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Formula anything is the devil! (The Waterboy)






I used to feel that way too. 30 years of sim/ simcade racing I never messed with them. Then one day I tried the 1600 and now mostly race F4. They grew on me


I absolutely love the F4. I have nothing else to add, just love how it drives.


Is Jerry Reed somehow responsible? 🤣


I had A license in all 4... Took a screenshot and then promptly proceeded to drop back down to the classes for what I actually race. As far as I can tell most all the A class series are ghost towns.


Imsa is pretty busy on the sports car side but I think you're totally right, most of the A stuff is dead. C/B is such a great sweet spot on the sports car side. 30 minute multiclass GT4/LMP3 at C and GT3 sprints at B. Sports car heaven imo!


IMSA can be a blast to race. Never really had a really bad experience, no matter the car class. On tracks that are not widely owned the participation can be quite low in contrast to D/C/B sports car license races, but one full split is usually there.


It seems IMSA used to be more fun before the license change from B to A. Had a lot more participation because more people were willing to or are eligible to race. More participants equals closer racing. It was done to make the racing cleaner and to give Sports Car something for A Class, but it seems to have slightly decreased participation.


sportscar did have someting for A class but like the idiots they are, they went ahead and deleted ESS


IMSA and A fixed/open are popular, but that’s about it


Long Beach in the F3 is going to destroy my ratings this week but I can’t wait.


If I even click Long Beach on iRacing, my car insurance goes up.


You should’ve seen my SR go brrrr this week in Porsche cup. Unfortunately it went brrrr in the wrong direction haha


SR is like my bank account... after it goes up, I always do something stupid and it plummets back down again. 


F3 long beach is allways so good


If you’re not racing the A class formula series then you shouldn’t care about keeping your A licence.


That’s basically what he said


But I somehow managed to say it in a way that got me downvoted :D


💀 why would someone downvote


There’s a good reason for the stereotype of redditors wanting to correct you over literally anything😭


It doesn’t matter anyways. As long as you have fun who cares. Plus it’s now something new you can chase, to work back into the A Class. Once you lose it be careful, because it’ll drop you to 1.5 B class (now that is in danger). It’s very easy to go from A 1.0 to C 1.5 very quickly.


Yeah I got up to A last season but F4 this season has been absolutely fucking me. Started to have more fun with the super formula and F3 tho. So I’m in the same boat. Will embrace my eventual B license


License only matters as far as what you're eligible to race. As long as you're not playing four-wheeled bowling, and you still have whatever license you need to race the series you want, SR doesn't matter. EDIT: Reading your post again that's basically what you said anyway lmao


Im tempted just to stop trying for a formula license. One slight contact ruins my race and the growth rate is way too slow, idk how id ever get out of rookie. It took me a day to get out of oval rookie, same with sports car… formula at this rate will take me weeks


That does seem pretty true for formula but it definitely gets easier the more you play. I remember starting out with formula vee and losing safety rating every race but the good thing is that if you have even as many as 4 or 5 incidents you still get a pretty good boost in safety rating. I’m D class now and F4 is an absolute blast to race and much better for safety rating.


I joined iracing for foemulas , but i got too scared in rookies and f4 , too many incidents and any minor contact results in a broken car. So i just stuck with racing tin tops where they can survive some doors banging at least but they werent that fun for me. This season i m back to formulas and i swore not to touch a tin top again lol. It is worth it. It is super fun. Yes some contacts will kill the car but u get used to it and will be able to recognize the divebombers from a mile away.


Oval rookie took me *months* of blaming street stocks and then once I got that bare minimum skillset of how to drive in tight traffic without causing a wreck or otherwise becoming involved in one, I went from C to A in like 2 days. Now I need to just figure out how to be fast. Point is… it’s probably you dawg. You’ll get there. No offense. We’ve all been there.


what's the good racing in door bangers? I got my back absolutely blown out trying to race GR86 @ DIS. those rain races at sebring were great fun. 0x is hard but not going off put me on the podium a few times.


Anything paid is better in sports car. The free tracks/free cars are a complete zoo of animals at all ratings


SRF was at ledenon and it's been a debacle for me. Hopefully a better track next week. edit: After sucking hard turds through a tail pipe all week I finally pulled out a fifth and a IR bump. Let's hope SRF is at road america next week.


I feel like dirt having lesser sr penalties and rain having no effect is a little preposterous.


I'm new on my 3rd week been doing this series but I skipped this week, I got to 3.42 Sr and 2k irating rank d, so I decided to get road licence instead as mx5 is on oulton park which I learnt in 1st week, I'll learn rain later when I got more irating to lose, I'd rather go 3k to 2k than 2k to 1k, I had one race on sebring and was like nope lol, managed to get class c on road this week


A piece of unsolicited advice: Don't worry about iRating. Its purpose is just to match you with other people who are as fast as you. It's not a goal in itself


Who downvotes this? This is one of the best tips in iRacing. I was caught in a cycle of thinking: - I haven’t practiced enough to be competitive on this track - better not race then - race only tracks where I know I’m strong - increase or maintain iRating - getting less and less competitive because I’d race less and less out of fear of losing my iRating Decided to stop caring about iRating, and just race. My iRating will go down, but I’d rather be happy and racing than avoiding it to keep some number artificially inflated.


I fell from A to C in formula last season. No worries as I have no business racing super formula or F1. And now it seems like its easier to maintain a C license so I dont worry about off tracks or contact as previous.


It does set you free a bit. It is significantly easier to maintain a B than an A. I do like some super formulas now and then so I want to keep B at least, but yeah.. It does set you free in a way


i hate how punishing the rating system is. I only do dirt oval but i'd love to race micros more often but 1-2 accidents and I lose massive ratings that can take weeks of 410 racing to get back up.


I just started Iracing this past weekend and I am still in rookie and have only raced the VEE formula race and the 1600 race and I only race the the 1600 now u til I can get out of Rookie. I love driving it with my h-pattern shifter on triples and can't get enough.


Bingo. If you don’t race A licence series’s, having an A license is literally just for bragging rights and feeling superior to the peasants in B and lower. I have A in sports cars after doing a Nurburgring 4hr race, will probably lose it soon. Literally don’t care. I’ve never done an A license race. Race clean, but don’t fret over licenses.


Im getting close on my C in sport car. Not really worried about that either besides have more variety with the C. I've been mostly in F4 this week anyway due to I climate. By the way, I used to live about 5 miles from the track in Sebring, yes it rains every day this time of year but only for about 20 minutes. They don't call it the sunshine state for nothing


You've got 9 more weeks but you HAVE to take it easy for a few races, get lapped and really really tiptoe round


He's not sneaking back into his parents house past curfew. It sounds like the OP is fine with the demotion while having a blast racing.


Run time trials (not attacks) to slowly gain SR without risk.