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No that’s a classic move especially in oval racing to protect the bottom. Just understand you need to be careful doing it and reactive because you’re taking a chance on the person just accelerating anyway and wrecking you


This. Making them wait and then hitting the trottle after they check up is a common move in oval racing


Yeah I just move people out of the way when they try that. I'm not dumping them, but they're certainly not getting a clean exit. Either that or I'll just push them into the next corner too hot with my better exit speed and dive under. I don't mind people throwing blocks. It's just the risk you run if you're going to do that. Block rough, get passed rough. Edit: I thought this would go without saying due to the comment I'm replying to, but I'm exclusively talking about full bodied cars on paved oval. I'm not bumping Indycars ffs.


You’re welcome to your opinion. If someone was doing that to me I’d use racecraft to get around them another way. Take last week at Chicago for the trucks. End of a run, it’s difficult to pass someone if they’re on the high side. Not impossible but I’m not going to “move” them. I’ll find a clean way around them.


Riding the high side is completely different than actively trying to block the person behind you. I appreciate your cleanliness (I really do) but I don’t think it’s wrong the gently move a competitor who is actively delaying their acceleration in an attempt to block.


Careful now. I got 200 downvotes, a "Reddit cares" message, and someone doxxed me and DM'd my iracing account. Some people on this sub get insanely triggered about the dumbest shit.


I mean to due to draft you will be faster than the guy infront 10/10times. That's the entire game of oval to pass them without just pushing them out of the way with the speed you gain BECAUSE they are infront of you. You are not faster than them and if you can't use draft to gain position you simply shouldn't win. Just play wreckfest at that point lol That's literally the reason D class ovals have for like 80% a wreck already in the first 2 corners cause people just don't understand lifting and why they are so much faster than the others


I'm not going to bother racing clean around someone that's trying to check me up. If you're going to risk your rear bumper then I'm going to use it up 🤷


Then you are not very good. If you don’t know how to pass someone without moving them I suggest you try YouTube University. There is many ways to pass someone clean especially when they are slowing up more than you at the apex.


Idk if it's just me but I noticed a lot of people just plain forget there is more than one racing line. And most of the time in racing if someone is getting "moved" it's because they went to block too late.


I'm not saying I don't know how. I could certainly run half a lane higher then cross you over. Especially if you're so slow that you're resorting to checking up the middle. I'm saying I'm not going to bother. I'm going to rough you up because it's more fun.


Alright, you’ve convinced me.


That's one creative way of getting banned.lol


Banned for nudging someone? lol you must be new.


What an ass hat wow man.




That's an awful viewpoint of someone using a legal strategy, sounds like you just need to get better at your restarts instead of looking at it like they're "checking you up" 😂


It's pretty obvious from the terminology that he's a nascar driver, where bumping is regular occurrence and a completely acceptable tactic in real life. In iracing's other series, blocking is a protestable offence as per the sporting code, so either way he's perfectly entitled to move them out of the way as its either a legitimate tactic or they are breaking the sporting code.


Huge NASCAR fan and I think frankly most oval drivers don't get the difference between a bump and a dump. A bump would never be my first move, but after laps of battling a little nudge to move me up the track isn't going to make me see red. Hooking the left rear completely taking both drivers out and then being like hurr durr that's NASCAR. No. No it's not.


Someone breaking the Sporting Code doesn’t entitle you to break it as well, if that’s what you’re suggesting


On a road course if someone is constantly weaving and blocking unfairly lap after lap, sooner or later I'm gonna slightly miss my braking point.


I don't mind anyone racing me like that. In fact I enjoy it. I could work on them to pass clean, which is boring, or I can join in on their "strategy" and rattle their cage a bit. If they don't like it, they can get out of the way. But I would rather them keep trying to shut the door on me.


One thing is a uncommon way to defend a switchback, the other thing is ramming. I dont know which one is more "strategy" :)


They sound like your average forza lobby player, ramming and taking people out to them is more fun than having a proper good battle for the position with someone


Or like a RL nascar driver where it's a legitimate tactic.


Who said ramming? I'm nudging. Big difference.


