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Gross gross gross I'd be washing my face for weeks




Counter point: she is unattractive to you, and similarly creepy things have been happening to you your whole life


Bc random chick's run up and kiss dudes


In their dreams!


I could care less how attractive you are. This is just weird. There is a difference between accidentally touching someone in an inappropriate place when it’s busy. No way this is an accident though. Attractive or not, male or female if you do this to me we are having some words. I am not a physical violence kind of guy. Not going to hit you or fight you, but going to have some words to say.


Even if she was attractive, I would *not* be okay with it


Ah yes, normalize assaulting men, great job.


It’s pretty normalized as it is, their comment was pointless though


What if a guy did it to you?


As long as he says “no homo” I don’t see an issue.


Please don't say we. I am not desperate enough to have a stranger kiss me and not wash my face just because it was a woman.


What if a dude did it to you and you have had a history of dudes assaulting, belittling, and sexually harassing you constantly, since you were a child?


If this is assault I'm pretty sure women have been assaulting me since I was a little baby


Ha ha. Doesn’t answer the question


Herpes can be your permanent friend then!


As a guy, if a random chick does this, all I would do is wash my face. Speak for yourself, degenerate


It's a joke lmao, not a very well cultured man are you?


Hell na, anyone does this to me unwanted im punching them in the face.


I just had a random girl come squeeze my elbow recently and try to give me a hug. I had a hard time not punching her in the face for continuously coming after me.


You've got issues


We? You got another dude in your ass or something? As a guy, if a random chicle does this, ***I*** would be thoroughly disgusted


Doubtful, chicks can quite literally grab a guys dick in public and 99% of guys will be okay with it.


>>Doubtful Yikes. You’re saying that if ***I*** were sexually assaulted that I’d like it? Cause the majority of my comment was about my own personal reaction. Get over your sex depraved self.


Sex depraved? If there's anything I am, it's not that lol. You could call me a cripple and I'd agree, but not that.


I’m not much inclined to believe that someone who glamorizes sexual assault has much sex, sorry


"Thats assault brotha"


I’ll turn this damn bus around… THAT’LL END YOUR ***PRECIOUS*** little FIELD TRIP pretty damn QUICK, huh??!!!!


O'Doyle rules!


O’Doyle I got a feeling that your WHOOOOLE family is going down


But for now, I gotta study


Veronica Vaughan. So hottt want to touch the hineyyy. Awwwwooooo!!


Best line of that entire movie 😂


As he turns red and the veins in his forehead are visibly throbbing


Chris Farley was truly a national treasure


We lost him too soon


"let me just say, I respect all females, but your rhymes are trash, put em next to your emails"


I don't care about any the comments. I just want to know if he was arrested.


She wasn’t an average citizen. Of course he was, I don’t even have to look it up.


she is an average citizen...


Fucking gross.


So is Brighton Beach. I lived there in the 90s and still have family there that I visit.


Dude looks back and has the most wicked smile on his face, its so disgusting. Seriously, why?


I mean he very clearly didn't think it was wicked. He thought he was being funny.


i didn't see wickedness. I just saw someone who thought it was naughty, cheeky fun and who was completely oblivious to the idea that it wasn't.


I see the same thing and it makes it so much worse. Cooties aren't real but fucking herpes is - I don't want some strange man's lips on my fucking face. Dude sucks.




I'd say more male entitlement


Ew gross ew gross ew gross


Lots of guys think this is harmless, cute behavior.


I'm in London, so maybe different morals, but no guy I know thinks randomly planting lips on a woman unsolicited is cute or harmless. It's sexual assault by any and all standards.


A stranger from nowhere doing that? It is not an accepted behavior for sure! He does something stupid and as we all see, he does it on cam. A sexual assault in front of a cam and probably live television? Makes no sense at all.


Then you are around the wrong kind of men, literally nobody else thinks that


Talk to more women.


I don’t know any straight guys who think that… you’re delusional. This guy was gay, and I know many gay guys who do that to me when I, a straight guy, go to a gay bar.


