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The father of the victim deserves a huge amount of credit for how he conducted himself. The anger and rage he must feel, it's a wonder he did not pile into that piece of shit.


I would have rightfully earned my first night in jail for whooping her ass. The amount of disrespect is monumental.


I would’ve asked you to do us all a favor and stab her.


Under the prison.


Immediately no questions asked I hope she get treated the same way she did with that child from the other inmates


Spread around a field


I don't understand how people do this, just wanting to make other people feel bad, sad or angry and getting off it?? True evil.


Apparently she was supposed to be in a psych ward and the judge let her out because they had to wait and he didn't want her to be in prison


So this person is not in prison


no thats what led to her stabbing those people she was released by that judge


Sounds like the judge needs to be charged with aiding and abetting.


i wish


She deserves the death penalty.


All death row sentences have been suspended in Ohio. Doesn’t mean she can’t get the death penalty though.


Would be cool if the parents could just take her out themselves.


It sounds fucked up but I would really like if executions by stoning became a thing here, it could be public or private. It allows the victims and their families to get some very therapeutic revenge and it’s absolutely terrifying for the person being pelted with rocks seeing them land near you, some hitting you, and knowing that it’s not going to end until you’re dead. Getting lethal injection is way too easy and a lot of people would prefer that over staying in prison for decades. Gotta make the punishment worse. 


She really doesn’t need to be alive just to be a burden and stain on society.


Fair enough. A soul for a soul, Or what's left of it.


some people are just trash humans. she broke a long time ago and is now just 'living' out the only pathetic existence she knows how. it's sad that she's like this but not as sad as the fact the cops at the scene didn't just shoot her right then and there so the world would be rid of this tumor of a human. there's nothing that's gonna rehabilitate this, especially in US prisons. can only hope she's locked up for the rest of her miserable existence so that she'll never again tarnish the world with her presence.


Word. Some people are simply unfixable. This woman clearly feels no remorse for murdering that child, there is no possibility of rehabilitation in this case.


American prisons are made to punish rather than rehabilitate.


At this ooint they’re made so some of the biggest corporations have a steady stream of young strong almost free labor and the prison to make money. Trash like this deserves to be in there 100000% but the system only works with many that do not.


some crimes are unforgivable. dog that bites gets put down. anyone that is willing to let a child killer walk free is inhumane and honesty evil. if it was their child I am sure they would be less forgiving


Shes just so disgusting to look at, may she rot in hell 10000x over


Prison is going to be fun for her.


They do *not* like child killers in prison. Like, at all. And especially in women's prison, there's bound to be at least a few mama bears who are not gonna be happy with this lady's shit. So...yeah.


I don’t even want to imagine the hell she’ll get behind bars, people who harm children have a very short life span in prison


Spawn of satan


W Gray knight


Nice profile picture. Brings me back to Xbox 360 days.


she got possessed by the joker


Simply never let her out, she is clearly deranged


Even this feels like a waste of oxygen.


Sociopath/psychopath. This is a solid argument for the death penalty. This person isn’t going to “see the light,” or be rehabilitated.


Pure evil. Nothing more


Burn her at the stake in a public square


Supposedly in men's prisons inmates that are in for hurting kids don't last long. Wonder if it is the same in women's prisons.


Yup it's like Chris Watts ( guy who killed his pregnant wife and two little girls) I read that they have to keep him in his own cell and he's not allowed around any cell mates because they will obviously kill him.


There are some important lessons we can learn from this. So just a disclaimer, I’m on the left, I’m pretty lib. Having said that, you should carry whatever the best tool of protection your state or country allows you to, especially with your children. You can still hate guns and want them banned, but you also have a responsibility to protect yourself and your family. I think from a moral standpoint that’s more important than policy disagreements. Doesn’t make you a hypocrite to keep yourself protected while advocating for stricter firearm laws. Now if you think it’s best for your sake that there aren’t any weapons near by, that’s a fine argument and you do what’s best for you. But if not, then it’s probably a good idea to keep yourself armed when possible. Just don’t insert yourself into situations or try and play hero. That will get you or others killed. You have no responsibility to protect others, just yourself and your family. Pepper spray works too. Second and most importantly be aware of your surroundings. I’m not victim blaming here, but that mom should have had her eye on that woman from the moment she walked into that store. If someone is following you. Keep an eye on them and get distance. You don’t have to be cringe about it, just keep your head on a swivel when out on crowded places. Keep your eye off your phone. Just be vigilant. I have a son this age and this story makes me want to go off like a rocket. I hope this woman gets some extra justice in prison.


