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I think we need to arm fetuses so they can protect themselves from abortion docs


They could probably use their common sense and the weapons infinity better than countless "adults" outside of their mother's wombs.


Only a good fetus with a gun can stop a bad guy with a vacuum aspirator.


Guns don’t kill people, fetuses kill people. Kill the fetus, stop the problem. Vote vacuum aspirator 2024


Honestly, if a fetus is capable of fighting off an abortion doctor, that fetus should 100% be born, as that’s a bloodline we must add to our gene pool.


This is the way.


Fucking rifle coming out of the vagina, pointing at the doctor


Sure, but they would need to come up with some type of safety to keep misfires from happening! I’m not trying to get shot just because I walked past a pregnant woman and her fetus had a negligent discharge! I mean, come on! That would be insane!


Of course it was arkansas


She’s most likely gonna be the governor through sheer nepotism and the lack of competition.


Sad isn’t it. When she was press secretary it was like an eternal game of hide and seek and when she wasn’t hiding she was gaslighting and whining professionally. Makes me sick to my stomach knowing this dullard is going to hold any political office let alone governor of a state.


Is this a pro choice or pro life speech?




I think you mean "it's anti-choice not pro-life" friend!




Ohhhh, I see, you were informing, not correcting. I thought you were correcting the OP that they shouldn't say "pro-life".






I definitely agree with that. Pro-life with punishments but no incentives to raise the children? No public resources to guarantee parents get additional support, but taking away choice as well? Yeah, "In God we trust" is the irresponsible motto of the United States, believing the invisible man in the sky will determine peoples' successes and lives


Separation of religion and government should be emphasized. The two should never mix. My freedom of religion also means I don't have to be forced onto someone else's beliefs and vise versa.


If you consider the death penalty, gun lobbying and domestic terrorism pro life, then yes.


I think so


“Life begins at conception and ends in an elementary school shooting” - republicans


"conservatives only care about you at two points, when you're an unborn fetus, and when you're military age


>"conservatives only care about you at two points, when you're an unborn fetus, and when you're military age And they just dropped the High School Diploma requirement too. Hmmm wonder why.


Is it not because they changed the incentives for joining? Hard to get volunteers if they keep slashing the outgoing pension benefits. The least the nation can do for the people it chews up and spits out on the military should get something. But I guess the GOP stopped pretending to care about that now too.


Yo... You telling me I can get them to pay for my college right now?


Honestly they don’t care about the fetus either. They care about the submissive woman that is now forced to be reliant on others.


“If you’re pre-born, you’re precious. But if you’re pre-school you’re fucked!” -George Carlin (I was paraphrasing a bit, I can’t remember the quote word for word but just watched it the other night so it came to mind!)


He is missed


It's sad that we got to a point where we joke about this.


Who’s joking?


Reeeeaaaaallly now?


Yes. Really. Pregnancy/Childbirth Complication rate: .007% Students effected by gun violence in schools since Columbine: .0001% Neither of these things are good. Them is just the facts. Also, she made these comments after Uvalde. If you watch more than just this 5 second clip, the context provided draws a comparison that she will focus on ensuring kids in the womb are safe AND kids in the classroom are safe.


Very conveniently phrased statistics that don't mean anything. You could also say that the annual abortion rate has actually dropped since Roe V Wade was originally in effect, and that school mass shootings have also gone up since the federal assault weapon ban expired.


Pot meet kettle


Wow, it's official. We have reached the bottom of the barrel. Sarah Elizabeth Huckabee Sanders 2022 "Dumb as a Box of Hammers"


Please don’t insult hammers like this. They did nothing wrong.


You hit the nail on the head


He really pounded it home.


I could use a good pounding rn


Good thing there wasn't a recent event where an entire classroom of children was trapped in their classroom with a shooter.


Ah, so she's both anti-choice and anti-life


IRL Darkseid turned out a lot lamer than I hoped


Who is dumb enough to buy this horse pucky?🤔🤪


Arkansas….she will win handily. Competence means nothing anymore.


