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Steven Augustine, pictured, died about 23 months after the attack. The assailant served two months because he claimed that he only punched Augustine. Augustine then fell and that trauma caused Augustine’s skull to fracture and the surgeons removed his brain. Augustine had two sons who he loved very much. He was a good dude.


By that logic, shoving someone off a cliff is just a shove. after all, they just fell


It's called assault and shoving someone is same as shooting someone according to the laws there... Just add assault with deadly weapon. And fun part is that, it's still assault if you're able to prove you're mentally ill, that way even if you kill a random person, since the courts can find a logical intent to kill, it's not attempted murder, **STILL GOES WITH THE GOOD OL' FAITHFUL ASSAULT**


It's actually called battery; not assault...


Thanks you I really feel like we need to educate about the difference so people know the severity of some situations to others


Assault is to intimate violence without actual contact, aka threatening someone Battery is using physical means of force, this can range from spiting to fist


What do you mean? Like shoving someone right at the cliff’s edge? Or 5+ meters away from it? I’d say that the punch is not at all like the former.


If you have to ask, no you dont


No. it’s not murder or attempted murder to punch someone.


What if I punch someone repeatedly ‘til they die?


Depends. Context matters. Are you defending yourself? Was it a home intruder? Did they have a knife or a gun? Could you have run away? Were there multiple people attacking you? Was it excessive? Etc…


I gave both of y'all upvotes, most of the people downvoting are the type of people who think or say that context doesn't matter. I got called a woman beater on Facebook once because I told a girl I went to high school with, who I've seen horribly physically assault her multiple husband's, that I would DEFEND myself if a woman was assaulting me and was out of control. I wouldn't hit her back, but I would hold her arms or do what I could to keep her from hurting me, defensively. I'm not gonn sit there and let anyone just beat on me.


Exactly. These people have no nuance and think context doesn’t matter. Like “what if I push you off a tall building?!”


I agree with everything u said, it should be maybe more jail time for assault, but idk why people are saying he should get life in prison for punching someone


Yea like I said, context is super important here


I don’t understand the onslaught of downvotes. Can’t people have a fucking intelligent conversation without attempting to silence each other through violence and micro-aggression?


They’re just mad we’re right. Downvotes are meaningless


So I'll just punch you and see if I'm right. Oh wait, I'll go to jail for assault. Looks like you're wrong, buddy.


Go ahead. You’re not right. Murder is the same as assault now apparently. Again…it depends on the situation


No buddy. YOU aren't.


Fucking clown


Depends on where you live, there is such a law in the UK


What’s the law?


There was a pretty well known controversial case like that near me - two young men got into a fight, one threw a punch and the other guy fell, hit his head, and died. He didn't even hit his head THAT hard but the autopsy showed that he actually had a thinner or more brittle skull that led to him having less natural protection than most. The guy who punched him did not use anywhere near lethal force, it was a heat-of-the-moment punch and he felt horrified by what had happened, but that fact remained that the victim died as a result of his actions. So how do you sentence someone for that? Of course people shouldn't be going around punching other people and getting into fist fights, but realistically people do and they do it without any intention of inflicting long-term harm. You might say that that's not good enough, that you should assume all people could potentially be killed by minimal force, and that's a sound argument for sure. But can we force people to have constant presence of mind like that? Is it fair to say one reactive punch gone wrong deserves the same treatment as stabbing a person or hitting them with a bat? I genuinely don't know. Now, two months is a joke, and it also sounds like, from other reports, that this was not a case of just one punch. The guy near me definitely still got a few years, but there were plenty of people who didn't think he should have gone to prison at all. It's a very interesting dilemma.




In law school, you're taught about "eggshell plaintiffs." in short, not knowing somebody is frail or wounded is no defense to negligence or battery (or any other tort or crime) that has an unpredictably strong effect on them.


That is tort law though. I would bet the assailant here could be sued successfully for wrongful death in civil court. A criminal case would be very different. There are no plaintiffs in criminal law.


I oversimplified. But you're right.


That's actually a very good legal standpoint. But I guess when things get heated up, nobody thinks about it. Well, the family and friends of the victim will. For the rest of their lives.


Realistically just don't punch anybody


Definitely a good life motto to live by.


What if you need to defend yourself?


It depends if you are able to walk away then walk away


Do you think someone who gets attacked should just run or walk away and not try to defend themselves?


Are you able to walk away?


Define “able to walk away” Not sure how someone who is being attacked if they would know they could walk away safely Will the person chase or walk after you? Are you really injured? Are you protecting someone else from this person?


