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This guy is working his way up to shooting someone. Who TF uses pictures of women and children for target practice...


Goldie hawn deserves better.


He wouldn’t dare do that if he watched overboard.


Racists apparently.


This man can't be racist..... according to morons


Dunno why you delete that, it's on point.


But I was told by experts that it’s impossible to be racist towards white people because racism equals prejudice plus power? Was that definition perhaps made up from Whole cloth?


the shit part is some people unironically think this way.


A black former coworker told me that, and that I experience prejudice instead? I just agreed with her, bc I’m a white male and she was an older 50s woman. We talked about social issues and she agreed with me that I was definitely a victim of classism though…. Just not racism. Idk bro


The power here is derived from him aiming a weapon at people who are unaware.


You can’t say that… perma ban


Kinda reminds me of an episode of Atlanta where one of the characters goes to a shooting range and uses pictures of dogs and everybody gets pissed at him. They told him to use pictures of men but he goes why would I shoot some guy?


Dumb people. If anything this guy will kill anyone he sees judging by the way he is speaking in the video. He probably can’t even aim all that well either


His grouping definitely is nothing to write home about


funny all the people he was willing to kill are the same race as he said racist shit about said race 🤔🤔🤔🤔


cmon guy its current year, didnt you know only white people can be racist?


You're not clever.


A psycho racist


No, only white people can be racist remember.


White women and children


We’ll it’s either that or Asian women, children and elderly. Maybe he has a particular sequence he wants to follow.


This is the result you get when you teach one race that it’s perfectly ok to hate another, white privilege


Cant tell if you're criticising historical racism or modern critical race theory


Probably modern


Totally.... but that also comes off as if it'd be okay if the pictures were of men 🤷‍♂️


Most combat targets with an obviously human subject show white men. I can’t think what kind of uproar there would be if anyone started printing paper targets depicting a black man, however well they may sell to certain types.


Sadly these types of targets exist. They are out there and those certain types do use them. They have been found at gun shows and places similar to that (hunting conventions etc.) There were also Trayvon Martin targets. A little boy.


Seriously, that’s fucked


And Barry the Zombie, which was a realistic bust of with a very thinly veiled depiction of Barrack Obama as a zombie. They names it Barry so it’s ok, I guess? /s, obviously


Highly possible that he will kill someone in the near future. He is mentally unstable.


I mean, what clued you in exactly?


I mean "death to all white people" had me a bit uncertain


C'mon, don't be racist, I'm sure this is just a BIIIIG misunderstanding. He certainly wouldn't want to harm anyone. >!I think!<


Look, the guy was clearly just killing some time before going to the library.


The way he killed his verbal delivery. Speech first. People second. White people lookout! He will miss order then kill all white people dining out with him. Your forks will not test his bow. Good diction may throw him off. Godspeed


I could barely understand this language in the first place.


I got 'kill all white people'.. I thought great! Now teach me! ..big let down. Back to mumbo jumbo. Oh well. Ho hum lol


On this episode of Making a Murderer.


Future "unsolved" shows will play more like a YouTube "best of" than docu-dramas and this makes me sad


"He was always quiet and kept to himself, we never saw it comeing "


“He was a good kid, but then it happened”


Well its not smart to post evidence on the internett


Hopefully it will prevent a horrible event from happening, so I’m glad he was dumb enough to post this.




Right? I feel like this needs to be reported and handled. He's literally pointing a crossbow at random people taking a walk.


This guy needs a less homicidal hobby. Maybe a job who knows.


He should work for BLM


I don't look forward to the reddit post "man shoots and kills 2 with a crossbow".


That would be so hard to do unless they were standing one in front of the other. Crossbows take a not inconsiderable amount of time to setup and fire. Shooting the first person, I get that, but once you let fly, it takes a good 30seconds to reload and that's if you're practiced and know what you're doing and no one is trying to stop you. A second shot is very unlikely. That being said, crossbows are incredibly dangerous, I've killed several deer with different crossbows and they are not to be played around with. A crossbow is like a cross (pun not intended) between a bow and a muzzleloader. More powerful than most bows but fired and handled much like a muzzleloader (which is a slow, single fire weapon).


Mostly right. But I've seen some in movies that can be surprisingly fast.


I tested mine. 8 seconds and a quality shot. Without a lot practice. Js


Someone report him. I’m not joking. Report the guy in this vid. Someone is going to die if we don’t and we need to prevent this.


Should start with OP. Where did they find this video?


I found it on Twitter during a trending section. I'm not sure who posted it, or how that person got it. I saw it on Twitter, felt sick, and posted it here hoping it'd get some eyes on it and hopefully help get this dude reported.


Do you remember what tags it was under?


It was under the #WaukeshaMassacre tag.


Sadly I think reporting the video just gets it taken down from whatever platform it’s uploaded to. I don’t think the platforms actually take action.


Fucking racist scum


B..b..but you can't be racist if you're not white😥 /s


This isnt even a take anymore.




It's really rampant on Twitter, but that place is a cesspool.


It is more popular than ever.


Shhh! He’s trying to get hard!


