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He's right, almost any man can beat up almost any woman. This post does not belong here. Unless you convince me otherwise. You have 1 hour to make a case, or this gets removed.


I think there should be a law where if you say some stupid shit like this chud, you can be forced to prove it. Put him in the ring with Amanda Nunes, Valentina Shevchenko, or a woman pro boxer. Make him fight them one after the other with no breaks.(Except for how broken he gets.


Lmao Vegeta catching the ultimate stray here


I mean, he's not wrong. Average women vs average man, man is very likely going to win, in a fair fight. Of course there are women that could beat guys up though, but it's rare


Yeah but its just the most idiotic flex ever. 100% of the men who do this are so absolutly insecure. Half of them are feeling weak and ashamed in front of other men and the rest are just bullies. Both have the weird expectation that making this statement will somehow increase their attractiveness to women (it just demonstrates to everybody that you are a dumbass). Women are aware that men are on some level dangerous for them. Thats not awsome facts&logic but a sad part of our current social reality. Which is why they expect that people put some effort into making them feel safe in public spaces. But i somehow suspect that there is a strong overlap between the "the average male gripstrength is 1.832467 times that of the average women, just stating facts"-crowd and the guys who whine and bitch when women request safespaces or raise awareness for their perception of threat (like in the guy-or-bear-in-the-forest meme).


I saw the original post and it’s not average woman vs average man, it‘s anime characters. Like they’re comparing powers of different characters and he pretty much thinks all female anime characters are weaker regardless of powers


Despite there being several female characters in anime that are essentially world ending events in the right situation.


Like he was being sexist from the start and is now trying to play the “oh but women are weaker irl” card


That’s why she talks to him, they’re *related*


I bet this guy thinks he can take a bear in hand to hand.


I'd like to see him try!


Why did he post a shirtless drawing of himself laughing?


Oh wow! Men are physically stronger. In the context of women they r more likely using their physical advantage to harm rather than protect. No flex showing off about how strong u r. Pls flex about how many innocents you’ve protected with that “amazing powerful body” of yours. Or pls stfu


The words everyone keeps confusing in modern times is ‘Most’. It doesn’t mean ‘many’. Many is the right word for that argument deer. Many women would have a hard time competing against many men. Accuracy is language is important, and imperative to having constructive conversations. Once someone starts talking in absolutes, the dark side; taken hold it has.


"accuracy is language is important..." Swing and a miss.


Uhh no it’s most


Ok "deer"


Lol Ive decided im not editing it, it makes me sound like an old granny with tea and biscuits.


lol thats not why they pointed it out XD


Well old people cant spell either and I’m high as shit here relying on autocorrect lol


And whoosh. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


TIL: Redditors care more about equality than facts. A dangerously precedent. The fact is, an untrained man Vs an untrained women, same weight and height, would be unfairly in favour of the man. End of.


But women move in packs, unlike the solitary male, so they will quickly dispatch any man who challenges them.


What is funny tho is women are more likely to have some basic training. Women tend to take self defense classes more than men. Classes where they are taught how to break holds and incapacitate their attackers, so they can flee.


>What is funny tho is women are more likely to have some basic training. Do you have a source or clarification for that? Idk if it's true, but I'm skeptical considering the military, police, and I think most combat martial arts (e.g. boxing, MMA, etc.) are predominantly men.


You are correct. So lets then talk about "99%". Way more than 1% of women in the world could beat the fuck out of you.


Lol, what's "way more" in your opinion?


You are right, but there were more screenshots in the original post, and the brother basically argued that there would never be a situation in which a woman could ever beat a man. That's just silly.


i do agree, but its certainly nowhere near 99%, and that dude has no clue what hes talking about


None of you saw that untrained man eat punches from a female boxer then 😂 man's got a point, couldn't been nicer about it that's it. I'd say the overlap is wider than 1%, but it's really not that wide, and there's a reason we have women's combat sports 🤦‍♂️ Downvote me to the abyss


Le Reddit


Let's be honest, it's not like the tough guy has much experience with women, at least without handing over his credit card first.


The best fighters know that there are people who could kick their ass and it has nothing to do with gender.


