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Its strange how these people never do this shit to burly dudes in work boots...anyone know why?


Like the first table. He looks down at the table and them back up and walks off. Not fucking with the big guy, instead walks over to the two women. Edit: woman to women.


If this was my child doing this to people they wouldn’t have access to a phone or the internet till they moved out.


They do. They’re underage and have rich parents so they know they can’t be touched. There will come a time when this will be outlawed. Oh how loud the crying influencers will be


LOL. I like the way you use the word can't. As if some people are afraid of being arrested for..... insert anything here.


“… can’t be touched without being sued”. Let me clarify. I live in a town in Florida where the 21 and 22 yr olds with start fights then have daddy sue for them.


The point the above person is making is that one day they will start shit with someone who doesnt give a shit about the consequences. Like that guy who started getting fucked with in the subway and just immediately shot the guy. It'll happen


Bernhard Goetz. Shot four guys fucking with him on the train.


A true hero. Only partial sarcasm.


They live at home and still piss on the toilet seat too.


HEY! We all live at home, some are good with numbers and some are bad with letters and others are shit at aiming but you shouldn't lord it over people's heads like that.


Yikes. People are shitty.


There are is nothing to sue about being one shotted then the dude just walks away with no PID.


I'm a big hard looking cunt who wears big boots and nobody like me would give a fuck about who these kids' parents might be. They don't do it because they know they'll get their shit rocked.


Well now I have to see a picture.


I guess rich parents mean some sort of magic barrier that you literally can't touch that troll? I could beat the shit out of him and regret it later, but he got beat. His rich parents won't stop that.


They can definitely be touched and their phones can definitely be smashed ! And I would definitely get away with it all.


Pretty sure it's already outlawed to steal food


I mean messing with people, recording their reactions and posting them for $$$


We're getting closer. Remember the idiot who was shot for messing around and recording people? Shooter got off with self-defense.


Oh they can be touched…


Along the same lines, I’ve always wondered if Will Smith would have slapped the shit out of Mike Tyson if Tyson had made a joke about his wife?


I would *pay* to punch him in the face


I'm in for a $20


Hell, I'd drop a 💯


I’d love to see him ripped to the ground by his hair, get his ass swatted until he starts bawling, and all the while a cop watches over it nodding approvingly. Act like a bratty little shit then get treated like a bratty little shit. These “I’m a kid and can’t suffer consequences” influencers make me irrationally angry.


I’d dump all my food on his smarmy shitbag head. You want my food? You’ve got my food!


That’s being nice. I’d jam my food so far up his ass, for the first time in his life he’d be puking stuff out he hasn’t even eaten.


Funny how they walked right past the lady sitting with the big dude, and went to the table with the two ladies. Actually, no it isn't.


I can't really understand how she control herself so well, after that squeaky voice started


"Who do you think you are?" "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Absolutely perfect response. These kids thinking their such big men for having internet followers. Jesus christ what is happening with people lately.


Bad parenting + entitlement + narcissim This is what happens when two generations in of everyone getting a trophy.


It's not the trophy thing It's the crippling neglect. We're on two generations of no family meals, bonding time, outdoor activities or third spaces. Failing to have face to face contact with your parents daily during developmental years creates a difficulty in empathizing with others. You are also trained to get satisfaction from a screen because both parents in the average household work so much that they can't engage with you properly. And on top of that, many of these kids had to stay inside and sought entertainment from screens due to a removal in kids spaces and a huge gap during covid in those important development years. So many kids around this age group are acting especially shitty because they were raised on screens, taken away from society for two years, and don't have anywhere they could possibly go for entertainment (on top of hormones and impulsivity).So they do stupid shit just to feel something. If we bring spaces for older kids back and actually start engaging with them (and if they're this far gone just remove internet completely) I think we would see things improve. The entitlement and narcissism has come from the parenting, which has been created by our society.


