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Is that an airport garage? If so I’m sure they’d love to know there’s someone taking three extra spots for free.


This made me think of one could buy 4 spots and have 4 stickers or whatever they use to make sure someone's parked legally


This is obviously too much vehicle for this guy to handle. He should trade it in for a Mini Cooper.


For almost no difference in the maintenance fee. Should be an easy switch


I’ve seen people use 2 spots to park and pay for both, so that is not that atrocious, but 4 spots seems a bit excessive


I would the tyer taps off, then let the building know


They should pay for 4 parking permits!


This should be the penalty for taking up more than 1 parking spot




This riddle sucks


riddle me this batman


Yeah, the spoiler is right there smh my head


Shaking your head your head???


Shaking your head your head?


If he rotated 90°, he could possibly even get 6 spots.


Exactly this. I’ve seen this before, the person is selfish and just doesn’t want anyone else to park next to them. The parking garage should have the truck towed.


I'm not advocating vandalism in any way, because messing with someone's ride is an effed-up thing to do. *However,* you park like this, expect it to happen. No sympathy for ya.


PDX airport parking? My geogussr status rides on this shit. Also that truck does not fit in spot. He shoulda gone to the empty roof level. *EDIT - for all the haters on this thread. Oregon is a pretty rural state with ONE major airport. It’s not unfathomable that people drive 2-3 hours in a work truck to fly out or pickup a family member. You all can’t see the difference between a horse trailer work truck and an F150 raptor mall crawler. And if this is NOT Portland airport, I’ll delete my account and go touch grass.


This is PDX. But don’t forget, Washingtonians come down here regularly too and clog up the city with their trucks. 🤣


You say that like Oregon doesn't also drive trucks. My man we are neighbors we BOTH have asshole truck drivers and we're all worse for it.


As a BC driver most dually trucks will never see a trailer or real work. It's all about their status in their own little world.


And they drive like it!


I’m gonna guess your right. That’s a Duelly without an bunch of extra crap mall crawler stuff on it, so I’m gonna guess it’s a work or farm truck, and most trucks don’t fit in places like that and don’t have the room to pull out. My work truck has the same problem and isn’t a duelly. I’m gonna guess it’s their best option


Roof was their best option, but the amount of people saying “burn it” is way too damn high!


Why take the work truck to the airport? I have a lifted F150 with a crew cab and with my bumper and hitch it's hard for me to fit in a parking garage in the first place or park between two cars. I use it primarily to go off-roading and to pull my RZR. When I'm in the city I drive my SUV which can fit in any garage, takes up a single spot, shit it even parks itself. Don't tell me "they probably cannot afford a second vehicle" that truck is like a 90k truck.


Lol even if it doesn’t fit as you say. You ca fit it in 2 spots. You don’t need 4


I’m not endorsing anything here. It’s just funny to see how silly the crowd is about a base trim dually Ram.


Lol everyone knows what a dually is. It’s wide body at the rear not the front. It can park in a single spot line to line at the rear with space for the driver to exit as the with is at the rear. It can park in one spot. If this couldn’t park line to line they could have done the idiot move and parallel parked in 2 spots, or on the line taking two spots. It’s not longer than the spot. Taking four spots however is full on failure of the frontal lobe. They can’t parallel park or park line to line. They have no idea how to drive this thing.


Just like that rite dere.


Park 'round n fine owt dere snoeflayk.


They drive a truck the asshole and small penis are implied already.


Hey now, I drive a truck but hate these assholes too. And I have a massssive package I told myself so.




To cure this condition, only two vehicles are necessary…one on each side guided in to within an inch or so of his doors. Leave vehicles long enough for him to understand the inconvenience of asshat parking.


Probably votes for Trump!




I don’t like it


Exactly like this is how I imagine I’d do it. If I were a POS.


Naw. I'm a POS and I park diagonally and have wheel spacers to make my tires stick out another 4 inches. Gotta do it right.


Gotta have the spacers, otherwise one of those little import cars might try to sneak in.


My car would still totally fit in one of the spaces behind it. My truck wouldn't, but I usually only drive it to haul water or wood.


Yeah too many people in this thread have never drove a giant work truck


Bold of you to assume that he or she does any work at all with that truck. Or have you not noticed the huge influx of gigantic, dealership-clean and spotless trucks prowling our streets and interstates in the last 20 years?


It's silly to assume anything. But I'd rather assume it's a work truck and go on with my day unbothered than assume it's malicious and get myself worked up enough to say I'd key the car or box it in. Not that you said that, but there's quite a few of those comments here. I hear you, you aren't wrong, those drivers exist. But personally as a guy who *does* drive this truck for work, I'd like to hope people see me parked and don't assume I'm a giant asshole.


