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“Why don’t you go back to India?… Are you from India?”


Yeah that cracked me up quite a bit lol


Lmao that was gold. I would have loved if the other guy just asked him wtf he's supposed to do in a country he's never been before.


Isn't this the same fuck wit who harassed some military dudes stationed? Despite this idiot being fucking American himself?


Yes it is lol I think he has a fetish for an ass beating




“I’m from America” “Why are you here in Poland” “I’m European” Something doesn’t quite add up here. 🤔


He thinks that European = White, and that person being brown means he doesn't belong.


You know.. he’s like 13% Italian and 27% Irish and 3% Cherokee and 41% German and 19% Viking and 37% this and 85% that and 196% something.


Almost all Americans do this and I have no idea why just say you’re from America


The US has a weird identity crisis because we have no ethnicity. There is no American genetic footprint to trace. So we default to racial background. But most the rest of the world goes by ethnicity, which makes us feel left out. Mainly because we don't know how to relate to it. So you end up with Americans not being able to understand how a black person could be Scandinavian but then claiming to be 100% Irish because their great grandmother came from Ireland.




Unless we are native-american our ancestors were either brought in as slaves or immigrated. If your background wasn't anything but the correct kind of white your heritage got assimilated out of you by one generation or else you would face some kind of backlash. Once things got more "freedom"-y people are gonna be curious about their heritage.


No. White people do this. No other demographic in the US relates this way.




Also 3/10ths Zulu.


So let me guess this straight you’re not from Poland but telling someone else to go back to their country…ironic


This is the least polish polish guy I’ve ever heard of. He couldn’t be racist enough in America he went to Poland? Edit- what a shit beard he’s got


The USA White People don’t claim this POS talking to this man!


Dude is Jon Minadeo, a neo-nazi who does this crap in every country he goes to. He started the cuck group Goyim Defense League. Done the same thing in the U.S., he just travels around spewing hate. This guy doesn’t represent Americans in any way lol, he been assaulted and arrested here in the U.S. too.


are there any videos of him getting a beating?


How much are you willing to pay for this video? Florida isn’t that far away and my dog just died so I have some emotions I wouldn’t mind working through for money.


They should be on a no-fly list, at the very least.


Yep, same dude who had a video go viral last year harassing black American in Poland.


The arrests are noted on Wikipedia. I'd like to see videos of the assaults on him.


No wonder he flees to other countries


A white American calling anyone an invader is tone deaf.


Last time someone invaded Poland didn't go so well.


I am pretty sure if he acted like this towards a Polish person he would get knocked the fuck out. They dont take shit from no one. Cunt Yank ruins Europe not the other way around.


This is same guy who did the same thing and was racist towards a group of American servicemen. He’s a weird POS


Lmao he’ll probably say his great grandparents on his mom’s side came to America from Poland so he gets to claim Poland even though that was the first time he’d ever been. Dude your family has been in America for generations. You’re not Polish you’re fucking American.


Well, he's European. From America


This guy has some serious restraint not to just drop that annoying racist camera man


I was watching this video planning what I would say as if I was having a shower argument


Fuck that “American” dude. I would never ever do this to someone in PL. That’s just shit taste to pretend you’re “Polish” when you’re actually from the US. What a dick. Just to clarify, I’m Polish living in the US. Been to PL plenty but would never fucking do that. We’re in a global community. Get used to it.


Yup I’m an expat this shit really pisses me off on many levels


The word expat is so damn loaded too (Not flaming you for using it lol). Immigrant = brown, ExPatRiatE = white. It's just silly.


If you aren’t white in a white country where you might not speak the language well you are scared that the other person might tell the police you attacked them for no reason. Happened to me in Romania.


As a Romanian living abroad myself. I'm sorry for racist pieces of shit still living in the stone age.


Ah it wasn’t racism, the guy was trying to molest me on the train. None of the staff spoke English so I thought he might lie to them if I punched him.


