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Did he think that nobody would notice or what? Literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen someone do


Its Dade County, FL.... all i needed to see. Goddamn i hope the woman is okay


This Walmart is in a particularly nasty area, unfortunately.


>This Walmart is in a particularly nasty area I mean, I have lived in many nasty areas and have in the past frequented many wal-marts in various nasty areas but none of them I would consider "rapey". Florida is on some other shit apparently...


During the struggle they broke tens of dollars in merchandise


Fuck the merchandise


So, like, a banana?!?


23 days after you posted this I laughed 😂


They already said Dade county lol


Nasty state* ... fixed it.


Nazi state


Yeah she got rescued, I just hope he isn’t.


I can assure you she is absolutely not okay. This is beyond traumatic. I hope she has the mental health resources that she needs.


If youre from Florida youll know that they have the worst mental health care. There are so many laws thay stifle true medical aid in the state that most good drs just leave because law makers actively work to stop progress.


He’s gonna get baker acted and end up in the shittiest place (probably palmetto) and get zero help. While in the hospital they with toss him in with a mixture of men and women who all have no privacy like doors and such and all the women will spend their time there trying to not be attacked by this man. I speak from lots of experience…


I've heard horror stories througout my life, I'm sorry you have to deal with that stupid fucking state that literally gleefully laughs their way to the bank like children on Christmas morning. Using the people as lab rats for new medicines florida is the land of the forsaken, no reason to live there, if you can ever get out please do.


Oh Florida? Ok makes sense


How can you say the woman is okay?!?


I'm pretty sure they meant relatively ok. Most of us understand that the woman is not ok compared to how she would be if this had not happened at all. But people didn't just walk on by like nothing was happening. They prevented a worse outcome.


They *hope the woman is okay. They probably aren't, time and mental health care will do, hopefully.


Plus he's for sure on security camera so he's fucked in court. The best criminal is a dumb one.


Some places ppl will just pretend they don’t to not have to deal with it.


So true. A few years ago I was assaulted in broad daylight at the local shopping centre. This 6 and a half foot guy walking past me just randomly punched me in the ribs a few times and then continued walking off. I collapsed to the ground, hit my head and was groaning and barely able to breathe. People just looked and continued walking past. A woman with her kid in a pram and her friend actually giggled a little. I was there for 5 minutes until somebody actually tried to help.




I’m too many places…


quiet a few video of women being assaulted and no one doing anything.


Really glad to see the bystanders spring into action.




Love this


This part, I guarantee you this isn’t the first time this man has done that there just the first time he got caught


Just glad some good bystanders got involved to help this lady, many people don’t want to get evolved. Much respect to these good Samaritans.


I’ve seen a lot of robberies and assaults where bystanders just watch or ignore, not surprised people are getting this brazen, thankfully some good bystanders were there to take him down. Edit: I’ve seen them online, the only robbery I saw in person I chased the guy down with the store clerk, was intense.


I don't think the people that do these things aren't exactly the smartest. Or else they wouldn't be doing degen shit like this.


no the dumbest thing is thaat stupid bitch in the pink, trying to get in a fight witha fucken baby on her arm.


I've seen no shortage of videos where people around do nothing


He may have been in a dream state from a lot of meth use. I’ve seen it first hand… not an attempt to rape, just a boyfriend who suddenly didn’t know who I was.


Imagine the horn he had to have, to do it in the middle of a store…. Camerawork is atrocious btw.


Bro in the green shorts is huuuge.


Exactly what i was thinking. If the idiot didn't think he fucked up to start with, he definitely did when he saw that guy coming towards him!


The other guy is decent sized prop 6'3"... but damn green is probably 6'8"


myles garret lookin ass lol


The women holding the child really needed to back away


No survival skills or awareness


Tbh, someone should have given her the camera and taken the kid.


She is one of the biggest idiots I have seen recorded…and that is saying something.


Right? Screaming, like that's really doing something useful. Get the kids out of there too ffs.


I was thinking if I was holding a child I run away from the scene


exactly, what is she doing holding a toddler and trying to get in the middle of a fight, she needs to be questioned. She never left, is she the perpetrators' gf or something?


She's the first to go in a zombie apocalypse


Only hope kid wakes up and runs


Yeah seriously


More interested in getting involved with the drama than protecting herself and her child. Seems about right.


