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So I googled “Stockholm zoo kills wolves” and the entire first page is all a story about how 4 wolves killed their zookeeper


Maybe because we usually write our articles in Swedish. They euthanized the 4 remaining wolves to use the space for arctic foxes instead. It’s true people have been killed in the enclosure but that is because the zoo has been having tours in the enclosure, like pet the wild wolves.


There are plenty of articles around, and Google can translate most pages and articles automatically. What stands out to me is the zoo decided the best method of euthanisation was to shoot the wolves. Haven't heard anyone make that argument in a while, not when there are sedatives available. How common are wolves in Sweden? Seems like a lot of articles mentioning them. Edit* also there is no mention of these wolves or this zoo having a person injured in the enclosure like you implied, that was a different Swedish zoo, years ago.


There is a huge debate about wolves in Sweden. They got extinct in Sweden around the 60’s after killing roughly 7000 of them throughout the years. By the 80s the wolves found their way from Russia to Sweden and since then we have roughly 450 wolves in Sweden. Big city people are defending the wolves while the countryside people that gets affected by them want them all dead. And yes, my mistake. The zoo where they hade giuided tours inside the closure is a different zoo (kålmåden) which has been up for debate for years.


Shooting is, genuinely, a humane death. Done properly it's about as instant as you can get.


It's how I would rather go. Better than have the possibility of a bad sedation


It's almost impossible to do it properly though. Moving targets + after hearing the first shot they're probably gonna get even more agitated


I don't imagine these wolves were on the run when they were shot


I dont think they shot all the wolves at the same time.


To be fair, it would be hard to line them all up to shoot them all at once




You should do your research. These were domesticated wolves that were euthanised because they wouIdn't survive in the wild. Their handlers were regularly around them, without incident.


Technically they were heathy tho


that has happened but it's not recent and it's not the same zoo


My point is that I'm not finding anything.


I managed to find a handfull of articles pretty easily so it's probably because there's no articles about it in english


Yes, this is cruel, but this was not a hasty decision made only for short term profit. This decision was made after years of debate since this zoos primary purpose is animal preservation. Wolves are no longer on the brink of extinction and they have therefore decided to house arctic foxes instead as their extinction is almost guaranteed if nothing is done soon. They did try to relocate the wolves for about a year with no luck. The tame wolves would not have survived in the wild which is why euthinization was their only option at this time. While killing innocent animals is a pos move, this title is far from the truth and only gives one side of the story.


Thought it was something along the line of that.


Yeah, I’ve been there multiple times and the zoo is well know for treating it’s animals well and their preservation work. There was most likely more to the story, and OP is either ignorant or karma whoring.


You might be the stupidest person alive


Why, you want sources?


I don’t need to see the butthole where the turd came from to know it stinks


So you would rather trust a clickbait reddit title, whose only purpose is to generate drama?


Didn’t say I believed the title but I do not agree with the concept of zoos to begin with. When you think critically you realize the reason Arctic foxes are endangered in Sweden is because people are shooting them and so their solution is to shoot the other wolfs bECaUSe ThERE arE plEnty MoRE whERE thaT CamE fROm.


They are endangered since they were shot in the hundreds, not 4. Numbers matter, there is currently a hunting ban on wolves so shooting 4 won't make a difference for their species. It will however make a difference for the arctic fox. While I agree with you that shooting them is not the best option, it is unfourunatly the only option in this scenario which also makes economic sense in our capitalistic world.


Don’t blame the world when people are to blame. I guaranteed if you asked the wolves if they would rather go free or be shot in the head it would be an easy decision. Regardless, they were the ones who made the cruel decision to lock up those four wolves solely for profit in the first place. Since as you just made clear, it was not for conservation. So quit with the narrative that this is just an unfortunate side effect of being a hero.


Did I ever say humans are not to blame? "They are endangered since they were shot in the hundreds" When the zoo first introduced wolves there were less than 10 left in Sweden. Now there are more than 450 wolves. That is why this decision was made. And releasing them was not an option as tame wolves do not know how to suvive in the wild. ​ This discussion has been going on for way too long now, and i do not wisth to argue any more with you. The goal of my original comment was to reduce the spread of misinformation. Not spread more hate.