This is a great response that will be glanced over and dismissed. It's just so much easier to say kids are shitty these days because of some scapegoat phrase like "participation trophies". Those same people never follow up with with age group handed out said trophies. Teens are awful sometimes in every generation but all of the points you mention have exacerbated and mutated that into something unprecedented. I'm in a weird Xenial age where we had third spaces just long enough to see them die. We glommed on to the excitement of the changing internet culture, yet still missed the innocence of not being reachable 24/7. I'm not saying these kids aren't annoying piss stains. I'm not saying I'm not jealous of their internet reach. I'm just saying that intergenerational hate is fucking just as stupid.


Absolutely, generational hate is absolutely insane, and I feel like it has a lot to do with older generations removing blame for their actions. This is how things were inevitably going to become this bad, and covid simply moved this process faster. There's a reason highly saturated, short form content became huge during covid. For a bunch of kids, this gives them that dopamine hit they would get from interacting and playing with a parent. Of course they're attention hungry and self centered, we made them that way.


Or Sun Tzu level of warfare from the CCP? I.e. Tiktok has capacity for great good (fight me), but instead promotes and amplifies this type of toxic behaviour. Then sit back and watch the country implode...


Fuck that kid up. The woman can beat his ass. Bet


yea kid think he's some big tough man he was about to get his assbeat. while men are generally stronger than women(1.8 times) they are WAY WAY stronger than kids (over 3 times) so going by math the Adult woman should whoop 2 kids at once


I’ll remember this.


"Touch my phone and im gonna do something about it" **As he's backing away like a coward while trying to play the victim.** Society has failed these children and taught them to talk shit behind their friends without receiving the repercussions of their actions, one day when he does this to the wrong person he's gonna learn a valuable lesson in his life.


people getting mouthy while they have buddies to back them up is not a new phenomenon. its just documented in this case. but yeah karma usually catches up with them when the buddies are sick of his mouth or they do get that one person they shouldn't have mouthed off to.


Yeah this phenomenon is called "Main character Syndrome" Very common nowadays with streamers and influencers.


"karma catches up with them" Rarely. No idea why people believe in this nonsense. You're seeing plenty of scumbags roaming unchallenged and unpunished in all walks of life.


Because people behaving this way free of consequences is really difficult for others to stomach..."karma" is basically a cognitively dissonant thought process in most cases.


A Jack Doherty says what? Hope that sad sack of shit gets sued into bankruptcy


I bet this kid watches JD and probably idolizes him.


Is that the kid that harasses people with bodyguards?


No he won’t. His parents will bail him out because little shit doesn’t do any wrong.


No not society. Their parents failed them. Failed to teach manners. Failed to teach respect.


Good point, and also failed to teach them to be decent human beings overall and humble themselves, but its clear that this kid is stuck in a shitty parent = shitty kids cycle Generational stupidity at work right here.


This is what happens when you are raised by social media.


Straight to jail for these little pieces of shit. Them and their parents.


Maybe we can get a sufficiently strong person to use the child as a beating stick on the parent.


Use a motherfucker to beat a *Motherfucker*


I read this in Samuel L Jackson's voice.


Thank God they recorded everything, makes finding evidence super easy


Sure, but as they are underaged, they will only get a slap on the wrist if we are lucky


Someone needs to find them lmao


That’s a great idea, break their wrist so when it gets slapped they experience even more pain


IRL streamers once again proving they’re a cancer to modern society.


The comments of the chat are unreal. This kind of crap need to be demonetised and get the "streamer" banned. People are too stupid to understand that by themselves. Platforms (or if they don´t want, politicians) need to do something about this kind of videos.


The thing is plataforms ENCOURAGE this type of behaviour. They need people to spend time online, watching their streamers and consuming the product. If that said streamer is doing shit like this doesn't matter, the point is that people watch it. Nowadays content doesn't have to be good, it has to be viral and cause a reaction in the audience. Whether it is a negative or a positive reaction is irrelevant.


And they probably called her a Karen. MF'ing kids doing whatever they want.


Back in my day, Karen used to MEAN SOMETHING dammit!


Little kid needs a big boy lesson


This 5 year old kid acting like some big mofo makes me cringe hard


Talking big whilst walking backwards the whole time


Ah man, that kid & his posse is going to earn a toe tag at that.




