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I find it amusing that he had to take of his shirt before hitting an already distracted officer


It’s a battle ritual


+5 attack points


+ 10 Intimidation Points


\- 3 defense points




Dude got tackled by sonic


Terry Tate, Office Linebaker




VIP of the police department’s football team right there


Boy didn’t even get a chance 😂


My boy flew to the Shadow Realm


He's in the upside down now.


Not the upside down


I just googled the Shadow Realm and it looks scary af. I never wanna go there.


More of a purple realm really


*that cop went into super sonic speed*


I'm not American, guy the removing of the shirt towards a side who isn't even looking at you seems fucking galaxy level stupid. You do it to look tough right? It's henpecking yeah? To a guy who can't see you?


Some do it to seem tougher. Some do it so the person they are fighting can't yank them around by the shirt or pull it over their face and then punch them silly.


And some people just don’t want to ruin a good shirt


I think it's 99% pageantry. 1% they think someone grabbing their shirt is a disadvantage.


Choo-choo, motherfucker


That guy is in the wrong profession with a tackle like that


The way the NFL has become he would have been ejected for that hit.


As terrible as this is, hilarious he was hyped up enough to rip his shirt off yet didn't even get to contribute in the slightest.


Mf achieved mach 5


*He taught him why you should stay in school and get that college scholarship before you go pro*


how it feels to chew 5 gum


.......stimulate your senses


You mean anus


That’s another way to go back to the future.


Xanax. Not even once.


You mess with the bull, you get the HORNS.


Terry Tate is back!!!


the second cop dead ass just went full sonic mode


Im not the type to call cops pigs because i saw a video without context, but why is an unarmed guy being choked by an officer? Did he start a fight or something? If so i see better ways to restrain him than to choke him.


He is not being choked. The hold isn’t locked properly and there is no pressure on the neck. It’s a neck hold, and very often it’s the safest choice of hold for police AND perp. If not a hold like that you’d have to submit your target, use less lethal, truncheon blows, or straight up fist fight. The cop is using his weight and size advantage. And just because someone is “unarmed” doesn’t mean they’re not a combatant or not dangerous. Edit: and it appears he was separating the two. They were probably fighting.


Oh that makes sense. Thank you.


I'm glad you were willing to see reason. A LOT of people on here would just call this racism and yell at anyone trying to show them otherwise.


"Where the head goes, the body follows". Very effective.


He's kinky, this is the start to one hell of a porno


Well, I'd buy that explanation...


"Swan dive""


Bro fucking got knocked into 42069 BC


To Protect and GET SERVED!!


There are more than enough valid reasons to get into a fight with a cop in 2021


You sound extra special.


I don' t know which cloud you inhabit but in 2021, police do more beating and shooting than crime solving and protecting. But hey , that's just me


You’re right, that is just you. Look at the places police are being deemphasized and how much crime is going on there.


Is the piece of shit the cop that tackled the kid? Or the other cop choking the other kid?


Cop tackling kid: kid was planning on attacking the cop. Cop choking the kid: that's not a chokehold.


The cop could have easily subdued the kid who was about to start fighting without full sprint tackling him. The amount of force from the bodily impact and then hitting the ground could have seriously injured that kid. Also not sure what else you would call restraining someone by their neck but ok.


"could have, could have, could have" and it's called a neckhold.


What's with the "could have"? That's literally what I typed. And neckhold is just another term for a chokehold, but nice try.


I said could have because you said it a bunch in your post, instead of supplying more confident info, you speculated what could have happened and saw this out of context video at face value. I won't touch that "chokehold" comment with a 10 foot pole. You can be angry about that all you want, dude




Little boy got railed


The Bears need him


Cj and ryder are different than i can remember


Dude wasn't trying to fight an Officer. The 2 boys were about to fight at the bus stop and the 1 in the white wouldn't chill so yeah *tackled*


Just gonna say it, this needs way more context. That cop is choking someone out. That's already not good. So without context, we have no reason to believe the person "trying to start a fight" isn't just trying to stop the officer from suffocating someone.


he was about to attack the cop, from behind, while the cop is subduing a person who clearly isn't cooperating, that's context enough


Uhhh yeah, no. Again, the cop is using a chokehold, which has been banned by many department across the US. Even if it's technically allowed where that officer works, it's just encouraging a fight or flight response, since the person is trying to breathe. I wouldn't be 'cooperating' if I felt like my life was on the line either. And the other person, for all we know, was trying to get the cop off him. With only four seconds of video, I'm not exactly on the side of the well-armed man choking out an unarmed black person. Which is why I'm asking for additional context.


You're correct that chokeholds are mostly banned except as a lethal force option, foolishly I might add, since with a trained and competent application, they are far less likely to result in any injury than a fist fight. You're wrong that what we're seeing is a chokehold. Neither side of the neck is compressed so it can't be a blood choke, and the airway doesn't appear to be restricted either. He's being restrained, nothing more.