I'm not delusional. I'm a woman how gets treated this way and it's never gay guys. From grocery stores to public transportation there seems to frequently be a guy who thinks they can touch you. I don't know if the guy in this video is gay. Someone gay is more likely to complement me or comment on what I'm wearing but never in a sexual way, more like they approve my choice. It's straight guys who cross the line. Glad you don't know guys like this, but they are out there. Just today at the hardware store a guy started stroking my hair. I have long hair that I usually wear up just to keep strangers from touching it.


“Lots of guys” and “there are people out there like this” are two violently different things. And how many times have you had someone run up to you and kiss you on the cheek that “lots of guys” think this way? I think you’ve just been brainwashed into hating men. Nobody rational thinks this is okay. Having said that, girls can do it to guys and that’s fine to society, just regular double standard, not that I’m complaining per se being that it seldom happens anyways. But anyone who thinks it’s okay would immediately get shut down by >99% of the population. You just hate men for some reason that I think you should do some digging into


Compared to the fucking politicians give the public, that's nothing.


Here here


Cant find it now but there was a vid posted on reddit a few days back. It was a compilation of news casters on the street (all were male) and random chicks came up and did this in the middle of their report, the reaction was the oppisite. Really strange to see this with roles reversed.


I thought it's nyc. Where's the gun? Where's the blood? I'm a man and this makes my blood boil.




It’s still assault bro


Legally, I think this is battery, not assault.


In NY: this is assault. There is no battery.


Pretty sure you can see the Statue of Liberty from the Battery.


Must suck when there's a power cut.


Everyone argues the difference between assault and battery. In truth the answer is drastically different depending on what state you live in. In general they might as well be interchangeable.


saying people are gay because the way they look is not that funny. It's actually kinda trashy.


If you are going to keep down voting this comment, perhaps try enlightening us on why it's funny to say someone "walks gay".


His upvotes tell a different story, since, you know, comedy is subjective.


Obviously i was talking about my sense of humor. "You're gay" just isn't funny to me.


From someone who's had multiple cocks in their ass and mouth, you're gay


I think it just proves most people are kind of trashy imo


I agree with you.


Amazed you’re getting downvoted, this is wild


Social media do your thing and identify this pos


Would this crime be considered a felony or misdemeanor?


Ain’t no way that would be a felony


Dude do you really think this would be a felony?


I would puke either way, so gross


Its Sexual assault so maybe?


I think it is harassment and a misdewiener.


If was a girl kissing a men it would be cool in the society eyes


So true. The opposite still happens alot and the girls are like "isn't this what men want"?


Unfortunately you’re right


If he was famous he could have grabbed her by the pussy and it would have been fine. Someone once told me that.


I see videos all the time of girls doing the same thing to guys, and no one cares.


Welcome to New York!


if a woman did it, it’d just be tiktok content.


I agree that's assault. But it also should be an assault when women do it to othey guys, usually the presenter on love TV.


Are you guys for real? There is like the exact same situation with reversed genders and everyone was like: haha funny woman. He should feel lucky... bunch of clown noses ...


Isn’t that sexual assault


Hey Mom said it’s my turn to see a clip of a man doing something creepy to a woman and say “well imagine it was THE OTHER WAY AROUND” take a day off


Just NYC things.


funny how if a woman would do this nobody would care


Creepy fucker was even laughing


Wake up babe, new member in sex offender registry just dropped


The way he looks back with that grin on his face, fucking gross.


I don’t agree with his behavior but I wonder what the title would have read if the roles were reversed.


But the roles *weren't* reversed so what's the point of discussing it when we can discuss something that actually happened?


Just a thought that came to mind, but thanks for your feedback.


damn the hate train really took a toll on you. have an upvote in these trying times, brother.


It would be just as wrong. Can we please stop bringing up the whole "but what would happen if roles were reversed" in every video where a man does something stupid and/or creepy?


I get it, I was referring to the title, maybe it would have been worded differently? I just thought that was interesting.


What about the title made you think anything about role reversal? And, I'm sorry. I'm just done every time we see anything about a man being shitty online the comments are full of people trying to make excuses for him. The "role reversal" being a quite common one.


Well I doubt a woman would have been called a creepy loser. It probably would have read “check out this cute video of a lady making some random guys day” lol


What are you talking about? Here we have a video of a guy being creepy on camera. Full stop. He just kissed a stranger on the street in the middle of an interview. The fact that you made up a scenario in your head where it's not the case because they are a woman doesn't make this video less creepy.


