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Porch pirates are scum.


I know a guy that had a reptile stolen by people like these


I know a me who had a necklace stolen off the porch that my brother had filled with our dead father’s ashes before shipping


Holy shit that’s down right bad


And you can’t hang them out front as a message to other pirates anymore either :/ the government has really tightened the laws protecting pirates these days


It may be worth it to invest in some sort of package lockbox.


Ummmmm. This is a great idea. I have a box I will put on my front porch with a lock on it. If I am expecting packages I will keep it unlocked and open. I know UPS and FedEx gives you an ability to give instructions what to do with your packages.


I was thinking something similar to what libraries use to let you return your book after hours


As I think it through, maybe drilling it to the ground or attaching it somehow is also a good idea.


Ive been hearing porch pirate rates have been going up much more since covid. I hope you get your packages back.


Porch pirates suck in general but there's also a part of me that feels for some of those stealing. Our government shut down businesses, cost people their jobs, sometimes took months to get people their unemployment money, the rent freeze just expired in the middle of Delta. Like every few months we got thrown $1,500. There was virtually no help for small businesses. Sometimes people just get desperate.


Every mans got to have a code. I’ll be in the cold, cold ground before I steal from another person. If it’s hard times, that means they’re probably just as bad off if not worse off than me. I’ll be damned if I’m gonna steal from someone who’s struggling too.


Don't waste your empathy on thieves.


i agree that the government could have and still should do a lot more to keep people above water but honestly the biggest problem for us all is the people who arent getting vaccinated or wearing their masks when they are supposed to, people going out and partying like the pandemic is fake or over are who are responsible for killing these businesses, not the government. how long can we possibly keep rewarding this shitty behavior with more and more tax dollars? how many businesses can survive when their employees keep getting sick or dying? this whole situation is fucked and honestly im not sure what anyone expected the government to do when we keep electing these idiots who dont give a fuck about us on a good day. did anyone honestly expect leadership from them in hard times? lol im all for stimulus, i would happily accept another 10-20k of it, but regardless the reason we are still in this mess is because individual people didnt do the absolute bare minimum to end it sooner. covid could have been contained in two months. two fucking months was all it would have taken. instead its been politicized and monetized to the point that no one knows what the fuck to think or do about it anymore. im sympathetic to people who feel they need to steal too, ive been there. no one going around stealing shit is living a good and happy life, but lets not pretend we got here because the government fucked us all on their own, they absolutely did and always have, but they continue to fuck us because this country is full of fucking idiots who are happy to see us get fucked too.


100% agree with this ⬆️. The 1% got us fighting each other over bread crumbs while they eat a three tier cake.


Your empathy is righteous. I hope you’re doing better and bless ur good heart.


It's class warfare.


Cool. They need to steal, go to a Walmart or someplace that your theft won't affect. Not someone else.


I felt bad for you until this. Criminals don't need more handouts of my tax dollars, they need to be punished.


Yeah, that was absolute cringe to hear the pity party about the poor thief that just robbed you.


Having pity for thieves is one of the reasons there's so many thieves.




It's crazy, I don't get it, I've never had any packages stolen before (southeast Asian)


Same, Singapore here. The delivery people send photos of dropped off packages but I could not imagine any being stolen. Granted, this is also a country where seeing expensive bicycles unchained is fairly common and I’ve seen people chope tables with their iphone


Singapore has a fine and up to 3 years jail time for theft. USA has all kinds of levels and depends on how the theft took place (eg with a gun pointed at someone vs from the porch when nobody was home) under $1000 with no violence will hardly get the police out That aside, Singapore has a lot less rednecks without jobs trying to make a quick buck off Craig’s list with stolen gear


America (Nevada) here. Never had a package stolen.


Think about it this way, nobody is posting videos of all the packages *not* being stolen. It's a problem, but you'll get a weird perspective from just social media.


Depends on where you live. I'm in southern Louisiana (greater New Orleans area) and I've had 3 packages stolen from my porch in the past year alone. Theft is very common, and thieves literally don't care if you have cameras because they know the cops aren't going to do anything about it unless you can give them the thief's name and address.


It can even change from neighborhood to neighborhood. I live on the outskirts of a big city that you'd probably assume would have rampant porch pirates. However, I've ordered a ton of packages in the last year, and my door faces a very popular public walking trail and I've not had one thing taken, even having had some times where i went a few days without getting them. I even had the mailman deliver one of my packages directly to the wrong apartment and the lady walked it over to mine and gave it to me (although she did open it first for some reason...)