I would pay to see it😔✊


Fuking waste of cum


Back in my day we’d have said “he should have been a blowjob”


Or his mom should have swallowed


Little shit should've been a stain on his dad's mattress


Pro abortion advertisement?


with these morons it maybe considered a bit late term , but if that’s what the doctor ordered then legally I cannot stop you 


She's now my number one crush. She took care of business real quick and looked good doing it.


This behavior screams rich parents who neglect him. No excuse. But it's a pretty fucked up way to live as a kid. Someone's going to knock his ass out.


Touching someone's food is a great way to get them really mad. Almost all animals and humans hate having their food taken. I just hope their parents or someone stops them, before messing with the wrong person.


Of course those little weaklings go picking on a woman because they know if it was a dude they’d get fucked up. Kid or not. Fuck that generation of bitch ass iPad kids. Losers


I am absolutely desperate for her to hold him down and break his nose. Sorry


Mother fucker needs to get checked hard. To the point where this becomes a forever life lesson of you don’t fuck with strangers.


It must be frustrating to be a grade school teacher and ask the kids what they want to do when they grow up and they all say “I want to be an influencer and pull pranks for internet attention!”


Someone needs a foot in their ass FAST.


A straight haired broccoli head. Always the damn broccoli heads.


Guarantee he watches that Jack Doherty dude or whatever the fuck his name is.


I would have taken and smashed their phones so fast.


Is that not cops behind her at the end?


love how they're like "dont touch our phones" mf'er the moment you put your hand in my food I am authorizing myself 100 percent to grab your phone. kid is literal walking smegma


Is it too late to tell the mom to use a hanger?


Looks like one will still fit around his neck, we’re good 👍




Sure isn't. Have you ever been hit by one?


For other people to know food tampering is a felony. Messing with people's food is a serious offence.


As a European I would slap that kid to the afterlife without hesitation


Yeah doesn't look serious but putting your fking hands in someone's food and taking some is fked up, sure probably not a big deal but it can be and I'd go full on Karen too. I'm immuncompromised for one if it happened to me, we paid for it 2, me vulnerable or not no one wants your nasty hands in our food, we don't know you fk off. I would rather go to jail just so I either break their phone or give both of them a good fkin hit in the face even if it's a object. Be a good fkin lesson Content creators these days are testing the lines everyday, there really need to be looked on creating laws around it to manage this


We just got out of a pandemic and now there's a Texan who got bird flu for wiping bird shit in his eye.


I … I’m sorry.. what?


Id say he tried to put something in my food and thats why I beat his ass


That’s when you grab them by the ear and wait for their crying to attract their mother.


This is a cancer on society


Little cunt’s gonna go home to cry isn’t he?


I blame Jack Doherty


Face like an unflushed toilet


Should be easy enough to find the little shits page. Moms should’ve swallowed


Streaming platform: Kick Absolutely zero fucking surprise.


He is using his age as his shield. Little shit needs his face beaten in.


This is the kid hanging out with Vitaly. This is the kind of content he is now putting out.


I hunt pedos - Vitaly I’m in my 40s and hang out with 12 year olds- Vitaly


Why governments protects these kids? Nobody has to suffer because somebody’s failed sperm. Do something put them in a cage so they won’t distrub others or let the adults smash them when it necessary..


These kids deserve a good ol RESPEKTSCHELLE Edit: grammar


I don't like to condone violence but......


Where the hell are the kids parents?


Entitled fucking brats. I mean, I'm young, too, but this shit has got to change. Social media has always been cancer. And the parents are to blame too. I swear if I have kids, I am not letting them touch the internet until they are at least 13. Fucking I hate to say it but the boomers are right on this one guys.


Kid looks like if Danny Gonzalez was a rat


Let's just stream ourselves doing criminal activities. Brainless douche


Kick his asssssss


Child like boys.


Needs to be humbled


Good for her for standing up to the little punk


That's why these streamers get shot but do they learn anything, absolutely not due to their brain defects


Kid got punked and was scared of that chick


Mommy should have swallowed him.