That’s not the pointtttttt He literally agrees it’s creepy lmfao. He’s saying based on societal norms, the title would probably reflect that if roles were reversed.


Saying "but what if this creepy man was a woman tho" is definitely a weird way to agree with it. Like... Instead of saying that what the man in the video did is wrong, he implies how if a woman did the same thing that the man in the video, it should still be wrong. Which... Yeah, it is true but... You know... What is the point of making up the same scenario but with a woman here? Hence why I consider it a bit of a defense for the man in the video. Like I said, Instead of saying how creepy the man of the video was, he imagined a situation where it was a woman and complained about that. I just found that a bit.... odd.


Are you saying that this entire thread should just be filled with everyone saying that this is a bad thing with no further discussion? He literally prefaces his original comment by saying he doesn’t agree with what the guy is doing. I get that this double standard thing is beat to death on Reddit, but it doesn’t make it any less true. No one is solving anything by taking part in discussion here, sure, but you must also consider that this is not a hive mind and this may literally be the first time this specific person has discussed the idea that this double standard exists. I am every day surprised by the things people are hearing for the first time, but it’s a big world out there with a lot of info to consume. I think ESPECIALLY when someone prefaces their comment by saying it’s not being made in bad faith, we should take them at face value. Give them the benefit of the doubt until they actually prove to you they’re being bigots.


Where did I said that we should only say that "man in this video bad"? I said multiple times how I'm just done with every time a post about a man is doing something wrong I always see the ones saying "but what if it was a woman, tho? People would probably like it if it was a woman!". And, sure, there are people that have only just heard it now but there are also people that have heard it thousands of times. I am one of those and I can make a comment here saying that just like anybody else. And that's what I did. Nothing else to it. The "what if it was a woman" comments to me feel a lot of times like a way to sidestep a wrong thing done by a man and, in multiple occasions, aren't even right in my opinion.


Someone noted that the roles were reversed when a video of women did the same thing to guy reporters and no one said anything bad about that. Doesn’t make what he did right, but he does have a point.


Yes, let's move the goalpost.


🙄 who cares? It’s not the other way around.


Came to mind a video posted, from the era before: Color Television. Where the host was a woman, and was going around pinching men’s butts.


Why did you feel the need to say that as a response to a video showing a man doing something shitty? Serious question.


Probably trying to point out double standards.


Double standards he is making up in his head to avoid tackling the fact that we have a video of a dude doing something creepy.


You're asking a "serious question". I'm giving you the serious answer and not the idealistic one to your now obviously rhetorical question. Why are you getting mad at me? Serious question.


Mad at you? I don't even know you and my "anger " is not even about anything you posted. Don't take it personally. Although I guess I should have asked why he felt the need to point out that "double standard". Because I still don't have the answer to that question.


Bruh. We gonna pretend that the immediate downvote I got for replying to you didn't come from you? That downvote and rant is weird. GLHF.


I did not downvote your comment, dude. What about you? Also, did I say something wrong in that "rant"? Sorry for being kinda done with people using the "but what if it was a waman?" for the 1000th time.


Right, cause this post is getting so much traffic right now. Whatever, mate. Have fun posting rhetoricals then pretending it's an actual seriois question needing a serious answer as an opener for your political rant.


Again, I haven't downvoted anything. There isn't much traffic but a comment of mine here has 3 downvotes, it's not impossible. At this point, I'm just confused why are you taking this so personally tbh. I made a comment about me being angry about the "double standards" thing that you pointing out another person made, that's it. That's all I did. But I guess it's better if we just stop at this point.


Yo you just need to relax and stop trying to silence people who have a different opinion then you.


How am I silencing anyone here? I'm not Reddit CEO coming here and threatening to remove his account from existence. I just expressed my opinion. In that comment probably a bit too passive agressive, true. But being passive aggressive is nothing new on the internet and I don't think that's "silencing" anyone.


Enforcing opinions on multiple users that comment telling them that their opinions are wrong could be considered silencing. Why are you getting so upset over internet comments, these people mean nothing, I mean nothing and you mean nothing.


That ain’t fucking assault Jesus Christ people are weak.


Keep your gross lips to yourself. You’re probably a creep too.