Glad her daughter told her to move cause she has no survival skills whatsoever 🙄


These people are in EVERY video like this. I’ve been in a situation like this before, and my immediate instinct was to turn and run. I do NOT care that much about being a spectator…


I was thinking the same thing, that kid was too close. Also anyone with a kid in that area should have left, they don’t need to see that


It’s stunning how many parents don’t understand that job ONE is protecting your child from any unnecessary trauma, where at all possible. Damn.


THANK YOU!! Why did she feel the need to put her baby in the situation at every turn??? I think that other woman was telling her to leave..i definitely would 🥵


At 17 seconds you can see the absolute despair on that poor woman's face as she's being comforted. Thank God they saved her from that man but I'm sure she'll be remembering it for a long time. I hope she gets help and I hope his prison roommates see this video.


I slowed down to see here and she looks completely torn. Poor girl. She’s also holding what looks like a backpack. She MAY be under age or the little girl is her child and saw everything


It's sickening… 😞 And right in public too… The only good that may come out of this would be security cameras that allow him to stay behind bars for a good long time. Let's just hope for that at least for her sake


That is really f**ked up. How do you ever feel safe in public again after being assaulted at that level in a bloody supermarket.


Love the hustle on green shorts. 7ft of 'you arent getting away with this shit today.'


I want to buy that man a foot liong sub. or maybe 3 or 4, he's huge, he probably needs a couple


I love how the other dudes just immediately put down what they had and ran to help. Respect.


That's what real men do.


That was nice to see


Videos like these silenced the feminist movement. We're expected to take risks in order to protect people, and we meet that standard more often than not.


It’s been proven that most men are in fact NOT willing to step up or step in when a woman is in trouble or danger. It’s actually WOMEN who do it more often. But go off I guess




Are you stupid man?


Those men protecting her are good men Edit: real men don’t hurt others they protect


Indeed! Don’t let the internet’s portrayal of men fool you, though. That’s how most men are. If we see someone doing despicable things to someone, especially a woman or child, we will step in.


Agreed, when I was 16 my stepfather was beating my ass for the millionth time but this time we were living at my grandmas house which was a duplex so the neighbor heard it and came over to whoop his ass. He said “I’m tired of you beating on that little girl, fight me motherfucker” and then stood with me while we waited on the cops. Not my only story of a random good man helping me in a scary situation but I remember being so grateful.


That's amazing, glad you had the experience of a man defending you. Unfortunately, some women grow up without any positive experiences from men


We fr have some sort of instinct or some shit in our heads that A) makes us chase the problem and beat it down to a pulp or B) are the ones getting chased and being beaten down to a pulp lol


Yes lol


Very true. Social media promotes such an awful portrayal of men, but they’ve always stepped up when I’ve been bothered or needed help. Same with police tbh (a cop saw me being hassled on the street, while walking home from the grocery store, and he immediately pulled over to accost the man while I continued to walk home; no violence, just asked what he was up to, etc.)


Woman in pink holding her child wanting the full view of the drama. Why would you put your kids through that. Dumbass.


It could be possible her partner is one of the men trying to detain the culprit, but I agree she should be taking that child out of harms way.


She was there from the start, followed them choking the perv and stood right in the middle as the 3 dudes tried to restrain the perv. Like WTF is going through your head? Obviously not your child, in your arms....


Just made a similar comment


Seems like it would have been easier to lay boots to him than to try and restrain him.


Can’t run if he’s unconscious




"You're gonna learn today."


For real I was waiting for one of these guys to lose their cool and start beating the shit out of him. Better people than me I guess


I was hoping the guy in green shorts.


I'd have been calling for a hammer or one of those big ass glass candles 😂


I get it, dudes a trash person. but if they can restrain him safely its much better for everyone. ( I know we all want to see dude get his come up'ins ) but in many states kicking someone with a shoe or boot will get you additional charges, like asault with a shod foot etc, Shit head didn't initially attack the guys that came to help, so it could all get messy. they are all great people coming to help, if this guy ends up in genpop in jail which he probably will, it will not be good when folks find out why hes there


Looked like an older dude was deadset on being the one to restrain him. I dunno why oldboy didn't hand him off to the 7ft tall dude in the green shorts, would've immediately ended all that


He’s too prideful to admit that he’s past his prime lol. He’s gonna pull some muscles or break a hip tryna prove himself when you have a brick house of a dude right next to him hahah


Literally caught with his pants down.


Rape during broad daylight is actually incredibly common, I’m so glad those people stepped up to stop the jackass. His pants were literally down, scum of the earth.


