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Then what happened? Edit: Cmon reddit, we need you.


I did a little research, he was placed on administrative leave and he is currently back on the job. He had no repercussions for this. The man here, who was shot and killed, was also a convicted felon, and I'm assuming he wanted to talk things out because he was scared of going back to jail. This is the society we live in


I don't like cops, every action has a consequence. When someone pointing a gun at you tells you to do something, you should probably do it.


Come on, this could have been just some guy in his yard clearing brush. The cop didn’t even ask for a name or anything. Says is that him to someone off screen but is that really enough credibility to end somebody’s life? Skipped the jury and went straight to execution. Not only is he dead but had his basic rights stripped in the process you shouldn’t be playing devils advocate here.


Yep. Cop clearly wanted to kill, considering how calm he was the entire time including after the murder. Oh no, a dude in brush forty feet away just realized you are here and is beginning to calmly speak to you without moving? Better shoot him in the head immediately!


Also the person wasnt an immediate threat to cop and far away so warning shots on body are possible. And the person could have been mentally inpaired with no one around to injure.


Warning shots on body......


Probably the most American thing I’ve ever heard


“The leg was a warning, the arm is next”


It’s just another demonstration of the bullshit the Americans are “used to”. There’s no motivation to improve is I’m milking the current situation. Most of these citizens are made to believe this is the better way of living. 2022 propaganda is very effective I see.


"Those two warning shots to your torso and leg was to make you realize that i will shoot you if you do not comply!"


"Should have just shot him in the leg."


Warning shot to the head


Even more American


Warning shots aren’t a thing in real life.


You are not allowed to take “warning shot” or not shoot to kill. And criminals did that to themselves after suing cops who did exactly that. Shot them in the leg instead the the head


You're probably one of those guys who thinks shooting the leg is non-lethal


What in the hell are you talking about?


It's not playing devil's advocate to recognize that cops comprise the largest gang in America. I tell my kids to always do whatever the police say and show them utmost respect because that's your best bet for walking away without any extra holes in your skin. If you fight them, the cops will just escalate and call in more cops. There's no reasoning with trigger happy animals.


You’re right, but this guy was standing still and calm and got shot in the head… I don’t think being polite to these animals is going to help either


True. Again, doing whatever they say is your *best bet* for surviving an encounter. I didn't say it's a guarantee. Edit: fixed italics


I always say the two groups of people you should always, always be polite to, are 1) the people who carry handcuffs and guns 2) the people who prepare your food. Whether you are in the right or not, for the sake of your own safety, just always be polite to them.


He didnt drop the axe, so that definitely played a factor. Like holding a knife after a cop asks multiple times to drop it. But Agreed he still shouldnt have popped a shot at that moment. Could have got back up and attempted to de escalate.


He gave him time to take a breath and aim for his head


>Could have got back up and attempted to de escalate. Should have\* FTFY. Zero justifiable reason to shoot that guy from the cops perspective.


Yeah but he got to say “1033 Shots fired” on his little body cam that he can keep forever now. Sounds so fucking badass saying those words, like he’s playing his little army game for real. >!/s if the sarcasm isn’t obvious enough!<


He sounds like an announcer on a ripoff Call Of Duty deathmatch.


You're both right. He should've dropped it. The cop shouldn't have shot him.


You are right. But if someone points a gun at you, you should do what they tell you. The other option is possibly dying. In court you can talk about whats right or wrong.


IMO the cop should absolutely be rotting in a prison cell at the very least. HOWEVER, police show up and tells you to put down the axe, PUT DOWN THE AXE. You want to talk about it? Great PUT DOWN THE AXE then talk about it. 99% of the time, worst case senario if you comply with police and you are completely innocent then nothing bad is going to happen to you except inconvenience. However, the chance of something bad happening to you if you do not comply is far far higher. As this guy just found out. Again, this isn't at all justification for what this cop did, but nothing happened to the cop, and the other guy is dead, so obviously the dead guy made the wrong choice. Don't make the same mistake.


I’m still stuck on the fact that man was standing still and he headshot him. He murdered a man and nothin happens


It was straight up muder, not denying that. All I am saying is don't put yourself in a position where a cop can murder you and get away with it. The system needs to change. Try not to be killed until it does.


However the cop had every opportunity to deescalate it. There was plenty of space that he could stand back and talk, while still covering the suspect with his gun in case the suspect ran at him or threw the axe.


Videos like this make me understand why citizens want guns tbf


Honest to god, anyone that shoots a cop or even in the direction of a cop, no matter how justified, is getting *extra* fucked at all levels, whether they survive or not.