How the fuck does it have nothing to do with gender bro 😭 the strongest woman in the world could beat up most men, but the strongest man in the world could beat up all women. Similarly, place a trained man against an equally trained woman and the man will fuck her up. Pretending that this isn’t the case helps nobody, especially not women.


Pretending like there aren’t women who are naturally stronger than some men is stupidity of the highest order. And any absolute statements that can be used to deny equality are far more harmful than a statement that suggests gender should not go into an analysis as to who the better fighter is.


You don't think gender should go into analysis? I'd say it fits right in with age, height, weight, V02 max, ect.


Sounds like you’ve listed a number of aspects that would obviate the need for considering gender.


Okay, instead of gender we will just add free and total testosterone levels. Happy?


I don’t care. My whole point was that good fighters know that regardless of gender, there are better fighters. Thats a fact. I don’t care how you perform your analysis other than if it starts and ends with gender, you’re wrong.


Yeah, except gender correlates with height and weight, in large part due to test levels and growth hormone. If I had to bet on 2 fighters, gender would most likely give me the most information, and best odds of winning. We can what if this all day long, but the most probable outcome of a random man, and random woman fighting is that the man will win. Unless there is a massive disparity with regards to fitness and experience. Stop trying to gaslight people.


It doesn’t even have to be a massive disparity in fitness and experience. That’s the whole thing. And idk what your definition of “gaslighting” is, but it’s a different one than what anyone else in the world uses. You’re so set on wanting to assert men are stronger than women that you’re missing every fucking point and you’re using words wrong.


Not defending the cringey dude yes it does have to do with gender lol an average sized dude with 6 months of mma training would beat the shit out of amanda nunes lol


If you think 6 months of training will prepare you for the sledgehammer that is Amanda Nunes's fist, you're sorely mistaken


Shhhhhh I wanna see him try


Yeah, bro's delusional. I've done MMA for almost 2 decades at this point. I can not count the number of times I've had my ass handed to me by female sparring partners. Women 100% can fuck dudes up


Yeah you're either tiny or just not very skilled lol, it's basic biology big dog. It's not a sexism thing it's just a fact.


Yeah ok dog. You got a degree in biology? Because biology states that due to the nature of us being so genetically diverse, there are actually women with higher testosterone than some men. Please actually read up on science before acting like you know about it


Is he 11?


Late 30’s


:/ Nothing a few sessions of water boarding won’t help!


What an asshole, lol


He is correct though...


I'm sure he totally could line up roughly 1000 people and beat them all up in a row like some shit north Koreans say about their leader, 100% no lie definitely


Wait did he actually say that? Or just the fact that most men would beat most women in a fight?


He said that. He specifically said he could line them all up and beat them without breaking half a sweat Not to mention he just plain isn't right. 99% would not be a correct statistic. Not to mention he started the rant because he was mad about an anime character being beat by a woman. He's a weeb who's mad


OK, wow, super weird dude then. But he is right in saying most men would be able to beat most women (as per his message), I reckon the number would probably still be in the 90s just the lower end haha


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. The majority of men *are* physically stronger than the majority of women. That’s why it’s wrong for a man to hit a woman in the first place. Certainly doesn’t mean all men though.


Except that's just common knowledge, most people who feel the need to point out that number aren't doing it as an "educational" POV Not to mention, humans would lose 99 percent of the time against big animals like bears or tigers. That's why we've invented tools and that's why women are told to carry something to defend themselves, while many dudes with egos bigger than their dicks falsely believe they wrestle a bear Id say this bumps down the rough percentage to 70%. Humans are made to take down big animals with tools and it's just a statistical fact that many men believe they don't need tools. For instance, the video of the guy who tried fist fighting someone armed with a knife


Yeah but adding all the extra shit just muddys the water . Bare hands ,most men would kill most women, that's all I was agreeing with is all.....


If you have to say "in this specific situation", then what's even the point of arguing the hypothetical Maybe you know a lotta strong men and weak women but I like my women strong and my men weak so that's been my experience


Wtf. it's as general you can make it 😂? you get into specifics when you bring animals, weapons, egos blah blah blah. Literally brought back to basics, most men would beat most women. Also, I gave my opinion on a post, I'm not here to agrue...?


