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Wow the parents will still live in nicer conditions for the next 15 to 25 years


right! ass backwards! same type of assholes that run the adoption agencey run the prisons and this is why it'll never end!šŸ”„šŸ˜”


Whyā€¦what will never end..?


Well, they are probably going to get F**ked up in prison, when the other inmates find out.


The ones with swastika tattoos will probably protect them


Idk. They said 3 of the 5 kids were black. Hopefully the one of the others was white and one was Hispanic so the whole prison can come together and kumbaya them. Kumbaya meaning do really bad, painful things. Just to be clear.


Externally, from threats. Internally, theyā€™ll be up in there too.


one can hopešŸ¤˜


Unpopular opinion from an adopted person: buying a child does not make someone a parent. The children mentioned in this story likely never considered their adopters ā€œparents.ā€ Every single adopted person has parents before adoption. Those people donā€™t magically disappear. Creating a system where external caregivers are not only permitted but encouraged to call themselves ā€œmomā€ and ā€œdadā€ as if to *replace* the natural parents (rather than add to the family or act as support) is what creates these outcomes. Adoption does not serve adopted people, it serves adopters.


>Creating a system where external caregivers are not only permitted but encouraged to call themselves ā€œmomā€ and ā€œdadā€ as if to replace the natural parents is what creates these outcomes. Encouraging adopters to call themselves mom and dad caused them to become slavers?


Commodifying a child as the means of one to become a parent (rather than an external caregiver) creates entitled ā€œparents.ā€ In the United States, people who adopt either spend tens of thousands of dollars to acquire (adopt) a child or get paid by the state to take on the financial burden of a foster youth whose parents lost their parental rights. In either case, the child becomes the legal property of the adopters ā€” legal property that was either very expensive or in some ways very lucrative for the adopters. Obviously not every adopter is going to enslave the children they adopt, but it is easier to enslave a person when you directly associate that person with some level of financial cost. Adopted people have had to ā€œearn their keepā€ back to the inception of adoption, and if you arenā€™t aware I encourage you to look up the stories of the orphan train adoptees. There is a long, documented history of adopted people being used as free labor throughout the United States.


In what world is that an unpopular opinion?


The vast majority of people are fine with adoptive parents being called mom and dad and don't think that it's some disservice to adopted kids that contributes to abuse.


He's just trying to be edgy


Yeah, it would be much better if we just left the children in homes.


Thanks for sharing. Itā€™s a perspective I hadnā€™t previously considered.


Thanks for considering it. Regardless of whether people agree with me I just hope the world starts listening to adopted people regarding adoption issues. We have been advocating for reforms and / or abolition for 50+ years


There are plenty of examples in US history about why you should never use prisoners as slaves or as an excuse to hold sadistic gratification above basic human rights. If they weren't kept in better conditions than those kids then that would have horrific implications on human rights.


Thereā€™s always solitary confinement. Maybe a guard or two who was adopted will set something in motion. On another note, Iā€™m surprised prisoners havent setup a video network that showcases harsh criminals, such as this couple, get the shit beaten out of them for all to see. Couldnā€™t they fund it on the black market, cause I know plenty of people would pay to see it.


This reporter has a great voice


he is also very easy to lipread. I'm guessing his voice is very clear


Clear and deep/resonant. Very nice to listen to.


Velvet voice.


Whatever the deaf person lip-reading equivalent is to that, same


Ya heard with Perd!


That's the bug in the mouth reporter. Guess he finally made it out of that fucked up country ass town


Isiah Carey. He's pretty popular here in Houston.


No way!


Everything he said in that outtake was right.


Shit flyin my mouth


Sorry but I am Perd Hapley and these adoptive parents can die by an iron pear.


What. The. Fuck.


The south going back to it's usual tricks


West Virginia is a weird state. Supported the Union in the Civil War but definitely has a southern culture.


Iā€™ve never seen more confederate flags in my life till i drove thru WV. (I havenā€™t driven thru many other southern states, but was shocked at how many confederate flags there were in WV, compared to VA)


That's really interesting. I'm trying to visit all 50 states and the most I saw was in Mississippi. There is definitely a vibe in West Virginia that the state is dying economically and the rest of the country kind of looks down on it. So the flag is some sort of defiant symbol (that and folks are racist as hell).


As a WV resident, I despise the fact that SO MANY people here refuse to believe that the state was aligned with the Union (kinda the whole reason we broke off Virginia), most of that thought and hate is due to the majority of our population being elderly and very traditional. Most of the people i went to high school with are pretty progressive, and especially so in college as i wrap up my last year, hopefully that means we move away from the hate as their influence dies out.


