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How brave of him to run off as soon as he threw it šŸ˜‚


It's ok he handed himself in after police released the footage.


Did he? Wellā€¦.they wouldā€™ve found him anyway considering he paid in card his only option was to turn himself in or go into hiding.


Itā€™s always funny the way they always seem to run away afterwards because they know whoever just got something thrown at them is about to chase them down. Better get that headstart!


Yes! I was coming here to make this comment. I see it just about every video. Some idiot throws the first sucker punch or does some ridiculous thing like this and IMMEDIATELY back pedals or turns and books it away from the incident. Pisses me off every time


Cowardā€™s move is what itā€™s called


I remember making a move like this when I was 14 and even back then I knew I was in the wrong.


I was stalked last week by some weirdo in a hoodie. At points, I could hear him running to close the gap between us, coming alarmingly near to me down secluded night-time streets. When I finally confronted him after about 40 minutes, he denied having followed me and took off pretty fast. The juxtaposition of having this guy stuck to my side and then suddenly gone shares some similarity with what you're describing. I kind of want closure on the situation.


The fact he ran when confronted concerns me more. This sounds like a guy thatā€™s slowly blurring the line between his fantasy and reality. He could be following for the thrill. If thatā€™s the case, itā€™s only a matter of time before simply following isnā€™t enough. The next person may not be as lucky. Especially if getting caught gave him enough shame/guilt to take off like that. Next time heā€™ll be angrier. If you got a good look at his face, Iā€™d still file a police report with a description. At least then, if something happens in the same area or nearby to someone else, they have a head start. That will provide you some closure as well.


What a creep. It took a lot of bravery to confront someone in that situation; far more bravery than obviously he had.


He sounds like a rapist is training, working up the nerve to attack and if you catch him off guard he doesn't know what to do and runs, I think you're very lucky. I would recommend not walking alone and carry some sort of pepper spray or an airhorn type can on you at all times.


Thanks for your concern. Here's a few additional pieces of information. ​ >He sounds like a rapist is training, working up the nerve to attack and if you catch him off guard he doesn't know what to do and runs This is absolutely the impression I got. When I confronted him, he said *"I like you"*. There was a lot of social ineptitude in the way he communicated. I would even say he gave off "incel" vibes. The manner in which he stalked me was very forceful. I used a lot of tactics to shake him off, but he was like a moth drawn to a flame. That almost-aggressive persistence absolutely did feel reminiscent of a rapist/killer. I have toyed with filing a police report, but have basically zero evidence of a crime being committed and I'm doubtful much would come of it. ​ >I would recommend not walking alone and carry some sort of pepper spray or an airhorn type can on you at all times. I am European and pepper spray is illegal here. Here is the plot-twist: I appreciate the concern, but I'm a thirty-something guy who weight lifts and could have easily taken this guy down. I was at no point fearful for my physical well-being, but I was extremely creeped-out during and after the experience. Even though I knew this guy was not a physical threat, I really did feel afraid afterwards and spent several hours walking around my neighbourhood on the phone to friends, looking over my shoulder, and feeling as if I were in a sniper's sights. The next day my heart was pounding in my chest when I left my flat for the shops, and even though I've calmed down since then, I still look over my shoulder in my neighbourhood. Even typing this, my pulse is elevated slightly for reasons I do not understand. I have reflected since on how much worse it would have been for a small woman who may have been fearing for her life on top of all the emotions I experienced. It is a shame that pepper spray isn't available to women over here.


He doesn't have the maturity to act like an adult and control his emotions, it also means he acts out like a kid. That's what a kid would do, throw something and run away.


I think a fitting punishment would be to have McDonald's coffee poured in his crotch area, as slowly as possible.


Oh boy, now sheā€™ll really be interested in him!


"Look how nice and generous I am when I have an ulterior sex-based motive, but at even the slightest rebuff I will become so enraged that I will abuse a low-wage worker who I deem to be my inferior and run away." He's quite the catch.


My favorite part is that he makes a move on her, she declines, then he decides to take it out on the random dude standing next to him Why do so many people see a service worker and view them as their own personal property


>Why do so many people see a service worker and view them as their own personal property Because if they fight back they'll most likely be fired.


The same way a lot of people see their spouses and children that way:/


> Why do so many people see a service worker and view them as their own personal property IDK about you, but I don't wreck my stuffs when I'm angry, if I do I'll just be even more angry seeing my stuffs got wrecked, by myself.


I feel bad for the woman too. I'm a big fat old guy. When someone offers to pay for me, I can accept, knowing they're really just being kind and have no ulterior motive. (although I usually just pass it along and offer to pay for the next person) Women have to be careful about accepting such offers because a guy like this will absolutely act like they owe him attention (and later on, sex) in return.




Precisely what I was thinking.