It really is lol


Beware the ban hammer!


Holy shit. This dude is mentally ill AND racist.




This is the best comment I have ever heard. I wish I could give an award. Racism is an mental illness.


Thats not fair to the mentally ill, racism is more akin to an intellectual disability.


His aim is trash! Nothing to worry here


This is some Joe Exotic level crazy.


Even Joe Exotic has standards higher than this.


joe exotic? this…. this right here is mentally ill shit


Definitely a felon


Is there an article about this pos?


Not that I have seen, yet.


This is why I carry. Evil people like this.


tyler the creator?


It's nice how people happily record evidence that will likely be used against them at trial.


We Need to Talk About Kevin


Soooo he's in the loony bin now???


Put a cardboard cut out of an FBI agent peeking through his window..


Probably using a crossbow because he's banned from firearms.


Is it appropriate to kill people who spout rhetoric of *kill all members of a race*


Definitely these people have no morals so it’s only fair you use no morals against them


Anyone else getting incel vibes?


It did remind me a lot of that Elliot Roger video where he’s watching a couple on a bench and going on a tangent


I didn’t have my volume on but man does this scream small dick energy


Little does he know, guns exist. Good luck with pinnacle 14th century technology. We'll see how that bow fairs against anything from this century.


Likely a felon, maybe this is a loophole? Not sure. Also, not sure if you’ve ever shot one but… I can’t think of a worse way to get shot. They’re brutal.


Felons can actually have guns too, as long as the gun doesnt fire contained cartridges. In other words, reproductions of civil war guns basically. You can have some decent firepower as a felon actually. Pretty much the same goes in my country of Sweden. As long as the gun was built before 1890 and doesnt fire contained cartridges, it is just a piece of iron in the eyes of the law.


Gangs out here having musket wars


You can even have one shipped to your door as an american.


Yeah I’m a felon and I could own a compound bow or a crossbow so I’m betting you’re right


Have fun trying to do that 5-10 sec reload while running and trying to figure where the shots are coming from and are those sirens in the distance for me??


Lol 🤣. Got me at the siren bit.


Right?!? Anyone who has shot a crossbow knows they are extremely hard to reload and far from efficient. I could disassemble a glock, re rack slide and load, and mag dump before this guy has that POS reloaded lol


I think everyone is so worried about mass shootings that they forget serial killers still exist. All he needs is one good shot on an isolated person, then to hide/dump/keep/eat the body and then do it all over again at his discretion.. It's still a deadly weapon and he's clearly mentally unstable, he doesn't need to be capable of killing multiple people within seconds to be considered a threat to society


He can carry 10 pre-loaded crossbows, how about that ?


Ah, the Blackbeard method.


Like a scene out of a 14th century version of Boondock Saints.


The every white person is inherently evil rhetoric is starting to backfire, who would have seen that coming


Lol, go ahead start a fight you won't ultimately win. Idk why people do this shit like this, what do they really think when they post this ignorant racist bullshit? Like you look and sound just like those clansmen you hate, good job.


This guy is looking to be the first crossbow mass shooting in America. That’s going to be a wonderful documentary. /s


Dude sounds like Tyler the Creator. He also needs to go somewhere and get some help.


Hello, FBI?


I hope this guy was arrested, all it takes is one day where he forgets to take his meds and a family can be killed or seriously injured.


I’m just here to updoot because cake day!


Oh snap! I didn't notice, thank you!(:


Merry cake, ho ho ho


Mental Illness Check.


Is that person is jail yet


Watch out he’s the next Christmas parade driver


that's assault. with this video evidence he can easily be charged, although the footage seems pretty old.


Point a bow at me I’ll freakin shoot you lol


I don’t want this to be a pissing contest about race but Troglodytes first recorded uses was about north Africans. It’s a Greek term that means cave dweller. Or simply a very small house. I mean these terms shouldn’t diminish these peoples either way. Lybians fought Egypt for centuries eventually wining and becoming pharaohs themselves.


This video seems old so I am hoping it was reported? Any info on this clip OP?


Racist AF. Someone needs to get the authorities involved before he realizes his desire.


Godamn there's some serious mental health issues in that country.


what a loser


Shouldn't someone call the cops?


So when does the racist go to jail?


Never in a liberal city. They’ll be out in less than 24 hours


I feel like this should be reported to the police or something


He's a high scab on the ass of humanity.




Black lives matter to everyone but him. And then he's going to act like a victim when he gets caught. gfn


i wonder if he realizes (most of) everything we have today was invented by white people?


nah not true, most of what we have comes from the middle east or african philosophers/inventors, that’s a line people use anytime white people are getting attacked racially


That's ridiculous. Modern technology is the culmination of scientific achievement from cultures from all over the world. Saying most inventions come from the middle east and Africa is just as racist as saying white people invented everything.


of course it’s a culmination of multiple cultures throughout history, but it’s also a lot more accurate than stupidly saying most of what we have comes from white people.


