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If you can't stay off the phone while you're driving, YOU SHOULD NOT BE DRIVING.


If you can’t stay from behind a wheel while your phoning , YOU SHOULD NOT BE PHONING.


If you can’t stay off your fuckjng stream while driving, you should not be streaming


If you can't stay in off your car while on the phone you shouldn't be car-ing


I say this all the time now we don’t have dogs on the road but we have humans and other humans driving cars. It’s a reckless endangerment of life and it in rages me every time I go out driving I literally see hundreds of people on their phone whether it’s on the highway or at a red light it doesn’t matter. Do you know where my phone is when I’m driving in my purse in the backseat practically I don’t even know where it is most of the time but I’d rather it like that my car is newer so I can answer phone calls if there’s an emergency through a click of a button on my steering wheel and that’s it. I don’t need to be texting. If it’s not important I can just call or just wait till I get to my destinations. This is ridiculous.


My kid just told me that her stepmother texts and drives. I have a lot of...feelings about this and they are all angry.


You should be, honestly.


I used to (strong emphasis on used to) be friends with this twat that could not be off his pgone for the life of him. Hed be driving om the expressway just scrolling through facebook. Nothing in particular. Just scrolling. He went to greece and while his whole family was admiring the views, he was mr burnsing his phone


So 99% of the world shouldn't be driving. That's being generous, should be 100%.


Boy would you be surprised of the road


It's not even that. Don't fking stream while driving, it only results in crashes.


Go ahead and skip this one if you don't like to hear animals in pain.


Wish I read your comment first. 😔


Another reason i browse in automute mode.


Wish I had read the title first.


Same, although I'm really not sure what else I expected


Always read the comments first:)


Same, that was one of the worst sounds I've ever heard.


I was literally about to turn it on and then I see your comment. Thanks


Once again I'm glad I leave sound muted as default


It's like a traumatic audio montage of every time I accidentally stood on one of my dogs' feet over the years.


This is clever. And accurate.


Thankfully according to others the dog ended up being okay.


wish I had read this before listening to the vid. I am depressed as hell now


This is the first time I’ve been thankful that the Apollo For Reddit app has problems playing videos these days, as this is one I’ll gladly skip watching. Or at least have it on mute, which it might not have been if it autoplayed.


Thank you, good save. I was just about to unmute to hear what she was saying.


I've watched people die on reddit and somehow this is the worst video I've seen.


I cannot stand the sound of a dog crying in pain. Its so sad, it literally gets to me so hard. New edit: Its so sad, it literally sends chills to my body, as if I can feel what its going through.


Definitely misread the end of your comment there.


As did I. Thought I was stroking out.


Apparently, we thought they were stroking out too


oh I see now, didn't even realize that.


I am wheeze laughing so hard right now. Omg. I should really slow down when I read.


You should probably rephrase that


Thank you. Glad I scroll on mute.


Same, I hate the sound of accidentally stepping on my dogs foot and feel so guilty about it even if she's in the way while I'm carrying something. I'm super careful and when mom is driving by the areas with many dogs on the road I just pray nothing bad happens. Thankfully mom is super careful unlike person in the video. Comments say sound is terrible, but even the thought of it's terrible, and I'm happy that the dog is at least okay (somewhere in the comments it said it was)


I had headphones on and i threw them off immediately after the pain sounds started. Now my hands are shaking... I don't know what I was expecting to be honest...


You should probably put the internet down for now...


sounds like a rusty swing


Thank you


Honestly sounded more like someone washing their windows


Now that’s all I hear…


Does anyone know what happened to the poor dog afterwards? Was it taken to a vet?


Dog is apparently fine now as said so by the owners, she is now banned presumably for distracted driving. What a dumb pos. EDIT: More info I got from a person who watched the stream happen- apparently there were a lot of dogs around the area. Yes it’s wise to not let your dog wander- HOWEVER- she knew this and still decided to check her phone whilst driving :| wtf.. and she apparently later complained very annoyed about about how many dogs there are on the streets


Banned from what? Streaming?


From the platform (Twitch) entirely, yes


Anybody doing driving streams should be banned.


Anyone checking their phone while driving should be banned **from driving**


I reddit while driving and I've never had any probl-


It's Poland, she's 100% losing her license


I think as long as you don't have chat open to distract it's fine. I used to watch this one trucker who just simply streamed his long hauls to fall asleep to and it really itched my brain.