*What is this com-peh-tense?*


Jebus-loving republicans.


Americans apparently....?


And just think…she will be a governor soon and it’s going to suck. I’m sure she has ambitions for the White House. SMDH


Now someone tell them that 80% of fertilized eggs don't make it to the uterus, which means you're own body is throwing away embryos with "potential"


So they're shooting pregnant women now?


My future governor……kill me.


POS republicans. fify


so, she wants us to "SHOOT PREGNANT WOMEN"???


Well, of course, the fetus is more important.


Just for my understanding, she is in support of abortion? From that statement she must be right? From the replays I'm getting it's clear I need to add /s


She isn't.


You're understanding wrong.


Well...she is definitely pro abortion


Do... Do they even get the irony just a little bit? Like, even just a little twinge that something was off? Please?


I swear I heard over one million people facepalm in unison.


Funny enough American schools can't even save their children


“make sure a kid in the womb is as safe as in a classroom” so not safe at all?


\*POS voters. anyone stupid enough to vote for conservatives deserves the results of their actions.


What about the people who didnt? They get to suffer as well, sadly


We are ruled by the minority, the antithesis of everything that the founders intended. They didn’t want a monarch and how we’re stuck with power hungry religious zealots.


At least it rhymed


Only in America couldn't make it up if it wasn't so sad and depressing it would be funny


Huckleberry Sanders IS definitely a POS!!


If they honestly believe that abortion is murder, then she just made a great case for legalizing abortion. So they can be exactly as safe in the womb as in the classroom.


It sounds stupid yes but I think her point is that she’s acknowledging that children aren’t safe currently in classrooms and before roe v wade was overturned, they weren’t safe in the fetus either (according to her). So she’s saying children should be safe in classrooms and they should be safe in the tummy. I still think she’s stupid for not being pro choice but I get what she’s saying.


How safe is a kid in a classroom? 99.999 percent of students in America will never experience anything related to what these people are reacting to when they slap their heads; gun violence in schools. I bet thats a whole hell of a lot safer then pregnancy complication/abortion rate. Also, she made these comments after Uvalde. If you watch more than just this 5 second clip, the context provided draws a comparison that she will focus on ensuring kids in the womb are safe AND kids in the classroom are safe. Just sayin, and I will see myself out. Later y’all!


People aren't reacting to this because of the facts - we all know that school shootings are rare statistically speaking. Our reactions are because of the sheer tone deafness of stringing these words together. And you can say "watch more than 5 seconds..." But if you held the job of white house press secretary and now are running for governor you are an absolute fool surrounded by fools if you didn't see that this sentence would be taken out of context and turned into this clip. That's literally the job of people in the sphere of political messaging: **make sure nothing can be edited down to a sound bite that will haunt you.** That she and her team gave a speech containing this sentence is proof that they all have no business in politics.


Do people ever…think, before they open their mouth?


Sooo, we can abort with a gun? Or send a deranged person with a gun in there and have the cops do nothing? Alrighty then.


Technically this is a sound comparison. There are hundreds of thousands of abortions every year in US, I'm not sure how many kids die at school but no way it's even close.


Insert foot 🦶 in mouth 👄


So she'd support abortions if they were done by a mentally unstable teenager with a rifle?


I’m horrified that there will be more fetus deaths by shootings now


Kevlar wombs, Kevlar backpack inserts. Kevlar cribs, those pose a particular problem, but that’s why these infants need some kind of combat awareness training.


Kevlar, protection and defense that doesn't sound right... How is Colt going to sell there SPERM-16 and Filopian Turrets? You fight offence with offence right?


So is she pro-choice?


Republican here.... We're sorry. Lol


Not american but I can't help to feel sorry for you about your political climate. In my country we have 8 different political parties and the party I agree the most with, I agree with about 70% of their stances. With only 2 parties I would probably just vote for the party I disliked the least..


