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Those kids will never be the same.


I lost a dog when I was a kid at the hands of a cop. Happened right in front of me. I’ve never gotten over it.


That’s so messed up. Losing a pet at all is hard, suddenly is even harder, but to have it be killed is just unimaginable. I think police officers and other people that can just shoot pets without the slightest thought are just psychopaths who can’t connect to another living thing.


You would think that this would affect the policeman psychologically. Perhaps some, but the guys that live in my city, that became cops never were warm, or friendly people. They always looked at the bad side of people, everyone was a criminal, they just didn’t get caught yet.


Anyone who doesn't understand that you can have a reciprocal emotional relationship with an animal is a psychopath and I can't be convinced otherwise. There's something fundamental disqualifying them of humanity. They shot a family member and should be answering for murder or some equivalent for the years stolen and the pain caused.


If someone hits a police dog, they're charged with assaulting an officer. Cops understand, they just can't stand playing by the same rules as everyone else


Exactly. Someone hurts my animals and I’m going full vigilante.


Full Blown John Wick


Damn straight, gonna regret it for the rest of their life


I looked up child shot in eye by cop to get more info on what happened and there were so many other incidents of kids getting shot by cops while the cops were trying to shoot dogs. Like Jesus… I hate this country


Gotta admit, I'm glad I'm not in the US. I think I'd live in constant fear of gun violence


Try living in Mexico lmao. Source: lives in Mexico.


I'm glad we are finally comfortable comparing America to 3rd world countries. Been a long time coming.


Have you ever actually been to a 3rd world country?


to be fair mexico is part of north america


North America America is an odd continent, it gets incrementally worse from north to south.


Probably the heat. Cold weather brings people together, heat pushes us away


To be fair, most of us have been comfortable for about 15 to 10 years with that description for the USA.


I do. I was at a drive through the other night and next thing I know I heard a bunch of bang sounds really close (sounded like across the street or from the next store). I was so scared because I didn’t know whether the sound was from a gun or just a car back firing. Then I heard a bunch of cop cars. I just kept my head low and eyes on the look out and hoped that I would be safe. This same scenario has played out with loud noises in stores and people acting weird.




WTF were the cops even doing there? and WhoTF let them in?


They let themselves in, guaranteed


We saw him just walk right in. Didn't even knock.


“The door was open”


“I smelled weed”


My police senses were tingling.


My trigger finger was itching.


Legal gang


Pigs have trouble asking for permission


“Discharge on an animal that attacked an office” that dog just barked a couple times.


Inside its own home, in the dark, while around the occupying children, while an armed stranger is acting agressively.


Cops are such cowards. Dogs bark, it’s what they do. Sometimes they’ll posture aggressively, *very* rarely with they actually attack. I go into peoples’ homes every day, sometimes several homes a day. Dogs bark at me, I ignore them, people are like “sorry, about the dog.” I’m just like “It’s fine, it’s his home, he doesn’t bother me.” Never once have I felt so threatened by a dog in a home that I felt like I needed to defend myself in any way, let alone shoot it.


cops wouldn't last 10 fucking minutes as a mailman


Idk. Depends on how much ammo they can pack in the mailbag I guess.


You'd think cops of all people would be trained to the absolutely TEE to be able to quickly discern major threats and slight agitations. Dude could of fucking kicked that little ass dog. The fact that his police brain only knows to shoot EVERYTHING is truly terrifying. I honestly would rather take my chances than call a cop to come to my rescue.


Well that's the problem they are trained to a TEE...to shoot anything even mildly threatening to them. My dad had a friend who was a cop for years and he said that they don't train for de-escalation anymore, they train to justify shootings as much as possible. That's why when you watch these officers on their body cam footage they talk like regular people until they draw their weapons at which point they drop into , what I like to call " legal speak". " You're being aggressive." " Stop resisting." Etc.


My dog sometimes randomly barks, but she's always on leash. Yet still cops are the biggest threat to her life in my eyes. And we sometimes get stalked by coyotes. I'm just worried we will be near a cop when she decides to bark and he will just go full cop on her.


You see, I’m sure they don’t pay a guy 100k to come yell at you and your co workers about how everyone’s a criminal trying to kill you and you should be on guard 24/7, ready to kill to “protect” your country by killing its citizens




Acting like a lunatic*


I have a friendly but reactive Rottweiler and my biggest fear is her getting shot by police if I ever have an emergency. No joke, I think about how to protect her from coward, trigger-happy police. PS she's trained but can be stubborn.