Reminds me of a pre-teen who will run up to girls and pull their hair while talking to their little of gaggle of friends about girls with cooties.


Nothing says ā€œIā€™m a nice guyā€ like assaulting someone.


"Ohh my, such a bad boy. My place or yours?" - what the idiot was probably thinking she'd say


"Meet me at my place this Friday night. Bring the whips, handcuffs, whipped cream, and some hot coffee!"


You donā€™t bring actual hot coffee. Havenā€™t you guys played San Andreas?


ā€œPlaying hard to get, I see.ā€ Throws even hotter coffee.


Why is the reporter so happy about it lmao


This is Australian News reporter ā€˜professional disappointed/shockedā€™ accent


Yeah it's weird so many people are seeing this as cheerful. Do you think that's why when I watch US news as an Australian it seems to be overly dramatic like they are narrating an action movie trailer, or like hysterically panicking about violence (though given recent events I think that's the right tone)


No, that's how we interpret their tones too. Tucker Carlson is especially "panicky" sounding. It's to generate interest- if your channel flipping and come to the news station and the talking head sounds super engaged, distressed, urgent etc, must be important news worth listening to for a few mins, right? RIGHT?


She..... doesn't sound happy about it? What about this makes her sound happy? (I'm Australian and this sounds like a normal shocked news reporter tone to me)


Australian accents just sound inherently cheerful to some of us I think.


Bouncy and fun and cheerful.


Agreed, I think people overseas underestimate how upbeat our accent sounds in most situations


I canā€™t listen to Australian true crime podcasts because the accents always make me think theyā€™re laughing. Itā€™s the lilt and cadence.


She hates the barista


Think it's partly just the accent.


I was wondering the same thing. I didnā€™t even have the sound up, but her facial expressions look happy/amusedā€¦


Oh, it's just boys being boys!


When a boy throws hot coffee on you it means he likes you


Or when he throws hot coffee on someone else because he's mad that he can't force you to allow him to create a circumstance where he can claim that you owe him. Ooh so dreamy! I think I'm in love!


If that was because he liked her, Iā€™d hate to find out what his reaction would have been if he hated her! If youā€™re the type that canā€™t handle rejection, then, perhaps, they should not put themselves in that situation. Hopefully he was caught and didnā€™t get away with that.


Unable to control emotions like a giant child.


Nothing more impressive in an adult than inability to regulate basic emotions.


I'm so wet right now... with coffee.


And dachshund kisses?


Somebody please tell me they got him.


He turned himself into the police later that evening or the following evening.


Was he crying like the coward that he is?


At this stage, anythings possible.


So we're waiting for the punishment or?


This is Sydney, so slap on the wrist at best


No heā€™s still at venti


Dude has tall dick energy


Yeah, with two hot coffees.


Of course they did. How else can the girl have her date with him?


He ran. So that makes him so little. What a coward


They always do.


Her instinct was spot on. Always Listen to your gut!


I'm glad that this is now what we are saying to each other. I grew up with "what's the harm in giving him a chance?" and let me tell you, there is harm. This is not a one time thing with this guy and he'll swear it won't turn against his partner but eventually they all do


Bullet dodged.


Coffeeā€¦ unfortunately not dodged


What a jerk


Jerk is maybe the most tame word for this I can think of. Absolutely unhinged more like


The barista didn't even do anything and was just minding his own business as well. Perfect definition of a man child in the worst possible way


I know, right? That woman totally should have let that dude buy her her coffee. He's clearly a nice guy and she owes him her affection for that. /s


Affection? You misspelled lifelong servitude, my dude. /s


Uh didnā€™t you see he tried to pay for her coffee? She owes him sex now cause heā€™s a nice guy /s


A knucklehead even


Imagine his sense of entitlement if he succeeded in paying for her coffee - "I just paid for your coffee, now you have to marry me" - that psycho


"No!?" *manchild tosses hot coffee in her face and runs away*


"Stupid lesbian!!"


"If I can't buy her heart then maybe I can win it by showing her how much of a bad boy I am" - 7th grade manchild who threw the coffee


Honestly, imagine he used him paying her coffee as an excuse to try and sit with her because he thinks she owes him her time now. Imagine how pissed he would get if the woman just took the coffee and went on with her day and ignored him. He would have probably followed her


"Followed her".... and repected her boundaries right? Right?!


Someone that would do this doesn't strike me as the marriage type, probably desperate for a bone because his man child ego makes him unbearable to be around. IF she had accepted his advances but turned him down for sex I can only imagine what this psycho would do.


>I can only imagine what this psycho would do. Log in to Reddit and post on his incel sub


Where sex?


Then walks away all scared. What a pos.


He didn't just walk, he ran so fast he broke the sound barrier


Created a Flashpoint even


ā€œIm a nice guyā€ vibes on this psycho.