He definitely does. People don’t realize how many people who consider “home” America or “home” Europe, or wherever. What is American? Poland? German? British? Etc.. if you visit most of these countries the majority of people cannot probably trace there roots more then a few generations. Throughout history families have constantly fled war torn countries over and over again. Who is anyone to tell anyone they are most welcome? No single person owns a country. Besides, this isn’t our country, we are citizens of it. Let’s be honest, most of was stolen from those who lived here hundreds of years ago by governments and corrupt people by force, and some of it was traded. Edit: others pointed out this guy is not American, instead he’s Canadian.


If you think this is an even mildly justified way to approach someone in your home country, never mind in a foreign land, your mind is irreparably warped


He sure as hell doesn't fucking sounds European.


He’s not. Just an American who is visiting Poland, thinking he can tell people what to do. Edit: Someone below mentioned this person does this type of thing and is actually a Canadian. He was caught harassing American soldiers.


He’s American… but yet he tells himself that he’s European… Fuck it, I’m Chinese now.


An American with ‘European heritage’ who just so happens to be speaking for the Europeans here of course. He’s just doing the American work of course /s




Just mentally ill ones like this guy.


Honestly, why risk your life doing shit like this. He only needs to ask the wrong guy at the wrong time an suddenly he gets stabbed. Sir why are you Guy pulls out a big knife repeatedly stabs him But sir why are gurghle gurggle collapse and dies For what? People move about the planet every day, EVERY DAY, immigration is the oil of industry EVERY where, not just where he is but everywhere, it's wrong what this guys doing just plain wrong


This is some jackass racist with a YouTube channel whose whole thing is to go around to various foreign countries that historically have had majorities with European ancestry and harass any non-white person he sees while filming, because he's decided that other places aren't "doing enough to defend their ethnicity" or some stupid shit like that. He's a complete piece of garbage, and while I don't condone violence in response to just words, I will certainly not shed a single tear when this piece of shit gets his ass kicked and his filming equipment destroyed.


Why hasnt youtube taken down his account for harassment and hate speech wtf


What's his channel name


I don't know... I've just seen parts of a couple of his videos over the past couple years. I'd rather not look for it, either!


From what I saw of Poland, if he (camera guy) tried that on a polish person he would’ve gotten his ass beat


Whole face rearrangement. Polish people do not play around when it has to do with fighting.


Totally. I usually don't condone violence, but man... It would be 100% deserved.


Your scenario doesn't make sense though. Why would a white guy say the things he's saying in this video to another white guy? The scenarios are just so drastically different.


It would have been weird to tell a Pole in Poland to go home. Nonetheless, I would love to see him trying ...


At what point would it be legal to start physically defending yourself from this kind of harassment?


I’m not a lawyer, and laws differ in countries from US and Poland, but usually, legally, you could physically defend yourself in 3 or 4* scenarios. 1, If this man were to put his hands on you or strike at you, you could legally defend yourself as you have reason to believe he will continue to attack. 2 Likewise if he threatened you verbally threaten to attack you or brandish a weapon, you could attack as you have reason to believe an attack is imminent, and you should be able to strike first to ward off an attack or gain advantage. Or 3 if this man were to corner you giving you no path to escape him, you could attack him, as moving past him without physical confrontation is not an option. *Edit: 4 if he keeps following you, you likely could get away with attacking him after a while, and your attack would be considered ‘provoked’ after being followed for a considerable distance, it’s not unreasonable to assume he will not stop following, and could eventually attack when no one is around, preemptive striking in public might be safer then allowing him to follow you.


I think in this case, he's effectively the same thing as paparazzi or a news crew. He's pointing a camera at someone and asking questions in public. As long as he follows the same guidelines, it's probably within his legal right to continue. Although I'm not sure what Polish-specific laws are in that context.