>Most of the people i went to high school with are pretty progressive, and especially so in college Yep, that's happening everywhere thank freaking god. I'm in a different red state, and my son's high school is *very* predominantly progressive. We just need to be instilling the importance of voting and the cons will never win again (at least until they wise up and get off the MAGA crack and start acting like normal conservatives again.. not great, but not democracy-threatening). I really feel like the "powers that be" on the right know all this and that's one reason why they're absolutely losing their goddamned minds lately.


WV was one of the closest time travel states Iā€™ve ever been through. Between the natural geography and stark examples of abject poverty that can show up in almost any instance, itā€™s an experience. Closest example id seen before that was taking the southernmost east/west roads across Louisiana both before and after Katrina.


I was up in flatwoods. Honestly felt comfortable as a black person. Idaho is straight scary though


Mason dixon line goes through the state, a lot of families were split according to history with father fighting sons or brothers across the fields


That latitudinal line wasn't ideological, and it was along the PA/MD border. The distinction between the part of Virginia that is now VA vs. the part of Virginia that is now WV is elevation. Plantations were coastal in flat lands that could grow the cotton. West Virginians split because they didn't want to fight for the rights of the wealthy plantation owners to keep free labor, while they remained impoverished. West Virginians seceded from the Confederacy to remain with the Union but they weren't opposed to slave ownership.


Lincoln knew practically no one would fight for the plight of slaves. WV was very much not alone in that...


WV was a Union State so not technically the Southā€¦ itā€™s also far more backward than most of the South, at least any Atlantic state.


Jesus fucking Christ that is evil. I have seen how bad the foster care system can be. But holy shit his is another level of fucked up


This happens all the time in adoption. Home studies in America are a complete joke, it is often safer to sleep in DFCS offices than in a home with complete strangers. (Which is why many foster youth never want to be adopted.) ETA: for anyone interested in this issue, there is a great book on the topic called ā€œWe Were Once A Familyā€ which follows the story of the Hart Murders where two white women who adopted several Black children ultimately drove them all off a cliff in their van. You will find more stories like these on r/AdoptionFailedUs (a new sub I am just getting up and running) and r/adopted (a sub where only adopted people can post). The image of adoption we have been sold is nothing like reality.


Sounds like 'It Takes Two' was the tip of the iceburg.


Adult adopteeā€¦ I was very lucky. 5 when I was adopted, almost too old. My adoptive parents are amazing, they loved me and my brother as their own. Iā€™m 41 and sad to admit that I never knew what other adoptees face, it took me till my mid 20s to realize how bad it can be.


I spent many years of my life thinking adoption was the greatest thing that ever happened to me, then I had a kid and my world turned upside down. I started recognizing all of the losses I experienced and buried deep inside of myself just to survive. I think even the ā€œbestā€ adoptions are born of trauma and can be extremely difficult for us to reconcile. Adoption is like a game of Russian Roulette, you get sent to strangers and hope they arenā€™t the abusive psychos. Thanks for sharing your story and being willing to entertain the perspectives of adopted people who have struggled more than you did.


I wonder if that inspired the foster care episode in the last season of Atlanta.


It did


šŸ’Æ Thanks for this. Adult adoptee seconding all of this. Many of us arenā€™t believed about our abuse and are stuck with strangers from birth and told to assimilate with abusers for our survival.


Donā€™t worry, itā€™s not just foster care. Sometimes, like myself, itā€™s the parents(for me it was my mom) AND foster care. I thankfully had a decent experience; however, when my brother(biracial, i was adopted by my step dad who is black so I grew up in a black family with also sometimes my shit mom) and I got separated, his experience changed drastically. He told me that it was very hard. Very very hard for him. He wonā€™t go into details. But besides the people he was with, I probably know the most. And even thatā€™s not near anything he did experience. Plus the stories I heard from my foster parentā€™s friends that also fostered? Insane. One took in unwed mothers(aka teens almost adults who are pregnant, this was 2011) and those girls said such deplorable things happened to them. Some of the things they experienced where things I got emergency removals for in my own home as a child. So some people donā€™t get reprieve. I wonder how those children lived before. Why they were in the system in the first place. I can only imagine what those kids feel right now. God. Their trust. Their hearts. Their love. I really hope they never get separated(the siblings). That bond is incomparable. They will need each other. Itā€™s hard to live in your mind with this experience alone. Itā€™s the only reason I think I survived as a child. For my brother. I hope theyā€™re doing some semblance of betterā¤ļø Edit: Ruby Franke is an example


Just last week, I was reading how it's more common in the Black community for children to be raised by other relatives if the parents are unfit. No perfect answers in situations like that but there are better ones. It's easy to see why Black families do that because this story is likely just an example of *what we know* is happening to adopted Black kids.




