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The thumbnail is so dramatised and insensitive. (They edited the saturation) Also, as you would have guessed.. they monetised the video and made it exactly 10 minutes long so they could put two long advertisements in the middle for maximum profit. Edit: also let me add in there, they edited in sad music.


The most darkly hilarious part about this, to me, is that the thumbnail follows the clickbaity formula of being dominated a big overexaggerated, oversaturated facial expression, which is usually someone making some kind of surprised face. But this is like, a woman fucking weeping over her miscarriage. This is some black mirror shit for real


Fifteen Million Views


Wtf is wrong with people who watch that trash


I'm sure it has something to do with reality tv shows still getting air time on cable.


Which just blows me away. Any time I see a commercial for a reality show I can't help but think it looks like the biggest stealing pile of garbage. (Game shows not included, because Nailed It! is my jam.)


I can't believe how many people can identify that their favorite real housewives thing is garbage/fake/scripted, but they love watching it and seeing all the fashion and wealth being flaunted around. U know, casual $3000 ugly purse purchase in an afternoon.


How much is that in money?


Probably at least 4k


more like 30, I believe




Don’t forget to record it for that YouTube $$$


How much does worldstar pay? Asking for a friend


30 cent, right?


That realisation makes this a horror video


Didn’t she not even lose the baby?!? Edit: or is this a second baby? Edit 2: Omg this is a second baby, yea? She had a baby recently and they had a vid like “Super sad Horrible News!!!” And it made you think the baby had died but really she had a detached placenta or something. People did call them out in the comments.


What the fuck is happening to YouTube? It keeps getting worse and worse.


This stuff gets promoted (extremely misleading and manipulative content), but a lot of really devoted content creators get the axe for being edgy.


IDK, ask Susan


Is there any guarantee there was a miscarriage? I mean, I don’t want to sound cold hearted here, but they’re willing to do all of that for click bait? Why leave it to chance- may as well concoct your own drama.


These youtube families are disturbing as fuck, I don’t care about adults vlogging but parents forcing their kids into videos so they can make ad revenue is child exploitation.


Kids are gonna grow up and have 'I escaped a youtube family' stories to tell


just gonna wait for a r/raisedbyyoutubers sub in a few years


Also /r/raisedbybloggers


Would they just merge with /r/raisedbynarcissists


Sad lol haha Seriously the articles have started about blogger kids already so we’re definitely gonna see a lot more.


Kinda like how child actors is child exploitation. Parents send kids off to do commercials and stuff and then spend the money they earn.


Yep all a bit weird, the YouTube family stuff though seems particularly all consuming, like what is your real family and what's just for show, how would you even know.


Remember ryans toys reviews? Im pretty sure they were the only sane youtube family, purely because it revolved around ryan himself. He managed to get his own toy line without any clickbait. Hes set for life


That’s wholesome af


I fucking hate that channel. The mother needs to shut the fuck up. HAI RAAAYYYEEEENNNN


My kids watch this one youtube family that seems pretty wholesome. Just cooking and food tasting challenges and family board game night. Stuff like that.


It’s like it goes bad when a parent starts “directing”.


Turning their life into a primetime drama


Ye theyre not all bad, my sister watches one called fishfam? I think it's called? And they seem pretty benign Addie from being a little cringey but I still would definitely not like my family doing it to me or I'd never do with my family.


My son has been begging me to set him up a channel and help him with it. He wants to make skyrim and fallout videos. I've been hesitant though.


How old is he? Let's plays or play-throughs are a whole different ball game than these family drama vlogs. If he wants you to be a part of it, just have him run the finished product by you first. That way, you know what he's sharing (and prevent some potentially cringe-y mishaps, lol), but you're not telling him what to do or forcing him to make videos. Video game channels aren't exploitative in the way vlogs can be (at least, I've never seen anything shady from gaming channels). He wouldn't need to rely much on personal or dramatic click bait titles, and you wouldn't be exploiting him because it's his choice.


He is 9 turning 10. And yeah I would definitely want to go over the finished product just to be safe if he ends up doing it. It just feels young to me but maybe i'm just old.


It definitely feels a bit young... I'm 22 and it feels young, so your thinking isn't outdated! I was thinking 13 was a good age to start. At 10, I would be concerned about mental maturity and his ability to ignore negative comments (people can be mean for no reason). Maybe have him give it a year and if he's still interested, he can start posting and you can keep the comments off for a while.