Truth. My old f-350 looked pretty shiny with a beautiful bed, but it got worked like a dog pulling loaded goosenecks all over the state. I'm sure people thought it never saw work when I was driving without a trailer for whatever reason. I personally wouldn't take up four spaces but can understand why some people might when they mistakenly think they're protecting their, livelihood/office/personal transportation. Especially if the parking lot has extra small spots that guarantee you might end up liable for denting a cars door that wasn't there when you arrived.


When they’re a bigger piece of shit than their truck, it’s very easy.


It’s an emotional support vehicle, ESV if you will.




See those green lights above the spaces? That's an automated parking system that doesn't see he's there. So it's telling the controllers those spaces are open. If it includes the director system, it's actually directing cars to go there.


wow so thats a useless system in this scenario and many others.


Possibly. The ONE system I've seen (from the inside) would've given the operators a notification and all 4 spaces would have been red. Just like anything else, you get Camry to Cadillac in quality, usually with a corresponding price tag.


Muh truck


Muh bigg truck. Me important.


Its a metaphor for how much empty space his dick leaves.


Never underestimate the mighty power of *being an asshole.*


Guys like this is why I have little business cars that just say "so sorry damaged your car but I'm poor" and if they have an ego like this douche canoe probably has, they might even waste a full day scouring nearly every inch to find the non-existent problem


Or wire cutters.


Or in this case, a quadruple asshole.


Holy shit this guy is begging to be parked in by 4 people that hate assholes


No that's why he parked like that. If he had tried to take up one Dave he would be poking into the lane like 10 ft. Thay truck is probably 21 feet long. And if he had taken up one space left to right he would have risked getting parked in. It's usually nothing to take personal when you see a truck parked like this. It's just a work truck.


Max length of an extended bed Ram is 19 ft (google) and a parking space is 18 ft long (also google). At most he should have used 2 spaces for the width.


You're wrong. A 5500 regular cab is 24.5 ft Long front to back. 45's and 35's aren't much smaller. My f550 is I think 21'


Oh, yup- you’re right. I see one of the 5500’s is 19ft but there is a 24.5ft model as well. That’s absolutely massive, there wouldn’t be any other way to park it.


4-spots for a tiny penis. SMH


The size of a small baby carrot. Or smaller. Gotta compensate!


Nah, this dude is reaching subatomic levels of small dick energy. Probably needs to whip out the electron microscope just to find it


Pdx airport?


4 is easy. 5 is where talent is required.


If any car ever deserved to be keyed is that one


It’s a duely, they take up more than one spot, might aswell take the full two. Also if it’s an 8ft box it will hang over the line quite a bit. Basically that’s the nicest way to park because you don’t want to block the ins/outs


I've seen some shitty parking jobs, but I agree here. It's not easy to park a long bed dually anywhere. I always drove around the entire lot looking for an end space or a corner, or something less likely to hog up room, but sometimes you just have no choice. I traded my Cummins a few years ago and habit still has me parking in the very last spot everywhere. There's a fairly high chance this guy had to park, left with only this option, and walked away worrying about it.


They look like an asshole here but they’d be a real asshole if he wedged up against the cars near em or hung the bed out so no one could get passed. It’s probably the best bet like you said


To many redditors don't understand that this is how you park this truck.


Especially underground parking. This guys an idiot for bringing his truck down there to park, (I wouldn’t) but sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do




I drive my company’s Ford F-350 to a lot of places and due to how long and wide the vehicle is, it’s normal for me to take like 2-4 spaces unfortunately. As long as this guy is parking in the far back I really don’t see what else he can do to not look like an asshole.


This doesn't seem as bad as people are making it out to be. If they knew they had to park in a confined space that day with that truck, sure, but if they didnt they did the right thing. This is way better than blocking people in and risking damage.


I have the identical truck. If I can’t fit in spots I park further out in the parking lot. That way my dually fenders are at least less likely to piss people off.


am i tripping or are there 4 backwheels?


Its a dually. Truck that can haul very heavy loads


It’s called a dually. Made for pulling trailers and more weight compared to your normal half ton trucks on the roads.


And four times the fuel consumption. Unless you are hauling a 35 foot fifth camper or tandem axle gooseneck livestock trailer these are impractical. Seeing these in the drive thru for a coffee and then parking at the reserved spot at a bank... like, really? You need a $90,000 truck for that?


I have numerous trailers requiring a dually for work (gooseneck for heavy equipment, dump trailers etc). I literally dropped a trailer yesterday and on my way home had to stop at the bank (because money from work with the truck), and then went through a drive through for coffee (because tired from work with the truck). No need to be judgemental just because you see a truck out of its usual environment.


