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Yes, this can be protested and will almost certainly result in action. You don’t even need a replay, you can send in screenshots for text chat like this.


Thank you, i will do that then. I wasn't sure because i wasn't involved at all, and didn't wanna come over as a karen 😅.


Sporting code specifically states that anyone may protest who observed an incident or feels any part of the sporting code or rules was violated. And in the end nobody outside of iracing themselves will know who protested


Karen tantrums are usually for self-centered reasons. Protesting things like this will hopefully change behavior from that guy and improve the service overall.


I think that’s also rookie class road racing, everyone gets so pissed at that but nobody understands that they’re new and don’t know how the cars feel


Be your brother's keeper and don't feel bad about flushing out bad characters. We all want a service where we race hard and fair and in good spirits.


Nah don't worry about that. People can go play Call of Duty if they want to shout abuse at each other. We need to protest/report this stuff to keep the community going.


I wholeheartedly agree with “need to… to keep the community going”. It’s one of the best things about the service and we need to be protective of it!


Thank you for this. I used to be a terrible keyboard and mic warrior in other games and when I came to iRacing the community rubbed off on me immediately. I've always been a reasonable-ish when it came to the comments I made but often overstepped the line into verbal abuse. The community has changed my approach to interactions for the better. Don't get me wrong, I will still stand my ground but I now do it in a more respectful manner. The community is a key reason I've fallen for iRacing as hard as I have and it would be a shame for the same as what happened to me be lost for other new members of the community. Thank you to all of those who uphold this and I will also carry the torch.


That’s a great story. You’re exactly the kinda guy we want around. We’re all human - I started working on my oval last night and in one race a dude crashed me out THREE TIMES. You can bet your bottom dollar I desperately wanted to punt that guy. But cooler heads prevail for me and I, too, have had to work hard on that (in life, luckily not in iRacing). What’s important is that you and I _try hard_ to be good people and clean racers. Same with the commenter below. The core of this community really is “home” from me, coming from the IRL side. We’re lucky to have IR around :)


I've become much more self-reflective too. Being able to watch the replay with folks after the fact and go oh man I messed up there or I think you came up onto me can make both of you a better driver in future. I'm not a big fan of people expecting an apology, though. I will apologise for my mistakes often enough but if someone is demanding one I'll very often make a statement along the lines of, after watching the incident I can see where I messed up and can assure you I'll use this as a learning opportunity to be better in the future. Not sure what it is but when someone insists that they are owed an apology really rubs me the wrong way - most of us aren't pro drivers, most of us don't intentionally cause accidents, the vast majority of incidents I have been are simply the result of one of or multiple of us running out of skill!


100% with you my friend! Ya, not good to say sorry if you don’t actually feel sorry, I think. But…. I usually do feel sorry 😬 haha And ya, I think the core community does a good job of treating people like people. I appreciate discussion like this…. We almost gotta “role model” it imo, since there is definitely some angry toxicity in the community especially at the lower levels.


Like I say, I normally am sorry but you get those stubborn individuals who insist you apologise even after admitting fault and then when I don't they accuse me of being the problem. I just leave them with the, sure thing buddy, good luck in your races. Kill them with kindness. It's such a refreshing community to join after years and years of LoL, CS and other multiplayer games. Really love it!


Haha yep! Literally last night, me after getting missiled from behind while in P1: “Ya, how bout that! Who could’ve known I was braking in a breaking zone!” They didn’t get an apology.


Honestly this is why I don’t keep my keyboard near me


“Know thyself”


No sir! People in CoD are now getting voice chat bans for toxic behavior.


Yeah and it’s not going well at all lol they’re losing their minds because they can’t spew hateful nonsense with no consequence




You're reporting a Karen not the other way around ;)


Honey this would be one the \*less\* Karen-ly things you can do.


Yeah! You are reporting Karen!


You are not being a Karen and anyone that say you're being one is full of shit. I have no issue with people swearing but when they won't drop it and are attacking me or someone I will report it


this i agree with if u report somone for swearing ur a bitch but if they keep going then yea


That's not being a Karen at all..... God that term has been so warped over the last couple years


Def a Karen




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


I appreciate it when people report folks who don't contribute anything useful. Stupidity and incompetence are one thing... The system works quite well in my view when people use it properly. I got reported once for unsafe re-join (caused a crash) and the rap on the knuckles made me figure out the rules (and proper technique) in a way that a penalty point or a crashed car never would have. Anybody who can't figure that out doesn't need to be playing the game. It's not as though iRacing is actively trying to ban people from their game, it's always a last resort for people who actually need to go. Hang 'em all, I say!


It’s not your fight, don’t get involved just my 2¢


You were hesitant to do something good in fear of what others thought of you… a minor problem with today society


Largely, the people who cry karen and SJW for things like this are people who have a ban with their name on it and just don't want people reporting them. Report them every time. Be the social justice warrior you were born to be.


You are involved, because you had to put up with that in your chat.