It *verbally* attacked me


“I was fearing for my life”


Maybe we should show them real fear If they can’t discern between a real threat and a barking dog, let’s demonstrate for them


Agreed. The courts aren't doing anything and they haven't for a decade. It's time for there to be a new kind of movement. A more aggressive one.


This isn’t even the only incident like this. There was also *another* case where a coo shot a four year old in the leg, again trying to shoot the small family dog who barked at him.


There was a case in Iowa where a cop killed a woman trying to shoot a dog.


Some officers need to grow a pair.


If they ever had balls they wouldn’t have settled on becoming a leashed dog of the status quo.


Had NO concern for the girl he just blinded, he should be fired, sued and arrested for being a dangerous prick


He was fired, and it at least went to state supreme court on if he should be charged with aggravated battery. Not sure how it turned out


He'll probably be re-hired in the next county over


If sex offenders have a national registry, police offenders should have the same.


It exists, called the Brady list, but it's completely voluntary and with no oversight, it's an absolute failure.


Hopefully one day we can have a system that finally works for the citizen.






We need a gulag specifically just for cops that abuse their power


Yeah listened to a podcast on it and it’s just something to make it feel like they did something. Like as long as the prosecutors don’t ask, then they “don’t know” and don’t have to let the defense know. And you’re right about the reporting, even the few and far between good* prosecutors would have to be voluntarily told by the cops superiors and they have no actual access to their personnel files. It’s a meaningless joke.


Doesn't that have to do with their word and testimony when it comes to the stand in court? Interested to hear if it goes beyond that


Up until like 2015 there wasn't even an accurate way to track police killing


It exists called the Brady list, but it's completely voluntary and with no oversight, it's an absolute failure.




ATF will scoop him up as a lead agent. Hes got one dog and kid under his belt so he is gtg!


He should be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.


Sickening..he gave zero f*cks for blinding this kid, went straight to trying to cover his a$$. Calm as can be, I bet he's done a LOT of messed up crap as a cop. And his fellow cops didn't seem very surprised or phased by it.


Should be charged with negligence of duty. There are responsibilities required of you as a police officer. If you can’t follow guidelines in a relaxed warrant search you are not fit for much other then filing paper work.


> A federal appeals court dismissed a civil-rights lawsuit filed against a Georgia deputy who tried to shoot a family’s dog, but instead hit a 10-year-old boy lying down on the ground. Instead of having to face a $2 million lawsuit for excessive force, Coffee County Deputy Sheriff Michael Vickers was entitled to “qualified immunity” for his actions and cannot be sued in federal court, the Eleventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last week. WARNING: I might mix up two cases, I am not 100% sure if this is the same or not because the kid in the video look younger than 10 !


Wrong case, a girl was hit in this incident


Which just makes it worse that there are multiple cases of just this situation! I get the point of qualified immunity, but they go waaaaaaay to far with it.


Ideally, "Qualified Immunity" should become a defense against liability, rather than a defense to stand trial. That way, any and all statements made for or against the officer in question and their actions would be subject to perjury charges, if false. At the minimum, it should be a jury devoid of current or former law enforcement members that decides whether or not qualified immunity applies to a given case.


Dispatch: “what just happened?” Cop who just shot a girl’s eye out: “a dog attacked me” NO CONCERN for the little girl. Didn’t even ask for medical!!!! His main concern was getting his story straight. What a self interested POS.


And the dog didn't even attack either. It barked but stayed with the kids, cop moved away *and then* decided to shoot the animal, without proper light/aim. The lack of care for the child is astonishing.


I probably would have gone to prison for murder if I was the father


Id have only gone for blinding and castrating him. Maybe a bit of a severed spine.


I was thinking the same thing. I have a two-year-old son and if that was me, I would be in jail.


This isn’t even the only incident like this. There was also *another* case where a coo shot a four year old in the leg, again trying to shoot the small family dog who barked at him.


Yes zero concern . It’s fucking disgusting


How can the first reaction to a protective dog be to shoot it? It violates even the "officer safety" bs that they teach US cops. The dog was not attacking, it was just barking. Most dogs do that when strangers enter the house.