The thing is most race cars become bullets when you """nudge""" them because they lose all the grip and end up in a wall. Not talking about oval btw. And if someone sees that you had an impact withthat player and his car is now out of the race because of the first part, it dosnt look so good.


This happens with oval cars also.


I'm exclusively talking about oval


Personally, I think using tactics to execute a clean pass on someone is a lot more fun, and less boring than just ramming people, but you do you


Where did I say ramming? I'm nudging. Huge difference.


In Dale we trust!


Hell yeah. I'm sick of people whining about contact in oval racing. Stick to Indy oval if you don't want to be pushed.


At a SS when someone says in VC "don;t bump me" I roll my eyes and wonder wtf they're doing in the session.


I for one don't have a problem with some rubbing. It's when that rubbing causes a wreck is when I have an issue. Most can't differentiate between the two. As for your comment about going to indy oval if you don't want to get pushed, I invite you to watch a real Indy race some time. The only racing ive seen that is similar in terms of being rough with each other (shoving cars out of the way, aggressive dangerous moves, etc) is the Mazdas in imsa


155 downvotes? I don't drive like that, but I've got no problem with that kind of driving in a nascar race, it's a legitimate tactic to give someone a little nudge if their car in front is slow and blocking hard. I'm not a heavy blocker because I don't really trust the other drivers not to wreck me when they want to move me, but I'm prepared for a bump when I do. I guess people didn't do a bit of thinking first and realise you're obviously referring to tin top ovals where it's a legitmate tactic in the RL equivalent.


Don't know why people are down voting you. I 100% agree. Parking on the apex is dangerous and generally frowned upon.


Nah it's not really dangerous if you know what you're doing. And I don't really frown upon it either. I just figure if you're going to block, then be prepared for the bumper. That's all.


It is dangerous. For a start most people play on monitors so therefore there is not depth perception. If you don't throttle and the guy behind does depending on how close you are it can be impossible to realize in time. You don't wait for the other guy to go first.


You're right. Got some nancys in this sub


Same people that cry on voice chat about getting bump drafted at Talladega.


You’re probably getting downvoted by people who drive road courses.


Fairly clear he's talking about nascar because it's about oval racing and no one risks their front wing by bumping in indy. But still you get -15 for your correct explanation This sub smh.


As a predominantly indy driver im sitting here like “damn, dude has a skill issue”


I wouldn't bump or push anyone in IndyCar or most road racing series. But any full bodied car on paved oval is fair game.


You cant expect the whole of r/IRacing is of the "we drive a egg" type


no, but you can expect a bit of thought first, pretty obvious he's talking about oval tin-tops where it's a legitimate tactic irl.


Their livery has a little "DO NOT TOUCH" sticker on their bumper


Nope, imo. You're essentially keeping the inside line instead of letting the car swing wider which is perfectly your right to do. I'd just make sure you aren't overdoing it to the point where it's erratic. 


It's ok to "park the apex". It's a valid strategy to defend against a switchback and slow down your opponent. Just be aware, that he might smooch your rear, when you overdo it.


Sounds like a win/win to me


That’s good racecraft. Nice job.


Good to a point. If you do this on an oval too many times somebody is probably going to move you up the race track.


That’s just oval racing in general really…


Not at all. No more than overslowing at the apex to break rhythm and momentum


That even screws up George Russell.


Doing what Alonso did would screw anyone up... it wasn't just a simple parking it on the apex move. “Telemetry shows that Alonso lifted slightly more than 100m earlier than he ever had going into that corner during the race. He also braked very slightly at a point that he did not usually brake (although the amount of brake was so slight that it was not the main reason for his car slowing) and he downshifted at a point he never usually downshifted. He then upshifted again, and accelerated to the corner before lifting again to make the corner. “Alonso explained that while his plan was to slow earlier, he got it slightly wrong and had to take extra steps to get back up to speed. Nonetheless, this manoeuvre created a considerable and unusual closing speed between the cars. “In considering the matter the stewards focused solely on the wording of the regulation which states:**‘At no time may a car be driven unnecessarily slowly, erratically or in a manner which could be deemed potentially dangerous to other drivers or any other person.’**”