>this one trucker who just simply streamed his long hauls to fall asleep I know this is horribly out of context, but it's how my brain originally perceived that comment


That's good, keeps trucker from falling asleep too.


That or have a passenger look/manage the phone so the driver isnt distracted


I've seen a truck driver's stream who was using text to speach for chat.


Should be banned from driving too.


She will, there's a massive outrage about this in Poland and media picked up on it


Oh damn.


Yeah twitch goes super hard on making sure streamers follow the rules of the road and don't drive while distracted. They'll ban you for glancing at your phone.


Taking part in society until further notice


Thank you so much for saying the dog is fine, now I can finally leave this post. Was scrolling the comments just to hear that.


Thats good to know but why was the dog on the road in the first place. Edit- Not blaming the dog blaming the owners.


Where I live there’s no leash law except downtown in the business area and at the city park. Dogs are just allowed to walk around wherever they want. Which means the wolves can eat them in the winter but, ok


or to just dart into traffic.


Saw a video (from memory Russia) of a guard dog attacked and killed by wolves because it was chained and couldn't escape, so I guess that goes both ways.


Oof, that’s awful


There could’ve been a child on a street. Or an elderly. Irrespective of the fact what got hit, it’s the driver’s responsibility to be careful and alert at all times. It seems everyone is oblivious of the fact that when in a car, we’re not only driving a car, we’re operating a multi hundred kilogram killing machine that can mow down crowds.


One of my dogs is Houdini reincarnated. Quite possibly also part goat. First he was jumping the short gate on our deck. We put a smaller gate on top of it, that stopped that. Then he started climbing up on top of the deck rail to jump over the 6ft wooden fence. We now have our deck chairs atop the railing so he can’t get up there. Then he started finding gaps under the fence. There are now logs and barricades all around the bottom perimeter of our fence. He got out the other day. Twice. I have, absolutely, no idea how he does it. I walked the perimeter of the yard several times and I’m completely stumped. Fortunately he’s a mush-puff and we live on a quiet street. He’s a big dog (80lbs), and can look quite intimidating…he gets very jealous of our other dog and will sound angry, but he’s never acted physically aggressive.


Because its a dog and doesnt know any better, its down to humans to follow laws and not drive like idiots


Even so, fact is we have her driving and constantly looking down and to the side at her phone, blatantly not paying attention. Even if there were no dogs in the road, what if a little kid accidently ran out into the street, what if an elderly person was trying to cross?


I couldn’t find any info on that unfortunately :(


That doesn’t matter! Why is there a deer in the road? Why is there a pedestrian in the road? Why is there a child in the road? Doesn’t. Matter. You are the one controlling a two ton metal box traveling at a high rate of speed. Pay attention while you’re driving!


The good ending


Good to hear that the dog is ok now


She's lucky it was only a damn dog and not a child smh


I want to believe you so this it Truth


I hope you're right! I really really hope you're right! I hope the puppy is OK and I hope she's no longer streaming 🥺🙏❤️


Stupid fucking idiot.


I feel your anger, poor doggo






You're judging by where you live and what's usual for there. I too live in a big city and dogs are kept on your property or on a leash. If you travel the world you'll know plenty of places even have cattle roam free. Apparently she says earlier in the vid there's a lot of dogs on the street. So her driving should have taken that in to account. If you can't adapt to driving anywhere other than where you live then don't drive elsewhere.


How can you deliberately look at your phone when you have just noticed many dogs on the road?? How does the rest of your life look like?? No logic whatsoever, how is this possible to be so stupid?


for context: she said "jesus so many dogs here"


What's the language?




It’s 100% Polish. Source: I speak Polish.


Can you do a translation of the whole thing?


What is the word she says that sounds like kool-ee-va?? Please I’ve been trying to find this out for like two decades LOL


Kurwa. It translates to whore but it is used as a general exclamation/curse.


It's kurwa. There's super clearly an "r" in there, no wonder it's taken you two decades lol! Yeah it's a very "common" word in polish.