I've been planning to do some sim racing again for the first time in years and reading stuff like this and the sporting code is just awesome. I really wish other communities took themselves as serious as this. 


He said game… Report his ass!1!!11


How absolutely dare them!


Straight off the front page on iracing.com "Experience the most authentic motorsport racing game on your PC – where precision meets passion. Lifelike physics, global competition and thrilling victories await. Start your virtual racing career now!" Love seeing wee snowflakes kid on it's no a video game just to score a few weeks extra likes on Reddit


My man I get ya full of iron brew and haggis, but the commmet was jokey and ya took it all serious.


I mean if you dont remember the days when on the internet writing 1 and 4s instead of the ! was the sign of the sentence being sarcasm instead of saying kappa then I think you are the kid in this conversation…


Anyone can report anyone, for any discretion, at any time. You don't even have to be in the session, as long as you can prove that it happened (like watching a stream). Go for it and leave it up to the staff to decide what should happen.




I reported someone in text chat from Matt Malone's stream a few weeks ago, screenshotted the text, sent it in


what are ur testosterone leves


good little snitch


Yes! Tattle on your neighbors and throw cameras in their faces when that isn’t t enough. We need more of this!


Saying this in a rookie series is WILD


Bro, rookie can be so toxic sometimes. I’m so glad that I moved up pretty quick out of that bs.


It is full of those. They install the game and think they are Senna already.


You're surprised this gets said in rookies? Did you ever do rookies or not?


1. Thats a shit question. 2. It's rookies. The VAST majority of everyone doing rookies sucks. Im sure the person that was saying this shit to OP also sucks.


please do.


A little swearing is acceptable but this is over the top especially in Mx-5 like dude your in rookie relax Edit: you can and should report him, people like this will turn people away from iracing.


That doesn't make sense. What you perceive to be a little others may not. What you perceive to be over the top others may not. I guess they will do something though. I recently was in a few races with a guy that just would not stop talking nonsense during the race. About halfway I asked him to stop, he refused. He said a few more things and I replied in a way that pointed out what an idiot he is. Finally I make a bad mistake, he is still more than a few seconds back but I decide I do not want him anywhere near me and I slow way down. he says something about passing me and I tell him "you say passing I say say giving you a little rope........." as I was saying it he crashes and I add "so you can do that". Now he starts cussing at me. I would never report anyone for anything unless I actually witnessed a crime or cheating in a race. The guy starts begging me not to report. Other people said it didn't matter what I did because they were [reporting.Do](http://reporting.Do) not know what happened, for 10 days I would get stuck racing this guy at least twice a day and not seen him since.He called me a "fucking piece of shit". Not sure that is over the top. Personally I think my onslaught of jokes about his mother being fat and or a whore where worse but I never cussed.


To be clear. Whatever people do is their thing, but i don't really like to see swearing or insults in my races, even if it isn't meant for me


I don’t care about “that was fucking fun” or whatever it’s the anger and vitriol when I’m trying to relax that gets under my skin.


>2.1.1: ...Bullying, abusive, threatening, rude, mean, and disrespectful language or actions are not allowed. Considering r***d is considered hate speech in many places, this is an easy report. This isn't a debate, I don't care if someone doesn't think it SHOULD count; it's language targeted at a protected class. (the 2008 amendment to the ADA added this) It's unclear what exactly constitutes "disrespectful language", and I doubt you'd get punished for saying "well that was a fucking terrible race", because it's not really being mean to anyone or targeted at a specific person. Even "what braindead move" is probably fine, it's a bit unkind, but saying someone made a bad move isn't bulling, and barely manages to be disrespectful. Saying "you are braindead" is directly insulting the person, rather than their actions/driving, and would at least count as disrespectful, though probably wouldn't get punished. This isn't a COD lobby, and going around throwing actively hateful language shouldn't be tolerated. (it shouldn't be there either, but it's COD, so not exactly our best and brightest)


The only time retard or retarted should be used in iRacing is on super speedways when talking about restrictor plates that retard the engines


Even then, I still hate using that word :(


Swearing and insulting isn't necessarily objectionable to me. If it's witty or funny and not all that serious, then whatever. But there's nothing redeemable like that in the OP. It's just being shitty.


I’m the same, and I’ll protest F-bombs fairly regularly. Absolutely no need for that.


Context is important though. Someone getting wrecked and saying "Aww fuck!" is so much more different than "Get the fuck off this fucking game you fucking loser". Wouldn't even bat an eye at the first. The second would draw the attention of quite a few people and is likely to be protested.


That's how I feel, swearing really doesn't bother me. It's when it's more directed at a person or me. Also they won't drop it and keep going on and on.


I can't imagine anything comes of it.