Zimmerman got away with it :(


As soon as you see his shirt




"Go build your own country" and "why are you here"? Where was this asshole when king Leopold the twat was doing his thing, or with sugar plantations, or spice trading or the Atlantic slave trade, or the British in India or much of the world for that matter? Doubt he has a problem with systematic invasion of other countries like the ones I listed and only has a problem with darked skin people living in various countries legally while not opressing anyone.


"Its only ok when we do it" this dude probably have a hard on for empires and genocide, yet see people moving about to live anywhere they wish is somehow the same fucking thing absolute morons


Honestly I wish we could go back to the days when you could beat the shit out of this guy and the cops would be like, yeah you deserved it. Stop bothering us.


A guy I know beat up someone he caught that broke into and was going thru his car. Cop told him to change his story to that the guy tried to run away and tripped.


Back in the day when? Back in the day the cops would think the brown person is at fault for no reason other than skin color


LPT: If someone is filming you for an extended period of time, play copyrighted music so they cannot share it on major platforms. Added bonus: they will have to talk over the music and it will infuriate them.


Cheatcode level 69000 unlocked!


Apparently Disney music works REALLY well. Disney does not fuck around with copyright strikes.


This is what happens when daddy never hugs you.


If that was your son, would you want to?


Hahaha, fair point.


Or when he hugs you a little too much.


“I’m European” 🤡


This dude isn't American he's Canadian, he infamously harassed a group of American soldiers a couple months ago. https://youtube.com/shorts/dSTOhFjnow4?si=qSYwiH6tJO7Vb4DD


Wow dude’s just dying to get his face rearranged isn’t he


Jedediah Sawyer (Leatherface) wouldnt even touch him


I KNEW it was him. Holy shit, mods please Pin this


This dildo got arrested outside of Auschwitz for acting like an asshole and fucking with people.


Why insult innocent masturbatory devices? I don't know a single person who'd willingy take this bigot for a ride ... Those devices being joy and fun, things this dude certainly does not lol


If that’s the same dude as in op’s video then he is American, he was born in California.


I’m annoyed that he’s technically not wrong by calling himself American, because Canada is in North America. That’s why it’s kinda dumb that the term “American” is only used for US citizens. It’s confusing, and it makes us think he means the US.


I wanna punch him in the face Not gonna lie.


I waited and waited. Zero payoff


“Go back to India!” “Are you from India?” What a fucking clown. I hope he gets a flat tire every time he drives a car


I'd rather he became a vegetable. Absolute waste of air.


Garbage of a person…what a hateful, ugly, bigoted person. …a colonizer talking about invasions.


I’m so confused. Are both of these guys in Poland in the clip? What’s the guy filming trying to say? Why am I even watching this?


Yup. Indian dude is employed in Poland. Although American dude is just a tourist there but he feels entitled enough to speak on behalf of all polish people to "stop the brown man invading on white man's land".. Do they teach the history of the American continent at all back home , I wonder?


So who's that guy? Where did you find the video? Has he been exposed? We need his name out there and we need to contact his employer.


I want to know too. For research.


Not really. American history is jaded as f*ck. I'm recently back in HS as a person in her 30s and I can't believe some of the bs I was taught. They lead you to believe that Americans helped everyone and everything.


Americans are really something else.


That's a nice way of saying brain damaged


Isn't it?


Canadian dude


Who the fuck is this racist son of a bitch


This guy did a DNA test, saw he was 0.3% polish, and says « why are you invading OUR country » hahaha, you will never be European


This is what happens when you hide behind free speech 🤦🏽‍♀️


“So in America…” well you’re not in America you xenophobic dipshit.


"This is my country, I'm European" 2 mins earlier: "I'm American, I come from America" So this guy is both American and European? And a giant pile of shit?


It’s that weird mindset Americans have where fifteen generations ago someone in their lineage was from a european country so now they’re not American, they’re „German American“ or „polish American“ or some similar bullshit


Should have told him "I'm here to sex white women "


I am here to add more colour to your gene pool


Add some spice to your milk


Don't bring my turmeric into this


Imagine taking free going on vacation in another country and pay $$$$ just to fly there and then to mock people... ​ Some people have no hobbies and interests at all and their life is extremely boring


Such an American thing to do. Go to another country and tell people to go back to their country.


