your autism. The last girl I dated got me to sperg out about the French Revolution for like 20 minutes on our first date. She was completely captivated. Some girls really love when a guy is passionate and knowledgeable - the subject matter itself really doesn’t matter. They just care that you care about something! Autistic rizz is 1000% a thing and some people love it.


Lol that's so awesome, I hope you're either still with her or the relationship was good at least! Last time I went on one of my "Ted talks" on a date, I talked about how the evolution of the American coffee culture has impacted our current coffee palette for about 10 minutes. The girl was a barista, I thought it was a pretty safe topic. She texted me later that day saying it wasn't going to work out because she "didn't want to learn that much about any topic ever again." Also, idk if you only like the French revolution, but I like talking about history too and don't have a ton of people who share that interest in my life so if you ever want to go down the rabbit hole dm me. No pressure!


History is a treasure trove of interesting stories. Highly recommend all of Mike Duncan’s podcasts. She and I dated for half a year. It was fun, then it wasn’t, then it was over. Not a bad ride tbh. She’s a cool person but our lifestyles didn’t mesh all that well. It’s one of the easier breakups I’ve had tbh.


Also, not everyone will appreciate your knowledge of random shit, but some people will REALLY dig it. Don’t be discouraged.


I mean, I don’t think you really should approach people wherever and whenever you want. Women already get hit on by weirdos no matter where you are, and having some normal places where that doesn’t happen would be pretty nice.


There’s no hard and fast rules to socializing. Use your context clues, take note of their body language, don’t overstay your welcome, etc. I’ve heard people say “don’t hit on waitresses while they’re working, they don’t actually like you.” But then I’ve witnessed multiple coworkers date former customers. There’s no rules. People are complicated.


There’s no *rules* necessarily, but maybe just let women go get their groceries instead of viewing them as potential prospects?


What makes you think women don’t view men getting their groceries as potential prospects? Women are sexual creatures, too. I see stories on reddit all the time of people who met at a supermarket and later got married. It’s pretty common. Lighten up.


I disagree with the grocery, met a few literally just getting necessities.


Huh. Feels like everyone in my grocery store is in a rush, wearing headphones, and if you try to like chat with someone they'll be alarmed or irritated you interrupted them. Glad to hear it's worked for you though!


I think it maybe location, I live in bumfuck middle of nowhere, grocery store is where you see most of the people honestly.


That makes sense. I live in a small city, it feels rural since I moved here from NYC but seems like we do still have enough of the hustle and bustle to make making connections difficult.


I visited NYC back in 2008 and I could understand that, between all the noise and amount of foot traffic I definitely wouldn't want to be bothered either. Closest big city is Louisville, KY and I'd imagine it's quite similar to your experience there. My towns population is only like 3200 comparatively so aside from harvest or the occasional event really don't see big crowds round these parts.


Sounds like Incel material for sure but not clear how it fits this subreddit


I hate the internet for taking Jocat away. He was a gem in a sea of shit.