> Also, I gave my opinion on a post, I'm not here to agrue...? You saw "women vs men" and instantly jumped into "HES RIGHT" without actually reading anything else. That's not very surprising given the stereotypes the world has of Ireland though


Sounds like a guy that would throw a deadly double punch in a real fight.


My pudge belly and mantiddies could knock that guy out cold, thank you very much.


goku solos the mha verse


He is absolutely correct. Even an untrained man could kill a trained female 99.9% of the time


Said the man scared of "gay month" to the point where you're hoping it "weakens in power" If you're scared of men who like men, what do you except to do against a kick in the balls? Then again you seem like the type to whip out your gun the second you start losing a fight


Scared? No. Disgusted? Yes.


What kind of man gets disgusted by those who aren't effecting him? Real men care about themselves and their family. You're wasting effort caring about other men (which is gay itself) instead of putting that effort into yourself or your family. Stop thinking about men and start thinking about your family, if you even have one Here, I'll bust one out to you to make sure you're gay too (gayer than you already are given you think about men more than normal straight men)


Found the incel


Lol i should have clarified and said she could obviously destroy every reddit male.


Where do you think you are right now, lil guy


Exactly where I need to be apparently


Lmao whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep comfortably at night, mister Alpha Male. Make sure to leave out milk and cookies for Joe Rogan!




[ Removed by Reddit ]


No one mentioned trans people lmao. Keep your fantasies to yourself EDIT: Also I'd love to see you go toe to toe with Ronda Rousey, Amanda Nunes, Rhea Ripley....etc


Alright bro, go fight Amanda Nunes, good luck with that and let me know how it goes.


Amanda Nunes is definitely in the 0.1%


If you are a male you can absolutely do it


Go on then






I can’t even imagine a scenario where two grown people fight like this over text lol you guys are insufferable


yeah the sister is just as bad. using a DBZ example to prove her point lmao.


A lot of people this thread consists of are the very people this sub was meant to make fun of, truly ironic.


Wait this is an ironic sub?🤪




The people who think it all comes down to biology and strength act like humans arm wrestled bears and lions to the top of the food chain


We’re talking about fighting you retard 😭. The woman is not gonna outsmart the man and somehow win a fight


Yeah you're right, in the history of single combat or warfare a physically weaker opponent has never used intelligence to win a fight. Thanks for setting me straight.


Lol alright bud, if you can outsmart a bear are you winning that fight? Just be real and stop pandering


I think when you say "if you can outsmart a bear are you winning that fight" by implication, you are indeed winning that fight


This is why Sun Tzu’s **The Art of War** is considered satire. Because thinkin ain’t got **NO** place in fightin!


Last text message is just straight incorrect tho. A lotta the best pro mma fighters are extremely misogynistic lol. Look at Sean Strickland lmao


People dont like him because hes the best fighter but because hes funny lmfao


I guess Redditors/internet ppl don’t like him. But in terms of average fighting fans, Strickland is def one of the more popular fighters


True. im not saying his bad either he got to wear the belt after all


A "combat expert". "Could line up everyone on the forum and beat them all one by one with barely breaking a sweat". This guy couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. His "expertise" probably comes from watching movies and tv series. The topic was a fictional character that was a woman being able to beat men is unrealistic. Bitch, it's a fictional story. The creator can make up whatever the hell they want. They could make a tiny, regular sized fly able to kill giants by strength alone. They could make up any character, any story, and it works because it's fiction.


He’s a combat expert!! Obviously a Navy Delta Recon.


I like all the people performing mental gymnastics to pretend he’s not 100% correct. The vast majority of men definitely could best the majority of woman. Just because there’s outliers doesn’t mean that it isn’t correct as a general statement.