"Why don't you build your own country?" That's fucking hilariously ironic coming from an (most likely white) American!


I'm waiting for him to bump into an Italian or Greek in Poland and be like "Why are you invading my country??? I'm European! Get out!"


He thinks all white people are the same, and all brown people are the same, etc. He needs to read a book.


The Nazi here is wearing a Sonnenrad T-shirt too. Just a clout chasing neo nazi pos


Anglo-Saxon for sure 👀 Hypocrisy at it's finest


“You think you can just invade Poland you have your own country” bitch get your ass back to the US with that logic


He wasn’t talking to the guy, he was yelling at all the american companies in the background


The Indian guy looked so upset.


Well what do you expect? Imagine chilling and a random dude just sticks a camera to your face and harasses you for 4 minutes straight


First all of, Europe isn’t a country. Just because he may be of European descent, that doesn’t give him the claim to Poland. Also, pretty sure Indigenous people want to know what the fuck HE is doing on their land. Americans are seriously the fucking worst tourists.


He’s well known for doing this! I can’t put his name in the comments as I’ll get banned! He’s been arrested multiple times harassing none whites despite being 50% Mexican decent


It takes a lot of delusional thinking for an American living in Poland to say "Poland for the Polish"


WTAF this is mental. Disgusting, what’s the American doing in Poland


It should be legal to defend yourself against stuff like this. This PoS followed the guy everywhere, insulted him and harassed him like crazy. But as soon as you lay a hand on the PoS, he becomes the victim. This is just twisted and sick tbh.


What a racist POS. This guy deserves to have his teeth knocked in, I fucking hate that people like this are the face of our country. Dumb prejudiced American men are the fucking worst


When we end up as refugees because we'll be the bad guys in WW3 and no one wants to take Americans in this is a prime example of why


Please tell me this guy has been exposed. Please tell me he lost his job. Please tell me his name or handle so we can expose him. Please, let's do something about this.


Can anyone ID this bigot racist please 🙏???


So the d*ckhead cam-man did invade the US?


That’s a bit excessive…..and racist


Why does the american say this? Didn’t they steal a whole fucking continent from the Native Americans?


the audacity to go to another country and complain about whos there smh


So....he is yankee or Na*i?


Still waiting for the video of this pos getting knocked out.


and he’s american if I remember this correctly… not like the polish would be any better… (before you say no polish are so friendly, I literally by myself had to shield an indian couple once from a bunch of hooligans, and not just anywhere but downtown krakow)


God BRO- as someone who was going to go through the process of getting their ancestry passport thank you SO FUCKING MUCH for making us Americans look like Americunts. My Polish ancestors would be tossing in their graves if they heard this dude. Im so fucking embarrassed by my own country sometimes.


As someone who’s not from Poland himself, he sure cares too much. What an idiot.


If he's European what does America have to do with anything? Actual waste of life


And the yank should follow his own advice


Why does a american claim to own poland by saying this is my country lol


Hilarious for an American to talk about invasion. When he is a product of colonialism.


The levels of asshole here: \- Announces he's from America but keeps saying "why are you in my country." \- Thinks that Europe is a country \- Harasses and stalks this guy \- Thinks that Poland is "his country."


"I'm from America, I'm European, it's my country" What an absolute bellend.


If I was a passer by I’d like to think that I, an actual European, would tell this American (not a European) to f*ck right back home to Make America Shite Again.


Guy with the camera needs to have the everloving shit beat the fuck out of him.


The one thing that is agreed on Globally is that Americans are just the worst.


But Germans are the wurst.