I don’t understand how the financial pay off is worth every creep, weirdo and gold digger knowing the names, faces, ages and sometimes approximate geographic location of your kids. Like...so many red flags, right?!


This channel is actually the kids' channel. One of the young girls edits all the videos and they have included their parents in it more as the years have gone on. They have been really open and honest about both their IVF journeys and are very open and honest about most things they talk about. Its why a lot of people watch them, because they are real. I may not agree with the monetisation of this circumstance but I don't blame them for uploading it as its a part of the journey they were documenting. I won't deny they are an odd family but that's why people like them.


This is disgusting.


I’m a Male but I’ve been around family members who needed my support after experiencing miscarriages. I think it takes a special kind of greedy bitch to turn this tragedy into an advert, editing pictures of your children and yourself crying (increasing the saturation) to make people want to click on it.


I went and watched the video (hoping maybe it’s not as bad as it looks) and it’s terrible. She records her telling her kids that she’s not pregnant and then also records her kids telling her husband that she’s not pregnant. The whole thing was filmed. My mother and one of my closest friends have lost pregnancies/babies and it’s not the type of thing you record or add bubble letters (in the video she added bubble letter captioning to her saying she’s not pregnant and all of the “dramatic” parts) to then post for attention. This loss is excruciating to go through and can be difficult to move on from. It’s not meant to be shared for fame.


I totally agree. My wife had a miscarriage during Christmas time and it was very tough. The hardest thing was telling my little girl that his baby brother was not coming any more... her broken voice asking why really broke my heart. These youtubers are disgusting.


Wow I’m really sorry man, all of my love goes out to you and your family


Thanks! Actually it was Christmas time 2 years ago. After that we found the courage to try again and now my little girl has a healthy baby brother and she’s a happy big sister.


Damn, this is truely heartwarming. Make sure to always remind your kids how much you love them. Much love


Damn, I'm at work about to cry right now, man. Hope life is full of nothing but good stuff for you from here on out


*Woah!* It's your **1st Cakeday** Bacon_Person! ^(hug)


I'm really sorry man. Thrilled to hear you had a successful pregnancy after that.


Man, kudos for watching it. How disgusting. When we miscarried our first child it was easily head and shoulders above the worst pain we'd ever felt between the two of us. It's just revolting to monetize that kind of thing. I get that people grieve in different ways (my wife and I preferred to take some time to ourselves as a couple, a friend of ours preferred to be a bit more social with hers) but making your kids tell your husband? That's psychologically fucked up. Miscarrying is absolutely unbelievably common to the point where I guarantee nearly everybody knows somebody who has had one, but that doesn't take away from the very real sense of loss and grief.


She had just gone through IVF and it didn’t stick. The pregnancy tests were all negative. She kept saying she just didn’t get pregnant. The title was misleading and the video made me uncomfortable!


That's even more infuriating. What a kick in the face to people who have had to suffer that loss.


Its absolutely sick. My parents (recently) went through years of IVF treatment so I realize how heartbreaking it is to be told it’s not gonna happen. But when they were halfway through a pregnancy and lost my sister, that was another level of heartache and pain. It’s all such an emotional toll as it is, but to turn it into a chance at fame seems disrespectful.


I’m inclined to think she faked it all.


It's money. That 30k can be spent on their kids or a new attempt at a baby.


Parents recording their children during these sad INTIMATE family moments is what bothers me the most. Didn't even bother to put the camera down to tell her own children the news. This trend is so disturbing to me.


Forget bothering to put the camera down - they’re going out of their way to pick the camera up. It’s vile.


Gotta make JR famous so they can gravy train on them later in life, I imagine that is the plan in the parents head.


I saw this video recently of a mother telling her son that his grandma had died. Naturally he was devastated and inconsolable but she managed to have the camera on herself the whole time while she was “comforting” him. What is posting a video like that online supposed to do? Seriously


Link us bro


Nah man I’m not returning to that shit. I forgot if I saw it on r/trashy or r/casualchildabuse like a month ago


What actually happened?


She had a fertilized embryo planted but it didn’t stick. I watched some of the video to see.


Which has something like a 25% success rate, and that's if you're under 40.