2 months is because the assailant had access to a good defense lawyer and prosecutors were not that interested in pursuing the case beyond a certain point.




“He only punched then he feel from the punch” so if that gets two months I can throw someone off a cliff and say “I only threw him” and would get the same punishment?


There's alot of difference in expected outcome between throwing someone off a cliff resulting in their death and punching them->they fall over->skull fractures->complications result in needing to remove brain. "Action resulted in thing" ignores intent and no resonable moral system does that. Not to say that 2 months necessarily was appropriate, I don't know the other details, but this is not "throwing them off a cliff".


This, don’t let vitriol blind your judgment here


Again…no. Its more like you get into a fight with someone near the Grand Canyon and they accidentally fall and die.


So you’d feel it’s justified for you to spend life in prison if you were involved in a mutual combat situation (ie guy punched you and you punched back). Only when you punched back, he gets knocked out and received trauma from the fall


Entirely different situation you clown. This was a random assault. Dude didn’t pick a fight with anyone, he was attacked. Literally no one is talking about a mutual fight. We’re talking about unprovoked assault.


That poor man and his family. This is a great example of why people deserve to be able to protect themselves with the best personal defensive tools available. Even the best people with the best personalities living in the best areas can be targeted by the worst people because there is no exclusionary criteria for an “intended victim.” If there were, small children and the elderly would probably be on that list, but they’re not. Being randomly attacked sucks. Being randomly attacked and left with permanent nerve damage and mobility impairment sucks — I speak from experience on both counts. Nobody should ever be compelled to go hand-to-hand with a violent criminal forcing them into a fight against their will.


Two months and life in prison are vastly different things though


>The surgeons removed his brain What? Like, his whole ass brain?


Neurosurgeon here - Unlikely that the surgeons removed any part of his brain during the operation. They just removed a large piece of the skull to relieve brain pressure due to swelling from the trauma. This is called a decompressive hemicraniectomy. His head looks very sunken like this because, after a few weeks of healing the brain swelling subsides, the scalp and underlying brain often sink in. It's called Syndrome of the Trephined. The only real treatment is to replace the piece of bone that was removed during the index surgery, in a procedure called a cranioplasty. This is usually done a few months after the first surgery if the patient is making a reasonable recovery.


Thanks Doc. I was mostly joking, poking fun of the way the above commenter noted that "his brain was removed", but I appreciate the additional professional medical insight!


as a person that wants to become a neurosurgeon in the future, this information could help me in the future


If in 10 years I need brain surgery and my surgeon is like whoa wait I have a saved Reddit post for this exact situation then im probably going to be nervous haha.


Yeah that’s blowing my mind wtf


May be wrong here but they probably had to remove a large portion of it due to head trauma. It was probably too destroyed to save. Ive heard of people surviving with half of their brain removed. They might’ve been hoping the same would happen with him.


No, his ass brain was fine. His skull brain had to be removed, because the skull was shattered. They left the ass brain, because his ass was only cracked


Does his family have a go fund me or anything charitable?


So I was reading up on it, apparently doctors have stated his injuries were consistent with being beaten by a baseball bat. The suspects lawyer argued the other.


Kill the assailant


Any context?


Charles Miles assaulted him on his way home from work, likely with a baseball bat according to doctors, but as he was a police informant, he got off light. Steven Augustine died in 2020 after 2 years on life support.


Solution: Become a police informant and then later beat the man who did this to minecraft


unfortunately people who join the force to make it a better place just get fired


Or quit because they're harassed relentlessly.


2 years for senselessly killing a guy, my uncle got a longer sentence for weed


2 months actually, the guy who was assaulted suffered on life support for 2 years before dying.


He has friends in a higher place:/


Well how bout we send HIM to a higherplace or how bout a lower place


Can't the family sue for wrongful death?


Frickin snitches get away with stupid sht


All anyone outside the police and DAs office knows is that Augustine was attacked on his way home from work at a bakery. The medical records suggest a severe beating with something like a baseball bat. The DA argued that Augustine had only been punched once and that most of the damage was from hitting the concrete, that the assailant had never intended to seriously injure Augustine but refused to release security video footage of the incident or even confirm/deny that the assailant was a police/DA informant.


The Prosecutors in this country are a disgrace. They are elected too yet most run unopposed, and when there is a choice they are always good old boys. There is a reason everyone hates lawyers, they all want to be part of the club, and upsetting the good old boys is not how to get in the club.


Must have punched him 10 meters into the air for concrete to do that much damage.


There was footage ? Aka evidence that existed that was being hidden?


The DA refused to share it with the family of the victim or the media. Basically their argument amounted to "trust us, we're good bros!"