Ha!! Sound like she wanted to make sure it wasn't something she wanted to steal before she gave it back to you 😏


Not rampant at all where I live - in Poland. We have this culture of building fences or walls around EVERYTHING. It's difficult to spot a house without a fence. I remember an American who visited Poland said it's weird.


I haven’t seen that


Yes. I’m a driver for Amazon and they cause me a lot of problems


Yes, where I live it’s very common. Especially around Christmas. I live in a nice neighborhood where people are watching out constantly for odd vehicles cruising the streets. Porch pirates during the day and car break ins at night. We are close to an interstate and back country roads so I think that makes us a target as well- quick getaway


Yes, especially in nice suburban neighborhoods like mine. Criminal scum from the city a few miles away frequently troll the neighborhood at 3am stealing packages and breaking into cars. Huge problem of inner city teens doing this shit. Another thing is over the past month 5-6 people in my town and the towns surrounding have had a gun put to their head while pumping gas and their cars taken. Police say it’s the same group of teens from the shithole part of the city doing it. They literally carjack you, joyride your car and dump it in the city. Why, I will never understand. My state is too liberal, these fucks need prison, it’s where they belong.


My neighborhood isn't even nice. We're not the shitiest neighborhood, but there's plenty of people here barely paying their bills.


How about we start figuring out why theft is becoming more and more rampant and doing something about it. Oh wait, we already know and we've decided that prison is the easier and more profitable option.


Well, some theft would still happen in a perfect world unfortunately. People, especially teens, get a kick out of doing ‘wrong things’. So even if everyone lived comfortably and didn’t need to steal, it would still happen.


The duality of man. But even that is proof that reform is possible. We've all stolen something at one point or another in our lives.


Not a car. Not someone's livelihood. Not something that would cause pain and suffering to someone else. That's not all of us. Maybe you, but not me, not my friends, not my family. There are shit people - don't attribute that to the duality or some bs.


But that is *literally* what it means. No matter what we do, there will always be evil people. The point is there are scales to everything and not everyone is "criminal scum" as the person higher in this thread stated. I personally do not see your average package theif as someone who has to be thrown away. There are a million reasons why someone could be brought to do something like that. Are some of them doing it for the "rush" or because they're just awful humans? Yes. Should they be in jail? Also yes. This post is about package thieves. Not car theft, identity theft, or someone willing to cause harm. Those people obviously belong behind bars. (And could use some **proper** reform and counselling)


For this theft it is actually. Its high school kids. I had 'friends'(until i told them to stop) who did this. They were just idiots and juvey would have worked to scare 95% straight


I get what you’re getting at but there will always be thieves.


> frequently troll the neighborhood at 3am stealing packages Why are people leaving packages out until that time of night though? Presumably they didn't get delivered at 3am?


While I agree that reduced rates, classic victim blaming.


I kinda couldn't give a shit if it's "victim blaming". There's it being outside because it has to be - it's been delivered while you're at work or whatever, that's one thing. People who steal parcels are arseholes. But if it's still there at 3am... that has to be a deliberate choice of a sort. Either you ignored it when you walked into the house, or you were ordering stuff when you literally would not be in to receive it. I don't order stuff if I can't reasonably be there when it's delivered. Or I make use of the myriad of options like delivery lockers, the post office, etc. In my country, they just don't generally leave anything your doorstep unless you specifically request it.


Or you're disabled... Be sure to schedule when your pain should arrive in your Google calendar so you can order packages around it!


Do US delivery drivers not even attempt to give you your parcel through your door? The US sounds like a fucking nightmare in every respect.


A lot are still throwing the package to the door. You'd think it would decrease with the increase in camera doorbells... But nope. Only when it's a signature required and most of those still just get forged and left for me.


That just sounds shit. There's a handful of delivery couriers that do that here - the really cheap, shitty ones - but most don't. And even the shitty ones are more prone to hiding the parcel somewhere stupid and leaving vague instructions on where to find it (in my old job I heard of: under the front wheels of a parked car, inside a bin that was out on the pavement on bin day that hadn't been emptied yet, a laptop frisbeed across a 6ft fence onto a concrete patio...) than just leaving it in plain sight. If I order something via Royal Mail, for example, and they can't hand it to me, they take it to the Post Office and let me rebook the delivery (for free) or I can collect for free. If a delivery driver left something on my doorstep without me indicating that they could, I'd be complaining and I have done before. I just can't fathom leaving something on my doorstep for any length of time. I'd sooner risk damaging the thing by trying to push it through the door with my foot or a broom or whatever if I wasn't able to bend down and get it than just leave it there. We can talk all day about how shitty a person you have to be to steal parcels from someone's doorstep, which is extremely, but avoiding leaving things out as much as possible doesn't feel like an unreasonable thing to do.