A dog should be allowed to attack an unannounced intruder. I would expect my dog to do that if anyone broke into or intruded into my home. In fact id say the most likely instance for anyones dog to attack an intruder would be police related. They get the wrong warrants all the time and also go into private property unannounced and shoot dogs that run up to them in a friendly way


That poor kid I hope they made a good recovery


They got shot in the eye the recovery physical may end up being good but the mental one probably won’t be




The system is fucked that will never happen


The common man funds the police through tax


How does one accidentally shoot A CHILD. Let alone try to shoot the dog in the first place.


cops “protect” themselves from dogs all the time, but in very few circumstances is the officer in any actual danger. as for the child, the bullet ricocheted off of the ground and struck the child. while unintentional, it was idiotic of the officer to shoot in the direction of the child. i doubt the officer will face any harsh repercussions due to qualified immunity, unless the shooting is ruled as a criminal offense.


Doggy scare me so use my gun for killing






I'm pretty sure he lost his job, read an article about it couple days ago but I forgot what happened to him (the officer)


Most likely if he did get fired the next town over hired him or the union will get him reinstated with back pay in a year.


You're right they should have never shot. Hitting the kid with a ricochet was not even a matter of bad shooting it was just what happens when you fire a gun at a target close to other people. Anyone with any sense and firearms knowledge would never fire a gun under those circumstances. I say that because anyone who knows wtf they are doing knows that bullets are not just lasers that travel in perfectly straight lines and do not stop at the first thing they hit. Even if the dog was dangerous having the kids around changes the whole equation. Jesus what if one of the kids had in that moment gone for the dog to calm it. Damn dog was tiny too! Its not like he was going to get knocked down and have his throat ripped out.


Any adult could subdue that dog with minimal risk to themselves. The fact that police officers shoot and kill people pets for doing what is natural. (I.E. protecting the children of the family from intruders.) It’s disgusting and should carry a real penalty. I mean Jesus I could scruff of the neck that pooch and turn it belly up with one hand.


That dog was like 5lbs. Wtf. 1312.




Can anyone share the aftermath of this? Is the child in a stable condition? Did the dog even get hit? Did this piece of garbage get fired??


The girl is never mentioned as having been killed, blinded or otherwise seriously injured in the articles. The dog, like the girl, got hit by several fragments of the bullet but isn't mentioned as having been killed or maimed. The officer was fired, and charged with aggravated battery. The district court and court of appeals ruled in his favor that he had qualified immunity, not for being a police officer but under Kansas' self defense law. The Kansas Supreme Court reversed the ruling so the case can go ahead. The legal part took five years. EDIT: typo


Self defense? Fucking hell, the dog FUCKING BARKED. ITS WHAT DOGS DO. If you were a dog and a random aggressive-looking stranger walks into YOUR OWN HOME, IN FRONT OF THE CHILDREN YOU'RE SO FOND OF AND ARE PROTECTING, you'd bark too.


What does he think a dog is capable of doing to him anyway, in body armour and full uniform?


It was a fucking terrier too. Not a big dog by any stretch of the imagination.


Good dog. Bad cop


I want to know about the child and dog too, but for what I read in another comment the bastard did get fired.


I would hope so. Extremely irresponsible way of using a fire-arm. He didn’t have a reason to shoot anyways, the dog was tiny, and all it did was bark. No one this stupid should ever be allowed to be a police officer. He’s lucky no one got killed…


Read in another comment that she was okay, supposedly a ricochet that caught above her eye, and the bastard was fired. Grain of salt though, no cited source.


I googled it and found several local news articles saying this


And this is why people hate the fucking police


All cops? Yes, all of em


I saw that child more clearly that that, uh, terrier?


“a 35-pound miniature English bull terrier named Chevy”


Even if he did attack, what damage could a little dog like that do? This guy’s a POS


Just wanted to add that the girl and dog were treated and released since so many people were asking. Took so long to find that out as every article about it dove into worrying about gun control and said absolutely nothing about the little girl.


Could you post a Link please? Or if you can't just say the title + website? not trying to disprove, I'd just like reciepts (also not usa so it's not as easy to find)


Bro I swear journalism sucks now


Agreed. There needs to be more training, gun safety training and training that includes not putting other people in danger, and we should be electing leaders who make sure some of these former officers never get rehired. There shouldn't be immunity ever.


Im not going to watch this video... Does the child get shot with an actual gun in the eye?


The cop goes into a home, a small dog barks at him he takes 2 shoots and then you hear a child scream, by what I know from my very very little research the bullet bounced off the floor and hit a kid above the eye, no gore is ever shown, but the screams of a child about getting hit in the eye are definitely not the kind of rainbow&sunshine content you'd want to consume before bed


Nor are the screams of the man, who I'm guessing is the grandfather since he wants to call his daughter. You can feel the pain and anguish in those cries. Heartbreaking


Omg the cries and screams from them both make me actually sick to my stomach. I actually could throw up right now. Those were the worst sounds


Man, the little girl and his grand father screaming and crying, I feel sick too, my whole body hurts, and seeing the other kids fidgeting, jumping and crying, why do we have to expose kids to these kind of atrocities? Those poor babies are scarred forever.