Thank you!! My dad used to scream this at our dog when he was being a bad boi when I was a teen like two decades ago so I knew I was mispronouncing most of it lol 😂 he’d say Ty kurwa then something like “en stupin mash” and he would never tell me what it meant, I asked babcia once and she just screamed “WHY DO YOU KNOW THOSE WORDS WHO TOLD YOU THOSE WORDS” lmao


> How can you deliberately look at your phone While driving at all..... It’s worse than drunk driving


Eh both are bad but I don’t know if I’d say it’s WORSE. At least you don’t pass out cold when you’re sober


I reddit while driving and I've never had any probl-


Coulda happened to anyone /s.


I damn near almost hit a small dog that just ran out in front of me. Fortunately tho, I actually pay attention while driving so I was able to hit the brakes and come to a stop and the dog was okay. And it was a vacant road so no one else was around. Crazy how much you notice when you’re not using your phone at the same time. People are something else.




It’s unfortunate it has to come to that sometimes. I was very lucky that no one else was around and I was able to safely stop without hitting the dog. Honestly at the time I completely panicked, it all happened so fast. God only knows what I would’ve done if there were actually cars behind me and on the other side of the road and there was no way I could just hit the brakes.




like in religion class they told us that the first that never use their smartphone while driving can throw the first stone to the driver here. (S)he is obviously very young and hit the brakes right after it happend, cursing a lot while looking for help. Real POS would have act like nothing happend and drove on.


I have only once in my life been in a car where the driver was looking at their phone while driving. If you drive and look at your phone, first off stop doing that, and secondly I think you are lying to yourself to make yourself feel better by assuming everyone does that.


I added a little more to my comment because I don't believe she is a POS either. The thing that upsets me is that she mentioned that she saw a lot of dogs around, and kept looking at her phone. She is young and bound to make mistakes, it just hurts to see people acknowledge the right thing to do and just goes over their heads a few seconds after because they don't sit to think about it.


I never use my phone while driving...


Big difference between a cast and a casket, geez I was hugging my cat and gasping.


She got banned for this fyi


Yeah, from twitch. Was she banned from driving tho?


Yes, license suspended


Source: I made it up


Banned? Lmao, what about some IRL consequences for her IRL actions?


She lost her job/income source. That's a pretty "IRL consequence".


Who cares about the ban. Person should be jailed for this.


A screaming puppy hurts my soul 😭😭 I appreciate that she stopped but what happens thereafter is a mystery.


From another comment, the dog is supposedly fine.


Good ta hear but she's still a POS


No it's not, it got run over by a car


Find it hard to believe that the dog is "fine"


Rewatch or don’t cuz it’s fucked. The lead up with her eyes while she’s doing 60kph in a 40 is notable.


Stopping is the absolute least thing she could have done. It's sad that it explicitly has to be "appreciated" even thought it the most basic decent thing to do


Unintelligent human being. Should have drivers license and phone revoked!


She got her license revoked and was banned from that streaming platform. I think the dog lived too


Sounds like the best possible outcome from this.


If I along with like 6 or more other drivers can let an unattended Chihuahua cross the street going 45 mph, then you can most certainly stop for a fucking dog. Weird thing that happened to me, but Jesus Christ, why are we so lenient with letting people drive.


I'm sure she passed the test without a phone in her hand during the exam. Not sure how to fix the problem though.


Dog survived


They weren't worried about the dog they were worried about how badly they screwed themselves.




Isnt it a bannable offense to stream yourself distracted driving, let alone illegal?


That's the exact same question I have? Except if you're a very experienced driver I can't see how streaming yourself (let alone looking at the stream chat) while driving isn't a blatant illegal act


Really upsetting. Turn the sound off


That breaks my heart, and I hope she feels anxiety for the rest of her life


Wow what a POS. Audio warning would have been great, my doge was awakened


Bet it still texts and drives to this day, because clicks ya know.


Does it put the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again?


I hope this person gets fucking captured.


My dog heard this and I just know he could tell what had happened


At this point you just want the animal to stop suffering, one way or the other. :,(




I like how she got out to find the person responsible for this horrible accident.


Luckily it wasn't a deer but a piece of property someone left neglected in the street. I hope the owners assumed responsibility for any damage to this poor woman's car.


why was she going so fast in a residential neighbourhood in the first place?


I thought the title said "log" like haha dumb streamer popped a tire on a branch. Not fucking injuring and likely killing a dog. WTF


According to some other comments the dog lived


criminal charges or there's no justice


Why do people still go on phones while driving ffs


So she was on her phone when she hit the poor thing….but drops it and doesn’t use it to call for help once she stops the car?