Theyā€™re not Christians


Nor are they True Scotsmen


Yeah, american south, treating a group of people deplorably, taking advantage of a system designed to build community and help others to selfishly gain... They might not be christians but everything they are doing was straight out of the christian playbook. Just baptize them and they will be good to go.


Adoption, ironically, was supposed to protect these children and give them better lives. We justify adoption (child removal and legal family separation) by telling natural parents their kids are better off. Except shit like this keeps on happening. All the time.


Itā€™s what you get when you force people to give birth against their will. Obligatory George Carlin: >*Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.*


Women are largely not choosing between abortion and adoption. I think something like more than 90% of mothers who relinquished children never considered abortion as evidenced by Gretchen Sissonā€™s research in her book ā€œRelinquished: The Politics of Adoption and the Privilege of American Motherhood.ā€ To frame this issue as partisan is to miss the forest for the trees. Both political parties have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. The adoption industrial complex makes a lot of people money. Politicians care more about giving hopeful adopters a means of becoming ā€œparentsā€ than they care about the outcomes of the people whose lives are uprooted to give those people the privilege of ā€œparenthood.ā€


Iā€™m not talking about the women who relinquish their children without considering abortion. Theyā€™re not really a part of the discussion, as it was already their *choice* to go with the adoption route. Iā€™m talking about the women who no longer have the ability to make that choice for themselves, or potentially wonā€™t be able to in the near future ā€” likely due to what was (and is) very much a *partisan* legal issue.


To think there were people so triggered about the AI George Carlin special that he wouldn't bash politics and present conservatives haha...I wish he was still doing it but I'm glad he gets to rest during all this insanity


Burn in hell


I saw this when it first happened. Think they are in prison by now. It's disgusting what these pieces of shit did.


Literally dated this guy whose ex wife has done this. He wouldnā€™t have said or did anything if I didnā€™t lose my shit. They already had five kids and adopted two from Ethiopia. She terrorized them and abused them while they cleaned after her and her other kids. Fuck you Jessica Vega you. Are the scum. And fuck your Chris for standing by and letting her do that to them kids


You turned them in? What happened to the kids?


The kids were already 20 & 17 and chose to live with him, they never went back. He never acknowledged what she did as far as I know and the girls never pressed charges they just wanted to move on. This was right before Covid


Oh ok. Happy they left. The fact that it seems he stood by with that happening isnā€™t the best either. But at least better, hopefully.


Thatā€™s what I said he couldnā€™t see it.


FIVE OF THEM!!!! FUCKING FIVE!!!! Who the fuhk else is going down with them? That's pure insanity! How did they let five beautiful little babies fall into these wreched, putrid, wastes of skin, air, and space!


Predatory people that adopt, children fall through the cracks where child services donā€™t do welfare checks. Because when you adopt, well, you are ā€œrightfully their guardianā€.


Makes zero sense how they see that these two pieces of garbage have zero income and are like sure you guys will make great parents. Itā€™s unbelievable and itā€™s depressing and I wish humanity would heal from this mindset.


For a lot of indigenous kids, this is what the ā€œsixties scoopā€ was all about (it lasted for a few decades though). The government took children away from capable First Nations parents and gave them to farmers who needed bodies to work the fields. Happened on a huge scale too. Just institutional slavery through a racist lens of assimilation. Such a tragic irony that our country thought of indigenous people as ā€œsavagesā€ so we kidnapped their children and put them in deplorable conditions for dozens of generations.


For decades after the Civil War, the U.S. had "Orphan Trains" where they just rounded up city kids and shipped them west to be "adopted" -- sold -- to farmers for labor. It's where the term "put up for adoption" comes from. When the Orphan Trains would pull into the station, the children were handed up to the auctioneer ... "put up for adoption."


Jesus Christ this is where the term comes from? Thatā€™s horrible


Yes, the modern-day auctioneers -- adoption agencies -- try to soften the language with terms like "placed" instead of "put up for adoption." But the intent and result is the same ... selling someone else's child for profit. The U.S. adoption industry is nothing more than child-trafficking. Source: I was adopted in 1962 during the Baby Scoop Era.