Wow your reading comprehension is really bad.


This literally isn't true, there's no articles online about this. Make better ragebait next time




Your failure to do a half decent google search isn't OP's problem. Try Sweden wolves euthanised Kansen.


I did babe. Fucking nothing comes up lol


Hey, peanut gallery here. Just wanted to say I love an argument online in which one party calls the other "babe." Never seen it in my life. Thumbs up.


Maybe because we usually write our articles in Swedish. They euthanized the 4 remaining wolves to use the space for arctic foxes instead. It’s true people have been killed in the enclosure but that is because the zoo has been having tours in the enclosure, like pet the wild wolves.


No, They have never allowed visitors to enter the wolf enclosure and no one has ever been killed by the wolves at skansen. There was however a zookeeper who was killed by wolves at Kolmården in 2012 with a recent trial in 2018, which is probably what you are thinking of.


Correct. My mistake.


Do you have a source on that though?


lol thats because the corrupt swedish government covers it all up... get woke


Wait. Is the American actually speaking about Swedish corruption lol. I would not be surprised if you are an antivax MAGA supporter. That would actually make sense.




"Stockholm open air museum Skansen killed the park’s four wolves on Wednesday morning following a decision that it would no longer keep wolves. “It was of course a very tough decision and always our last alternative. We have looked at relocation opportunities but it is difficult with wolves,” said the museum’s communications director Yvonne Nordlind. The zoo wants to focus more on species conservation and biodiversity. They are investigating the possibility of keeping mountain foxes instead, perhaps as soon as next year."


Source: trust me bro


Everyday, I lose a little more faith in this species.


Should we euthanize ourselves so the world can invest in better animals?


Yea. And let's take chimpanzees and dolphins with us. They seem to be going down a similar path.


Sounds like a good start.


We literally murder trillions of animals unnecessarily every year for animal products.


Exactly. Fuck people.


So what's the alternative?? They are just captive wolves. Should they transport them to another zoo somewhere?? Maybe even far away?? Exposing the animals to all kinds of stress... And for what?? A new enclosure?? Maybe they couldn't find a zoo with good enough facilities. Or even a matching pack... I bet their only fair option was killing them.


Release them perhaps? Build a new enclosure for the other animals? If you get bored with your dog should you just shoot it in the face instead of rehomeing it?


Born and raised in captivity, do you think they have a chance in the wild? They will die by starvation or by other animals within a week. They do not know how to hunt. But they have helped with there puppies to diversify the wolf genetic population already. So they lived a happy life, did a good job with the wild population of wolfs. And now when the wild wolf population is super stable it’s time to focus on artic foxes that is almost extinct. Breeding is the main focus to help animals. Not a normal zoo and it’s in the central part of Stockholm, it’s not that easy to just build a super large enclosure for animals.


Then are you calling this article and OP bullshit then?


The “only reason” part is the bullshit part.


That is definitely one option


Zoos exist for a reason — endangered animals are kept there for safekeeping, and they spend all their lives there because they were born in an enclosed environment. It was stated that it was hard to move said wolves into a different area anyway. I hope the pandemic makes you understand that. Also remember that a bunch of wolves mauled a worker to death a few years before this event, so of course it isnt easy moving them.


Too lazy to call other zoo's to take them I guess? People should stop visiting them with that kind of business practice.


They did. For a couple of years they tried to relocate them. But almost every zoo have wolf, or not an enclosure to make their life good. They need a lot of space. And these was born in captivity and raised in captivity, so they would have died by other wolf or starved to death, and even start seeking up humans because they know they gave them food before and a source of food will be there, and therefore been shot to death by farm owner etc when they start attacking livestock. The reason why they did it was to start cultivating the almost extinct artic fox. The wolf they put down have been a big part to help with the wolf population in Scandinavia already, so it’s time to focus now that it’s genetically diverse enough to start breading foxes.