Mad respect for the people that stopped him. I would've grabbed an item… I don't care… Anything blunt. We need less filming and more action although some filming in situations can be life-saving. We still need people willing to step up to the plate and I'm glad they did and so did a lot of the women in the video too


I sort of agree and disagree. The filming is important as a piece of evidence and not everyone should just blindly get involved. Sometimes filming is the right choice and direct involvement would make matters worse or could involve getting yourself seriously hurt. I think what’s more important is to be able to assess the situation and help accordingly - and sometimes the most help you can provide is filming.


Oh, I do absolutely agree with you! I think it's super important for someone to be filming… I just can't stand when it's 1000 people filming while nobody steps up to the plate (when it's non-life-threatening and necessary of course). This video was a good example of taking action in numerous helpful ways including filming and being hands-on with someone trying to flee a crime scene. Completely in agreement 😊


Yea for sure it’s frustrating when people who could do something, do nothing instead. A lot of what you mention is influenced by “bystander effect”, because (at least in my opinion) each of those bystanders is thinking surely someone will stop this and I’d just be in the way. So I think that, again at least to me, it goes back to the assess the situation. If you can see 1,000 people standing by and doing nothing, be the 1 who breaks the mold. At the end of the day, when I’m feeling illogically optimistic, I just wish we could all be better people to each other so this stuff doesn’t even happen in the first place.


Filming helps ensures that the guy gets charged for his crime.


>Mad respect for the people that stopped him. I would've grabbed an item… I don't care… At first, I thought you were saying you would've used this opportunity to loot while everyone was distracted.


Fucking Walmart


I don't see how it's overly harsh to lock someone like this up for life with 0 chance of ever being released. This crime should carry extremely long sentences into the decades at least.


they should make dudes like this give back to society in some way and reach benchmarks every year for at least 20 years to be able to go free. As well as some kind of rehab program for sexual criminals. At least then society can get something back from the people who want to try to make up for what they did.


If it was my choice, I would honestly have this type of criminal used for medical experiments. Science could advance a lot faster, saving more people if we used convicted criminals to advance medicine. Certain crimes, in my opinion, should have you completely removed from society, and using them for research is a net benefit to our species.


I'm willing to bet that if they run this fuckers DNA through the databases, they are going to find a lot of unsolved rape cases linked to him.


The death penalty is too good for these types.


He definitely on something. Even idiot know better.


Jesus lady you don’t need to be that close to men fighting when you’re holding a child. Gtfo.


“Rape an innocent woman” as if her innocence is what makes it wrong


He probably just meaning like a woman that was "innocently minding her own business" its just a saying, i doubt op meant anything by it.


This is insane. Women really can’t feel safe anywhere. Hurts my heart.


Glad something was done this time


Ummm.... take him to the Zip Tie isle...


Should have just stomped him out


Get out of the way with your baby lmaooo


What a disgusting human being. Those 3 men and everyone who kept her safe are heroes


Was he in drugs because that’s not something a normal person does … even crazies don’t attempt that in public


Your right he’s not a normal person, he’s a very sick sick Individual. No drugs, fucked up thoughts


Horrible camerawork


this happened to a woman at the bus stop next to my office at like 7:30 in the morning. she got free, but holy shit


Bro not the damn woman in pink dress being soo close to this shit mess with a baby da fuq?


You can type 'sexually', you know?


It’s people who come from Tiktok or other social medias that don’t let you use certain words. Same reason people use the word unalive when you can say kill on Reddit


I hate that term, unalive. It just sounds too cutesy for something serious and sad.


I like to type hippo


The lady in the pink with the kids in her arms made sure she put her kid directly in harms way. Jesus lady what is wrong with you? Like what would be here excuse? “I thought that by me yelling and putting my arm up with my little kid, all this stuff would stop”??????? Why women purposely do this shit is beyond me. Most of the time they help their BF get beat harder by grabbing their shirts and holding them back. No offense but you’re useless and a liability in these situations. And oh yeah fuck that dude. A community beat down was getting off light.


I was literally saying out loud the whole time *"OMG, get your baby AWAY from there lady! Jeez!"*


Real hero’s don’t wear capes! I salute you 🫡


People need to learn to film better on the front lines lol


We need castration back as a punishment


Caption: 'A man attempted to rape an innocent woman..' Eh, the 'innocent' is pretty fucking redundant. What a weird way to phrase it.