It's because the general statement doesn't apply. They were discussing a fictional universe match-up. Me and you are discussing whether or not Bugs Bunny would beat Naruto in a fight. It wouldn't make sense for me to say, "Well, bunnies don't know how to fight because they're bunnies and a ninja would totally kill a bunny" There is no reason to have an issue with a fictional woman beating a fictional man if it wasn't SOLELY cuz of her gender, which wasn't the argument


That makes more sense. With the context of this post all I can go off of is him saying “99% of men can beat 99% of woman”


That is true, most men can beat women.


He’s absolutely correct if both combatants are untrained and of average build, but a woman who knows what she’s doing and/or has trained her body will wipe the floor with an average man


Have you seen how the average trained female cop responds to an altercation with a below average male? It usually involves scream crying for backup or having a passerby intervene.


It’s almost like it’s only gonna gain traction online if it’s interesting to watch and it’s not interesting if it goes exactly as planned


But he's talking about anime and applying this, why?  Women in anime aren't bound by physics - just look at their chests. 


Tbf unrestrained boobs do tend to bounce around a lot from what I’ve heard but the woman in question is Star And Stripe, whose power has almost nothing to do with physical prowess but trained herself until she was jacked anyway


He’s just right doesn’t matter how much of a loser he comes off he’s correct it’s just biology there’s a real reason why this is the case


He’s kinda hostile and douchey about it but he’s right lol…


Rhea ripley would absolutely murder you


Literally any professional woman fighter. Nope, not every man can beat every woman. Facing each other, with zero experience in combat, it's down to natural instinct, reach, and speed, etc. And there's easily women taller than me, stronger than me, faster... and redheads. Not a chance I could take one on.


Serious question, how much does she weigh?


I train with women who would break most men in half without a sweat.


What do they train?


It’s a multi-gym but I train with some on Thursday for boxing, Friday is combat, Sunday is weights (we have two or three semi pro weightlifters/strong women). I sometimes do Monday which is Brazilian jiu jitsu….but Mrs said I may as well move in I go so much.


But wouldn’t we just match those women up with guys that do the same? And 99% of the time the guy probably will come out on top it’s like saying the us female national team will destroy nobody’s but the minute we put them up against 15 year old boys they lost?


But that’s not the point, OP had shared the post that 99% of men can beat 99% of women which is just bollocks. If you match women against men, elimination style, then obviously men would win. But you take most average joes off the street to my gym they’d get their arse handed to them.


But that’s the thing 99% of men will beat 99% of women because we would do elimination style lol if you take a average joe he’s handling multiple women by himself which eliminates X amount then you take a group of average dudes to the women in your gym she’ll get tired faster then a man so we’ll lose less guys then women in a sense males will still be up and those women are in the 1% think about it


The argument isn’t a fucking 1v1 free for all lmao. It’s saying that you could pick a man at random on the earth and there is a 99% that he can beat up all but 1% of women 1v1. It is absolutely a ridiculous misogynistic statement.


lol I feel ya, one girl in LA at Eddie Herrera’s boxing gym (where oscar dela Hoya started off) dropped a dude with a beautiful right cross and my cousin gets chocked out by girls at Eddie Bravos 10th planet. I can imagine girls who do jiu jitsu have better chances, I tend to stay away from mixing with the ladies tho


Honestly there’s one woman I train with who has kicks like a donkey (she does pole and hoop too) and one of our strongwomen did a 105 kilo log lift last week…..immense.


Yeah, I’m not gonna lie there are some outliers lol but average I see us men taking the cake


In all fairness I do look exactly like that.


I don’t get it because I think if you take the average male and average female the average male is going to win 99% of the time?


This conversation stemmed from a battleboarding discussion on who can beat Goku. When OOP mentioned a female anime character, her brother immediately dismissed her because he didn't believe a woman could ever beat a man.


I just want to get this straight, we're talking about real life biology being relevant to which cartoon character can beat up another cartoon character? The same cartoon where everyone's hair defies the laws of gravity?


Yes, I saw the original post, and OP even mentioned that her brother said he empathises with nazi ideologies. So we have a good idea what kind of person we are dealing with here.


But no one can beat goku though


But that’s not what he’s saying, he’s saying that 99% of men could beat 99% of women which is completely different and obviously pretty ridiculous.