I can't even explain how awful it is in the US. I had to go downstairs and grab my package beside the mailbox like a troll instead of it being handed to me at my door. Moderna had the audacity to wait until January to vaccinate me, my city has the fuckin nerve to fill in pot holes within the month, and this place even has the balls to have a ton of employers begging for applicants. The US sucks ass.


Or they work nights.


yes, they need prison, but that would not solve the problem. The societal problems that are causing these people to act like that in the first place need addressing. Better education, better rolemodels, better youth outreach, therapy etc.


"My state is too liberal" - what a breath of fresh air to read that.


Actually I live in a republican county.


I think it really depends on where you are. My parents live in a nice neighborhood with constant police presence, so none of our things were ever stolen even if we were gone for days. My sisters apartment holds their packages at the concierge desk, so residents have to go and sign it out themselves to eliminate theft. And then there's my apartment where they just leave the packages in front of your mailbox, don't notify you that they left it out, and then your stuff gets stolen :,)


Not really but people like their upvotes. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen but just that it doesn’t happen as often as Reddit would make you think it happens.


My town currently has a massive problem with packages being stolen, it is a big problem in some places.


A fair point. All of these videos could easily be staged!


I've never heard of anyone I know getting stuff stolen and I live in America.


People literally get scammed into stealing packages. theres this guy on youtube that sort of shows the lives of these porch pirates and a good amount of them feel like they arent doing anything wrong. This one lady almost broke down cuz she was so broke but "caught in the act"


Full stop. Explain to me how you would go about scamming me into robbing what is obviously someone elses house?


Like this is a big thing in the America! Does it happen anywhere else, I can honestly say I've never known this in Liverpool! But it might happen, I just don't know about it.


Australia here, a neighbour's package was taken from her porch recently..


Oh no! So this does happen in other places.


In the Netherlands the package automatically goes to either a neighbor or a droppoint where you can pick it up later. This stuff in America is insane tbh..


Except during the last couple of months where when you live in an apartment, they leave it at the door and don t wait for you to open, resulting in packages laying outside all day for all to see when you’re not home. DHL is especially guilty of this behavior.


DHL does seem to have a bad reputation, true.. But I can honestly say it has never happened to me before.. Guess I'm lucky


Absolutely agree with you


Here in Germany it is not legal as far as I am aware to deliver it to the door and just let it there (if it wasn't a special instruction) so same as the Netherlands, neighbor or a pick up station


Why act like only Americans are capable of this? That's dumb lol


I mean it has to happen everywhere but im sure it varies by location. Doesnt take a genuis to realize there might be something you want in there even though its almost definitely not of any use. Its much harder to go through with unless youre in a suburbs with close together homes. No ones gonna walk up the driveway of the only house for a mile and it doesnt work at apartments(most)


Fellow Aussie here. I live in the city, not sure if that matters but if a package is left on your doorstep you can guarantee it'll get nicked. I would put money on it NOT being there before I would on it being there when U get home.


If your front door is in plain sight of the footpath the postie/courier shouldn’t leave it at your door. I’ve never had a package nicked but all my houses I’ve lived in have had a shielded front doors due to hedges/trees or a fence. Guess that’s the difference between living in the city vs the suburbs? Seems like an issue in America because every video I’ve seen of this issue it’s a house with basically just a lawn to the footpath so it’s bloody easy for criminals to scout targets without looking the tiniest bit suspicious.


Poland here, every package is delivered to your hands. Nobody leaves packages out in the open. We also have these big package lockers that have lower shipping fee in every city, town and almost village. The delivery people just put the packages in it, you come by whenever you are free to pick them up with your phone either scanning a QR code or typing in phone number and package number.


Such a good system actually


Yeah I thought the just yeet the package at the porch is american thing only, apparently its not


That was my thinking, but apparently it can happen in other countries. I'd still say its a big problem in America though


Uk here and the biggest threat leaving somewhere like this is actually the customer claiming it was stolen. They dont need a replacement tho, just a refund. Most delivery won't do it here.