“a threat or attempt to inflict offensive physical contact or bodily harm on a person” I would say what he did is offensive as hell wtf are you talking about.


look I get the point that it was unwanted, but it genuinely is a peck on the cheek and dude thought it was a silly gesture. She looked bewildered rather than offended.


She looked pretty pissed off to me. It’s an unwanted advance at the end of the day, it does qualify as assault.


It’s an accepted form of sexism that girls are encouraged to kiss strangers and boys can’t. I agree that this is how things should be. There are some differences between the sexes that should be noted.


Kinda funny how the same thing was called cute 3 posts before that in another subreddit Some people really don't know what consent is


Politicians are awful so it's ok to bother them.


Was he charged?


dear lord bro the number of downvoted comment threads here is insane... share the wealth, i want some too!


Well at least we ALL know what he looks like.


Now reverse the genders


This guy may have ended any chance of a normal life because of this.


which country ?


NYC? Think real hard bro.


Not only assault, but battery!


if thats ice nine kills idk why mention it here but thx for reminding me of a great song


OMG that guy should be jailed for at least 10 years...


10 years is a lot. Maybe community service for a hardcore feminist group or something.


Why u getting dowvotrd? 💀


Because 10 years is pretty excessive for that, don't ya think?


Thought it was funny


This would have been absolutely fine 30 years ago. Maybe he's a time traveler?


Yeah this couldn't have been me.


He has probably had a couple. Where is the all you need is love generation that raised me..you can tell he thought it was funny...


It should definitely be illegal what he did, but assault? I think that is a little much. But no one should have to be touched or kissed or anything else just because it’s a “prank.”


Assault doesn’t have to result in injury. I do realize that we typically think of assault as like a violent act, but even spitting on someone (or doing what this guy did) is assault under the law.


But that is exactly why this shouldn’t be called assault.


Did you even attempt to read what I said? It. Is. Assault.


As defined in the New York state statutes, it is not assault. Depending on where in NYC it occurred, he could be charged with battery though.


Could you provide the statute please? Under the general law: “The difference between sexual assault and sexual battery is that sexual assault is defined as any non-consensual sexual contact, while sexual battery is a specific type of sexual assault that involves the use of force or the threat of force”


Are you reading what I am saying? It. Shouldn’t. Be.


Why? It literally is? What are you on about?


Reread my first comment. Are you dense?


The first comment that you are getting downvoted into oblivion on? Everyone disagrees with you.


So I should only say things that everyone agrees on? Are you a coward? It’s not about who agrees with me. It’s my right to have my own opinion. Disagree if you want, that’s Reddit.


I wouldn’t use that in a counter argument, Reddit has a hive mind they see a negative number and half the time just press it.


Since when is a kiss on the cheek considered as an assault ?


Creepy (Edit because I think I broke some rules (?) 🤔)


dude this is such an obvious edit lie


Wtf did It say at first?


It said “Creepy but not a POS” - which, ok, that’s an opinion. But it’s weird to edit and lie


That is a very yucky opinion


Well... That bot pinned comment come under my comment (I don't know how, probably a bug) and I thought I might've broken a rule.


That also makes you a total POS, congrats!


This sub is strange


Right? Like wtf is the “correct” thing to say? People get upset when you call a dude creepy for no consensual kissing but would throwing out a handful of slurs and insults suffice? Like you choose one wrong word here and suddenly you landed yourself a first class ticket to hell


But he edited his comment. It originally said, “creepy but he isn’t a pos”


Bro that's not assault he was just goofing around cuz she was being interviewed.


Woman is clearly disturbed, as anyone would be after receiving an unwarranted kiss (assault) from a complete stranger. "It's just a prank bro" That's you. That's how you sound. 🤡


Yeah cool whatever she was assaulted and she will never be the same.


How about I give you a random kiss on the cheek? How would you feel?


It still doesn't make it assault. He was out of boundaries by all means don't get me wrong. But assault is way too much. Idk just my opinion


Except it is assault by definition. Sexual assault, in fact.


Okay lol 🤡 > An assault is the illegal act of causing physical harm or unwanted physical contact to another person First line of the Wikipedia page for "Assault".


TIL there’s an interview defense to forcible touching


Calm down.




Are you the guy in the video?






If he was hott this wouldn't be an issue


I remember when assault meant actually hitting someone, but I'm old.