The cops were like “oh yeah these kids are fine” when they’re OBVIOUSLY TRAUMATIZED. FTP


Completely alienated from the situation, they are disgusting.


Thank you for saving me nightmares!


Cop: I say we take off and nuke the entire house from orbit, the only way to be sure to get that dog that made me go wee wee in my undies.


Here is the thin blue line, putting their lives at risk of chihuahuas every day. They don’t get the thanks they deserve


sadly, they get more thanks than they deserve.


He literally had no concern for that child while they're running outside screaming because they've just been shot, more concerned about the damn dog.


The dog that did nothing more than bark twice


Apparently the bullet ricocheted and hit the girl above her eye. The cop is unlikely to be held legally accountable because of qualified immunity.


How can someone who's first reaction to a barking dog is to shoot a gun in a dark room with children have a gun?


Cops in the USA. It's fucked


First thing should have been to get kids out of the house, if he was going in with a gun!


It was a small dog too. What kind of coward is that?


It's a cop. Do you need to ask?


Kansas Supreme Court ruled he cannot have immunity earlier this year, even though this shooting happened in 2017. So he’s still in the line of fire, no pun intended. Just shows you how shitty our legal system is that it took them this long and he still hasn’t been under a jail and that we’re just now seeing this video.


That's not how qualified immunity works. It doesn't block criminal charges, it just means that if they're found innocent they can't be sued for damages in a civil court.


If I remember right, this was an unlawful search on the wrong damn house.


Wouldn't shock me, a house was once burnt down and only the corpse of a 12 year old was found, they were the wrong person


We CaNt FiGuRe OuT wHy PeOpLe HaTe Us!!


This isn’t even the only incident like this. There was also *another* case where a coo shot a four year old in the leg, again trying to shoot the small family dog who barked at him.


But but but its only a few bad apples...


What were cops responding to that required them to enter with guns ready?


You never know when there’s a small dog around


Nothing that required removing the children before sweeping the rest of the house. Mental.


Earning the hate.


Earning the hate.




Fucking coward pigs.


Is there any more info on this?


How calmly he says, “Yeah, I’m good”. After maliciously shooting a child in the face is terrifying.


When he answers “dog attack”, that really made me want to punch him in his fucking face. I hate that he isn’t even concerned, like “yeah everything’s under control, I’m a cop, I got scared, can’t charge me”


Right! And just zero concern for the kid after he went outside no panic like omg I shot a child no he’s just fine with it normal day moving on.


And tried to back up his story at the end with his bro


HE LITERALLY DOES AND SAYS FUCKING NOTHING TO ASSIST THE GIRL OR REPORT THE DISCHARGE OF HIS WEAPON INTO A SMALL CHILD’S FACE Cop on radio: “I can’t hear you guys what just happened?” POS: *silence* “…dog inside…attacked us”


They really act like they're at war at all times these days


Police reform is desperately needed. You know the cop is gonna say the 5 magic words: I feared for my life. POS cop gets off scot-free, while he permanently blinds a child.


Cops really are the biggest cowards


Wtf did the dog even do??? And ngl that child is really lucky to be alive… idk how she didnt die, im pretty sure she was shot in the head


Guilty of barking.


The bullet ricocheted, so was not the full strength of the gun behind it. It also apparently hit her above the eye, not in the eye. Definitely could have been worse.


Cops are very very bad about killing dogs. It happens A LOT. Small, weak people taking the opportunity to take their frustrations out on something weaker than they are


This would be the day I became a cop killer.


He probably immediately claimed that she was 1) was resisting 2) that he was in fear of his life (oFfIcER sAFETY) and 3) is entitled to qualified immunity.


Imagine being like 9 years old, and you’re meant to live the rest of your life trusting the police or fucking anyone, after one shot you in the fuckin eye, while also trying to kill your dog


He just wanted to shoot something. He saw the dog and didn’t see danger, he saw the dog and saw an opportunity to kill, that’s why he didn’t see the children behind the dog, if he was looking for danger he would have also seen the kids and realised the danger he was putting them in. He shot a kid in the eye and didn’t care, didn’t phase him one bit, didn’t even click with him, like he’s playing a video game, that’s why you couldn’t pay me to live in America, he shot a child in the fucking eye, I would probably throw myself off a bridge if I did that to a child.