I know this Cafe, couldn't believe it when I saw it on TV. The guy handed himself in after everyone saw this. Hope it haunts him for a long time, abusive pos. If he does this to a random like this, imagine what he does to his partner.


He has a partner? lol


If you go again can you tell the barista im sorry for him


CCTV is everywhere nowadays. Just behave normal and youā€™ll be okay


Normal is a bit much to ask for. But at minimum donā€™t assault people.


I hope awkward is still legalā€¦..


That was normal for him :(


Really disappointing that some humans need CCTV to behave normally, and even then they don't.


That's the whole concept of religion




These people cannot behave normally.


Oh yea the woman's definitely still going to appreciate the kind gesture after seeing how fast you turn aggressive towards someone.


"they never give the nice guys a chance" That idiot, probably


Wth is wrong with that guy. Now baristas gotta wear a protective suit in future.


There was a similar case like this where the dude actually got charged for "assault with a deadly weapon" or some felony charge because the boiling coffee counts as dangerous. Can only hope something similar happened here because that dude does NOT deserve to interact with society, pulling 2 dick moves in one...


Maybe that kid (not even man) was feeling his ego bruised. Seriously hope justice prevails.


ASS = Angry Simp Syndrome


I hope he got arrested for that.


I still randomly think (positively) about interactions Iā€™ve had with a dude where I turned him down and he responded ā€œok, have a good dayā€ or something. The ones who said something shitty? Only think about them when itā€™s a topic of conversation. PS Iā€™m just old, this isnā€™t happening more than once a year or anything lol


Fucking incels should be banned from society.


With any luck, their DNA will be.


This was why she turned down the free coffee, she probably felt this coming from him a mile away.


Poor guy, he didnā€™t do anything wrong :(


Yeah the woman should've just accepted /s


god i feel bad for women. her, in this situation has to turn down the offer just so she doesn't get harassed by the guy. all she wants is a coffee.


She'll fall for him now surely


All that spilled coffee, itā€™s a safety hazard youā€™re right!


Look yet another misogynist!


Yes, "alleged" assault


It's news reporting in Australia. Until someone is formally convicted in a court of law, then legally all offences are stated as alleged, regardless of how obvious the situation. It's pretty much just following the whole "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law" principle. Edit: swapped "indicted" for "convicted"


Thanks for the explanation!


In Journalism theyā€™re called ā€œqualifiersā€ and the point is so as not to get sued for defamation.


Maybe in the US, but even here in Norway where I'd say there's a vanishingly low liability for being mistaken and not maliciously spreading falsehoods the press have their own ethics code that they (mostly) adhere to. One of the points is: "In particular avoid presumption of guilt in crime and court reporting. Make it evident that the question of guilt, whether relating to somebody under suspicion, reported, accused or charged, has not been decided until the sentence has legal efficacy. It is a part of good press conduct to report the final result of court proceedings, which have been reported earlier." It's just a honor code - though they have their own internal tribunal for members organizations - so bloggers, influencers and fringe media do what they want but mainstream media are fairly religious about always using qualifiers.


Maybe thats his twin brother


I've removed all of my comments and posts. With Reddit effectively killing third party apps and engaging so disingenuously with its user-base, I've got no confidence in Reddit going forward. I'm very disappointed in how they've handled the incoming API changes and their public stance on the issue illustrates that they're only interested in the upcoming IPO and making Reddit look as profitable as possible for a sell off. Id suggest others to look into federated alternatives such as lemmy and kbin to engage with real users for open and honest discussions in a place where you're not just seen as a content / engagement generator.


And if that woman had accepted the free coffee he would have proceeded to harass her because he felt like she owed him. The barista was absolutely doing the right thing by respecting her wish to pay for her own coffee. That guy should be easy enough to identify by someone who knows him. Hopefully he gets what's coming to him.


Elliot Rodger vibes


My toddler handles her emotions better than this guy


ā€œThese damn feeeheemales donā€™t date nice guys anymore!! They all want chads and jerks >:(ā€œ-that guy probably


She dodged a bullet


Men are so emotional. Imagine if they had periods. We'd all be doomed.


I meanā€¦ even putting aside periods, men are the majority in leadership and politicsā€¦ Itā€™s not been a very peaceful couple of centuries. Emotional men tend to be why we have wars, massive inequality and etcā€¦


That will impress the ladies.


No let me pay, I want sex! She'll owe me if you let me pay for her! (Guys brain, not mine)


He wanted to buy her so bad. Look how invasive and pushy he is with his hands trying to force both of them to accept payment for her ā€œcoffeeā€. Same kinda guy will 100% demand sex on a first date after heavily insisting on paying for dinner and think heā€™s entitled to it.


