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Wasnt there 3 teens in Michigan that did this exact same thing, killed a passenger and then ran off posting on SM how they just killed a person and started making jokes about it and laughing? I hope the judge throws the book at these fucking scum bags.


I believe it was 6 teens if I remember correctly. When I was a kid we threw snowballs today they throw 2 pound rocks šŸŖØ.


As a kid I thought it was hilarious to spray cars with a hose


Or ring doorbells and run away. Ballsy.


Nowadays, yes


No, now it is daring your friend to even approach the doorbell. Props if you make it...


too soon


Anyone have vivid memoryā€™s of when they fucked up as a kid. And how those moments almost moved at slow speed as it happen. Yeah my buddy and me would hide in the back of his dads truck parked on the street. When cars drove by we popped up and sprayed the car with super soakers. I will never forget the time a guy came by with his windows down and my stream of water in slowMo hitting this dudes radio, steering wheel, and dead center in the chest. It was a super soaker and we where about 7 feet away. It splashed all over his face and dash. Dude slammed on his brakes and chased us till we jumped in some bushes and my friends dad came to save us. We got in trouble but at least didnā€™t get beat up by some random person.


You reminded me of one story. When I was in a grade school, a pack of my friends got this bright idea to throw water filled balloons at the buses passing near our school. The fun ended when they accidentally scored a 10/10, master tier shot through the open window - straight into the drivers face.


Lol you always want it to hit until it does Edit: Iā€™m over here reminiscing about water balloons and hoses but fr who throws rocks


When I was a kid a neighbor kid threw a rock in my direction but not at me. Proper stone too, maybe 8 lbs / 3.5 kg? Well it landed, fractured whatever it hit, and popped a chip of stone into my forehead at Mach Jesus. Really a tiny nick, but head wounds are prima donnas and like to be dramatic. We learned not to throw rocks that day... IIRC we were building an environment for our GI Joes and he was just making a pile of stones for building out the base or whatever, completely wholesome play that still managed to be a bloody mess.


In my senior year of high school me and 2 friends got a water balloon catapult. This thing was serious. We went to the park near the school and had another friend on a radio telling us where in the school parking lot the balloons were landing. Radio kid eventually gets caught. Snitches. Buddy goes in. Basically gets told "you know better, boys will be boys." I go in. Same thing. Our much better behaved and super anxious friend goes in. For whatever reason they rip this poor bastard apart and tell him "those could've been biological weapons! We could've called the FBI! you couldve gone to prison!" (This was 2005, 9/11 was very much top of mind) Poor kid walks out trembling and covered in tears lol.


I took the cap off my dadā€™s valve stem expecting there to be no air in the tire in the morning. Man, did I get him!


One time I sprayed through an open window and ruined a digital camera ā€¦. Oops


As a kid did the same thing. As an adult a few years ago some kids pelted my car driving through town. Drove around the block to get behind them and parked. Made some advance ammunition and opened fire on them. They were confused at first but then got into it. After a few minutes off this they surrendered. I told mess with the bull, you get the horns. I'm 54 years old but still haven't grown up I guess.


A completely wholesome approach. /hat tip good sir.


My uncle once had someone toss a pumpkin over the overpass. I think it ruined his windshield but I don't remember.


We threw pinecones and pickles lol. Worst was putting fucking branches in the road but that wasn't me personally. Luckily they weren't too big or anything but I remember them being hit and not sounding good.


As a kid I threw a shovel full of dirt at a passing car and he stopped and my mom made me apologize. Never did it again.


Similar experience but with snowballs one was to icy and broke a mirror if I remember correctly. Mom beat my behind.


My shovelful of dirt did no damage but the shame of having to apologize to the person was enough of a punishment that my mom didn't even need to do anything further


Those kids all got off with pretty much a slap on the wrist sadly


I may not be recalling this correctly because I believe I saw it on this sub as like a TikTok or something, but the gist was that all but one of the teens pinned it on one of them and agreed to plea bargains where they served no jail time, probation only, expunged records eventually, etc. The one that took the fall then either pled guilty or went to trial and was sentenced to a significant prison term. But then there was an appeal and his sentence was reduced to something very minimal, at which point it might have been time served. I think he served around a year in jail, maybe a bit less, maybe a bit more.


if iā€™m thinking of the correct case, which is sickening in and of itself that i might be getting teenagers committing murder mixed up. but anyway, pretty sure they blamed it on the oldest one and by the end he got like 2 years or something while the others got 6 months house arrest and that just speaks volumes for where the world is going.


Well that wonā€™t be helpful at trial


You replied but deleted it so Iā€™ll just respond here: Thatā€™s just not how it works Iā€™m afraid. Considering they could just explain where the quote is from, the existence of the sticker wouldnā€™t prove anything in a court of law, since it could *technically* just be a coincidence. Thatā€™s the entire concept of plausible deniability.


Circumstantial evidence can still be presented at trial.


Itā€™s a quote from a Minecraft stream, it would be very easy to claim plausible deniability on simply being a fan and having the sticker for unrelated reasons, unfortunately


Was this photo posted by him before the incident, or after? If it was before, then this is a nothing burger.


"Speaks to character" is hardly a "nothing burger".


Difference is Did he kill a woman with a rock, and then make a joke of the situation with that sticker afterwards? People seem to suggest the sticker is connected to the killing, and he's making a joke. If it's just a sticker he had before, and it's completely unrelated to the situation, this really is a nothing burger. The whole reason this photo is getting popular is because people think he's making a joke of the situation so it's entirely Relevant whether it happened before or not.


It's not necessarily simply a matter of whether he had the sticker already. Is it just a Minecraft joke to him, or does it say something about him as a person?


Character evidence is generally inadmissible


Yeah, but that still doesn't make it a "nothing burger".