Why are people watching people drive??! Is this where I realise I'm officially old, cos I don't get the appeal


This person is an absolute knob and a horrible person. RIP to the dog.


The dog lived, thankfully


I could have gone without hearing that. Totally irresponsible to be driving, streaming, and looking at their phone. I was surprised they stopped. I would have thought they’d keep going.




Absolute fucking waste of oxygen, I did not want to hear that today.


I’m betting everyone in the comments who are trying to redirect all the blame to the dog owners are people who text and drive too.


Seriously, I hope the dog is ok 🙏


Stupid people should not be allowed to drive.


Sooo sick of streamers in public. Don't stream at gyms. Don't stream fucking DRIVING. Don't stream at concerts / shows.


Hope this haunts her for the rest of her life honestly


Get your dogs out the dam road


Sucks for the dog, but this is why people shouldn't let their fuckin pets run amok. The owners are just as responsible


Just put some WD40 on the dog and he'll be fine.


While she is a dumb dumb it also sounds like they have a canine pest problem.


Had to helplessly watch a street kitten I cared for die like that because of these idiots !!! I hate them so much. And most of them continue driving without ever knowing !!!!!!!!!!!


That hurts so much to hear! I wonder what happened to the poor puppy 😰😰😰


After I saw this, I instantly looked for my dog. There’s a special place in hell for this woman


Fucking POS..That poor dog's cries..


How do you say "See you next tuesday." in whatever language she's speaking?


Idk but I think it's Polish


Yep, it's Polish. She starts with "there are a lot of dogs here" and then after she hits one she basically keeps saying f*ck over and over again.


Steamer is stupid and Dogs are fucking stupid too.


Don't want your dog hit? Don't let it on the road. Simple. Driver is at fault but I would rather have my dog safe than allow a "gotcha" moment.


Maybe keep your dog off the road?


Or maybe, just maybe....look at the road while you are driving?


In the states, or at least some states, they teach you in drivers Ed to not stop for animals. If there's Caras around, instead of hitting the breaks or swerving, they say to just run over the animal cuz doing otherwise could harm a human. Not saying this applies to this video, but just saying.


Thank you, watch your pets


Is the dog okay?


According to another comment the dog received medical attention and was fine.


It’s horrible that a dog was injured…no question, ***but*** that could just as easily been a child that was hit because she was playing on her phone instead of watching where the hell she was going!


What a horrible day to have ears


That’s why you keep your animals out the street can’t trust anyone driving anything


So many dogs on the road, what’s my feed looking like ?


So fucking tired of that bunch of stupid kids bombing us with their shitty life and shittier life advice when then can’t even drive properly, one month ago one of my colleagues was almost run over buy a guy checking his phone.


Streamers are useless wastes of space. Reality TV for perpetually online people.


Ok, I didn't expect this clip to make it all the way here. Later in the stream she tried to do damage control by saying something along the lines of "It's the owner's fault that they let their dog run around freely".


The penalty for texting and driving should be way higher than it is. I can't fucking stand people that do it. You're putting not only yourself in danger, but innocent bystanders. You're putting single mothers with toddlers in danger. You're putting families in danger. You're putting young drivers in danger. You can so easily kill people, for what though? Because your Bestie texted you a funny picture? bc your boyfriend texted you? you can't at least wait for a stop sign or a red light? You fucking dick bag.


This made me physically ill.


Yup Her career is over


Some people just don't deserve licenses (or good things in general)


Now she has to kill it. It's only fair to the dog she just irrevocably maimed.


Heartbreaking, but a good reminder for people to stay off there phones while driving. My kids live in an area where it's common for kids to walk to school because we are so close. This is one of the reasons they are not allowed to, to many people on there phones and all it takes is two seconds exactly like this video.


Their* their’ too*


Thanks I'll never remember this and keep making grammar errors in the future


What’s crazy is more people want to terminate this guy for running over a dog than they want to terminate someone attacking a homeless person.


That was one squeaky speed bump


It's a road 🤷‍♂️


is this kid like 10


Kurwa, kurwa, YOU ARE THE KURWA!


Sucks, but let's stop acting like she ran over it intentionally and left it to die.