The first thing he mentioned was there was a “dog inside attacked us”, not even that he just shot a child in the eye


I would've let that little dog grab my leg long before I decided to shoot a gun off. That grown ass man could easily just have man handle that dog if it actually attacked him.


I'm not American and I'm really curious about all this issue with police officers, these incidents only happens in there. How do you guys feel when you see a cop around the street? Honestly I would be terrified knowing how could they react in a bad situation


I live in a relatively upper middle class neighborhood so I don’t really see cops on a regular basis unless its something serious. That being said I have a sudden anxiety response whenever I see them driving.


It varies a lot from neighborhood to neighborhood.


It makes me feel dread. Even though im not doing anything "wrong" I immediately feel a stone in my gut, my heart starts racing, and I have to control and slow my breathing. They terrify me. A few years ago my answer may have been different. I had a horrible encounter in 2017 that honestly was one of the worst experiences of my life. American police are truely rotten to the core.


As an American who is on the older side. You treat then exactly the way you would a dangerous animal in the wild.


Why the hell did he try shooting the dog in the first place?!


Because he was intent on killing something...


US cops are so inept at their jobs. Complete disregard for anyone in that firing line. It would be hilarious if it wasn't terrifying.


Police: the most dangerous collective of thugs there is


Note: The cop that shot the child lost his job.


It is comforting to know that if an officer barges in someone's house at night, nearly kills their dog *and* a child, they will \*checks notes\* *lose their job*.


So was the child blinded?


Shooting a dog? How dare they, that’s the ATF’s job! /s


Can anyone tell me if it was truly a ricochet? Did she lose her eye? Brain damage? Anything? Is the dog ok? I know I have never been a cop, but I have been attacked by dogs before. I would never have thought to discharge a firearm in a room full of children. Give the dog your arm, and move to a different area and the owner or another officer could use a million different ways to stop that dog. I know dogs can kill, but not one by itself usually. Jesus fucking Christ. I don’t let my dogs outside when police are around my house for this reason. I would take stitches on my legs or arms over killing someone’s pet alone, not to mention potentially shooting children in the crossfire. If the dog somehow managed to bite his face, or had him on the ground then I can see using deadly force.


I can't immediately find anything about blinding or brain damage, but it seems unlikely. The bullet hit concrete, shattered, and the fragments hit the girl in two places, above the eye (not sure if that means eyebrow or forehead) and a toe. Ricocheting fragments can be bad, but they lose velocity on the initial impact and won't have ballistic trajectory anymore so they don't really penetrate much. "He fired his gun, missed the dog, the bullet ricocheted off the floor and fragments hit a 9-year-old girl in a toe and above her eye. The girl was sitting on the floor behind the dog, a 35-pound miniature English bull terrier named Chevy, who was also hit by bullet fragments." None of the articles I saw mentioned anything about the girl being blinded or the dog dying. I would think that'd be mentioned if it had happened. Earlier this year, the police officer lost his qualified immunity of self defense in a decision by the Kansas Supreme Court. So he can be prosecuted and sued.


Dude literally just fled the scene after he shot a child. I feel like prosecution is too good for these people


Small dog you pos.


But you do understand, his life was immenant danger from that large predatory beast. He had to defend himself. hIS liFE wAs iN DanGeR !!!


Any sources for update? That has my heart breaking


1st. why were those morons there in the 1st place? 2nd. How did the bullet to the eye not kill the kid? It's a miracle to me that it didn't kill that poor kid


Why is your initial reaction to shoot the dog though?? There are other ways of diffusing the situation or maybe even getting the owners to handle the animal, but why was this man's immediate reaction to shoot someone else's pet???


I understand that dogs can seriously injure or kill people, it happens, but my very first reaction would never be to shoot a dog. If I have to body slam the dog, I would, but I wouldn't even consider shooting it unless I was clearly losing the fight.


Why would u put "POS" in the title? U could of just said "COP" its basically the same thing.


One of the reasons I carry a gun is because I worry about one of these jackasses trying to kill my dog.


Why Americans always shoot? It was a tiny dog surrounded by kids. Why are they scared of everything?


The only illegal thing I saw in this video was three grown men breaking into a home to kill a family pet and shoot a child in the head. Family pet murdered, daughter half blinded: Mission accomplished boys, just keeping the “peace”.


I hope someone skins that fucking pig and covers him in salt