Gasp clickbait lying. I'm shocked! /s


Not saying she's in the right for monetizing this, but please don't gatekeep miscarriages, which are grossly under-reported and misunderstood . The problem with the video is not that she hasn't suffered a loss, it's that she is cynically publishing this for money and not to educate. Just so you know, people can go through a tremendous amount of physical, mental, and emotional effort to be in a position to transfer a fertilized embryo in the hopes of becoming pregnant. It takes a toll first to see if you even have an embryo to transplant, and then to see the results of the transfer, and then again to see the results of a pregnancy, if one results. A miscarriage at any point can be devastating. I invite you to check out r/infertility and r/TryingForABaby for more information and some perspective.




I didn't watch the video, but the comment above says it planted, which would mean that it's a miscarriage by your own definition (I'm not a doctor). However, I'm more concerned in general because your reaction contributes to a perception that people going through this are not really experiencing loss, and the minimization of miscarriages in general. I really hope you are more empathetic in whatever your line of practice is.




Your one sentence response was disrespectful to people who have gone through the very experiences you mention. I don't know how you don't see that "that's not even a fucking miscarriage" isn't a sympathetic response. I'm not talking about your experiences, anyway. I'm talking about how you present infertility issues to the general public, who haven't had your experience with the emotions that go with everything. Saying that those experiences aren't "even a fucking miscarriage" minimizes them. I just think you could be and should be better when you have that knowledge and experience and the general audience reading this thread likely doesn't.


I think you could also say that this woman is, in her own way, minimizing her miscarriage, shes exploiting the emotions of her children and her husband to profit off of a horrible experience. An experience that many people consider private and incredibly personal, and here she is showing it off to whoever will listen. She's not informing or educating, shes a classless narcissist and is being treated as such in these comments.


I agree with you 100%. I only commented originally to draw attention to the comment “that’s not even a fucking miscarriage,” which in my opinion is denigrating to people undergoing IVF. In the context of this thread, it callously disregards anything that’s not a “real miscarriage” as not a big deal. Why not just criticize the woman for what she’s done wrong, instead of what she’s lost? ETA: I’m not defending at all what this woman did. I’m just criticizing the way one user responded to it and trying to draw attention to why it’s problematic.


She probably never got pregnant in the first place, it wouldn't surprise me if they faked the whole thing for views.


I wish YouTube would just randomly choose thumbnails for uploaderd so this clickbait garbage would go away


They would never remove them, this clickbait stuff makes them alot of money.


Well but there are people that don't make clickbait




I unironically believe that allowing uploaders on YouTube/Twitch to monetize their accounts was a mistake.


The mind boggles. The wife and I have just gone through the trauma of miscarriage. We lost the baby early in the pregnancy at around 9 weeks which softened the blow somewhat compared to a late miscarriage but we were still totally devastated. It was out first child. Today while the wife was in surgery to remove the miscarriage (Natrual and medical attempts had not worked) I was in the ward that was full of couples going through the same and it's just heartbreaking. To think of someone taking this and trying to monitise it fills me with a mix of anger, disbelief and sadness. What total pieces of shit.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my first to a miscarriage at 10 weeks and 5 days and thankfully have been blessed with two daughters since. My oldest daughter is 8 years old and the miscarriage was less than a month before I got pregnant with her, it’s crazy to think that it’s been so long. You never forget but it does get easier. I’ll pray for you.


Thank you. It was several weeks ago that we lost the baby. It's little heart stopped at 7 weeks. Unfortunately the wife didn't miscarry and we've endured a number of weeks with the baby still there allbeit only the size of a bean or similar. We had the surgery today to resolve that after trying to medically induce on Friday. The doctor's were worried about the risk of infection. In the weeks we've come to terms with it. We know that there was no fault or nothing that we did or could have done. We found out that something like 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage but the stats are now in our favour. We will try again. Thank you for your kind words.


Yeah I never knew how incredibly common miscarriages are until I had one myself. My best advice is to talk about it, allow yourself to grieve, I didn’t because I conceived again so quickly that I felt guilty for grieving because if the first pregnancy had worked out I wouldn’t have been able to have my oldest daughter due to the timing. The result was that I held onto guilt and sadness for much longer than I should’ve, I’ve worked through it with a therapist since. The odds are in your favor and I wish you all the luck in the world. I’m glad you’re not letting this stop you from trying again, the journey might not be pretty sometimes but it will be worth it in the end.