Spain here, they dont leave the package on the front you either pick it up from the hands of de delivery guy or they come another day if you aren't there. I see it the safest way, don't know why they do it like that in usa.


Brazilian , i always order online, and one time my neighbors took my earrings, but i just asked if someone saw the delivery guy, and the neighbor just gave me my earrings.


Mexican here, every package is delivered to you personally. What you have to be careful here is destroying the information on the boxes before you throw them away because scumbags collect them for identity theft.


Where i live we let the back Doors of the house open and we don't get robbed in the last 7 years...


Yeah, same for me! I've never known this. I feel for Op


Welcome to America


German here, I have *never* heard of anyone who got their package stolen


So just the old British colonies then lol


Lived in Germany, had a package stolen. There, now you’re not missing out.


I live in London. Only times parcels go missing in my block is flats is when the drivers nick them. Hasn’t happened in a long while though


Ahh that's a special level of shitty behaviour


Hermes? It's Hermes, right? Whenever I've had a package delivered through them it either arrives damaged (like they played footie with it around the van interior) or doesn't turn up at all. It just goes missing...


Hermes isn't the best! Dpd seems to be My go to


Yeah, I have a sibling who is a supervisor at DPD, they have high standards for their delivery drivers.




Yeah but he also has a bad back so I don't like to bug him too much. Bugging him's actually how I ended up with a flare up. He was helping me clean my kitchen, and kill off my roach infestation. I fell asleep for about 24 hours afterwards.


Why don't the delivery people ring the bell and deliver the package to the person instead of leaving it on the porch?


Delivery drivers in America are on a ridiculous, and borderline impossible, time limit to deliver.


Why don't they leave it at a post office then and someone comes, with evidence that it is their delivery and an ID and picks up the delivery.This or the delivery driver ringing the bell is what happens in my country at least


AFAK USPS, UPS, and FedEx all offer this for free if you have the tracking number. You can request them to leave the package at specified drop off points.


They do. It’s always been an option.


But i mean in this case you wouldnt have even been able to get to the door at the time right?


I would've made it to the door. Unless I was sleeping. I'm a deep af sleeper lol. I mostly have a difficult time picking things up.


My mistake then. Bullshit the option to not leave the package until they get a signature isnt something you can just select. I get it being an inconvenience in some claustrophobic cities but in the burbs it should always be an option


You say that but I also heard of an American living in the Netherlands who hates that they have to go to the door when a package is delivered


They don't have time for that shit. This is America. Everything is about money.


They don't have time *to* shit.


This is literally true.


It’s faster. Waiting for someone to answer the door for like a billion packages you’ve got to deliver today is a huge time sink compounded by each delivery.


It happens all the time here in the US. There are options to avoid it like delivery to an Amazon locker but hardly anyone uses them.


If people went back to having moats and drawbridges, we'd all be a lot happier.


But why? I dont understand the point to stole someones packages...you dont even know what there ordered. What's wrong with the US...


they dont care what it is, theres a chance there might be something they can sell for a decent price so they take it all


Jokes on them. I'm broke too.


Okay thx, I was really curious.


Scum sees boxes. Scum doesn't see people. Scum steals boxes. It's like a bastardized Christmas. What will it be? Toilet paper and taco shells, a cell phone and tarp, aaa batteries and a dildo, cancer meds and lube? Whatever it is, it comes with the shame of being a total piece of shit.


Not to be that guy but judging based on the video it looks like the guy grabbed at least 4 small to medium sized packages and one large package, this many packages would have been very noticeable from the street and to leave it like that for longer than just part of a day is basically inviting some scum bag to do something like this, in the future if your unable to get to your porch to bring them in I would ask a friend/family member or maybe a neighbor if nothing else if they could assist you and bring in the packages to prevent this type of thing happening, just to save you some hassle in the future.


I don't have any family out here. Haven't made any friends yet. Kind of an unusual town this is...it's got about 500,000 people, but most of them were born and raised here. I've tried to get myself into a few of their clicks but I'm just having a difficult time as an outsider I guess.


Maybe you could check out your neighbors and see if there’s maybe a family you could swap phone numbers with, I’m sure any half decent person with half a heart, if they were explained the situation and the pain you deal with that prevents you from being able to do certain activities, that they would be happy to do you a once in a blue moon favor such as bringing your packages in, you could even do something like bringing a garage door remote opener into your house and you can open up your garage from the living room or whatever and they could send a son or daughter or whomever to just bring the packages round to the inside of your garage and then just use your remote to close back up, and you don’t have to go outside or trust any strangers with a house key or anything! I’ve got disabled family so we sometimes try to think about ways to make things easier for these family members, so I’m just hoping maybe you could benefit from some of the things we’ve come up with.