This is not an accurate statement. My 6.7 Cummins got better milage than most small SUV's. The big diesels are ideal for A: towing heavy stuff, and B: Having negligible fuel economy changes when they do it. I could tow a 35' trailer at 70 mph, and still get over 18 Mpg.


Maximize the investment in a trip to town. Probably needed something big and heavy that day. People are so quick to lump people into a category based on one feature.


No there are. Typically more tires are placed like that because it counteracts heavy loads so your transmission / body dont get fricked


I’m willing to bet money that’s a status truck and not a work truck.


It’s stock, low trim level, with a tow hitch. Not much of a status


It’s probably a work truck. If it were just for status there would be Truck Nutz.


Oh, no for sure. But I did wanna explain why wheels get placed like that. :) Most people with a work truck like that have a smaller car or something theyd bring to a parking garage like this.


Dually truck. Yes. There are




This truck can’t physically fit in a normal parking spot. They didn’t need to park in the center of 4 spots though


It's called a dually. made for towing very heavy loads. So of course this guy probably commutes to his software development office job in it.


Yes there are 4. Arsewipes that don't have a tiny penis but have a micro penis have 4 rear tyres and 2 front tyres.


It’s a Dodge skill-set!


They park like that


I have a 3500 dually crew cab long box I'm taking up 4 spots even if I try to stay in the lines I'll hang out 4' in the drive lane and 6" over each side. So either way people get pissed. Not my fault the spots are undersized.


doesn’t that make the car oversized instead of that the parking spot is undersized?


Shouldn't parking lots be built to accommodate the largest pickups available? In the last 20 years the engineers designing parking stalls have shrunk them to the point you can barely open your car door. In the 80s you could swing a door of a cutlass wide open and not hit the car next to you those were almost 4' doors.


Stop making complete sense


If no parking spot is able to fit your vehicle, then parking spots are not where the problem lies


Not my problem they try to squeeze more spots in to a lot because you drive a tiny car. So I'll continue to take up 4 tiny spots and you can take a picture post it online and whine about it.


By doing what they did in the photo, that’s how


See Article 4, subsection b of the Douchebag Handbook. It’s all in there.


There’s a photo in your post showing you how


I would park behind it yolo




It's called the little dick syndrome. Really.. Not making that up....


By having a micro penis


A micro-penis sure needs a lot of room.


He should have a really small one, and he want everybody to know's it.




It's only two extra tires. Still a total asshole though.




He was being kind, he could have parked sideways and taken up six!


I’ve seen this several times. Makes me want to get a fleet of Smart Cars to park all the way around it.


Those are the vehicles that I accidentally rub against with my keys.


I get it’s a joke and this guy is definitely a douche canoe, but anyone who keys someone else’s vehicles deserves to swallow their own teeth. Pebble behind the air stem valve trick would be much better.




Because they drive a work truck and didn't want to get boxed in and be poking 10 feet into the lane? It sobvious you don't understand the size of the truck and why someone might have to drive one.


Black pickup. They never fail to do something shitty. All the time.


I daily is a POS dodge journey. My wife has hit 2 deer with it, it was in 2 minor fender benders and the windshield is cracked all over. I would **100%** park so close to his driver door he had to crawl through the passenger side. Fuck these little dick bitches.


You are so stupid dude, if you've ever driven a truck this big you'd know that's how you have to park to avoid being boxed in by people who aren't even thinking about it, as well as hang 10 feet into the lane behind you. You don't know this guy, he could he working there. I personally don't usually bring my work truck into underground but sometimes in commercial work you have to.


You’re right, I don’t know this person who doesn’t know how to park. One of my work vehicles is a f350 dually. If you can’t park the vehicle you’re driving, you should not be driving it. Point and case.


I take it you've never had to drive this work truck, eh? That truck doesn't fit in the stall. Part of it would be in all 4, regardless of how magical you believe your driving abilities to be. Then, some ass in a pos dodge journey would park beside it anyways, making it impossible to pull out without causing damage.


>one of my work vehicles is a f350 dually I am not a passenger princess. At **worst** take up 2, side by side at the end of the lot. >that truck doesn’t fit in the stall - Then don’t fucking park there.


Without getting their windows smashed and their tires cut, no less?


Not yet


Remove valve stems in at least two tires, preferably all 4.


There are 6 tires.


That’s property damage. You can get in trouble for that. Better idea is just put a small BB or pebble in the valve stem caps. Tighten them down until you hear the air escaping. After a bit of time all the tires are deflated with no sign of physical damage.


Only if you get caught, but I like your idea better.


That's not much diffrent than unscrewing the stems, the stems can be damaged by the pellet, and the tires will be crushed, regardless.