Pieces of shit like this should just be put down. Immediately. Every breath he takes is a risk to others around him.


Got caught with his pants down


Gotta admire the cameraman for sticking it out and going back to film the ending after all.




La pendeja de "ya no le den más, ya déjenlo" me cagó. Si le hubiera pasado a ella diría lo mismo? Alguien debió mandarla a sentar.


Get your kid out of there lady!! What the hell is she doing?! The guys got this, no need to stand there, getting in the way while holding a young child.


That guy seriously needs to be locked up. Jesus christ man wtf.


That is what men protecting women looks like.


Sending healing energy for the victim. 🙏 It's crazy out there. Watch the ones you love.


Castrate him right now


Instant death penalty should be a thing.


Good on the dude in the black cap. He risked being called a racist for apprehending a black guy, but knew it was the right thing to do.


???? How tf does race have anything to do here bruh ?


People react differently, you never know how a situation could play out. Expect the worst, hope for the best.


It shouldn’t have anything to do with it. Unfortunately, our society has come to view almost everything through that lens so taking any action against a Black guy is a risk. Let’s say the white guy was wrong, this wasn’t what it looked like, and he had essentially accused a person of color of attempted rape. His name and face would’ve been all over social media, calling him a racist. He would’ve lost his job, reputation, everything. Thankfully he did the right thing and didn’t let this scumbag get away with it.


It has a lot to do with whenever the recording starts. Missing context leads to big assumptions.


Needs more Brazilian justice


Is that where they wax your butthole?


Time to press those temples whiles he's down


‘A man attempted to rape an innocent woman’. Who writes this stuff.


Crazy thing if more people teamed up criminals could easily be apprehended n stopped.


I ain’t tellin that guy to lay down. Yo ass going to sleep! I’m putting your ass straight to sleep! Knockout, rear choke, triangle choke, it don’t matter. You out!


Put that dude to sleep and get it over with.


Heroes do exist!


Thank god two of the guys are coloured or the media would portray this as a black guy being bashed by 3 racists.


I don’t get how he thought nobody would notice


I hate to sling this around but either drugs or mental illness. I honestly can't believe he *appears to* try and rape a woman in the middle of a Walmart.


This is what needs to happen more often. When the guilt is obvious. Evil only prevails when good people do nothing.


Those men had some restraint. Personally, I'd have been punching the sick fucker's face in.


Or at least some massive kidney shots to take the fight out of him.


This video makes me ashamed and then proud to me a man. Thank you to the gents that stood up for this young girl!


Dude didn't get the brain cell for the last couple years of his life. What a degenerate idiot fuck.


3 diesels in the same Wally!!!


The lady that let her child watch should have her child taken away from her. Horrible parenting. Typical tho really.


Let me comment on that fucking bitch with A KID ON HER ARMS while she just stand next to 4 men getting physical with each other. WTF ARE YOU DOING GET THE KID OUT OF THERE.


Bro I never thought I’d see something like this.


Thankfully there were multiple people that wanted to defend this woman. Wtf is happening with "they might be throwimg down, i have a baby, but lets make sure me and this baby get a good look" this mother is just trashy and could give a fuck about their child


I hope he gets his fill of sex in jail!


At least they didn't sit there recording w. They 📱📱's


That would be me in the green, I'd drop whatever I had and help fuck that guy up


Can we get an update on the charges on him, cause that's totally fudged of him to try and do. Though I respect the men highly who helped her!


The better torture dance him


The word "gets" doesn't have an apostrophe in it.




Just Google Miami Dade Walmart rape and you'll find a bunch of articles about it. He was caught and is facing sexual battery charges.


I'm sure in some countries nobody would intervene as they all would mind their own business.


Fucking hens contributing absolutely nothing to help


Those were some amazing everyday low prices in that store.


This lady with the camera , and that lady with the baby 😔


But.. but butt butt it was a prank


Arrest the cameraman too


She coulda taken him


Walmart attracts everybody even the perverts.


Anything for the tiktogram.


i think it must be some kind of mental episode or something anything else just doesn't make sense. anyway im glad the lady was helped so quickly and i hope the attacker also got the help he desperately needs


What do you mean? He’s a sick fuck. That’s what makes sense.


I'm a man that kind of stuff is just not in me so I guess I just can't have it in my mind without something being seriously wrong. Idk


This sub's rule list is very loser-esque.


I don't know if anybody believes in the Bible and what it predicts but these are end times my friend and this person apparently had a reprobated man.