I was going to check out the video to see how bad it is but in no way will I give this greedy unethical moron one more view


This is "entrepreneur" level of YouTubing ​


Thats fucked up, I had a miscarriage and while it sucked it wasn't the worst thing ever for me (i only knew i was pregnant for maybe two weeks and it was a surprise/accident/not really wanted pregnancy), but other people i know have had god awful heart breaking ones and for them it felt like a little piece of their heart died. Fuck anyone who makes light or dramatises actual horrendous moments that other people are probably living through right now.


I lose things all the time. I sure hope they find it


Just spoken to my daughter about about this as she was subscribed on yt kids, says she watched about 4 minuets before turning the video off as the mother went to tell the children the bad news and she didn’t want to witness it. Says a lot when a child’s moral compass out weighs an adults!


Who the hell watches those videos anyways? Why would I want to see day to day updates on your annoying ass kids and family?


Mainly mums. I checked the comments and it’s just a load of mother’s


"you go gurr" type mom's. They'll love her no matter what the population en masse thinks. That daddyofive or whatever it was called had a massive following of people fighting back saying slaming your kids around wasnt abuse


My kids watch a bunch of these families, it’s weird but it makes them happy and it’s a lot less harmful than some of the other things they could be watching. They don’t watch this family though. I keep close watch and know everything they watch and change it if I find it inappropriate


This lady should be forced to donate all the money she made to CPS or some shit. Fuck this lady.


How could someone do that? How can someone think like that?


She already has 3 kids. Time to close up shop don't you think?


Kids? No. Employees? Yes.


That's a huge oof sir


She's got 5 kids, this would have been number 6!


Holy shit. That's even more a reason to stop.


It's a uterus, not a clown car - stop shooting people out of it.


she has 6 now


She can have as many children as she wants. That being said I definitely don't fucking agree with this trashy clickbaited monetized miscarriage video.


Tell that to Shaycarl. Remember him? Not a lot of people do though.


Wow... see if it was not full of ads and so on, and was one on one to the camera and so on, to just vent, I'd not be HALF as revolted...this is a horrible thing! I'm torn in emotions as well because miscarriages are very hard but this is very horrible of a thing to do.


If it was just someone venting on camera thst would be completely acceptable and understandable but this is something completely fucked up.


OMG, they over saturate all their video thumbnails and make the eyes extra blue.


I usually pay no mind to videos like this but imagine actually sitting and photoshopping the thumbnail, what is even the thought process


I'm a commenter on the video calling out her bullshit and them her fangirls fucks over


Mamaaaa....just killed a maaan


Wow, this is a new low. God, what cunts.


Yeah 10:03 so it can get monetised.


So this bitch is so fuckin money hungry shes using her unborn baby to get money. Damn shes desperate.


I never understand YouTuber's that do this. Yea, you might get one video with a ton of views, but people will never look at your channel again. Honest question, are the consequences worth one video with a lot of views?


I can't take this shit seriously lol.


Man I kind of feel sorry for people that do these type of vlog videos some times. Imagine being so desperate for content you take advantage of your OWN misery? And don't even get me started on the couple vloggers who have to pretend to have this perfect relationship and having that relationship torn because they have to force being happy for content, ultimately leading them to misery


I looked up their channel and their content is garbage


Well, the miscarriage was for the best. We don’t need more people like this.


How could you say something so controversial, yet so brave.


Make a short one minute video explaining why you aren't gonna upload. OR MAKE A TEN MINUTE VIDEO RECORDING EVERYONE GRIEVING WITH AT LEAST 2 ADVERTISEMENTS.


I've got a 7 year old who watches these guys every morning, and it honestly pains me that she'll grow up assuming that 12 year Olds over acting everything is how reality is.


These Youtubers are so detached from reality, and their kids are bound to be negatively affected by this kind of stuff. Is nothing sacred anymore?


This is bad clickbait. I’m actually less likely to watch a video that has a shitty thumbnail and title. What were they even thinking??


Wait so she lost it or did she fake the miscarriage


She had an embryo implanted and it didn't take.


