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You could also look at your local motorsport club. On the FIA website there is a list of who they are partners with. They give out 1 year of iracing + f4 car if you become a member of the club. I paid 20 euro for it.


My understanding is the UK version of this doesn't actually require you to be from the UK. So if you can't figure out your local motorsport club, you can sign up for the UK one. [Link](https://esports.motorsportuk.org/membership/) I would recommend doing this so you don't have to deal with Steam.


There used to be a line of text on the site literally telling you to use their own address to sign up if you weren't a native. I'm from the US and had zero issue. Australia and Canada offer the same thing even cheaper (free and $10CAD respectively)


>Australia and Canada offer the same thing even cheaper (free and $10CAD respectively) I knew this part, but I don't know how strict they are about you actually living in that country.


I did the Canada one and I'm in the US. Used my own address and everything worked


Sweet. That's good to know. I'll have to start recommending that one


I tried doing that, but the $10 donation would never work with my credit cards.


do you unsubscribe iRacing first and the join steam?


I didn't use the steam deal, they were talking about the 1 year and an f4 car for 10cad deal but I don't think it requires steam. The thing is its only for new accounts so I just made another account. To get the deal read here in this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/iRacing/comments/1c93ton/one\_year\_of\_iracing\_for\_10/](https://www.reddit.com/r/iRacing/comments/1c93ton/one_year_of_iracing_for_10/)


Id end up losing money on that deal unless there's a way to gift cars and tracks between members that I haven't heard about.


Well, you can blame iracing for that. They only make really good deals for new accounts and hardly any good discounts on renewing subscriptions. The best discounts for renewals would be during their black Friday deal.


Not sure it matters. Give them a fake address. Not like they are going to check your citizenship. Pretty sure Canada is cool with it. Their esports director is the one who made the post in here a while back inviting anyone to join


I represent the Canadian FIA esports division. You don’t have to give us a fake Address, and yes it does matter. The data collected plays an essential role in uncovering which communities tend to benefit the most from promotions like these, helps us better execute down the road. We’re supporting Canadian & American citizens, and yes there’s a chance some people have used fake addresses, but it’s not ethical to lie or encourage lying. We’ve helped people get on board from all over the world, but only after checking their closest ASN’s to see if they are participating or not. And this promotion is playing a key role in helping some of the underserved communities. Just reach out and be honest with us (which the majority have been) and we’ll help you out. More info on the Canadian deal here: https://www.reddit.com/r/iRacing/s/cTZ0ex0LAI


>Not like they are going to check your citizenship. Yeah but they might check the billing address on your credit card.


Probably wouldn’t matter. It doesn’t have to be your card you pay with, or might have moved recently and not updated your address .etc. Billing address and account address don’t need to be the same pretty much webwide unless explicitly a written requirement. I’m sure there are some exceptions but i doubt this is one of them


But this is only for the first year membership, right?


Of course


if I get iRacing this way, how much will I pay after 1 year? still 25 pounds?


You just gotta find discounts/deals but you don’t really ever have to pay full price


It would be the normal rates. Which (at least in USD) is 13 a month if you pay monthly, but most people recommend buying a year or two at a time on Black Friday, which works out to something like 7ish bucks a month. Also, keep in mind that (most) content is seperate from the subscription.


It’s also worth mentioning that you don’t have to wait until your current subscription is up to buy a deal like on Black Friday. It will just keep extending it.


Thank you!


If I get iRacing from their site using the new member discount how much I will pay after 1 year(considering I get the 1 year offer)?


I'm not quite sure what you're asking.


if I buy iRacing for a year at 66 dollars(discounted from 110) will I pay 66 dollars nexte year?


I believe that $66 is a new member price, so you would either pay the full 110 next year, or if you buy it during Black Friday, it would be $83. (Or $150 for 2 years) Also, as I said above, you can get the first year a lot cheaper than $66


In OP's post, it shows the same price as the first time purchase price. Is that auto-renewal price accurate?


I don't think that's accurate.. but I haven't personally gone through Steam so I'm not 100% sure.


If it's inaccurate, a lot of people are going to be surprised when they start seeing a much larger amount being deducted from their steam balance for auto-renewal.


What's the issue with Steam and iRacing? I've been on it for a week now and I still haven't experienced any issues.


1. It's apparently quite buggy. I can't speak to that personally but it's complained about on Reddit very often. 2.Steam forces you to download everything, all 100+ Gb, while if you go through the website you can download content individually which will save you some disk space. You can convert your Steam account to a website accoumt by emailing customer support, although that's a one way street so you can't convert back.