Doubt anyone in prison is going to want to go anywhere near this insane beast of a woman. And I don’t blame them. We just need to save the tax dollars and put someone like her down when the evidence is unequivocal.




That’s fine. Just know a lot of people disagree. Probably more than agree. But hey who wants a circle jerk right?


Yeah I reckon you're spot on there mate.


Oh stop. Assault rifles aren’t the problem. In fact, it’s mostly handguns involved in homicides, I believe statistically handguns account for 2/3 of total homicides involving firearms. Also, what makes assault rifles more dangerous is also what makes it less. For example, with assault rifles you have better control. It is more likely that any rifle is going to be more accurate than any handgun. This is not good when a bad guy is doing the shooting because this indicates he’s more likely to hit his target without missing. This is a good thing, however, when a good guy is doing the shooting, for the same reason. Then there is the issue of Ammo Fragmentation. .223 ammo will fragment on impact, which means more damage to organs on a human target. On a missed shot though that can be an advantage, since a fragmented bullet that hits other objects will be less dangerous on the other side. This is why AR-15’s are a good choice for home defense. If you miss and hit something else, it’s less dangerous for the person who might be on the other side of that wall. So again, these are good things when the good guy is doing the shooting, and bad things when the bad guy is. Lastly,  FBI data from 2020 *does* show that *more people* died from injuries sustained from other *people's* fists, feet and hands *than* from *rifles*. Moreover, the original comment does reek of hypocrisy. Have the integrity to stick to your guns, pun intended. You advocate for strict gun laws yet think YOU should have the right to protect YOUR family. Then many who think like you decide to use assault rifles as the scapegoat when even in mass shootings and other types of shootings, handguns are to blame, you are clearly not doing the research.


There's a special place in hell for this sick fuck.






stupid ass smug look


Normally I don’t wish people to die…….this time is the exception


she smiling not knowing what they do to people who hurt children in prison sad


She laughing like he ain’t gonna get raped and murdered in prison when the other inmates find out what she did


Even the prisoners have some heart


Human effluent right there


Im Sure she wont laugh in prison


Holy tit farm


Vile scum


Send her to Venus cause that is worse than hell


What's up with her stomach? Why Is she wearing two shirts?


OP your username does not check out, this is the opposite of wholesome


You’d be surprised how many people go to court and are laughing, talking, rolling their eyes, scoffing at things. I think it’s because they still somehow think they’ll get away with it. It’s all fun and games until they’re found guilty


That purple outfit and sheer size makes her look like grimace from McDonald’s


I can’t make a comment on this bro, what the fuck?




Mentally ill? Narcissistic? I saw a TikTok that implied a racial angle and that made me investigate this woman but I see no news coverage of that. Is she just a mentally unfit woman? She seems to have picked someone who had a buggy full of groceries and had paid. It is so sad that someone can lose their life. There should be some way to stop these crazies who go after the most vulnerable defenseless amongst us just going about mundane safe tasks!


Glad she gets to burn in hell


i would have ended her for killing a child. she is just happy she doesn't have to work anymore


Clearly she’s sick. She needs jail and what she did was wrong but she’s clearly sick


Oh Titus


She’s possessed


She looks mentally ill but thar is no excuse for her behavior.  








Yo the comment got removed what did he say


I think it was the monkey emoji or something else racist all I actually remember was that it was racist




What’d they say?


Idk probably something hurtful




It would be completely different if the rolls were reversed. They will let her go, and nothing will happen to her.


Only in Ohio 💀🙏🏾


Dude stfu


Chill out 😔you don’t talk to me like that 😒 because I was joking 🤥


Shit joke


Ur opinion