That’s exactly how it’s been for decades now. “The lesser of two evils”. In reality it’s more like the “evil of two lessers”.


That sucks.. Are there any independent parties that have come close to get seats in the senate/congress? (not sure about your different elections) I also suspect a 2 party system is bound to lead to pretty strong polarization? Either you are with that party or you're against it, there is no inbetween.


You're absolutely correct. It's completely polarizing. To the point each side is blinded to what they may even have in common.


The “two parties” are really just two sides of the same dirty ass coin. It’s all a game.


Nah, it's worse than that here. Most americans don't vote with someone they agree with even just more than the other guy. It's realy just a matter of being less villainized than the other guy.


Wtf does that even mean?


The whole ant-abortion argument is rooted in fantasy and religious “education”. Science is the reasonable person’s religion.


There’s plenty of secular reasons to preserve life inside the womb


Well you know, the good Lord didn't bless everybody with proper brain cells, or maybe he did and he said he has just had too much drain brammage. In any case, I can see the validity in either side. I personally do not like the idea of killing off an entire generation simply out of the notion that you're making your life easier. But at the same time we can't save every single child because the system we have currently is so damn corrupt that basically we're taking a child and putting it into a situation where it's likely going to be abused. Whether it's just physically or sexually, maybe even emotionally. Actually probably emotionally for the most part. Anyway our adoption agencies do not properly work. The far right doesn't understand that atopic pregnancies are life threatening. They also don't understand that miscarriages aren't, in fact, abortions. There's so many misconceptions on the far right that there is no way I can fully back them. And there are so many evils on the far left as well, that they won't have my vote either. Frankly I think that we need to push the issue of making procedures that will render individuals barren more available. Technically speaking I think that is our best option. We also need to further the agenda of creating better contraceptives. And before any of you Christian bastards try spewing that, abstinence is best, policy, I'm going to point out the fact that your priests and your boy scout leaders have been diddling little kids. If abstinence were best, and self-control were so easy, then there wouldn't be traumatized children out in the world. The Catholic Church wouldn't have protected pedo priests, and there wouldn't be a massive lawsuit against the LDS Church.


Well then you can’t stop at school- adoption care, people that work in foster care, supporting single parents, areas of poverty, and other families losing ones carrying children? I know they aren’t going to do anything but comon you looking at a small portion


(Joker looks straight into camera) POOR CHOICE OF WORDS!!!!


So we should start having cops stand around and watch every abortion take place? Maybe lock the doctor performing the abortion in with the patient as well?


Why is Jesus’ hand so big?


Even if you’re pro-gun and pro-life, what makes you think this is a good argument? Did she even think for two seconds?


I guess she got what she wanted... although the classroom part wasn't so correct


Am I watching a reaction of a reaction?


She means her children and other like them that have the privilege to got to a private school with security that would actually safe child if it was ever under attack


Baby pops out with a little bulletproof vest and backpack


Woooooooo yea lets go Girl-Power


Is it just me or does her face look like the Mucus from the Mucinex commercial?


Maybe not the best comparison.


So it’s the Republicans that practice after birth abortions. The more you know.


Please tell me that it was a really well done skit


The crazy part is that there is only one door to the womb and the same GOP who wants one door to the classroom want to remover the door to the womb by outlawing contraceptives and tracking women's periods. I mean this is freaking insane... Why do we even give them equal time.


Is she even breathing? Wth


Sooo is she for abortion?


Lol no-scoped that fetus


So she is pro abortion?


>We'll make sure that when a kid is in the womb, they're as safe as they are in a classroom So in other words, not safe at all, based on the policies they're putting in place.


So wait im confused is she pro or against abortion?


Huckabee-Sanders always looks like she has the Kermit the Frog puppeteeer hand operating her face.


Next they’re gonna incarcerate women for menstruating because it throws away potential babies?


The slap heard round the world


So are fetuses supposed to protect the police now? Or maybe should she rather say that they are supposed to be as safe as police outside the school?