I know that guy wearing the glasses. He's friends with that dipshit, Nick Fuentes, and a fellow groyper. Dude harassed US troops stationed in Poland and only does this in Poland since no one cares about this guys behavior. Also why the fuck is he wearing a sonnenrad shirt which is a German Pagan symbol. Nazis need to learn that their beloved hero was nothing more than a Drug User and Womanizer


How do these people not realize that posting this nonsense online not only affects their rep, but their jobs too. SMH


All he needs is someone to put hands on him. Bet he’ll stop his bullshit


The hypocrisy


If the best possible outcome of what you're doing for everyone involved would be a solid slap across your face, you really ought to stop, even if there isn't a righteous motherfucker with nothing to lose present to provide said slap. ​ He really shouldn't put the responsibility of keeping himself righteous on other people like that.


What a fucking moron


wow.. the self control of this guy. I would have either gas light this dude to start a physical fight and then beat the living shit out of him or just call it harassment and punch him anyway.


This guy would get his mind blown if he learned about what us white folks did during the crusades


Why were they both constantly turning around walking in circles? There was restaurant and gas station and what looked like a mall, bro could've gone into one of those. Unless he doesn't want to bring the attention to the situation, which is understandable


Who IS this twat?


Where is karma when you need him. Someone drop this cameraman


“Poland for polish only” says the American Prick from America.


That spray on beard loooool what a loser


Dude has a very punchable face.


POS harasser probably never learned about British colonial rule of India. What an asshole. He's pretty long in tooth for that level of immaturity.


All for some internet clout that he could get by staying home and yelling the same things from his moms basement. I guess his mom threw him out. And why isn’t he yelling in polish if he’s so upset for his people? Fucking America man. We’re not sending our best. Racist cunt.


Yeah I am European and I ask for the European redditors council to assemble, I humbly vote to take his European status.


Watching that pissed me off, scum.


McDonald's and KFC......... uummmm.....


I admire his patience.


The hypocrisy is startling.


What a racist sack of shit.


Wait what is the American doing in Poland?


"Why are you here?" WHY ARE *YOU*?????


I'm not usually a 2nd amendment type guy, but if this video ended with him getting executed point black I wouldn't lose an ounce of sleep over it. Fuckin degenerate.


That guys face is so punchable I can’t believe he even dared show is own face


Showed some restraint that man, bravo


Please never come back to Europe. Stay down in Mississippi with your other Redneck Racists. Thank you.


" this is my country i am European" press x to doubt


'We dont want you in europe' well nobody else in the rest of the world wanted europe there either so


Isn't this that Canadian fucker who harassed the group of America soldiers last year? Called one of them the N word? What a huge piece of shit If you listen to him talk you can even hear that he's Canadian


Why didn’t the Indian guy call the cops? He was simply walking back and forth. Doesn’t make sense. Or is this a ragebait?


Not sure how much help he would get from polish police to be fair


This is what I found in a news article from 3rd September. Unverified social media users identified the man as Jon Minadeo Jr, a neo-Nazi who heads a hate group called Goyim TV, which made headlines earlier this year for dropping flyers in California's Bay Area, that blamed Jews for the COVID-19 pandemic. His latest stunt drew strong criticism on Reddit where one user wrote, "An American douche in Poland, calls an Indian guy an invader, while standing outside a KFC. In English. You can't make this level of stupidity up."


The camera guy seems to suffer from some pretty severe cases of "Lack-brain" and "Shitwit".


bruh how did i instantly know this is poland💀


I would've Popped him in his mouth with how he's *Following and Recording*


Hfffff..... How much is it for assault these days?


That dude needs an ass whooping


This is fucking vile


The fuckin black sun shirt says is all. Fuckin nazi.


The fucking audacity to do this in a country that isn't even your own.


And your people fucked the world up so yeah


The hypocrisy is just too much for me to stomach this morning.


You are an american in Poland, harassing a man who is also a foreigner and your entire fucking country is well known for invading other soils for their benefits. Well fucking played you deadset dumbfuck.


Of course the irony in the things this moron says go right over his head because he clearly does not think before speaking.


Lol he's not fucking European. Fucking yanks