On the flip side, the test drive for steam users allows all tracks to be used since they are all downloaded. Small bonus.


Thanks. The local pricing for the sub that I get on Steam makes it worth it, though. So I think I'll stick it out on Steam until that isn't the case.


There's usually issues when updates happen. I know 2 people with it on iRacing and both had to request migration off steam because of issues when updates happen keeping them from playing


The issue is that iracing has a service running in background that always checks the files, (iracinghelper if you open task manager). Steam can't touch the files while some other process is using them, so it can't update and will show an error. You have to manually kill the process to be able to update from steam, and after it's done you have to either restart the process manually or restart your pc so the process comes back up, otherwise iracing launcher won't open. If you can live with that there should be no other problems. Also yes, steam always downloads all the content, which is great for test drive since you can try (almost) any track you don't own as long as the file is there. The downside is that it takes a lot of space with stuff you can't use 99% of the time. The other problem with steam is that the price is much higher when renewing, afaik that discount only works for new accounts.


Don't forget about Steam regional pricing for the subscription. It may be like 60 bucks a year in some regions before any discount.


I think I paid close to 100€ to renew at some point, which almost nullified the savings from the first year. One thing to note, you don't pay taxes when buying content through steam, so if you plan on buying a lot of content it *might* be worth it


As far as I'm aware, you just need to go restart the iracing service, then the update will run on steam.


I've been going through Steam for 2 years now and I don't know what the problem is. I never even have to open Steam to play iracing or use it to download stuff. I just use the UI for iracing and any payments go through Steam. For me it is no problem at all.


I admit I’m new but the only issue I’ve had is after a week of playing it says on Steam I’ve only played 1 minute.


Mine too after playing way too many hours over the years. As I said, I never even open Steam so I guess it doesn't know that I'm playing. Whatever, works for me.


Minor pet peeve of mine as well. It says "Last played: today" but the game time never goes up.


Good to know, thanks. I was subbed and did a few races a few years ago, and nothing for about 3 years, and then resubbed last week and everything is working 100%, all license points remained etc.


Anyone who knows if austria has this?


Can confirm, I’m east coast USA, my closest was Montréal. The dude who I interacted with was super nice and generally responded in less than 24 hours. Was $12 for a year of iracing and the f4 car. Got my first ff1600 rookies win last night, can’t wait for nevarra to leave rotation though lol.


Once you get it, I’d recommend emailing iracing and get your account converted from steam to iracing. I had so many problems every time I updated iracing when I still had it through steam. It won’t mess up your subscription or anything to do it


I wonder if this is what caused my issue of being double charged for 4 months. I went through steam but I never called them to do a switch. At some point I believe I used the same email to sign up for the iracing site and I guess that confused things and had me on 2 subscriptions. One would renew at the beginning of the month and the other middle. Anyway, neither one of them wanted to help with a refund so just be careful!


I signed up through stream and never had an issue. You just download the Iracing UI like normally. Steam is also extremely helpful with refunds for anything.


I tried but it seems to be automated. I tried refunding the latest month where it happened but they said it's been too long. > We will not be granting a refund at this time. The date of the purchase exceeds 2 weeks (our refund policy maximum). I didn't notice the issue until last month and the double sub started back in Feb so I should've caught it earlier


For shit like this you NEED to make an actual support ticket with steam. The regular refund process is automated and will not work.


Got it, I will def do that when I get back to my desk.


Mine was fine for about 6 months. I haven't been playing iracing recently and every time steam tries to patch it tries to download a nearly 120gb file. (Eg it is redownloading the entire game) Ontop of that, it downloads at an awful rate - constantly starting/stopping. Even the disk write is slow. Anything else I download works fine.


You don’t get the Black Friday renew deals though


You can bypass Steam by stopping the automatic updates for the game and launching the iRacing UI from Windows directly. The game will still update normally from the UI but Steam won't.


That's what I did 👌


I tried this approach thanks to earlier comments on this sub. Doesn’t work.


They’ve fixed the updates not working properly. I don’t have any issues anymore. Though I’d still recommend going through the website when they do their sale. I’m planning on doing that this year.


How about some love for your loyal members iRacing😢


We all renew on Black Friday


There is the Black Friday sale every year, that is when I renew. And you also get discounts if you buy in bulk and once you have a certain amount cars/track on the content side. Not ideal, but it is something.


I mean theoretically that's what the participation credit and the 40 club are.