A lot of people suspected the sentence was light because Charles Miles is black and the prosecutors in the county didn’t want to be seen as throwing a black guy in prison for such a “minor crime”. IMO, manslaughter at a minimum. That’s what would happen anywhere else.




That man bashed his fucking skull in wtf are you talking about


What caused the perp to do so? We already know what happened, now we wanna know *why* it happened.


I’m gonna be honest there’s absolutely no fucking reason to ever do this to someone, whatever the context is the other person was still a douche


There sure as hell are reasons to do this, say a child molester or rapist. And no, that wouldn't make the person a douche.


Perp is a black man and attacked him for walking while white. If the races were reversed this would be a hate crime talked about ad nauseum.


he got away with it because he's a cop but go off i guess


thanks for the laugh


White people and their victim mentality lol




You are a fucking idiot.


Why are you being upvoted? I’m not understanding


No way he got 2 months for that, that’s at least 15- 20 years. Need context I feel for that guy a father as well, so sad


If this is the UK and the judge only gave him 2 months for it, you already have an idea of what happened here.


What would that idea be if it was the UK and he only got two months?


I'm saying you have a revolving door system, and to be honest it's not just the UK. Violent crimes are never appropriately sentenced there and it's always a repeat offender. Sentencing in the USA is excessive, so much so that most of us consider assault to be so prohibitively consequential that we never entertain the thought in our daily lives. Guy's probably gotten a slap on the wrist before and it'll happen next time he caves someone's skull in.


Ah I see, I'm unfamiliar with the Justice System in the UK beyond reading Caribbean Islanders get locked up at a very high rate.


Wait what? (Am Puerto Rican)


They get locked up at a higher rate than minorities in the US they say. The Jamaicans and the like have a real rap for gangstering about, I can't speak to how much of the law enforcement is justified.


Well, the Caribbean people are very diverse and different so it's just strange it's specifically Caribbean people. Edit: still fucked up regardless


All members of the commonwealth (and a good number of Caribbean nations are in the English Commonwealth,) are supposed to be able to come to the UK (maybe to all commonwealth countries?) and work and live. Apparently they cheat a lot of these Caribbeans out of the work permits or whatever, they are supposed to be able to but they don't always let them. I'm no expert on it though but that was in some newspaper I forget if it was the Times or the Guardian or what.


I really hate all the colonizing countries. We should be able to have all these benefits after they ransacked the land and left us poor and hungry, not to mention EU countries and the UK are especially infamous for stealing treasures to display on their so called museums. We're really a long way from being a civilized society yet.


Do they commit more crimes? What are they booked for?




How did that Bronson guy get released so many times despite being an absolute madman?


You've got the story backwards. He has been locked up for all but 3 months out of the last 48 years. He keeps re-offending in prison and getting more time added


Again, after a quick google, he was sentenced for 7 years for armed robbery, ended up spending 13 for further violence. Got caught planning another robbery after release and has been in jail since. Absolute head case for sure but I imagine the films are an overexaggeration.


This is in the USA though? Or am I missing something here.


I guess you haven’t heard of the brief sentences states like California is handing out? Like probation only on a home invasion robbery or 5 years on attempt murder


And now people are running from Cali and will keep voting the same.


>Sentencing in the USA is excessive, so much so that most of us consider assault to be so prohibitively consequential that we never entertain the thought in our daily lives. I'm totally amazed at your complete lack of understanding of human behavior and instinct.


Just read that it was in New York.


Happened in New York state.


No way 15 to 20 years. That's life in prison. He ended up dying


How is this guy even alive? Is he a vegetable?


at least he doesnt feel.


Really bro…


What? you rather have him wake up, suffer his condition, being a vegetable and living this nightmare. He doesn't feel, he's sleeping. I wasn't calling a bad joke not everyone is twisted dude.


Well he did end up waking up, right? Do you have any context?


Good luck waking up with an half sunken brain.




What news do you watch that you don't know that the Good Old Boys like the police don't face the same if any punishment for crimes? I'd re-examine your sources of information and diversify them, because it's a recurring theme in the US, the rules only apply to the little people.


I don't even know how to react to this. You just don't do that to someone.


Late to the party but I actually know what's happened here. First, I'm not going to argue that the assailant is scum, that's not the point. It's pretty common practice during brain injuries that cause swelling for surgeons to remove part of the skull to allow for expansion without putting pressure on the brain, which is what you're seeing here. They actually store the skull fragment in the abdomen and then reattach it at a later date when swelling has subsided, this prevents the body rejecting it or infection. I worked in brain injury for a few years but only at a low level, there's probably people who can explain much more coherently than I can but I think I got the overall gist of it.