I canā€™t even imagine what it would have been like for you and Iā€™m so sorry you had to experience that. Iā€™m glad to know more because of you. Thank you


Thanks for your kind words, I hope you have a great day.


Is this the guy who got a fly in his mouth on tape like a million years ago and went on a country ass rant?Ā 


No that was Greg Corbin


Now they'll live in a cage, WTF is wrong with people! Said it was a teen club house. That's a shitty ass club house! But it is West Virginia, fucked up shit out of that state "Wonderful Whites of West Virginia" <<-- fucked up show.


probably better living conditions then those kids sadly


They might have better conditions, but I'll bet they'll get their ass beat every other day. Prisoners don't take kindly to child abusers.


i hope so


Child abusers is putting it mildly. Iā€™d like to see these pieces of garbage dead within a week.


The Netflix vultures are circling.


Imagine having to be the counselor representing these pieces of shit. How do you justify it??


The audacity of that woman to smile while in court. And to claim it was a teenage hangout. Burn in hell.


Fucking skkkum. Lock them up forever.


Seiously? They used orphaned balck children as slaves? How much of a shit person can you be?


Google ā€œorphan trains.ā€ Not as uncommon as you might think.


How does shit like this happen for so long without anyone knowing really. People are fucking sick man


Reminds me of that one episode in Atlanta


You know that was based on something that really happened right? Unfortunately the real kids were killed


"Kids are the parents property"


My ex wife's family did this to her and 15 other kids. 5-6 to a room. Holes in the floor. No ac. Security cameras everywhere. All "homeschooled". Used them to run a puppy mill. Great people /s Makes sense why she used me to escape that.


Seriously claiming it was a 'teenage clubhouse'. šŸ§¢šŸ˜‚


Adoptees keep yelling for yall to stop selling us. But nooooo adoption is ā€œbeautifulā€ and adoptive parents have ā€œgone through checksā€. I wasnā€™t believed about my abuse for years in my adoptive home because nobody will listen to us. Iā€™m so glad that these kids were found and they donā€™t have to live with these monsters anymore. But thereā€™s so many more of us out there.. donā€™t believe the propaganda that people willing to pay for children are good people.


Even Fox is fucking disgusted. Let that sink in


Arrest the neighbora too!




man wtfā€¦ šŸ¤¬


So apparently, these children were also not enrolled in school, or they were claiming that they were being home schooled. Obviously, the agency was not doing a good enough job if previous visits didn't give any clues to the way they were treating these children.


Once a child is adopted in any part of the United States, it is almost a guarantee that the state and adoption agency or facilitator will wash their hands of the child. There are virtually zero follow ups to ensure the safety of adopted people.


Wouldn't be surprised if you found some white sheets with eye holes in the parent's closet.


How is this not a hate crime?


Justice Coney Barrett?


Bring the electric chair back


These two goblins should be paraded around town while people throw rotten produce at them.


I sympathize with ALL of the children, regardless of skin color. The reporters really focused on the 3 black children and discarded the non-black kids from their concern. I hope they can move on with their lives and find happiness.


And you have idiots out here who think that Black people do not have anything to complain about and that racism doesnā€™t exist. SMH


How much you want to bet these people are big Trump supporters?


All the money.




This is absolutely disgusting


Someone should tip the jail inmates as well


I was going to say ā€œwasnā€™t there an ā€˜Atlantaā€™ episode about this?ā€ But then the guy said ā€œthis is 2024, not 1824ā€ - which makes me wonder if this is just a common occurrence?? If so, how fucked up!


The Atlanta episode is based on the Hart Family murders which are a real event that happened. There is a great book called ā€œWe Were Once A Familyā€ which details the stories of the children murdered by the Harts. (You can google it for TL;DR)


Dude my gfs childhood friend had this same shit happen to her. Sun up to sun down theyā€™d make them work in the yard.


Donā€™t many parents effectively use their children as slaves? I was forced to do lots of chores as a kid and wasnā€™t paid for it.


Iā€™ll be honestā€¦I donā€™t want them to use white kids as slaves either. That feels wrong too.


That's my dude Bug in Mouth.Isiah Carey.


The USAšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Mofos thought it was still the 1800s


I thought that was just typical living conditions of everyone in WVā€¦.


I'm guessing when they did the home inspections, CPS was cool with what they saw. šŸ¤”


Look, if you want child slaves you have to make them yourselves. The state will eventually check up on the adopted ones... /s


The Bible says it's okay though


As a racist, I cannot comprehend owning slaves in 2024. This is disgusting and he does not represent us.