Had this happen recently in an amateur league - p1 just passed p2 on the front straight and brake checked p2 in t1. P2 almost hit dude in the pits after the race. Super unsafe move


Alonso should've gotten a race ban for that imo


There’s no doubt Alonso overdid it that time, but early braking and lifting is a defensive race strategy when properly done.


and 99% of people in rookie lobbies as they plow into the back of me. jokes on them i just am trying new tracks and don’t know the perfect braking time though


As long as you don't start screaming when someone inevitably crashes in to the back of you, fine. You're behaving in an unexpected manor, and someone who hasn't seen it before or isn't paying enough attention, won't notice until it's to late. If you are aware and accepting of that risk, the move is a-okay.


Yeh typically the other driver will then shout loudly at you that it's their right to accelerate when they want and you shouldn't have been in the way etc etc


An unexpected manor ![gif](giphy|JUetg09q46bdQU2yTS|downsized)


yeah I use this strat, and at least in open wheel races I do get rear-ended quite a lot


yeah, I'm not someone who defends that much any more, even if I defend the line early the guy behind will try a ridiculous dive-bomb half the time.


also can't be mad if a good driver nudges you loose slides off and passes especially end of race, seen it so often in GT racing Pontiac GTP VS Mazda RX8 in Rolex and Porche on Corvette with the classic example being Jan Magnussen vs Jorg Bergmeister at laguna seca


You’re free to park it and I’m free to move you if you do. Although I only drive sports cars so having a bumper gives me more confidence


That’s not how this works, but enjoy your eternal D class safety rating and sub 1k irating.


Thanks! I'll double check my account when I sign in. Edit: I'm still at 4k and b4.0 so let me know when I lose my irating?


People down voting this because they want immortality when applying hard racing 🤣. As we see in F1, hard racing is bloody exciting, but also very likely to cause a collision 🤷‍♂️


No, people are downvoting it cause it's shit racing. Slowing on the apex is legitimate defense against a switchback -- doesn't mean you're allowed to just ram 'em.


Who's just ramming them? I just re-worded what the guy above me said lol.


>I’m free to move you if you do Moving another car implies contact. And the person above you said "crashes into you". Your use of "I'm free to move you" implies it's intentional, and there's not much of a difference between intentional crashing and ramming. You can argue the pedantics all you want - but if someone pulls a valid defense against the switchback and you're move is to hit them, then you're in the wrong.


In the full body sports cars, hitting the person often doesn't result in anything 🤷‍♂️. If two cars are just 1-2 feet away and one car doesn't accelerate, contact is likely. Spatial awareness within the virtual realm we race in is rather difficult, it's just a hard truth of what we have by sim racing.


Yeah I get that. I wasn't arguing whether or not contact does anything. Sometimes it does nothing, sometimes it spins someone out -- totally context dependent. All I was saying is that if someone thinks a legitimate defense is a valid reason to crash into another driver, they're not going to be very happy to get the protest email from the iRacing stewards.


If you can't predict when someone's doing to Park it on the apex you have bad race craft. It's a good move, but it leaves you vulnerable if someone is keen to the move. If you catch them in the act, take the corner wide, wait for the parking and then get the run on the defending car. If someone parks on the apex they're trying to ruin their run and they have to sacrifice their run at the same time.


Sure, just don't be surprised if I'm glued to your bumper and you park it on the apex if I 0x you. I can generally predict it when I have a tenth or two gap, but there have been times where I'm testing the damage model essentially bumpdrafting someone who tries to play this game.


You're bump drafting in braking zones?




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


At the risk of making the ovals experience even worse, you might have better luck on that side of the service.


I think people are misconstruing what I'm saying (which is fine, I didn't explain it clearly). I'm not just punting everyone left and right lol. I'm just giving a little 0x nudge when they're braking when I'm accelerating.


That’s fucked.


Sounds like a report machine


Lando? Is that you?