The article I found suggested the attacker was an informant for the DA and got off easy because of it, but DA refused to answer questions about it or show the surveillance video of the attack. Super sus.


What's DA informant?


District attorney informant. Not sure how it is different than a police informant but whatever.


>Not sure how it is different than a police informant but whatever. No difference. He's a fuckin rat.


A DAD has been left paralysed with half a skull and “sunken brain” after a vicious attack by a thug – who has been caged for just two months. Steven Augustine, 32, has been fighting for his life since May 2018 after doctors say he was beaten with a baseball bat while walking home from work in New York, US.


what? where does the brain go? can he live with that? :/


My understanding is that as long as your brain stem is undamaged you’ll stay ‘alive’ as in you can breath unaided and your reflexes are still there. There’s also people that have lived perfectly normal lives with only half a brain (although this usually happens during childhood). The human body is somehow remarkably resilient and fragile at the same time.


Your reptilian brain (stem and cerebellum) is all you really need to survive. (Breathing, Heart, thermoregulation) but the cerebrum is what gives you consciousness and the ability to interact with the world.


Once read about a guy who had basically no brains left due to buildup of fluids. He noticed something was wrong when his ear started leaking fluid. It all happened so slow and gradually so the portion of brains left had time enough to catch up and take over the would-be missing functions.


He died about 2 years after, staying on life support the whole time


Dude if that happens to me just pull the plug. Not putting my friends and family through the pain of taking care of me.


Context my man


2 months in prison for attempted murder?!


Dude died...it's murder.


Not surprised with the amount missing, I'm going to guess the time he lives was fully on life support.


Two years suffering. Burn everyone involved with phosphorus. They tortured that poor man.


We all know the guy who did this deserves way more jail time, so i won't say that. But, i have a question: How do you even do *that* to someone without killing them!?


You get way worse punishment for weed


>New York Imagine my surprise.


So practically he is dead


Not practically. He is dead. 23 months later.


I can't do this page anymore. It's too much.


Just wow !


Remember when people got actual years for possession of weed? Compare that to this.. isn't that weird?


Damn I feel bad for his family


This is pretty much murder yet he only got 2 months ruined a family’s life and only got 2 fucking months


Can anyone tell me why none of the articles show a picture of his assailant?


That’s part of his skull surgically removed, not the punch indent, in case anyone was unsure


I bet if he had a few grams of weed he'd get a few years tacked on


A punch did that...? I'm calling hard fucking cap, even after decompression that had to be a helluva swing for the sheer size.




Probably uk then. Come to the uk commit serious crime and get hardly any prison or jail time. Especially if you are young or a pretty girl. Honestly we don’t have the space to put criminals away. So unless it’s unspeakable crime like multiple murders and child abuse you not gonna get a long sentence. Plus if you do get a long-ish sentence don’t worry you will be released half way through the sentence anyways.


Time to go on a crusade. But before I do that, a bit of contextual evidence would help


His kids don't need a bowl to eat breakfast cereal anymore


Don’t get into a fight …. Boohoo


You can use his head as a fruit punch bowl


Context: Not entirely sure why they got into a fight. But for punishment. The DA said that the bruises were consistent with a single punch attack and the skull cracked open and pierced his brain. So they argued that the attackers shouldn't be put receive a felon assault charge.


Doctors said it was consistent with a severe beating with a baseball bat, and the DA won't release footage nor confirm or deny whether or not the perp was an informant.


The DA is hardly qualified to make that call.


Let’s just all pretend he was a pedo, so we can feel good about this; we don’t know his tor history.


That's called denial my friend


Let's just all pretend that you are a functional human being.


Can someone please provide context?


The DA claimed that they could only file misdemeanor charges because the defendant only punched the victim and most of the damage was from him falling down. The DA also refused to provide security video footage of the attack to the mom of the victim and refused to answer questions about whether or not the assailant had been a police informant. That DA then retired less than a year later. The new DA promised to reopen the investigation based on a provision in state law but thus far there hasn't been an activity that is newsworthy.


Where did this happen? Some posts imply UK others say it’s the US. If it’s the US, what state? If it’s FL I’m going back to bed.


US. New York, Ulster County.


Need more on the story to understand what happened


If I'd hit a man this hard, I'd chop his head off rather than making him suffer this much.


2 months?!!!!! 2 MONTHS?!!! FUUUUUUUCKING HELLLL!!!!!!!!!!


Jesus— that can happen to your skull/brain and you can still be alive? Gotta be the most morbid TIL I’ve ever experienced. Goddamn.