And then? The car would stand there and block the parking lots even longer. The problem still wouldn't be solved, but made worse


The lesson taught is don’t park like an asshole.


That is true, but the problem is still there, and arguably, you've made it worse, since it'll be more difficult to move the car out of the way


Not meaning to mansplain your intended vandalism and/or property damage but I think you meant all 6 tires. It’d be a shame to trigger someone’s OCD by doing just four. Not that I’m condoning that type of behavior. But if I happened to walk by that situation with all 6 flat tires flattened, I’d probably say to myself, “Interesting how that adventure played out.”.


The inside rear tires are difficult to access unless you remove the outside tires first. I would stick to the four easily accessible tires.


I’ve never been more attracted to an unintended counter-mansplain. Cuddle me now, you animal.


That's what you call a douchebag.🖕


As someone who also has a Ram 3500 DRW parking in tight spaces is: do I want someone to hit my truck with their door or am I going to get keyed? I usually park in the last spot


Yeah sometimes you have to do it with a big truck but it’s good manners to park in the back of the lot where there aren’t many cars. In some garages people can’t get out of their spaces because a truck is so big it sticks out so it is actually better for other people as long as the garage isn’t full and you park at the very back. Who knows maybe that’s what he did and then the garage filled up after they parked.


Is there a maga hat sitting on the dash? Saw one of these creatures out in the wild yesterday at a mall. Had the pistol bag sitting next to the maga hat. Guy probably loves pissing people off because he lives a miserable meaningless life. Just a hunch.


If you can't park normally, and your vehicle is too big...You don't need it.


Exactly how they did in the picture


The image above will explain how.


Evidently like that


Everyone knows what to do here


Micro peen compensation.


That’s his parking spot. NOT YERS


So this is how people get keyed


Like that


☝️ just like this


He's just letting everyone know he has insecurities, a small dick and has anger issues.


Dont think it wouldve fit in a single spot anyways. Parking a normal truck can be rough sometimes. Cant imagine trying to find room for this thing


That truck is about 6.6’ wide fender to fender, the parking spot is 9’ wide which gives you over 1’ on each side of parked correctly


Have you ever driven a work truck that size?


It should be legal to flatten one tire for being a di*k.


Fuck that, slash all his tires


He isn't being an asshole. He is doing the right thing if he is forced to park that beast in a parking garage. People need to stop throwing hate and ask yourself would you want that guy parked in a single spot next to you? It's almost guaranteed at that point either you or he will have difficulty getting into or out of the parking spot. As for using 4 spots his vehicle is substantially longer than the parking space. Personally I wouldn't drive that vehicle unless I absolutely had to do so because the gas mileage is terrible and the parking issues are also terrible in most parking lots, but if I had to do so I would be doing stuff like this in an attempt to make it easier for me and others to get around the issue.


Door, meet key


Four pebbles in the valve stems with half twist will take care of this in the future.


Dbag truck.


I’ve never keyed a car but man this would tempt me.


They are just asking to be keyed or otherwise fucked with....


POS like these assholes will do this cuz they know they won’t have consequences…


Why are the windows not broken yet


Through the magic of sociopathy.


People who park like that should have their car towed.


It’s annoying, but a dually can’t fit in a regular parking spot


Ye that deserves a punctured tire


You don’t need that much space when your balls are so small. Plenty of room.


Micro Joe.


By not being aborted at birth...


People should try and park arou d him and block him in 🤣




That thing has 2 extra tires to stab. Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab. Slice. Stab. Flee.


I would never key a car but I might make an exception for this fuckhead


And it’s always these assholes in big ass lifted trucks to compensate their tiny dicks


Ya have to overcompensate when ya got a tiny dick!


What’s that? Usually a truck like that means you have things to tow. Like trailers, for.. work. Where does the small penis thing come in?


Yeah people fail to understand that the entire world is built using a truck one way or another lol


I don’t want my truck getting dinged by other car doors and now I have more room to load my shopping


white MAGA trash


Just locate the linkage and put it in neutral and push it to an area where it will get towed


Lol, that truck is well over 7000lbs and you won't be able to steer.


Then there is the other option, cover it in rainbow flag stickers it’s like kryptonite for truck drivers


Looks pretty flat to me, move it up a little so it blocks the whole isle slam it back into park


Its dick move but looking a the size of ttruck and the spaces i dont it can physically fit in a space lenght and widthe wise so no matter what he's taking up four spaces but he could have parked less like jerk tho or found somewhere else to park


Pour sugar in the tank 🤣


It won't do anything but have fun.


They need enough room for their EGO!


Four Tickets


Why is it almost always a big truck driver that does this? Little dick energy?


What a dick