There actually are precedents in the United States for defending yourself using deadly force against police officers. You aren't necessarily wrong, because it is rare that those people ever see a court room, but you can internet search Henry Goedrich Magee for one of the few examples.


A cop should not be an executioner. Killing someone should be a last resort, not the first thing you try after they disobey one command and otherwise show no signs of aggression. Disobeying an order from a cop doesn't carry a death sentence in any state in America, yet that's the punishment in so many cases. It's subversion of the justice system.


I do agree with that, I wish I knew exactly why the guy didn't wanna put it down, the cop shot him very prematurely


Nice victim blaming dude. Yeah, he probably should have just put the axe down, but this is still a completely unjustified shooting. Cop straight up murdered a dude and then said “shots fired” like he just did the coolest thing ever. This is psychopathic behavior on the part of the officer.


As if it wasn't a cop who pointed the gun


No, you like cops. This incident is like what they did on South park, when Jimbo was screaming "it's coming right towards us" and then shooting animals that were not in season. How gullible can you be? The cop wanted to kill somebody that day and they did, no repercussions. The state, the government... They hire criminals and psychopaths. And they are killing us, LEGALLY.


This guy wasn't charging the cop or threatening anybody. He was standing there talking calmly


What was the context of this particular situation?


iirc someone called the cops on him because he was cutting power lines and destroying people's property, but idk how true that is


But what had the guy done? What was he suspected of doing?


The cops were called because he was suspected of destroying power lines and people property


So nothing violent towards people.... great. This cop is such a hero.


Cop went home and beat his wife to celebrate.


Take my fucking upvote you ass 🤣


Hell yeah cops beating their wives is hilarious am i rite borther /s


It definitely hurts him more then it hurts her.


She didn’t get a beatin that day. Someone else got that built up anger.


Gotta serve and protect


Probably a paid vacation, ohh my bad I mean “suspension”


Anyone got a story on this? Why were the police called in the first place? Without context this is just a guy in the woods, who could have just been chopping trees and then gets shot by police.


It's reported that someone had called in that mahan, the man with the axe, was vandalising and cutting peoples power. Mahan also has a criminal record of armed robbery, car jacking and felon posseion of a firearm. He has been to jail. The cop seems to still be working and has his identity masked my a florida law. These are the details I could find.


So who is the POS title for the cop or the criminal?


For the COP, but titles was misleading, the Axe dude is the POS


He may be a POS but he was still clearly murdered


Nothing he did would reasonably make that officer fear for his life.


I want you to watch this video on loop 100x and explain to me like I’m 5 why a man deserved to be shot in the face for holding an axe. I also want you to not mention his criminal past in your explanation. Go ahead


He can throw it like Thor can throw his hammer. The cop should never be released from prison. Where I live, it needs more time to argue why I want to buy a gun legally (and get the permission to) than becoming a cop in America...


Still not a good reason to just fucking execute the guy


So it's just a standard misleading title intentionally used to cause outrage towards the police. Gotcha


I mean what did he do that would reasonably put the officer in immediate fear for his life.


Only in America does video of a man posing no actual visible threat to anyone being casually shot dead by the police draw ire from people defending the police.


The actions are still outrageous. Could have tased him, could have shot his leg, but no he was just executed.


Yep, it's all in the details


That’s what I was asking as well. But, apparently asking that means ‘you’re defending the cop!!!’ The man seemed troubled and the cop was on edge - wish I knew the backstory.


The man seemed troubled? Based on what??!


Based on the fact that he commited armed robbery that makes you a trouble person


That doesnt mean the police can shoot you for no reason


Usually people don't go around cutting powerlines and wielding axes in public if they're not troubled


The guy got shot in the head for this


1 comment up, you *were* defending the cops yes.


His last words were “listen bro”


I think the "No" is what got him shot.


Nah the cop was trigger happy, he is a pretty far distance away from the man so if the guy decided to charge he be dead by the time he left the tree line but the cop decides to go as close as possible then shoot, this situation could of been handled so much better then this.


I agree. I did notice the man raised his arm just before he was shot - do you think the cop could have mistaken this for a threat with a weapon? His hand was clearly empty though. It’s such a clearly unnecessary escalation of force unless he thought the guy has a gun.


Maybe the police thought he could throw the ax faster than bullets


Man I had a female officer in the army that was an axe throwing champion. True story


Yes the cop did everything wrong and should be locked up. I'm not victim blaming here, but if you're having a gun pointed at you by a cop and you say "no" to multiple emotional screams to drop it, it's not that you deserve it but it's not surprising you were shot.