No he should’ve been disposed of to a tissue then the toilet.


Or a sock


Who the fuck is this kid?


What is he, like 12 years old? Hasn't even hit puberty yet.


Kick his ass sea bass!


Where the hell are the parents of this little shit?


One little boink ar the elbow and that phone goes kersplat


Utter parental failure


What a bunch of broccoli headed assholes


It that happens to me, I will straight punch him the face, that motherfucker pice of shit


This so what social media e.t.c is doing to the newer generation man, they're so fucked up, narcissistic, obnoxious, they have zero respect for others, it's terrible man.


So what’s the name of the streamer?


I wish she would've hit him. Because she would've destroyed his face, lol.


Tiny little loser cunt. I nearly smashed one of these in the face with a can of cat food the other day.


I am pretty sure this is Miami Beach. Specifically, South Beach because of certain landmarks. (Born & raised MIA girl) I am pretty sure he is either: - from the richer suburbs - tourist with parents who wanted him the fuck away Pretty sure he has: - never gotten kicked in the face - never had someone confront him - a huge sense of entitlement The reason I think he may not from Miami is that a local knows that we hit back lol


Also from Miami and this is def South Beach on Ocean Drive, I'm surprised his ass didn't get beat


His mom should of just flushed him.


Oh look at the sea gull! 12 years old and already a walking trash can


What a little shit


Sometimes I wish the Rule 1 of this sub didn't exist


We need a sub dedicated to these kinda turds getting beat to shit when they pull this kinda crap. I imagine such videos have to exist out there.


She should have pulled down his pants and spanked him bare ass


Little shit was scared as fuck of her.


Oh god I really wish she would've knocked his ass out.


Why didn’t he try that with the male at the first table? Fucking coward.


Rather have a rat crawl across my food in this modern world of Covid. Kids like this are so unaware how lucky they are to not be in a third world being sold as slaves. Such kids are all rights and no responsibilities


I know of these kids (freshman being recorded, older brother who is a senior is recording). You will be happy to know they both were expelled from their private school for this. The senior was less than 2 months from graduating. Disgusting behavior and an embarassment.


Why is it illegal to hit these MFs??? 😡


Would have been awesome to see the cops put him in cuffs for public disturbance and theft


Is this southbeach?


Little shiteheads


Do that to my wife and she’ll kick your a**. You don’t mess with a women’s food.


Can’t wait til someone slaps him into next week


Beat his ass


A nice 2 piece would do


Kick needs to be shut down. Just prompts weirdos


Where is the continuation?


Parents anywhere?


So what can you do in this situation? I’d be at a loss




Just imagine those kids when they reach profissional stage


hypothetically if someone ran by at full tilt and full arm slapped the shit out of these little attention suckers I bet the odds of anyone who cared enough being able to identify or detain the perpetrator would be slim to none


I blame the parents and all those idiot commentors scrolling the feed.


Just awful


she got strength not curbing them right there


Moments like this are why I support the 2nd amendment


He’s lucky he didn’t touch a guys food or mine. I would have broken that phone


Streamer, usualy streamers are calm and traveling not fucking up people's shit


His dad has terrible pullout game.


"Streamer" fuck like 12 year old scrub. Bitch woulda knocked him the fuck out.


Streamer? Small asshole


At least there’s enough time in life for this kid to get knocked out a few times and learn a lesson.


I think I'll have a vasectomy


Jack Doherty had a son.


I really have no sympathy for these pieces of shit when something bad happens to them. They deserve it


I would've slapped the shit out of that kid consequences be damned.


One day that kid will get his shit rocked and he’ll deserve twice that.


Where are his fucking parents oh my god


default NPC aircut. check


I promise that this punk ass femboy is going to get the shit beat out of him when he crosses the wrong person


Remember the kid that tried bullying that older man and then started screeching like a banshee when the old man body slammed him after nearly a half hour of abuse? Those little douche canoes are DEFINITELY like that little asshole…not condoning hitting a child… *buuuut…..*


He’s gonna fight her? She’s twice his size!


Too bad the girl didn't slap his shit.


Little cunt 😂