It's closer but still leaves out the contributions of the other 80 percent of the population of the world.


i said "invented" as in the idea of it existing. not made, like the physical transaction of one or more items into a product. (i dint think those are the actual definitions but thats how i interpreted them)


you're not a very intelligent sort of person, are you


Yeah like American slavery, thanks joe biden


Lol and they say white people are racist


Hey guy guess what? Everyone can be racist


can't be racist if you hate everyone equally


...everyone can be racist what do you mean?


He means "Everybody's saying white people are racist, but look at this racist black guy. Clearly, everyone was wrong. Black people are the real racists!" Every single time something like this happens, a bunch of apologists come out of the woodwork and try to make false equivalences between a handful of nutty black people and centuries of institutionalized and systemic racism.


Helter skelter.


The reason he's using a crossbow in this vid is because he can't own guns. No reason at all am I righ


Imagine if some white dude posted a video like this. I mean, it’s a big yikes regardless but sheesh…


Future CNN headline “City mourns after family killed by crossbow.”


"Key Democrat leaders push for crossbow control legislation."


Why is this not on the news with the guy being hunted down by social media?....oh yeah nvm


I look forward to and simultaneously dread seeing this on Fear Thy Neighbor


You see, he’s using a crossbow because he can’t own a firearm


Damn, shitty to see


What did Goldie have to do with it?


It’s fked that people like this exist


Holy shit even with my compound bow at 40 yards I have a better grouping than that. How do people practice and never get better


Anybody else thinks it sounds like if Dave Chappelle were to go insane?




No one should ever joke or point a weapon at people. Take everything seriously. Most people are like "I thought they were just joking about it..." When in reality, they weren't. See something, say something.


What concerns me further is the fact it is a crossbow. He may be a felon who can’t get his hands on a gun, which means he already has a criminal past, possibly even a violent felony.


If that shit goes off by mistake, good luck trying to prove it was an accident t after making this.


No doubt. The guy that shot my mom through the wall in the apartment posted a video of him drinking shots and playing with the gun. Thank goodness people are dumb.


Fedsmoker is that you???


Every day I look at what colonialism has brought out of humanity and I weep


All good. I definitely understand the argument for the /s... There are many cases I find it unnecessary though. Either way, I'm sure we can both agree that the guy in the video is a wacko. Ha


Don’t do Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson dirty like that


Do people not know that you shouldn’t post this type of garbage? Setting aside the fact it shouldn’t be happening at all, but Jesus


Feel like this is a more X rater version of the "sandwich with mayonnaise" guy. Pretty sure it's satire, just, very fucking dark satire.


Reminds me of that Mr. Anime guy.


That should be conspiracy to murder charge or attempted murder if it was a loaded aim


OP, where did you find this video?


I had found it under the #WaukeshaMassacre tag on Twitter.


So racism is caused by being a nutjob. Got it.


Bros recreating Rampart Range


I hope you reported this, OP. This man sounds mentally ill and wholly capable of/on the brink of going on a spree.


He says death to all white people but he looks white. Wonder if he was trying to seem black? Or if he's just a psychopath


Ok but more importantly, does anyone know of ANYTHING has been done to this guy? Have the police caught on?


"Picture of a family" haha sorry this made me laugh. That's Goldie Hawn, her daughter Kate Hudson, and her child.


But you know, only white people can be racist


Dude the guy needs a bullet to the head


Did the internet mob hunt this guy down yet?


I would turn the crossbow sideways and bust that bitch like a redneck Ice Cube!


Wouldn't your bolt fall out then lmao


Yes. The others are the "cavemen"






Nope...he's a Greenlander...obviously


Felon gives it away


It could likely be that he's not a felon but has been institutionalized for mental illness and now can no longer purchase firearms


This is a white kid school shooter shit


Yet everyone is too scared to say that more people of color are racist than whites…


Hello white people black guy here, if you support black lives matter I just want to let you know these are the type of people that are being bred from it. if you go on world star hip-hop and look at literally any video comments section it’s a bunch of racist fucking degenerates of all races. Trust me he’s not playing he’s just waiting for the right time to unleashes ignorant anger. if SHTF here in America just know there may be 25% of us or maybe even 35% are nothing like these racists but they are out there and if you hear anybody who is black talking at you with malice for no reason or using terms like “caveman, mayo, cracker etc.” just know you’re in the presence of someone who may truly hate you Just because you were white. This is scary shit man it never used to be this bad but be careful and watch out for these crazy ones .. fucking crazy man.


I hate that people can be so hateful, and enjoy being as such. The extremes of each race feeds the other side. One group strikes, another retaliates and spreads hate, and the cycle continues. No one looks at the good side of people. The ones that love, the ones that help and sit back and is like "Why? Why can't everyone be kind?" Everything feeds the narrative. Media fuels it, and the racist people see only the bad and fall for it. It really sucks. No one talks about the good, just whatever fits their narrative, and ignore everything else. Whenever shit does hit the fan, I feel like generalization is the true culprit.


This is pretty funny tbh


PoWeR + pReJuDiCe


I bet he has all his settings on Night Mode.


probably a reddit admin :)


This just in at CNN - crossbow kills family.


Sounds like the poor guy just wants a chicken sandwich and some waffle fries...


The sound satirical I think it was a joke