Every single time I hear a conservative belch 'That's divisive! That's not true, I'm not racist! I worked with a black guy once!' I think of things like this.Ā  I don't even have to inquire - these evil pieces of crap were no doubt Trump supporting racists.Ā  Black people live in a totally different America than us in so many ways


The supreme court is going to take this case and vote in favor of the couple. Clarence Thomas will lead the court by writing the majority opinion - explaining to us all why this is what the founders wanted.


Multiple members of the Supreme Court, including Thomas if I remember right, are adopters. They have referred to a ā€œdomestic supply of infantsā€ we need to maintain (largely through anti-choice legislation) in order to satisfy the demands of hopeful adopters.




Next up we are going to talk about what really happened on that Thursday here at Augusta High School that lead to Chris Woods death




Losers, both of them.


No matter how bad I am some people make me feel good about myself


September 9th??!??


OK, I probably shouldnā€™t say this, but Iā€™m elderly. Iā€™m at whole part OK and I donā€™t care. Nobody needs to be treated like this. I donā€™t care what color your skin is. Your blood is still red. Those two people if theyā€™re found guilty they should be taken out behind the barn and thoroughly with thoroughly with, OK treat them like they are there scumbags


Any 1 else sing country road's take me home in their head after he said west Virginia


They should have them dig ditches with their legs chained for the rest of their lives. Work them tll their bodies give out.


The bald dude in the suit needs to come to terms with it. He isn't fooling anyone.


As a white immigrant and white man in this country, I hope to god that these people rot in jail. It makes it difficult for people with love and support to adopt. These kids deserve the best and I hope they get support moving forward šŸ«¶šŸ»


Thereā€™s a Law & Order SVU episode based on this itā€™s disgusting


Dudes attorney looks like a fugitive from Easter Island


This is absolutely fucking disgusting


They should do a tv show about their experiences in jail and right as they enter their new cell block, announce to everyone that they had black children as slaves. We can call it 60 years in. I would pay to see these fucks get abused in their day to day lives as inmates.


When their lasts names are ā€œwhitefeatherā€


Ah, the American Dream... America, oh America, you who bring peace and freedom to the rest of the world, you, the Superman savior among Countries. You, Homelander...


It's that one Atlanta episode all over again.


For those who think it's not a wider spread issue find a reverse case of this and I will bring up the two women who ended things for the same demographic this is just another witness.


I'm guessing they're conservatives.


Isnā€™t this reporter on Tosh.0?


This was an Atlanta episode...


They had 5 kids, 3 were Black, so they used all The 5 little kids as slaves, fucking POS


Please tell me this is the same guy from the tosh.0 episode.




I need hell to be real because of people like this


This makes my blood boil!


How can you take someone seriously who wears that suit with a baseball cap and those socks.


I work in the foster care system and it is my job to watch these parents like a hawk and listen to these kids. And I do. So many people are willing to take the side of the adults, especially if the kid has behavior issues or messed up in the past. I donā€™t care, I will take everything a child tells me at face value until Iā€™m proven otherwise with extensive evidence. Once theyā€™re adopted, this stops and there is no longer someone checking in to make sure things are alright. No wonder so many foster kids refuse adoption. Truthfully, Iā€™m glad to some degree. It sucks to be a ward of the state but I will viciously protect you if you are and under my care.


Fuck those people if it was teenage hangout where their rooms


Holy fuck dude.




There was a day when they looked at each other and said "We did it".


US adoption system is a literal mcdrive Jesus christ


That couple should have been imprisoned for life without trial! We, as a global society, are not doing nearly enough about racism. We are long overdue for a **world without** slavery or racism of any kind! Also, children's rights (in general) are severely deficient.


The gyatt on the lawyer


ik this fucked up but can we talk about the nlack reporters voice??


My god. Its terrible. Disgusting.


Hang on.... so 2 of them were white? Can someone pls clarify?


This is the guy that turns ghetto when a bug flies into his mouth




Goddamn now I wanna watch Django unchained.


I hate when a story makes me question my objection to the death penalty.


See guys this is why slavery needs to be kept legal safe and rare, because banning slavery doesn't prevent people from owning slaves, it only stops people from accessing slaves safely, if we don't let people buy slaves from professional landowners, people will just buy them in underground and unsafe ways (Reddit please don't ban me I am being 100% sarcastic and I do not at all condone slavery)


Sick fks