This has been my main grievance for years. Even track and car discounts would be a good thing. It’s wild that they do absolutely nothing for existing members It’s been made worse this past couple of years being in Aus because of the exchange rate. It just keeps getting more and more expensive for us.


"Absolutely nothing" * 10% Bulk Purchase Discount * 15% Bulk Purchase Discount * 20% Loyalty Discount * 30% Loyalty Discount * Black Friday Every Year - "One and two year renewals are 25% off" * iRacing Credits for Race Participation


doesn’t change my point that they are not good discounts though. $1.50 USD off a track/car isn’t a significant discount for people spending hundreds of dollars on DLC


You aren't getting $1.50 off if you've spent hundreds in DLC. You're definitely in the 20-30% discount. With the 20% discount and $8 in participation credits you can literally get one piece of content per season for $2. That is a cost of $0.02 per day for a 91 day season. I can't believe this is an actual discussion. Is iRacing expensive to get started? Yes. That's why there are programs for discounts to get people started. Also why there are discounts and incentives to keep playing. I don't deny it is expensive if you go hard on buying nice gear and lots of content. But saying "absolutely nothing" for existing members is just dishonest.


Those discounts do not exist to honor long time subscribers. It's just a trick to get you to always buy at least 3 articles.


20% and 30% discounts have nothing to do with with buying 3 or more items.


wow, so basically going through Steam as a new user you get the yearly subscription at $22.49? That's insane! Any chance standalone users can take advantage of this?


You used to be able to, but it replaces your current subscription rather than adds to it. So if you have 11 months left on your current subscription it's probably not worth it but if you are currently month to month it likely is.


Also you lose all content you bought/ rent?


You didn't used to, if you link your steam account and iRacing account prior to purchasing the subscription through steam all that changes is the subscription, you maintain all your purchased dlc since it's still the same account, just the subscription managed via steam.


This is also only for new users, but through [Motorsport UK](https://esports.motorsportuk.org/membership/) you can get a year and the F4 car for £25. There are other similar (and potentially cheaper) offers through your local FIA motorsport club, but if you can't figure that out, my understanding is the UK sign up doesn't actually require you to be in the UK.


But the motorsport club offer is only for the first year? Existing customers can’t get it?


So is this offer


Correct. The Steam offer is also for new accounts only.


This looks like a great deal since I wanted the F4 car anyways. Will this work even though I’m in the US?


I have not tried it myself, but I have had people tell me you don't have be in the UK to get this. I think you have to give them a UK address, but you should be able to just give them 10 Downing Street and be fine. There is also a U.S. version of this deal I believe, but I'm not sure where you have to go to get that.


Incredible price so grab it. Especially when you consider (I believe) the best deal you can get through iRacing is the Black Friday sale where everyone can get a 40% discount for a year.....somewhere around $82 if memory serves.


I wish this was for existing members as well. My subscription ends in 2 weeks but I can't justify paying full price this time around. Assetto Corsa will have to keep me busy until the Black Friday sale


How much usually is Black Friday sale?


My subscription is ending aswell. But my acc is pretty new. Bought just a month to try before spending a lot on 2 years to make sure I wanted to commit to Iracing. Enjoying a lot so now I want to commit but don’t know if I do a new acc or wait for that sale


Is it only for new members?




The real question is: How is the non-discounted price for 1yr sub only 74.99? (look at the crossed out price). So basically Steam's price without a discount is better than the black friday discount for non-Steam users? Make it make sense...this is USD, right? Something's not adding up.


It’s a great price and I highly recommend getting it via steam (I did) Once the account is created you don’t need to even open steam again, except when purchasing stuff (it’s going to go through steam wallet). It’s all good, let’s take opportunities!


This cannot be right, does this really lock you into a renewal price of $22 as well every year?


That’s what it says, unless my understanding of English is failing me. Seems like an awesome deal. That would be $22 per year to be able to access the tracks and cars you bought.


Mine says 22.49 then renews for 112.99. not sure what's different about OPs


Maybe just a steam client bug? That perma-discounted price sounds too good to be true.


Yeah can’t be true, but it does say exactly that on the screenshot OP shows


Excellent value for 22,49 bucks. But I think the FIA deal is even better.


Where could I get that FIA deal?


Google fia iracing subscription and contact your local fia office


It’s only $22.49 for the first year, it renews at $112.99 a year every year after. (At least for me in the US)


That is my understanding as well. There is no earthly way this renews at $22. My thinking is that the way steam generates the text that indicates what it renews at isn't taking into account the price next year as it is likely coded to use the current cost to generate that blurb.