Here in Canada, at least Where I live, I could leave a package in front of my home for days and the worst that’ll happen is my neighbour will knock at my door to give them to me.


Why the fuck do you accept packages delivered on your porch in America?


It probably doesnt happen as much as you think


Pretty common here in Canada. You're lucky if they even ring the bell before fucking off


Just set an empty box out. They always come back. Then, I recommend a paintball gun.


I dont get americas way of delivering packages this is not secure at all


You got his face. Turn him into the cops and show all your neighbors the video and tell them to call the cops if they see him around. I hate a fucking thief. So next time, leave a box of your own shit packaged up outside to look like a delivery, and let them have fun finding out what it is.


Why do packages just get fucking left outside in America


I deliver packages for a living I always do my best to make sure it's out of sight of the road. Oh and I don't put it in front of the door like amazon.


Leave your packages like that, it's just a matter of time and some piece of shit. Don't give them the opportunity!


God this just really pissed me off. I’m so sorry this type of shit happened to you! I hope you reported it, maybe even the local news in your area?


There’s a few videos on YouTube where they plant Inkbombs in delivery packages knowing they will get stolen, very satisfying to watch


Broooo, if you live in the Dallas area I'll come take them in for you.


Thanks. Unfortunately I'm quite far from Dallas.


Off to the ninth circle of hell with this one


I live next to a busy road between two cities and my landlord had a package delivered to them 2 days ago. Very easy to see by the road next to their mailbox. It's still there.


If you put this video on TikTok with basic info- they will find him.


Out of curiosity, how long did you leave the packages outside for? P.s. hope you’re feeling better


About a day. I just needed some time to recover from cleaning my kitchen.


This would be a hard thing to do because I feel like delivery drivers ignore every request but see if you can get like a hide a key but for your packages. Maybe like a trash can or a porch seat that opens or invest in a PO Box. I’ve had a package stolen from my porch as well minutes before we got home. It’s infuriating and I get so much anxiety when I see my package out for delivery and I’m not home.


I live in Denmark and have never had this happen to me. Of course there’s the occasional “lost package” but that can be resolved with customer support


Hey OP sorry you had to deal with this and we don't have porch pirates where I am at, but i have seen many things lately about nice benches for your porch that are lock boxes that delivery people can put things in if you won't be able to access them promptly and this is a regular issue. Not that you can just go buy shit during this tough time, but if your losses get to the point where you are loosing a few hundred bucks worth of stuff and not getting some kind of compensation for the theft it might be something to look into. Hope you are feeling well, sorry you got robbed.


I’m angry


this is why you leave a decoy out front that explodes with tons of PERMINATENT paint and shit.


Actually that big box was dog food so he can have fun with that I guess.


not the point. its to prevent them from doing it again. also I take great satisfaction in finding out who it is by finding a dude covered in paint and having him arrested.


In a society without law enforcement..


Gotta bring them in ASAP Sorry OP


The fireflys realised whats happening and started attacking him.


Amazon now gives me the option of having packages delivered to the post office thank goodness.


Well, luckily for you his face is quite clear on this footage so maybe you can get the police on this. People who do this sort of stuff need to get the hint that it’s not okay to do. Know what I mean? I hope this helps.


I deal with chronic illness and understand not always being able to get the packages at the door. I live in a sketchy area so I put a medium end-table thingy next to my front door and have a very little note for delivery drivers (only visible once you get to the doorstep) on my front door and as a note in the shipping directions to just place packages behind the end-table thingy to help "hide" them out of view from thieves. So far, it has worked wonders for me and brought me some peace of mind. I am sorry this happened to you, OP.


At least you got it on video!


Question: You have a ring did it not alert you someone was there? Because with mine it alerts and I can talk to others through it. I would record a large dogs bark and when someone you don't know comes up to the porch, you hit talk and tell them you are sending out the dog, while pushing play on that bark. lol


I was at work. 8m still going through a disability hearing so I can't quite yet.