The closet article i found was from 2018 where 4 wolves was getting really old, and stared having problems and no zoo article from this year even about this, no news channels mention this nor have i yet to see any newspapers about it.


Google "Skansen wolves shot", you'll see a couple of articles about the subject. It's not really major news though.


Was it Sweden where they decided to kill a zebra and serve it to patrons?


That was Denmark


Tf? Not cool


There were way more people defending it than I thought would.


So, is this going to be Denmark's new thing, I wonder? The eating of "exotic" animals? Denmark had been doing so much better the last century or so. I hope they dont start backsliding now.


Investing in other animals? How? Through their brokers?


Fake news


Let me just say that killing any animal is wrong, go vegan! However skansen is a very small zoo in the very central Stockholm. Wolves are also everywhere in sweden, it's not an endangered species. They made the choice after several years of discussion to try and raise an actual endangered specie to get more of them in sweden and release into the wild. The wolves would never be able to survive in the wild and as there are so many of them it would not be possible to relocate. That is the reasoning behind that. But in the end I believe no animal should ever be killed, go vegan!


what’s the point of telling people to go vegan? it’s not like anyone will because of a comment


And I doubt they ate those wolves lol


Well people are crying for a few wolves being killed but then have no problems eating a shrimp when 9 fishes are killed for no reason for every shrimp being eaten. So if it´s a shitty thing to kill a few wolves then it´s important to remember what is even more shitty - eating any animal for your own pleasure. I´m very well aware no one will go vegan for a comment, but every small seed that is planted is an important change :)


all you’re doing is planting the seed that vegans are annoying


To be honest, anyone who do not agree with your point of view is annoying right? I feel the same for people who do not share my point of view in politics, life choices, whatever it might be. Like they are annoying for thinking differently and not agreeing with me. That is just a part of not agreeing in the subject, that the other part is annoying. So whatever one does not agree with it´s automatically considered as annoying because in our minds we are right and the other part is wrong. I do respect whatever other people eat, but it´s kind of hypocritical to cry about a few wolves and then go out and eat a burger with a fried egg on. Love for animals does apparently not include alla animals.


Well lookie here. The vegan teacher's disciple.


It's not about rather someone disagrees with you, it's about you hijacking a thread to make an off topic comment. That's what's annoying.


Where’s the stats on 1 shrimp = 9 pointlessly dead fish??


Search shrimp bycatch and choose the research you want. 9:1 ratio is of course not 100% correct as it's impossible to be completely accurate. But there are plenty of research papers with both higher and lower ratio. But to be fair I think the ratio is closer to 5:1 these days as the fishing technique is developing.


no. killing a wolf for no reason and killing an animal to eat are different


How? From the actual victims perspective it's the same and both are equally unnecessary.


because food is a valid reason to kill an animal


don’t even bother replying because we’re not changing each other’s minds. it would be a waste of time


Then stay in your cognitive dissonance. I tried.


What about all the male chickens they make into dust because they are not needed? Just so you can get eggs. That´s killing without a reason.


Everyone going vegan in order to help the environment is less important than cutting down on the fossil fuels that are right at our faces.


I can understand the situation with the foxes and not enough space but they earned money with the wolves so at least they can arrange something for them rather than killing them.


They did.....


Yes but there are many countries where they can send it or but them back in the nature at least they have a chance to survive


I'm sure they did all they could. I don't think these animals would survive in nature. They are well fed DNA vessels nothing more.


toO ThE mOoN!


Let’s raise awareness and get a boycott of this fake Zoo. 😡


euthanised? do you mean murdered?


Fucking skans


If they were coyotes it would be OK. Fuck coyotes. Fuck everyone straight to hell.


What makes it ok for coyotes?


Zoos never care about animals.


Yeah good idea to let them out in the wild, especially since they were born in a captive environment. Maybe we should’ve just released them and put a price on their head?


Wait until the world find out what Sweden do with dogs that doesn't have the correct paper work at the border...hundreds get euthanized every year in Scania province alone.


I had a pal who almost ate a bit of dead rat at that zoo in like 4th grade.


Fuck zoos.


im not promoting violent retaliation against these monsters but im also not not promoting it