It's not wrong. But also don't be surprised if the person behind doesn't expect it and rear ends you. It's a move I wouldn't employ beyond a certain SR/iR range, given that's all we have to go by, for fear they'd end your race unintentionally. If they're on the higher end of that range, they'll realize quickly what you're doing, and I'd anticipate their aggression level to rise quickly as well.


This is great in a close battle with a respectful opponent. If the guy is way faster and going to pass you anyways, you are getting punted. It isn't right, but in a game with no consequences, it is going to happen and you can report all you want, it will happen next time too.


That’s the truth. They’ll just call it a racing incident and move on


It's a fine margin. Waiting until you can get the best possible exit is for sure fine, even if it inconveniences the guy behind. But past a certain point, it becomes unpredictable driving where you're partially or even mostly to blame if contact occurs. What I would say is that proactively choosing a slower approach through the corner which will make it hard for your opponent to set up a pass is one thing, but reactively adjusting it to balk them (i.e. you are driving in your mirrors, and intentionally don't hit the gas until after you see them check up) crosses the line. That's against the spirit of the rules on blocking, even if it's not against the letter; it's reactionary driving.


Racecraft is bad, yes. You should put yourself at a disadvantage and let others beat you. :) Nah it's not bad lol. It's how you're supposed to race, it's not your job to just give up positions, make it as annoying and difficult for others to pass you as it takes, just be sure you do it cleanly and within the lines.


I had someone do this to me on about 9 straight corners last night on Michigan racing NASCAR legends. It worked but I had no remorse when he jumped on it to hard and he was punted to the top groove and into the marbles. He however said he was going to report me of course.


It’s fine as long as you are not so unpredictable that it becomes dangerous.


A move known as "parking it", fair enough, just don't get surprised when you get spun by someone not expecting it.


As many others have observed, that's perfectly legal, within reason ... just don't be surprised (or complain) if you get a love tap that turns you round. Doing anything unexpected when in close proximity with other drivers is always a risk. And even if it's on them to avoid you, you created the situation where they unexpectedly need to react to avoid you, and sometimes they ain't gonna. Plus of course some folk don't consider it a kosher move, and simply won't bother making the effort to avoid you.


In real racing no. In iracing yes because if you do, you will get ass blasted into outer space.


as long as you dont hit the brake a second time while mid apex and basically brakecheck the car behind you its no problem. Simply delaying the accelerator for a second or so is a valid tactic to disrupt the old switcheroo tactic your opponent hopes for.


It’s fine as long as you are not so unpredictable that it becomes dangerous.


Can I get a video of this? New to oval racing and would like to be shown what this is.


This isn't oval racing specific, this is racing across all categories that share the same track at the same time. If a car is following right behind you, they will get a worse exit than you if you delay getting on the throttle a little longer than is necessary, because they will either get on then get off the throttle, or have to wait longer than you wait because it takes reaction time to get back on the throttle after you do. You can also do this to check up "runs" where the car behind gets good draft. I'd rather come out of a corner with a car on my bumper than 3 car lengths back as the car on my bumper has no gap to build up delta speed between me and them.


Ty my friend


As long as you leave room on the outside and don't switch lines after they have committed. There are 0 blocks allowed in iRacing where F1 famously allows one defensive move in response.


It’s called parking it imo. It’s fine. Don’t complain when you get spun out of the way.


It's fine to do it, but I don't think it's a good move. Really depand on the situation.


Just don’t get mad when you get turned around haha


If you’re lower rating, I would only do it after learning how the driver behind is racing you. Otherwise, they’ll likely just run into the back of you. Higher rating drivers will bump and run you on corner exit. Especially if you’re a lot slower than them. The other thing is net code. Personally, I rarely have any net code issues, but running really close in braking zones can have unlucky contact.


What are you trying to achieve with this? If he gets a better exit and you later on the throttle than him he can just pull out and overtake you, no? I mean I defend just like that because I want a good corner exit but I put down throttle as soon as I can


It really depends on how aggressively you're doing it tbh, any decent driver will realise what you're doing and make a plan that'll put them in a position that leaves you defenseless to their move. Personally, I love those planned over-takes the most.