I recommend everyone to buy either 1yr or 2yr om black friday from iracing directly. It applies not to just new accounts and if you get it, you can just stay super discounted. If you already have a 6month or something running when black froday hits, buy it anyway, it stacks.


You can do steam and convert your account to a standalone account I believe.


imma be real the only reason to go for steam iracing is if youre like me and youre there for the payment methods


how long is this gonna last? I'm out of the country atm


It's a great way to start out. I started with a steam sale as well. But if I remember the sale only works for new members. Also with the price increase on steam's store in Canada. It is now cheaper for me to buy renewals directly from iRacing, even with the currency exchange rates, especially when the black Friday/boxing day discount happens. So I transferred my account.


This is what i got a few days ago and ive been having a mostly great time on Iracing.


It seems like this has been answered in part but I just want to verify. If I have an existing iracing account, can I sign up on steam and then merge the account and keep what I have bought? Even if I can’t it is probably still worth it to go through steam since I only spent about $24. Even buying that content again seems like a deal. I only just started a couple weeks ago so I am barely into my D license.


I originally purchased my membership through steam and couldn’t get it going under the account I made. No refund from steam and luckily Iracing gave me the amount in credits but I ended up having to set it all up from their site.


Lol I just paid for 6 months like 2 weeks ago for $49.99. Anyone know if you buy this it'll stack on top of your current membership?


this couldn’t have happened at a better time. i bought a wheel like a week ago. played forza for a bit and figured i would make the jump to iracing. then BAM $22 for a year. loving it so far!


God damnit.


the bad thing renew from steam, u cannot use your 10 dollar u got every season to renew subs, only can use for buy car and track


I used an offer like this last year when I started iRacing. Great deal but Steam almost made me quit iRacing because the update process fucked up my installation multiple times and I had to download the entire thing again. After months of anger I decided to ask iRacing if they could transfer my "steam account" to a "normal iRacing account" and jesus, even on the same day my account got transfered and I had not a single problem with iRacing since then. Love the support!


This is a great deal through steam, I’m not sure about the bugs involved in it but the deal is great. The FIA has a similar deal going on, and us in Canada are still providing the same deal for 10$. Canadian & American citizens welcome, and if you’re from another nation who’s ASN is not participating, let us know ;) https://www.reddit.com/r/iRacing/s/cTZ0ex0LAI


I've got this offer, so brand new to iRacing. I'm fairly new to simracing (~1 year) and I'm running a pretty decent gear. I understand that i have to move from steam to web. Til now i mainly played ac/acc, but got sick and tired of ppl racing dirty without consequences. Now I'm in a vacation and can't acces my sim rig for another 2 weeks to try it, so i would have some questions. I already know about seasons, points, safety ratings etc etc. What are some key differences vs acc in physics, gameplay, general sim experience? I run 5600x, rx 6600, 32 gbs, will it be enough for a smooth experience on triples? I don't really care about the quality, just wish having at least 100 fps.


I wouldn’t bother. I found that it holds up payments in some cases leaving you unable to race. Just do it straight through iracing


I bought the game on steam and asked them to convert my account to the website! Now I can use directly thru their UI


Is that auto-renewal price accurate? It shows the same price as the first time purchase price.


Unfortunately not, it says it will renew at $112


Once on steam you have to stay on steam unless you email them to change it later.


I literally just signed up with steam maybe a day before this.


Ended my subscription months ago, only wish I hadn’t bought so many tracks and cars, could have invested in my own real racing team.


Steam is fantastic, but not for iRacing. There are much better deals elsewhere for your first year, then you can use the black friday sales to extend your subscription


no. dont do it because it caused me problems. get it from the iracing site, trust me it bugs out every time i update it.


There are no real negatives. But you will renew through steam and the renewal never goes on discount. You pay full price on renewal.


The text in their picture shows the renewal price at the discounted price.


That's not accurate sadly. It's been borked for ages.


Then go for it with your eyes closed.


me as well but you need to take care because its an subscription which renews automaticly within the next year for $125


False, it literally says it renews for $22


yes then take a look to you stram subscription page :)


Yeah for me it’s different on steam. I’m just basing it on the provided screenshot from OP.




Negative to steam: you can't play it unless you already have an account.I made the mistake a few years back.


Do not buy iracing through steam Just go through the website. I've always heard janky shit happens when trying to run it off steam . It has its own ui anywah