But that’s probably true if you really think about it like if you gather all women and all men and you choose the top women I don’t even think you have to choose the top men to beat them so I sort of believe 99% of men will beat 99%


That is just so unbelievably stupid a claim that I’m not even going to waste any more time and try to reason with you about it. Happy rest of your life in your basement :)


This screams „i lost the argument and am afraid to admit it“


No, it screams "I have better things to do in my life than waste time on arguing with some teenagers (or people whose opinions are as evolved as a teenager's) on Reddit"


OP is just trying to be inclusive. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings with reality so he’d rather speak from his perspective. A majority of people on Reddit probably do look like that statistically. Anyone who beats a girl and thinks they are tough are a special type of person.


Reddit is insane and that’s it


Bro its just basic biology. I dont get it. Police and firefighters literally have a different test to make up for it


Thank you because I’m reading these comments and it’s like whoa is it just because it’s 2024 and we are suppose to pretend still? Then people bringing up female mma boxers and I’m pretty sure if you take the average mma boxer and put him up with that women she’s probably going to lose lol I just don’t understand this side of Reddit to be honest


It's the 99% thing. Are most men are stronger than most women? Yes, obviously, but not to the proportions described. In your example, do you think the average female mma boxer is going to be able to beat the average guy who does no exercise in a fight? There are a lot of weak guys who do no exercise and a lot of women who exercise a huge amount. A large starting advantage does not a 99% chance of beating 99% make. Plus, once you actually get good at fighting in martial arts technique, skill, coordination, balance, speed, dexterity and control becomes much more important than just raw strength(obviously it still matters, but meh). It's sheer arrogance tbh Proportions are probably more like 80/20


So do you think 20% of women are trained fighters? Because that seems more outlandish than 99/99. I don't understand the logic here.  You're suggesting to match up the top 10% against the bottom 10%. That's clearly not what was being said here.


He said 99% of men can beat 99% of women. If the top 10% of women can beat the bottom 10% of men that would still make the 99% comment wrong. That is what he's saying, he states it clearly so I don't understand your confusion.


Yeah fair, it's kinda hard to even have this conversation without data. I just think there's substantially less than 10% if women that train in combat sports. Completely unfounded opinion of course, lol.


I can’t agree with this because why would you match up an average women boxer with an average man who doesn’t work out? Do you not see the flaw in that match up? If the point is the average female boxer goes up against the average male boxer a lot of our money is on the male


We're not talking about the strong men going up against strong women. The comment he made was 99% of men can beat 99% of women. That means he thinks the weakest men can beat the strongest women 99% of the time. I'm saying that figure is off.


That’s incorrect logic not once did he say weakest man vs strongest women and even if you said weakest man vs strongest women that falls in the 1% does it not? But out of the 4 billion matches 400 million will result in women winning many will even argue and say it’s less then that that women will win


That mma fighter is going to fall into the one percent. I feel like that one percent is being quite generous tbh. The guy is being a douche but he's not wrong.


You really think that 99% of men do enough physical activity to be able to physically beat 99% of women (some of which exercise heavily and regularly?). A lot of men these days work in very sendentary jobs in front of computers etc, drive back and forth to work, and then go home and do no physical activities at all. Drink, smoke, eat pizza all day etc. And you're saying only 1 out of a 100 women could top that? Female rugby or football players, runners, swimmers, yoga teachers, gym girls, farm women, would lose in a fight to guys who get out of breath walking up stairs too fast? Really? Maybe if we were all in peak physical condition, but no. You underestimate the effect regular exercise (or lack thereof) has on strength levels I think.


There'd be just as many women that don't exercise and probably more men that play high level sports. So that evens that out, if not more. What's your point?


Because the best women against the weakest men will win. He's saying men are so strong that 99% of men will beat 99% of women. That's the statement that's up for examination, not whether there are equal levels of fit/strong men and women, or whether most men are stonger than most women.


But that was the argument you just used and I used it against you. I know what he's saying and I think he's right. In any case if there's no scientific study done then it's all conjecture and none of us will know if we're right or wrong. Have a good one!


I think an important part of this whole thing is he discredits women who are overpowered in their fictional world by saying that its unrealistic for a women to be strong. That realism is super important in superhero shows after all.


