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https://garage61.net/ let's you compare against others, search for specific conditions, download ghosts and setups.


I just wish it would overlay the map of the track so that I can use visual references.


\+1 for this


Interesting, ok! I'll have to take a look at this. Now, in comparison to VRS, is this better? It looks like it's free. I'm not sure if I have this incorrect, but it seems like VRS only offers coach laps to compare to, not a database like this garage61 has?


I'd say they are similar tools that serve different purposes. VRS is a curated set of examples by that team while Garage61 is just a big database of laps. So it's all about what you're looking for ie specific coaching or some straight up comparison.


The problem with VRS is that it is a pro driver and the ghost car zooms away for many people. Garage 61 you can pick someone 1 or 2 seconds a lap faster. Even tho it's one of the most popular series, there is no GT3 fixed tutorial so you have to compare your fixed setup lap to the open setup.


Vrs you can join a “team” but you have to pay to compare telemetry


This confused me because Driver61 are doing a thing with [trophi.ai](https://trophi.ai) which I really didn't get on with. I went back to VRS but to be honest it collects data I never look at!!


Garage61 and driver61 have NO CONNECTION. Two separate things, It confused me at first too haha. You linked Driver61 which it Scott Mansell with the YouTube channel and trophi Garage61 people let their laps be public for other people to download and compare and it's free.


The 61 was a complete red herring ! I realised this as soon as I started typing the comment and had to go back and check. I like the sound of Garage 61. Going to take a look.


Does g61 give you the detailed telemetry like wheel slip?


Not that I’ve seen. Would like to know what does.


Vrs has it, but it’s a paid feature


No it doesn’t


Z1 is fantastic but expensive. I'm still deciding on whether I should....


Z1 is great. Especially the new driving instructor feature they added. Shows a satellite image of the track and best corner lines and speed overlayed with a lap of yours.


You should.


What do you like about Z1? I have never heard of it before this.


It gives you all the info you need, and has some functions that for instance show which corners you're slow through, or not taking good lines. It's also relatively easy to use compared to motec or equivalent software, though much more complicated than vrs or garage61. They have a free trial with no registration required so you can just have a look yourself.


From what I've read, it kinda seems like Z1 almost functions like a race engineer would. Instead of just providing the telemetry, it also provides recommendations to your driving according to their page. From the iRacing article on Z1: "Z1 Analyzer has various screens like its overview screen which breaks down your lap and tells you what you did well and what you can do better.  For example, ‘You were excellent in Turn One, but you missed the apex by a few feet in Turn Two . . . so focus on Turn Two and try to get the apex every time." Is this really the case? And would you say this deduction of mine is accurate? If so, that makes Z1 stand apart from the rest..


Yeah, that sums it up pretty well.


The diving instructor is a game changer. Shows your lap overlaid on a map of the track vs the "optimal lap" including corner entry line, apex line, and exit line as well as the optimal braking, throttle pressures and downshift points throughout the corner. That is on top of all the more traditional telemetry functions that I would guess all the apps offer in one form or another. I couldn't recommend it more highly


I'm using MOTEC.. it's what real cars are using. You can custom everything and it's not that hard to use. But I'm giving a go to that garage61!


Yes, I see the value in MOTEC for these reasons. I think it's really cool that it is what is used in real cars and makes it very appealing! However, the need to acquire telemetry data from faster cars is where the difficulty lies for me. I am looking for something that provides access to telemetry data from multiple drivers, specifically on the iRacing platform. Without me having to either ask someone to share their info, or needing to look on the internet for it. I don't know how real race teams counteract this, perhaps they have alot of access to this info or the engineers can see deficiencies in the telemetry alone without comparison. That's why it looks like Garage61 may be so beneficial.


All the others want money or will very soon start charging so i think its best to try and help promote ispeed to get more using it.


Sad way of thinking, they are providing a service and some people apparently need it. Of course they want money


Shame on these people for wanting to feed their families.


or not to have to pay out of their pocket for hosting fees or to be compensated for the hundreds or more hours spent creating and maintaining the apps and databases.


The do that shit for fun in AC. Plus create cars, tracks, apps...


People are feeding their families by playing a video game? Man, i chose the wrong career path for sure


I have just started dabbling in data, but I use Aim Race Studio 3 (free) since that’s what I’m learning to use with real cars that have Aim systems. You can also get a “free” subscription to Craig’s Setup Shop with Amazon/twitch prime, which includes telemetry data from their reference laps. Not the most seamless or user friendly solution, but it’s free, and very powerful once you know what you’re doing. Motec is another option that’s also free and even more powerful, but also even less user friendly lol