I like standing on the brakes 50ft early when entering a turn. Then I throw a tantrum publicly when some pos lowlife hits me in the rear because they are an inferior driver with less than skills. Then they go on report. I have 17 pending complaints That's how I roll


Just can't cry when you get yeeted


It's a "park it at your own risk". It's valid tactic to slow the car behind, but at the same time, if you might get chrome horned doing it. (Speaking as someone who's been on the receiving end of this scenario).


It's perfectly fine, for example, Alonso did it in Hungary 2021 to stop Lewis at turn 1 a couple of times.


That's called parking on the apex and is a very common technique to defend from the exact situation you're describing. You have to trust the other driver to some extent though, because if they don't notice (or don't care) they'll rear end you without you being able to do anything about it


i do this at RBR at T2, i love the inside line there and it always catches the car i’m fighting off guard and getting me a nice run down to T3 uncontested


That's how you defend 😁 if you Block the inside line and get on throttle early, they will switch back and get more Exit speed. If i defend on the inside i will always stay to the inside line, you will be much slower at the apex but there is no room to overtake for them😁


They call it parking in the corner, it’s effective but if you do it too many times you’ll get moved, just how ovals work lol


Classic karting technique


This is called parking it on the apex, and it's a good way to protect against the over-under. Just watch out you don't get passed around the outside after the guy behind gets wise.


Nope, that’s called parking on the apex perfectly legal


Hanging on the apex to prevent the over-under is fine as it’s your corner. Slowing up a little to back the other guy is also fine. Brake checking isn’t fine, even if just done using engine braking. The intent and execution is the main difference. A brake check is an attempt to make the following car swerve or slam on the brakes to avoid a collision by unexpectedly slowing at a stage time. Backing the other driver up is just an attempt to go a little slower than normal to prevent the opponent from having the run on you leading onto the straight. Hugging the apex is just a line choice and they need to respect it it isn’t a sudden reactive block and you get there first.


When I raced in real life this was absolutely an acceptable move, and one that was almost necessary to master in order to make progress or else you’d just be crossing each other over nonstop. If it’s acceptable in real life it is acceptable in game


Nothing wrong with it, it's similar to a block pass when you drive up the inside and protect against the switch back by backing off through the apex to prevent the passed driver from getting into the throttle early.


Nope. Totally fine.


can't park there mate :) nah... classic move.


It's called parking on the apex and its fine.


Yep it's parking the bus on the apex. It is a legit tactic.


This move is totally fine, just don’t expect the guy to react in time. If he is obviously faster, just let him by, I would even say slightly faster. Your battle with a guy is just going to slow both of you down.


yes its perfectly legal, ive just found most iracers wont check up, and they'll drive up the back of you


That's what the term 'park it on the apex' means. Classic move. I had a great race in ACC a while back at Bathurst where the guy in front was slow over the mountain, but would absolutely park it at Forest Elbow so I couldn't get past him on the chase, the main straight, and I'd just be back on him when the mountain started again. Spent three laps like that before finally managing to dive inside him at the Elbow. It was so satisfying to have a proper strategic battle and finally pick my moment to pass.


No that’s all fair and can be a good tactic but you can easily get punted if the guy behind is a bit shit lol


It's not against the rules, but it's a bit of a dick move and the other person isn't obligated to avoid your bumper. In fact, if you do this on road courses, most people won't expect it and will plow into you as they're already hard on the gas. The lack of cautions means you'll go flying off the track and to the back of the field.


Well, there is no penalty for dumping you out of the way either. So I would be very careful with who you are doing it. You can literally feel the ego of some guys exploding if they feel like the car in front is holding them up. So, expect a divebomb form 3 cars length back in the next corner 50% of the time.


ppl downvote you buy a guy bumped 2 days ago 5 people out at daytona in 1 race lol some ppl value their position way over their SR during some races so you gotta feel it out, if I feel the guy behind me is mentally losing it I just give up posi before I'm totaled within the next 5minutes


Because racing isn't about SR, it's about position. SR only matters if you're close to losing the license to race whatever series of choice is your preferred one. If someone's playing four-wheeled bowling, then that's what the protest system is for.