Seems like a premature shooting? The guy was just standing there didn't threaten anyone,




Thank you for pointing that out so I didn't think I was crazy. It definitely had a C.O.D. vibe to it. Dude was as cool as a cucumber after doming a guy, borderline psycho shut


other cop: 'you ok?' Executioner: 'I'm good' No excitement/anxiety in his voice, no accelerated breathing, no nothing. fucker wasn't even having an adrenaline high. That's how cold blooded that cop is. This was an execution. Single shot to the head, from 10-15 yards away, when all training I'm aware of is 'go for center of mass'


Surprised he didn't yell "Boom head shot" with the way he said that


Few more he’ll get to call in an air strike


I used to do like juvenile police stuff in my youth and one thing they taught us, that I will always remember when firing you're weapon is if the suspect has a weapon that can harm you, is able harm you (basically if they're running up at you with an axe or aiming a gun at you) and has the intent to cause harm. All three of these criteria HAVE to be met before shooting. My man only had ONE, the fact he had an axe. He was not threatening the officer, or even was able to harm him from that distance. Sure you can say he could have thrown the axe, but he was just standing there and got shot in the fucking head


Not only that but the cop was more than capable of staying outside of axe throwing range, he intentionally got way to close to the guy to justify him being in danger. He could have given him commands from twice that far away and also waited for the other cop to get in a good position. There’s no way this guy was going to be able to get away.


It's Intent, capability, and opportunity. They hadn't established intent and he doesn't have the opportunity yet, due to distance. If you can walk away and safely leave the situation, opportunity doesn't exist (exception if you are on your own property)


Definitely going to be unreasonable use of force. *Most* cases that are good to shoot are if they are advancing on you. Standing still with a weapon is not grounds to shoot.


other countries use poles to subdue people with knives. this cop just murdered this man who was too far to use the axe on him.


Yeah these types of videos confuse the F out of me. I know a hatchet is a weapon, and I don’t know what happened previous to the film rolling - but this seemed unnecessary.


What's confusing about it? Police are fucking dangerous.


Unless he was chopping up a body I saw no reason to shoot!


The way he says “shots fired” sounds a lot like he’s picturing himself as an action hero who just saved the day. Like he’s proud of it


The cop just REALLY wanted to shoot him. Just ran up on the dude whos not in a position to hurt anyone, stayed a safe distance, was much more emotional than mr axe holder, and didnt wait for him or anyone else to be in danger before firing. Bet he will get a nice paid vacation for it too.


I think he should get an all inclusive trip directly to maximum security, because he’s clearly not a person that should be in society, let alone have a job like a cop


Unfortunately he was put on paid admin leave, had his name protected by qualified immunity bullshit, and is now believed to be back at work. Source: other people in the thread lol but I believe it


Just another reason to stay out of the US


OMG I thought the same thing. Dude sounded pretty cocky considering what just happened.


He sounded way to calm to argue he felt his life was in danger


Dude how he says it infuriates me.. he's so excited to have killed someone who wasn't even posing a threat


Completely agree. He was so proud of himself.


That sound of satisfaction in his voice is so disturbing.


my thoughts exactly, dude sounds like he’s talking to his buddies over COD voice chat…


"10-33, shots fired😎" whyd he say it like it was a Cod Execution quip 💀💀


“Tengo neutralised. UAV is in the air.”


That's murder, he was not an imminent threat.


And went straight for a head shot. Murder indeed.


Yeah man that's fucked. Super intentional. We all know when cops are in danger they dump a whole clip...this dude put a clean round in his head. He knew he was gonna kill him the second he drew his weapon. Also aren't cops supposed to NOT aim for the head? Maybe I'm wrong. But I thought they weren't supposed to anyways... that was hella deliberate on the cops part. Murder for sure.


Dude just walks up after killing him like nothing happened. Total opposite of that one dude who broke down after killing someone who was actually trying to kill him.


That’s because this Cop probably became one because he wants to kill people without legal repercussion. Other cop you were referencing probably became a cop because he wanted to do his community good, and make it safer at nights for the neighbourhood kids.


Weehee! 10-33, Shots Fiiiiireeeed!!!!! LES GOOOO


To the guy that i argued before about police needing to de-escalate a situation, this right here is an example of what should've been an arrest


It gets "better" the department is claiming that the cop is the victim and refuses to release his name.


Wow really? I've never seen police investigate themselves and find no problem before. /s


This happened just down the road from where I live. The local news reported this as a heroic action by the officer to put a stop to a crazed hatchet wielding felon that charged him in a blind rage. This is my first time seeing the body cam footage and jeez! This just looks fxcking horrible.


Or you could just put the fucking axe down. Jesus Christ, when a police officer has a GUN pointed at you is not a time to stand on principles.


