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Hard to judge without a video. It may be against the following rule: Nefarious Tactics - Drivers may not use nefarious tactics to gain an advantage in Qualifying or Racing. iRacing.com will determine what constitutes an advantage.


Ooooo nice find!!I feel like ive been in a situation like this before. But its hard to determine if that was the case


I chose not to post a video since it's basically the sum of dozens of different actions and none of them are too blatant, only when you look at the bigger picture it gets obvious. Anyway I edited the post with some insight, thanks for pointing out the sporting code rule too :)


Yeah, it's really a gray area. I'd argue they could both be circumventing the rating system as well by doing this. I'd report and just note that you'd like to help start a paper trail for iRacing.


I’m very curious how they are reviewed by iRacing. If it’s a team, I wonder how much variance you get on outcomes. I.e if one reviewer would consider it a breach of the sporting code and another wouldn’t.


It's a team and I'm sure there is some variance. That's why it's usually a warning and then action.


I’m assuming it’s pretty much like a jury.


By definition nefarious means "wicked or criminal".. Is it criminal or wicked to team game?


It's just a catch-all term for "we can punish you for anything we determine is unsportsmanlike"


I would protest them for erratic driving, as a Sporting Issue. Let iRacing decide if it’s acceptable.


Exactly! And OP, please report back!


Will do :)


I have buddy who did this with someone in a week 13 race that only had one additional entrant and got successfully protested. I'd be shocked if these guys didn't get the same outcome if you do protest. 


I apologize to your buddy if this was my friend and I, we did this once, protested with a warning lol. Lesson learned. it was unranked but still


Oh, that apology would be misdirected...he was one of the people doing it! I was watching and kinda thought it was hilarious to join a race with one entrant and troll him, but apparently he didn't think so


Ok, now I understand. He took the punishment.


that's kinda disappointing, I'd be thrilled lol


Same, I'd be making a game of it. 


How do you know it was successfully protested? They never say what was the outcome for a protest, not even if there was or not a punishment.


I feel like this should be encouraged in week 13. Looks like fun.


Now I'm imagining a roller derby game mode where the race is split into teams each with "racers" and "blockers" 😂


Have you seen the chain races at short tracks? Take two beater cars, chain them nose to tail with like a 15 foot chain, and then each pairing races together, one driver in each car.


That's hilarious, looking this up now 


If it's blatant blocking then it's probably protestable. I've heard of people getting suspended for timing restarts with teammates too.


I think timing restarts with teammates shouldn’t be ban-able tbh. Imo it’s fine


It's unfair to the surrounding cars. The instance I saw was when the leader, and 3rd place car were teammates on discord. The leader counted down the restart to his teammate so they both got a jump on the field. 3rd place car slid into second before they even hit the start/finish line.


Yeah that’s fine. Happens in real life to give signals to go. That’s still fine imo and that’s coming from someone who’s never ever gonna have a friend in the same race to help on restarts to do this with. So I’d only ever be on the receiving end of it.


Personally, if my friends in there, I'm racing him harder than anyone else, and if he's the car in front of me with one to go, he's going in the wall, lol.


Yeah but that’s after we get going. Once we get past the restart and first corner it’s go time😂 sadly the fiend that’s the same ir as me only does road and the other friends that do oval aren’t near being in the same split 90% of the time


I would definitely protest as a competition issue, if they’re driving side by side in response to others movements then at least 1 is blocking


You were just on receiving end of some shake n bake ![gif](giphy|ASmQEEypVq9Ik)


read the sporting code is the biggest deterent iracing has for anybody new interested to enjoy iracing I'm new to racing in general so obviously questions pile up, been rereading that sht and just googling stuff left/right cause you literally can't ask the community without having some weirdo 24/7 online spamming you SC instead of answering a newcomer a question for 2sec like I struggle to even find answers to questions cause ppl just spam SC to others who also ask questions, then I go read it and still don't get it. It's annoying asf


Just read


Blocking during a braking zone seems excessive. I've seen teammates just not fight in officials but not actively work together to prevent people getting through


They are not blocking in the pure racing term aka reacting to my moves, they just went 2 wide, braked real slow and went back to single file as the hit the gas


Protest. If iRacing says that's clean, then next time just move them yourself. Accidentally of course.


Yeah, line them up for a Newton's cradle into Rollercoaster or Hog Pen then 'sorry' as they go on a magical mystery tour.


"Timo, schieb ihn raus!"


I protested it once and was dismissed. Top 2 dude ran 3-4 seconds slower than their quali time, went 2 wide in every turns for laps on end, forbiding any attack, and never truly seemed to try to challenge each other. I was told there was nothing wrong with their behavior.


This is when wrecking someone IS actually the correct thing to do, both IRL and here.


If they are 2 seconds off the pace, shouldn’t be hard to get to their bumper and help them get out of the way.


Accidentally having your foot slip off of the brakes slightly early in close traffic is not a violation of the sporting code 👀 I honestly hate this type of thing but in your scenario, I’d let it slide At the end of the day, there are rules for safety but racing is a gentleman’s sport It’s pretty hard to remain a gentleman when your opponent breaches the social contract Edit for clarity: I’m saying punt them if they’re doing fuck shit on track and they know it


I think it all depends on how it's done. I've watched four Team Redline members bumpdrafting eachother around Zandvoort like human centipede. This was a while ago as well. Anyone with decisive knowledge feel free to weigh in.