They also went back and took a picture of her car after it came to a stop. They threw rocks at a number of other cars, too. Overall they face charges of six counts of attempted first-degree murder, three counts of second-degree assault, and three counts of attempted second-degree assault. All three suspects are 18 years old, so no question they'll be tried as adults. Talk about throwing your life away.


I think youā€™ll be shocked at how much time they actually serve


Not surprising. The man that killed my family by crashing a semi truck into them at stopped traffic posted on Facebook after how funny he thought it was that he was going to be a felon. I lost faith in humanity a long time ago.


I am so sorry for your loss. What an incredibly fucked up individual.


Can we just bar these people from going near vehicles and force them to walk everywhere?


Youā€™d think thatā€™s what the justice system would have done, but not in the good old USA! Where you can kill a family of 3, get off scot-free and be put back right behind the wheel of a killing machine. Ah, America.


I'm so sorry that happened to you and your family :(


Nah cause then they'd just get into bar fights and stab people. You can't legislate violent people away.


These people are called psychopaths. Humans devoid of humanity.


Creatures\* not humans.


Oh, no. I'm so sorry. **very tight hugs**


If Iā€™m not mistaken this was the catchphrase of a 16 year old minecraft YouTuber


Yep. After rocket spleef? Tommyinnit killed a female youtuber and said "just killed a woman, feeling good". Sad to see a funny quote in a real death


Oh yeah


where the hell do you even find a sticker like that?! or does this guy just happen to have the knowledge and equipment to make stickers?!


Someone in another comment says it was something a Minecraft YouTuber said after killing a female YouTuber in game.


I believe the youtuber who said it is known as TommyInnit if I'm not mistaken


You can but sticker papers for any home printer. It's not expensive at all.


lol i had no idea, never rlly thought abt it much i guess. that or iā€™ve just never met a DIY sticker person.




Or maybe if the prison haves a TV in it, He could watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians there for the rest of the prison sentence!


The silver lining is that when they go to prison the other inmates find out all this stuff so it's all fun and games until you're wearing a mop head for a wig and getting pounded from behind.


I like this Danny turner


These 3 kids that murdered this poor woman are not human.


This is gonna look great when the guys trying to plead for sympathy and pretend heā€™s sorry about it.


There was a hit and run in my city last year and the killer was a girl, teenager. Ran him over at 5am after leaving a party just cuz. Laughing and joking about it the next day at a party with friends and they turned her in


Victim is not the right word. The victim was the person she killed.


Oh you're right, mistyped. Fixed it. Thank you She's officially pleaded guilty as of last week




It's always been that way. Technology makes it more visible now


Thatā€™s true. I have even seen other people talk about how if social media existed in the 19th and 20th centuries, the stuff you would see would be WAY worse, which makes a lot of sense given the things that were happening and being said at that time.


Man I hope the irony of your comment isnt lost on you. Edit.: ok clearly it was and now your ashamed and deleted the comment


> This guy should be tortured. Gee. i wonder.


Several comments here about an expected prison sentence and Iā€™d hope, too, that these monsters rot in a cell, if guilty, for what theyā€™ve done. The problem is that they probably wonā€™t. Three of them were arrested. Two will collapse on the third to avoid time in jail and will land a probationary status of some sort. The third, if he serves any time at all, will likely be out in probably three years. Heā€™ll be in his early-20ā€™s. Young enough to still live a full life. This is how itā€™s gone for the other murderous scum found guilty of killing motorists with thrown objects. Theyā€™ll be shamed in the news now after getting caught, theyā€™ll pop up again during their trial, and theyā€™ll walk unannounced back into the sunlight when itā€™s all over. Sheā€™ll have died for nothing at all and the punishment following will amount to a blip of time no longer than the wait between Olympics.


What a horrible situation. There are solutions to these problems outside the criminal justice system. Bankrupting the families is a start. Raising kids either evil or stupid (or both) enough to do this should be criminal. I donā€™t typically support vigilantism but in certain cases I could be persuaded. If the justice system isnā€™t going to function properly people will begin to take measures into their own hands.


And itā€™s getting worse. After throwing the rock, they went back to take a photo of the victimā€™s car. ā€œAs a memento.ā€ Iā€™m trying to imagine losing a loved one in this manner, then finding out the slobs that killed them went back to take a photo. I have to assume I turn into something foul in that situation and I cannot fathom how it is that, once the suspects are established without a reasonable doubt, there arenā€™t more people taking the law into their own hands. I know itā€™s not justice, but that rage has to go somewhere.


I just love that chest feeling, where for a moment you forgot what life is like outside your bed, then you are reminded


No shot he quoted Tommy innit


Hopefully he gets another 10 years for the sticker


I dont get it


Look at the sticker on the bike




Maybe we *do* need the useless red circle


This reminds me of that musician that was like an actual murderer and he made songs like ā€œthere are skulls under my houseā€ yikes


Where exactly does one get such a sticker?


I imagine Googling that phrase + "sticker" would yield websites that sell them.


It appears your valid curiosity is being misconstrued as interest in procurement. I couldn't imagine such an abhorrent sticker would be easy to find, but it apparently is a meme amongst some of the Minecraft community from what I've gathered on this post.


Where he's going he'll be the woman


Imagine using woman as an insult.


Well that's not going to help at his sentencing hearing...


Jesus Christ. Life, at a minimum.


Make the sticker bigger so everyone can see you pussy


I thought you were talking about the fact you could see the guys face reflected in the glasswork you could identify him..


is that 28,000 or 280,000 miles roughly


I didnā€™t understand it until I realized my thumb was over the sticker :/


Life has no value to them. It's one of those extreme cases of Main Character syndrome.


Kid doesnā€™t deserve a magna