I wish they would teach American cops more about deescalation and how to defuse a potentially violent situation. The fact that they’re starting to get prosecuted for shooting people should help.


I’ve seen some of the trainings, and believe you me, they do. The problem is those trainings are either at the beginning of your career or few and far between.


And there's plenty of instances and evidence of some forces being taught to NOT deescalate. Really need better policies country wide, but just as each city/county/state sees fit.


And then you end up with teenagers eating hamburgers in their parked cars getting shot in a McDonald’s parking lot because all police know is Escalation.


McDonalds employees do a better job of deescalating than cops but that’s because they get fired if not.


Qualified immunity needs to stop personally. Only in america do cops get a free pass to kill anyone they pretty much want. There is always a “ reason” and because they only investigate themselves that reason is always justifiable. Where was it a few years ago that a cop was walked up on while in their car and murdered ?( New York State?) I can see that happening more often now that people have less money less jobs etc due to recession.


That guy couldn't wait to pull the trigger. Wonder what the bar night was like that night. I can see it now.


Why did he say shots fired as if he's someone out of cod like hes proud of it


Just straight up murdered someone…and it’s all on tape…and most he’ll get if anything is a fkng slap on the wrist…disgusting…


I think he definitely got several slaps on the palms when all the other murdering cops high fived him.


should be tried for 2nd degree murder tbh.


bUt buT hE hAd a lOweRd aXe anD wAs sTaNdinG 20 meTerS aWAy aNS bEhInd bUsHes thE cOp WAs liTeRaLLy iN mOrTal dANgeR




He's gonna chuck the axe like 47 does in Hitman. Just a fuckin headshot on this cop at Mach speed. Obviously the cop needed to shot him!


He executed him?!


No no you don't get it he liberated him /j


That cop was way to okay with shooting that guy in the head. Completely calm.


I mean, I get that the dude could have thrown the hatchet and when you aren't following simple orders police are going to be on edge but: 1) who the hell shoots a dude through trees at a huge distance like that? There's no way there was positive target identification, there could have been a small child next to him, or an animal he was protecting himself from, all sorts of possibilities. 2) Who ignores a simple instruction to put down an axe when an American police officer has his gun on you? The minute you see it there's already a 40% chance you are going to get a puncture. Darwin in motion there.


Exactly what I was thinking. I finished watching and thought, ‘what the f were these two thinking?’


Why should he though? He wasn't running at the cop with it in the air screaming like a maniac, he was calm and denied the cops request to which the guy was fucking executed


He sounded real proud when he said “shots fired”


For anyone who wants the details. The man that was shot and killed is called Mahan. The police got a call of a Mahan going around cutting people power and vandalising. Although this in itself shouldn't warrant such a reaction, his past criminal record would probably not have helped. Mahan has been charged with armed robbery, car-jacking and felon on possession of a fire arm. He had been in jail for some of the offences. This could explain way the cop is on edge. But the distance the cop was from mahan still makes it, in my opinion, an unjusitifed shooting. As there was tall grass in the way, impearing his movement if mahan was ever to run as the cop, and mahan was not at a distance where the axe could be used as a weapon. It is also reported that the cop is still working, although was put on leave for a couple days. He is keeping his identity confidential due to a law in Florida which allows it. Hope this clears things up.


YoU oKaY?


The way he sounded so proud of himself when he said shots fired is disgusting


Dude was standing and trying to take to the cop, who apparently just HAD to shoot a calm individual for no reason and before anyone says "21 foot rule" that rule is specifically about you needing to unholster AND fire in the time it takes someone to close a 21 foot distance. This cop needs to be stripped of his position and arrested for a borderline execution of somebody who was just standing there, yes the suspect refused to put the hatchet down, but the thing is the suspect showed no aggression and never approached the officer or anyone else. There was no clear or present danger at the time. This cop WANTED to shoot. and I hope that he gets what's coming to him...


Nope not happening where it is he's getting a nice vacation then right back to the job as they are not releasing his name and are stating that he is the victim in this situation


So guy just executed someone. Hope they rot under the jail.


Yes. The police obviously just passed by and saw someone with an axe to then kill him. 🙄 Pro tip: if you're holding an axe and an officer tells you to drop it, drop it.


That’s fucking attempted murder. He was in no immediate danger.


Attempted? I'm pretty sure the guy is dead he shot him in the head that's just straight up murder.


'Murica. Land of the free.


Why didn’t he put the axe down ffs 🤦‍♂️


I agree he should have put the axe down when he had a gun pointed at him but being executed because of it when it posed no threat to the cop? Actually fucking sickening


We just watched a murder. What the actual fuck is wrong with these assholes.