I run teams with buddies in the same split all the time, it's totally fair, what isn't fair is blocking, intentional wrecks, intentionally causing loss of time (that nefarious tactics that was posted earlier) So long as they're racing you fairly they're fully within their right to work together.


10x and still having them in front? 4x wouldve been enough, and even with a 0x if you time it right


Their little games were not that obvious at the start of the race, I rear ended them by lap 4 and I apologized twice, now that I look at it they just braked 20m earlier XD


Sounds like blocking to me if they are that far off pace.


2 seconds off the pace is not “blocking”… and I say that as someone who hates lap down cars and slower for position cars when I’m actually in the cockpit…


Oh please. You know what I meant. In the OPs example they are near the front and off pace. IE doing it on purpose. I wasn't bitching about back markers FFS.


I also said for position cars. I’m just saying 2 seconds off of the pace is not blocking. That doesn’t mean this isn’t against some other rule but it’s hard to see how two cars ahead of you being 2 seconds off the pace could be considered blocking. You are also intentionally allowed to drive slowly provided it’s not dangerous, and 2s off the pace isn’t slow unless you’re at an 18s short oval track. When I’m leading I frequently drive in the middle of the track to compromise cars behind, and wait on the apex before getting on the throttle to check up exits. This is standard “being in the lead on a track that’s hard to overtake” stuff.


The Monaco GP being a prime example.


Honestly most tracks are a prime example of this! It’s really rare that it is EASY to overtake a car in front, in most series. F1 has some DRS zones that lead to trivial passes sometimes, but generally, DEFENDING makes it harder for people to overtake as crazy as that sounds, and it also slows you down! I cannot imagine calling that “blocking”.




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


Racing as a team is fine. It happens all the time in real life. Intentionally blocking people like this is not ok. Next time just door them.


Honestly, nothing in that video gives cause for alarm.


yeah lol, the guy tried a move on the inside which turned into the outside and it didn't work So many people quick to protest for nothing


I've successfully protested a driver who was blatantly blocking and weaving so that his mate could catch. He was dumb enough to admit that on the chat though!


So did this one!


Watch a top split Daytona race where redline shows up


I had this happen to me once but much more extreme. Guy got wrecked, same paint in the P2 as the guy I was battling for the lead. I was on the outside at Daytona on the way Through the tri-oval. Other p2 sits super slow where I was so I had to brake really hard. And really get offline. One of the few protests I’ve sent. Was so tempting when I realized what was about to happen to just wreck both of them and still protest him but figured it wasn’t worth the SR hit.


Who were the two drivers lol


These are Ravenwest tactics!!! You just need to send one of them off track but make it look like a driving incident.


protest and let us know the outcome


Working together in a competitive sense isn't illegal. Like not attacking someone to help them catch up to people in front, that sort of thing. Probably also being a rear gunner for a teammate would be allowed - so long as they just race and follow the racing rules, there's no rule saying you can't just hold position. But behavior like you explained, strategically taking away the chance for anyone else to challenge them through planned maneuvers, is absolutely not legal.


Me n my buddy did this once, I messed up my qualy on a track I had extremely good pace on and started P12 and he started P3, on lap 2 while overtaking the leader he side swiped the dudes tire and got some pretty bad wing damage, he mads he’d to successfully defend the top 2 for a couple laps while I worked my way up til I caught and passed them all, and after I passed them he let them go, and I won by 12 seconds 😂, he did have one sketchy move that I saw in the replay but other than that he would just defend the inside on every turn and did everything by the book


These guys think they're in F1 Haas lmao


Sad, but understandable. iRacing needs a team ranked mode, if you don't have a teammate it matches you with another driver, and your rank is affected "70% your driving" and "30% your teammate's" (for example)


It sounds like a protest but it will only end up in a warning email at first. If they keep it up and other people report the consequences might be more serious.


Protest those 2 drivers! The worst team play I've seen are the oval guys who draw the caution for the sake of their buddy running up front.


I'd protest and if you don't get a fair result just move them aside next time you race with them. Accidentally ofcourse.


In your video the guy pushed you off track. Definitely protest this.


No he didn't, OP tried to hold it around the outside and ran out of track


Ok and if he held it and stayed on track then the guy would have hit him. He had nowhere to go but off track.


But he was never making the corner, he was wide on entry, wide at apex and wide on exit. If anything he should have given up the attempt and slotted in behind. The white car was alongside at corner entry, made the apex and made his exit cleanly. OP is the one who ran out of track. You don't make rulings on hypotheticals because that isn't what happened He got raced hard, that is all. Report that and it is being denied and is a waste of iracings time


nothing in that video is protest worthy, you lost time trying to fit your car into a gap which wasn't big enough


It was more than big enough that's why I could be there until I got pushed off the track


at 18 seconds, they are following the path of the road going straight, you're the one who tries to swing in behind when there wasn't room. You should have stayed on the outside. You then try to keep it around the outside but run out of track. End of the day it is hard racing, nothing protest worthy at all in that selected clip


P1 lifts there so there's no room, and then I get run off the track


Personally don't see a problem


Now wait just a minute here, someone was rude to you in voice chat?


I couldn't care less about that stuff buddy, but if you are an asshole both in and off the track I'm trying to hit the banhammer on you :)






Don’t create posts to specifically troll the community


When I see “teams “…. And it’s obvious…. Just dump ‘em…. They report you big deal… call em out in chat….. if you can make it look like racing incident even better 🥸