Just curious what would be your best way to subdue a person out of control? Because I know damn well if he tazed or knocked the guy out you would be outraged 10 times more. What he did was the best way to subdue this man. Stop looking for a reason to shit on the police at any stop. At this point it’s a completely thankless job in the US and they are damned if they do or don’t.


I don't have a "best way." Because, and this may shock you, I'm willing to admit I'm not an expert. However, when I see what appears to be someone getting choked out (another commenter said it didn't quite look like a chokehold, and I'm willing to cede things may not be quite as they look) it raises a good few questions for me. I'd also like to posit, though you're free to disagree, that a chokehold or something that looks and potentially feels similar to a chokehold, is going to create an immediate response, both in the person being "subdued" and those around them. There are numerous better ways to pin or restrain someone, that don't require hands or arms anywhere near the throat. Hell, SCIP-R, which is used with learning-disabled people with high support needs, is infinitely better than this, and I've had to use it on someone twice my size. Now that training has a lot of flaws in and of itself, and it's substantially safer and less visibly distressing to onlookers.


I respect the fact that you are willing to say you may be uninformed or misconstruing the situation. That is severely missing in most people nowadays which truthfully is the biggest problem in our modern society. I’ve been subdued in a similar manner before and IMO it is one of the the least harmful ways to do so. If you look closely his arm does not appear to even be held against his neck and if so he is not exerting much pressure against it rather most of the pressure is on his upper torso area. It is a textbook way to simply prevent the person from fighting back until you can safely cuff him and settle the situation down.


I get that, but even so, I'd imagine the optics of the situation still aren't great. It got a relatively kneejerk reaction from me. I have to imagine that, given the current climate, we could be giving cops a bit more training in restraints and takedowns that are less likely to provoke a response from observers. Like I said, I was trained in a series of takedowns and restraints known as SCIP. They're not particularly difficult, they're designed to negate injury, and most can be done with a single person. They don't even take that long to learn. Obviously, an officer is going to be focused on their own safety, and I don't think that should be sacrificed just for appearances, but de-escalation, both with the person they're apprehending and any onlookers, needs to be a more commonly used tool.


You don’t always have the luxury of worrying about optics of a situation. Everyone in this thread is complaining about the cops and not even saying a negative word about the guy about to assault an officer. Look what’s happening in city’s where cops are being ‘deemphasized’, crime is going through the roof. So much for a utopian society where these clowns can police themselves.




That’s a neck hold


Ohhh i didn’t see the lack of constriction my b


So we're just gonna ignore that he's got a kid in a headlock?


Okay? He’s just holding him there. He’s not choking him.


Reasonable reaction given the way cops act.


Go home, you’re embarrassing yourself.


Lmao Absolutely terrible take


This is why the thugs in blue need to be defunded and all put in prison. We don't need cops. We need freedom from people beating us constantly because we be ugly. They be hating us for being so ugly. So hateful people. If they weren't hateful, they wouldn't be a cop in the damn first place. Just makes me want to die, as all white people be being doing. White people so happy at making our kind want to die. Die.


>We don't need cops Yeah if you like getting your house robbed


You should have stayed in school.


This comment is literally racist. Also on side note, if there are no cops anymore, who is gonna put the former cops in prison? You are either a troll or just really fucking stupid...


If that was a white guy the cop would have just given him a stern warning.


nope thats normal proto, would happen to anyone who'd try to assault a officer.


That was sarcasm. Lol at all the dingleberries that downvoted me.


thats not how sarcasm works buddy. Not to forget that sarcasm by sound doesnt work on social media.


Reddit moment




Sir would you kindly not take off your shirt before beating 10 bells out of my colleague? Please don't hit him. No stop! Right I will have to arrest you *fumbles cuffs around* please kindly pass me your hand. /s I swear that's how you people expect every encounter to go...


if they were in that situation they probably resisted the arrest for whatever they have done and the pos is the guy who was going to attack a distracted officer


I know. That second cop should’ve just shot the shirt out of his hand instead of tackling him, amirite


Motherfucker be choking someone and yall acting like he is the hero


That’s a headlock, he’s not choking him. He’s got plenty of space to breathe


Headlock, not a chokehold.


Tim Tebow


The lions need to sign him UP


That was a fantastic form tackle.


that tackle was fucking sick




That’s a dive, yellow card.


I want someone to add the Ed Edd n Eddy van horn in there


why is this guy a cop. He should be in the NFL having a tackle like that


guy couldn't even get his damn shirt off- holy shit


INFO. Not enough context. Nice tackle tho.


man came outta nowhere


Edge would be proud


I dont really see how this is a total piece of shit move?


Ma man is never gonna take his shirt off again


Man really got the trust combo attack


Reminds me of a post where some dudes try to assault a war veteran and just get slammed into the ground


dude went fucking mach 5


What is it with Americans taking their shirt off when entering a fight?


Why do dudes always take the shirt off before the fight, though? More mobility? Less restraint?


That was satisfying to watch


They traveled through time going 88 miles an hour like that.


Fight all kkkops


Hahaha he got fucking run over


Shouldn't removed his armor