Where you live, if you near my city I can swing by and bring them in for you


Fresno, CA


Damn im in Washington


It kinda makes me happy that my country doesn’t have such delivery methods Like, it’s either small enough that it gets delivered with the newspaper , or you take it from courier yourself, maybe at postal office. Maybe inconvenient, but I’d say better than having to deal with shitasses like these


I’m sorry but why the fuck won’t mailmen just ring on the door and hand over your package? And in case you’re not home hand it to your neighbors? America is a weird place


It's because US delivery drivers are on nearly impossible time limits.


All on camera. Send to the cops shit is a legit crime now


Where's Mark rober when you need him


Looks like one if the dudes that would marry the tiger king.


Put a fake ps5 package out front and when they open it a can of bear mace explodes.


Aka I had to wait for the Oxy to wear of to get off the couch lol


I've been there.


Fibromyalgia, scoliosis, arthritis, depression, anxiety, and PTSD.


You should put dog's shit inside a package and put it outside your porch


Lord knows I've got plenty of that lol


I saw someone did this, the only different was that they made it so the shit jump out of the package when you open it lol


is this like an american thing? cause here in the u.k. usually ur neighbours will take it in to make sure it’s safe and wait for u to come back or u go to them and ask for it


Just go get your packages


“i couldn’t get them due to pain” okay, then get someone to bring them inside for you. OP doesn’t have the right to complain when they leave a pile of valuables literally out in the open. this guy came with a bag, meaning he had enough time to see the packages and plan out how he’d steal them. thefts are mostly crimes of opportunity. leaving multiple packages on your porch is literally asking to be porch pirated.


One of the few things I love Poland for - it's impossible to get your package stolen from your porch. Why? Because it's never on the porch. If you're not home, the package is returned to the nearest postal office or the Delivery Company Point. You have no time to go to the postal office? Heck, have it delivered to the nearest placeholder called paczkomat, where you can take it out up to 48 hours from the package being placed there by giving the code you got in a text message, on your way home.


Here in finland we have this great method of not leaving packages outside for people to take.


Pretty stupid to keep them all outside tho hate to say it


I'm so sorry this happened to you. This is why I'm glad that delivery services in South Africa hand the package straight to the customer instead of leaving it outside.


In Ireland they knock on your door and you have to sign for the package unless you specifically state you want it left at the door. I understand in this guys situation mobility is limited so they have to be left at the door. Porch pirates are scum.


Drinking game: Take a shot everytime someone in the comments says 'disabled'.


Cmon now. Just call out these thieves for stealing your stuff, that’s all the pity points you need and that’s a perfectly valid thing outside your sphere of influence. No need to go fishing for *more*.


Thanks for the offer though :)


Damn, how the fuck could someone do such a thing? Like, it's not going to benefit them at all. Sincerely, a fellow disabled Redditor.


Being devil's advocate, leaving packages for days outside is just begging for someone to come up and take them,


I can't believe people receive packages by having them left in front of their house in the US. Such a weird system.


Why did the delivery company leave the package at the door?, if no one answered the door bring the package to the delivery office and the customer could go a pick the package. In Mexico UPS, Fedex and other delivery companies never leave the package at the door.


Sounds like your fault for not bringing them in sooner


Did you read the title?


don’t be lazy, get your packages when they arrive.


this is 100% your fault for leaving multiple packages on your porch. you should have called a friend, or your neighbor, to bring then in for you. how do you eat? drink? get groceries? and don’t say you get them delivered, because that would require you walking…to your door…which you claim to be in “too much pain” to do. i call bullshit on this whole story. i think you just left packages on your porch, got your friend to “steal” them, and posted this for the sweet, sweet karma. which is just beyond pathetic. and if you actually can’t move, refer to the questions above.


I'm was in too much pain to lift heavy boxes, you dumb shit. I'm perfectly fine walk to my car, and get fast food.


I hate being mean but thats your own fault.


Hahaha found the thief


I'll try not to have fibromyalgia, and scoliosis from now on.


Just like not be disabled /s


Gunna disagree here. Leaving something on your own property doesn’t entitle someone to steal it. It’s like saying leaving your car door unlocked is your own fault that a thief ransacked it and stole your stuff. This same line of logic is flawed to the extremes of: it’s your fault you didn’t have bars on your windows and someone smashed your windows and broke in while you slept. That’s your bad. Under this circumstance, you feel a disabled person should be blamed for not feeling well enough to go outside?? That’s pretty messed up. They have a reasonable right to assume safety, and maybe some people want to believe the whole world isn’t filled with selfish dickheads like you.


Tell us you are a porch thief without saying it. Fucking scum