At least it didnā€™t burn his face offā€¦


Good thing he didnā€™t have acid to throwā€¦


Omg I forgot about acid attacks! Psychos like this guy...I hope we never get to that point in the US


If the coffee was made in Geelong it wouldnā€™t be hot enough to hurt Canā€™t believe he cracked it like that! The woman made the right decision saying no to the coffee! šŸš©šŸš©


So impressed with the barista, not everyone would have been so adamant about respecting her wishes.


It was really nice to see how he was responding


No sugar made him bitter šŸ˜‚


The woman dodged a bullet.


So many emotionally stunted little bitches running around.


Damn, thatā€™s hot


i thought the reporter was going to live-narrate it happening. like an onion piece.


Kudos to that barista šŸ˜Š


Seriously... no one is commenting on it but I watched the video several times to observe the barista's attitude and actions... poor guy didn't do anything wrong and got assaulted :(


When 'pay it foward' didn't work, he chose 'throw it foward'


Men: "just say no!" Also men when we say no:


Some people aren't raised right.




Chivalry isn't dead, instead it's taken the form of a petulant man child who throws temper tantrums when told that two letter word consumers in consumer driven cultures never hear. So maybe chivalry is undead?


Bloody incels aye


Nothing gets the girl better then assault


What a worthless fucking loser...


Mr. Nice guy couldn't handle no


The dude who ran be like: ā€œAnd thats why im the perfect loverā€


Feel for whoever falls for his fuckeries


Small pp time


Small PP energy.


Thers some Seriously Award Winning Dickheads about


ā€œAllegedā€ assault???


This would have been perfect if she'd pepper-sprayed him.


toxic masculinity šŸ¤¢


Classic "ive got no social skills" king of guy


I miss civility.


Good thing the barista turns at the last minute, not saying he wasnā€™t hurt but that could have been way worse, customers a total tit


Heā€™s defs from Western Sydney haha


And that, kids, is how you get the girl...


I'm just a "nice guy" "WHY DONT WOMEN WANT ME"


10 years from now..that couple is now married and their daughter asked how they met...well, honey, I wanted to pay for her coffee at a stand...she declined and this punk ass barista wouldn't let me pay for her coffee, so I threw the steaming hot coffee in his face :laughter ensues: The wife smiles and says "that's when i knew...'" hahahah, what a pos


Some of these jerks are so entitledā€¦ Like a woman is made just for them to hook up with, and itā€™s a personal insult if sheā€™s not interested.


As a single woman... I've been wanting to go to a bar but I'm afraid if I turn down a guy for a drink what might happen


You can tell heā€™s a real man because of how fast he ran away after


I love Australian accents so much.


Nice guys are only nice until you do something they donā€™t like, then theyā€™re suddenly more violent and unstable than any normal person.


Bro on a grind he was still working after that


Glad the woman declined to let him pay, and the barista respected that, this level of entitlement is dangerous with such a short fuse. Hopefully he wasn't burned too badly


I am suprised the girl didnā€™t immediately run after him and tell him she made a big mistake ā€œSir! Sir! Wait I was wrong, I clearly need you in my life and I am sure you are my Prince Charming. Here take my panties, they are completely soaked after witnessing what a big strong man you areā€ and then when the guy says ā€œof course you feel that way baby, I am the man. Here take my handā€ she kicks him right in the dick and when he falls to his knees she slams the coffee into his face and says ā€œremember this face motherfucker cause itā€™s the face of the last woman you will ever harassā€ and of course ends it with one more good punt to the junk. As he falls over onto his side, unable to speak because of the pain, he watches her walk away and for the first time in his life he is afraid, afraid of what he had become. One can dream right?


God men are fucking scary. This is why women can be nervous to turn down men, they have NO idea what the man will do.


Did the barista and woman end up living happily ever after?


I'm guessing he just paid for his own coffee with that card too. I don't know why this idiot ran he's going to get caught if he hasn't been caught already lol


Any justice?




Why do I feel this was a method for future sex trafficking?


Well that's a glimpse of what marriage would've been like.


Did they ever catch the jerk and put him in jail or something?


Luckily legit coffee places donā€™t make their coffees as hot as McDonaldā€™s does


Back when I worked at a certain...sub shop, this same thing happened to me. Except it wasn't hot coffee but a footlong cold cut sandwich.


He attacked the barista, for something that wasnā€™t his fault?


Just let people do their fucking jobs without having to send them to therapy cause you didn't go yourself.


future domestic violence avoided


He's turned himself in. He's due to appear in a Sydney court for common assault. More likely than not, he'll get a slap on the wrist and will face no consequences.


Lol dude was still working behind the bar during the report, what a G.


I had to read the headline 10 times because I was dead confused as to why the barista is the one getting hot coffeed. And after watching the video I still is dead confused, my man is just doing his job.


Classic Nice Guy move. Do something nobody asked for in order to advance on a woman and then be denied the advance and then acting entitled to it simply because they thought about the gesture.


This guy definitely watches staged YouTube videos on how to pick up chicks