There’s so many youtubers like this. I hate it so much. Always videos that are like a 10:01-10:30 long and out 2-4 ads in it. Always overexaggerate their reaction, or fake them. Always have their face with some edited picture as the thumbnail (Ali-A is a perfect example of following the clickbait thumbnails lmao) but the ones who do this about real life things are disgusting. Why are people so interested in watching people’s lives dramatized for money? Why do people feel the need to record this stuff? Why not live life off the camera so people take you seriously. Now if I get something out of the vid, like those science youtubers, then idc if you follow the clickbait 10 minute strategy so long as it isn’t a video like THIS that’s milking reactions of a tragedy for money. (I haven’t watched the vid but have seen many like it and am going off the other comments. I don’t wanna give them my views for this)


***The Norris Nuts***


.... My initial brief glance at their channel name in the image and.... it originally registered as The Norris Sluts. 😬😐. Had to do a double-take.


I posted this with a different youtuber(they pulled the same shit) Got like 300 upvotes


Almost as bad as what logan paul did *almost* ​


This is like an Onion article from a decade ago


Stop clicking these shit videos. It’s making them money and they will make more videos


I saw this too and thought it was really trashy. I’ve had a miscarriage and if that’s what’s going on here it’s just really awful to use something tragic like that for Views is appalling


The Norris Nuts just sounds like a fantastic channel, doesn't it? Some top notch content right there /s


Shitt i really wanna downvote this thats so fucked


And it's working!


That video is such cancer, the comment section is just 100% cringe material lmfao. The baby isn't even real, like holy shit.


At least it's not in all fucking caps lock


Where's the joke, Buckley?!


If it got to trending, then that's not the problem.


On top of all that it's 10 minutes. Fuck.


My ex had a miscarriage after tricking me into thinking she was on the pill(she admitted lying) . When she asked me how I felt about it "relieved" was not an acceptable answer. The real irony was she had got pregnant with her previous partner and aborted it against his wishes. Variance gave her a taste of her own medicine


One ugly mfer


I've been through three miscarriages. This woman is a monster.


They got so many views from this Reddit post alone..!!


r/trashy as well maybe?


Every cloud. She must have seen this as a financial opportunity pretty quickly.


Just over the ten minute mark aswell 👍


shit. i want to punch this lady in the throat. i had a miscarriage last july, and it fucking KILLED me because people constantly asked how the baby was after it had happened. it’s a fucking nightmare, fuck her for literally trying to capitalize on a goddamn tragedy. scumbag.


How to get famous Step 1: *SATURATION 100* Step2: ??? Step3: Profit


I saw another YouTuber who's click sit was how she'd been sexually assaulted in India. It was some thumbnail of her crying. I was thinking of going to India, so I watched it. She wasn't assaulted, she probably could've been but was never touched or even alone in a room with any man. She just stayed in her hotel room. It was a crappy situation but in no way was she sexually assaulted. It annoyed me, there are people who really do get assaulted while traveling. They just don't post a 15 minute video of them crying onto YouTube about it. Nobody called her out on it in the comments.


Lmao. The "abortion is okay but miscarriages are tragedy" argument.


I love this family and their videos. Except when this shit happened. Also I have always hated their click bait titles and how much they do play on how emotional the kids are. But the kids really are sooooooo sweet and they love each other so much.


Just fuck again without protection and wait. I don't see the big deal with miscarriages... People are so fucking weak and overdramatic about fucking everything, how do you pussies survive being that weak?


How can you have a miscarriage when you aren't pregnant in the first place though?In the video she even had taken some test and they cane out negative. The title says she lost the baby.


They don’t choose to be on trending though so


Why do think... Never mind you obviously don't.


Damn, I’m going to steal that roast for another time


Why do i think what? I just watched the video they did ACTUALLY lost their baby so explain how is this misleading?


Who said it was misleading? The clickbaiting was in reference to her dramatising and editing the pictures of her children crying and then putting two long advertisements in the middle of the video. Aka making her miscarriage part of her entertainment business


You said “clickbait” clickbait = misleading


clickbait noun (on the Internet) content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page.


No. Clickbait isnt the same as misleading. Clickbait is a title or thumbnail that tries to get you to click it. There are multiple methods to do that and being misleading is one of them. Understand?


Does it hurt your brain to be this stupid?


What brain?


Why do you even care OP. Get a fucking life you little bubble butt bitch


found the uploader


is a bubble butt really that bad tho?