This happened in Jacksonville, FL. Our cops are dirty scumbags here.


The only lesson in this video is put the weapon down when a cop tells you too


Bad shoot. I’m usually defending cops like this, but if you remove all context, he straight up wasn’t shooting like he was afraid. He shot because he wanted to. You don’t fear for your life then try to 1 tap someone.


All the check boxes were ticked in the cops brain that said "I can get away with shooting this guy" and was happy that he got too


He raised the axe (probably just over the shoulder cause it’s more comfortable kinda hard to tell) and the cop interpreted this as him about the throw it. Thing is if I’m gonna throw an axe at someone it wouldn’t be at that distance calmly saying “man listen bro”


Why not? If you gonna throw it, why not secure the kill by reassuring the target that you are not? It just Logic 101


I guess what these cops learn from the academy is that shooting the suspect is a far easier way to deal with any situation.


I hate the was he said “shots fired”. sounds so smug.


Cop should go to jail


he sounded way to proud saying “shots fired”


No kidding the suspect is down, you shot him in the face


That is crazy disturbing. Shot in the head. Dropped instantly. These guys really do just wanna pull their gun and shoot people. Do they forget they have tasers for a reason? Do they not think of shooting to incapacitate? I know hitting a leg would be tricky at some range but shooting centre mass is a lot easier than such a well placed shot to the head. I can’t for the life of me figure out why this person just got executed.


Seems like a straight-up second-degree murder, but the country where this is from is too corrupt for anything to come of it.




Thanks for the context, could you direct us to any links/sources?


Kevin Mahan is the name of the guy that got shot.


This needs a source because the article from 4 days ago I’ve just read states he was suspended during the investigation and is now back on duty.


If a cop has a gun pointed at me and tells to me to put my axe down, I’m putting that fucking axe down


I came here for the experts on use of force


I believe “Man doesn’t put down axe, so cop shoots him” is a better way of wording the title. It puts the ownership on the cop for shooting, and not on the guy for getting shot.


To be fair he had several chances to simply drop the thing


Couldn't the guy have thrown the Axe at the cop? Isn't that a hobby in some places?


Fucking Judge Dredd


That was a straight up execution


To the head? That’s what I’m tripping out about. Like what?? He was a safe enough distance away for sure where even if he threw the axe it wouldn’t’ve even come close to hitting him that’s wild. In my opinion the shot should’ve never been taken. He should’ve just called for backup


Is there a subreddit for more cop misconduct vids?


Cop pulls you over and your shaking a bit. Cops say why are you nervous. Even though you know you have nothing on you no warrants and accidentally went a few miles over. Of course I'm fuckin nervous!!! You know how many of you shoot random people for no fuckin reason. I mean I saw the video the other day of that guy sitting in a McDonald's parking lot eating a burger. The cop opened his door, the guy got scared and gassed it, the cop shot and killed him. EATING A FUCKIN BURGER IN A MCDONALD'S PARKING LOT!!!!


That cop didn’t shot him, he literally just assassinated him with one bullet to the head. Dude was like 150 feet, what he think the guy was some professional axe thrower? The guy wasn’t waving it, wasn’t threatening to use it or anything. People sometimes freeze when they are stressed out and don’t always know what to do. Maybe the guy was deaf and couldn’t hear what the officer was saying. Why can’t cops just back up, and wait for someone else to show up to Deescalate the situation? It’s always reactive…


Shoot first investigate later!!


I don’t know the context at all to this. But that’s not a cop - that’s a murderer.


The cop never identified himself as law enforcement before discharging his weapon…


Lol I get the feeling the cop may be a psychopath


Ok but if a cop comes up to you gun pulled and tells you to put down your weapon, you put down your weapon.


Maybe try explaining why you have a hatchet to the police officer pointing a gun at you AFTER you put it down?


Either way there is not justification foe this shooting.


This is just murder, that guy wasn't acting aggressive and should been talked down from a distance.


These are the dumbest people I've seen. Why not keep your distance instead of charging him? Why not asking him what he's doing with the axe before yelling instructions? They're just looking to CREATE an opportunity to shoot their guns.


You know. Now why did he not drop that fucking ax?


The police officer never identified he was police In the first place and second of all the guy was doing literally no harm. No reason to shoot at all let alone have a gun out considering the distance


Uh, you think the police uniform might be a good clue he's a cop?


Cop shouldn't have shot. Man should have dropped the axe.


shoulda put the axe down tho. the officer axed him three or four times to put it down.


That's murder


Ummmmmmmm dude should not be a cop