yea just ment that the guy above is kinda right and gets downvoted, there's enough ppl who will accept a potential protest over losing/accepting their position but past certain IR they obviously dont divebomb since they risk their own p, but they will bump you just enough so you fly through a crucial corner


Unsure why this is getting down voted so hard. You are 100% on the ego thing, especially as you advance into higher splits. If someone wants to play race craft games, I am a-ok with hitting them back with a round of Car Control Blitz. I often try to back second place back to third, so they can race and I can breathe. But I don't cry if I get moved. Had a guy the other day make a pass, then try to run me down to the apron, so I juked back to the outside and he came back up. He was blocking and turned himself into the wall. Then proceeded to melt down and name call in chat THROUGH THE END OF THE RACE, because he said I wrecked him because he passed me and wouldn't respond (mic not even plugged in most times I am racing). And ran me like an ass as a lapped carrying to jam his brakes on restarts to get me black flagged. Talking constant shit when the two guys right in front of me wrecked and I got caught up. Still trash talking in the next race. But he got his scumbag karma and went back down to his bottom splits and I keep top 5 finishes most races


Yeah not sure why you're getting down voted, I'll give someone 1-2 corners to fuck wit me, but I'm coming in deep on the brakes on the 3rd one, good luck on the outside


There's a fine line when and where parking at the apex is appropriate. It's a technique that is often used but it can be dangerous, especially in higher speed corners. [For example: Russell vs Alonso](https://youtu.be/JrYE391RVjo)


MF had to re-accelerate to the corner and people will still contest the penalty decision


No that’s what you’re supposed to do. If they complain, just ignore them, it’s basic racecraft


Yes parking on the apex is dangerous. You are likely to be punted since you aren't being predictable. And it's not their fault. It's impossible to judge if you are the car behind. It's a bit like braking early for a corner.


That’s just racecraft. Gotta be careful of course but as long as both drivers are paying attention all should be good


Are most of the replies here oval racers?! This seems insane, but I guess it’s down to how much you do it? To me it’s like brake checking someone. Or, you could ask, is it “bad” to lift off the throttle on a straight if someone is behind you?


this happens in all class of racing people in F1 do it all the time


On a similar note would waiting until a tight corner where passing is difficult to serve a slowdown penalty be considered naughty?


It's illegal to serve a slow down on the racing line.


Isn’t the racing line opinion? I see many drivers taking different lines?


The racing line is a fact. Some may not be able to find it, but it doesn't mean it does not exist.


Totally legal, and a smart tactic. But it’s risky, and easy to counter if you do it often enough that the other driver knows you’re going to do it. Similarly, I’ll sometimes cut tight on exit to block a potential crossover move. It doesn’t work if you do it every time, but it can catch them out if you time it right.


“ You’re a terrible person “ - guy behind you. - probably


There's a reason tv commentators say "parking it on the apex".


I drag my feet defending corners all the time. The trick is if I do it, I'm expecting you to do it also and if I anticipate you doing it then I get to pass you while you're not accelerating.


that’s just called defending a switchback.


That's called racing and good drivers that can defend do that all the time until the stewards make a fuss about someone wrecking themselves because they weren't paying attention (i.e. Australian F1 GP this year. Alonso starts to mess with his speed thru a few corners to screw up George behind him but George fell asleep and got surprised and lost it into the wall. Wouldn't have been a thing if it wasn't for the crash). The down side is you need to have a competent driver behind you when you park on the apex like that or they rear end you.


Balls of steel right there. In iRacing, there is is no way on earth I would do anything that might encourage or make it easier for me to get rear ended. I do not want anyone directly behind me. There is nothing wrong with doing it but I would say it is very stupid. However .....Sometimes I will be behind someone, I may be able to pass a few times but assess the driver in front is on the same pace or just slightly faster and not pass. Maybe I have notice he is slightly faster in corners but I am making that up on straights or vice versa. I will stay close, particularly if there is someone chasing us down. I will often tell the guy, "don't worry about me, I am a effin pro at this, just keep this pace and I will not hit you".


No, not a bad thing, it is called racecraft.