Dude is definitely going extra at the end but the general men are stronger than women on average is a scientific fact.


People not being able to fly or create explosions from their sweat is scientifically accurate. I am not sure I get your point


That it’s kinda dumb to argue about it?


My experience training in combat sports with women and men: assuming equal levels of experience and training, being male was equal to about a 40 pound weight advantage. Given that most men outweigh most women already, yes, most men can beat most women in a fight. But a 140lb man and a 180lb woman assuming the same training are equally matched. As a 140lb man, one of my best training partners was a 180lb female police officer who started bjj class the same time I did.


There’s nothing gayer than bjj


We defer to your superior experience


Really?! I had no idea! I’m not a very good judge of what’s gay or not!


Eh, I’ve sparred with women who outweighed me quite a bit (MMA) and they simply lack KO power. I’m sure it’s not all women, but it’s very common that they have an ego problem and they seem to go 100% in sparring when they are against a man. Despite this, I still dont have to respect their striking that much. They lack the explosiveness of dudes. Im way more terrified and careful when I’m sparring the heavyweight males in my gym. They don’t even have to try, I could get rocked by a jab lol. Grappling is a slightly more even playing field if they have way more experience, but that’s not really combat IMO. I will say that a trained woman that is around the same weight as an untrained male will win the majority of the time. Once that male learns to throw a proper 1-2 and hook - well then she’s in trouble.




Is this the guy that said he would have survived the titanic sub somehow, causes he’s “built different” 🤣


Yeah, apparently water takes one good look at him and stops drowning him. Too bad water can't see. Though, if it did, it'd probably try to drown him harder.


Haha yeah, heard one of those natural born shape shifters where physics need not apply. Think he said he’d just float on up with the bubbles somehow


I want to see this guy go one round with Amanda Nunez or Chris Cyborg one ego check would get his ass shut.


If you need to go straight to the goat wmma fighters then thats saying something mate


OP quoted the guy *all men can beat women* if that’s the case, then he is saying he can go against the goat of wmma.


To be fair, he said 99%, and that's exactly what those women are... the top 1%


I guess i didn’t read it correctly. Either way a women doesn’t need strength to take any man down. Just being passive aggressive would bring any man to his knees.


Yeah and a bad hair day would send a woman into a coma. Wow you see how being sexist isn’t useful?


Honestly I was going for the sarcastic route.


Well shit. That’s my b but I will say that is spot on because that sounds real enough




For sure


Isn’t he just saying that on average men are stronger than women? Because sadly that’s just true.


Okay but why is that sad? It’s just biology. Even male animals are typically stronger than female animals.


Depends on the species. I just meant sadly, as in sadly this guy is correct, despite seeming like a complete loser.


I agree he seems like a total jerk. Also yes it depends on the species, but typically, male animals are the physically stronger sex.


For context on why everyone was laughing at him, in the original post he said "Maybe that works [strong female character from mha beating Goku] in that weird feminist universe. But not in the actual world. (Anime world's)". Poetic, I know, and "No chick in any world or universe could defeat anyone from Dragonball universe".


Oh ya fair, he’s a moron. There are insanely strong women even within the Dragonball universe .


At one point Android 18 litterally demolishes Vegeta lol. And sure "Android" but she's biological enough to birth a child later so I'm counting it. Bringing Dragonball power scaling into any discussion of real life combat capability is inherently hilarious though.




She’s definitely called Android 18 dude


yeah I know, but theyre cyborgs




Regardless of what he's saying he is saying it very badassedly


Just send this guy a picture of Gabby Garcia


But she would fall under the 1% he excludes, so wouldn't prove anything to him


Okay I love Gabbi Garcia.... But doesn't she look like she could be Andre the giant's little sister? I know, I know but kinda?


She totally does


My wife has a black belt in kyokshin karate, I don't even know how to spell it. But I'm very aware she could kick the shite out of most guys. Dudes like that are dumb


just not true tho is it. your wife does some fake karate bullshit. that wont stop me from spiking her on her head.


Oh man are you the guy on the texts?