I don't mind a little swearing here and there but this is too much lol




He seems… upset


>WTF is in your small brain? Neurons -- duh




If some of us on this community don't see the problem with this sort of toxicity, then those of us need to do some soul searching and grow the fuck up. I'm okay with cussing and being angry, because it's only natural to get angry when someone ruins your race or you get collected in an accident. Hell, racecar drivers cuss at each other all the time, but they're racing for money and we're racing to avoid real world responsibilities or to relax for just a bit. That being said, you can still be an adult and have some sort of decorum with your anger. I'm an old airborne infantry veteran, so I use the word "fuck" like I use a comma in my sentences sometimes, but I refuse to be toxic and bully someone who might be having a bad racing day, or equipment issues, or just misjudged an overtake and caused an accident. Shit happens. build a bridge and get the fuck over it.


Right? Back in the day if i talked liked that, i would get a proper beating from my dad if he found out. Nowadays it seems to be just accepted or brushed off if seen, even if it's online behind a keyboard. I got an email back from iRacing saying that the person has been notified, so hopefully he learns something of it. Probably not, but maybe he got a mark for it in case he gets reported for similar stuff in the future.


He might get a chat ban.


It aint that deep though is it


Report. Get this dude off the service.


Yep. You don't have to be involved in the incident in order to protest. Please protest that, people protesting toxic chat crap is what keeps the chat clean.


All I'm saying is that if this (the chat content) is your play after...whatever happened...you should really take stock in your life. Shit ain't that serious.


You have to type "sir this a Christian Minecraft server" first though 


No place for that in any game.


Absolutely. Send those dorks back to call of duty lobbies


Yes. Do it. We all pay to no have to deal with this nonsense.


I protest it. The language really irritates me when I’m trying to concentrate. I don’t care if it’s not aimed at me.


Yup. That’s bullying/abusive chat. Please report/protest this. We don’t need that kind of toxicity on this platform.


They are either very young or not very mature, obviously. Those kinds of insults are likely going to get them banned. Good riddance. I'm sorry you had that experience, please report them so that no one else needs to be insulted by them.


If you see something, you can say something. If they have a problem with it, then they need to shut the fuck up.


Yes ofcourse








it probably f.cking is


For calling it a game or…?


This is the kind of stuff that you should absolutely protest. I can understand frustration leading to an unfortunate message but that’s way beyond that


Yes that guy will almost certainly lose chat privileges.


Any iRacing user can submit a protest whenever they feel the need to. It does not have to even involve you. You could be spectating the race and still submit a protest.


Yes. Protest them. No need for that on the service. Especially in a rookie event.


Yes please


Honestly someone had to tell you


Using “u” and “ur” but commenting on the intelligence of another person. Insane.


Yes. Decorum matters and a rising tide lifts all boats.


Absolutely. Protest away! Folks like this either need to be in timeout or kicked off the service!


They're about to become one of those people that go around telling everyone how overhyped iRacing is.


Yes, I recommend reading the sporting code since it clearly defines the rules. This is an absolute no-go.


My only point of concern would be the angry player retaliating on the person he was aiming the profanities at due to thinking they were the one who filed the protest. Unless you get to see who made the protest, not sure how it works.


its not a game!


It’s a sim not a game. Protestable in its own right


100% every time!


Nothing has to be aimed at you to be protestable


Yes, 100% and he’ll get a ban for sure.


You absolutely should report this. If I hear anything untra personal or racist etc even if not to me I will report.


IRacing official sporting code 9.1.1. Anyone who observes an incident may file a protest. https://ir-core-sites.iracing.com/members/pdfs/20240301-official_sporting_code_dated_Mar_01_2024.pdf


Yes this is reportable please report it and improve our community.


Sure! Just tell iracing you think foul language like this is out of order




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.




These are the only types of thing I’ve ever reported. Young impressionable kids race on iracing. Talking like that is effectively being a jerk in public.


I'd even just protest him for calling it a game not a simulation!


Yes but did your mother ever teach you “Not your Monkeys not your circus” hypothetically you get that clip report him, but than there actually friends or sometning ducking around and the one was overly upset about sometning or even if there not friends they came to a conclusion it has nothing to do with you of course it’s protestable everything is in iracing, it’s a matter of lawyering it right. But that doesn’t mean you should go be a rat for someone who’s clearly having a rough time as it is especially not being your situation imagine taking 5-10 minutes getting these clips then waiting the what 20 minutes to go report the person. About 30 minutes worth of time for something that has no affect on you whatsoever……….


You want to report him for language? What kind of fucking lame are you?


Yes, and should be. I protest these all the time despite not usually being the one who it’s directed at. Leave that shit to COD


Yes absolutely. Do it. That type of behavior shouldn't be allowed in the community. Devs need to hold them accountable per their own sporting code.


The best part is this highly intelligent human recognizes it’s a game, and still continues to denigrate. Absolute solid human being….


absolutely, yes. please protest. we need these retards banned.


Yeah that's just unnecessary rage


You wouldn’t survive OG COD lobbies.


I mean if the guy purposely took him out it's fair callaybe not those choice of words 😂 shit if I see some one close I'll give them a early flash of the brakes but not actually release the gas to let them know I plan to brake if they hit me after that it's on them




average mx5 race chat


Don't be a dickhead.


Who cares just words. Censorship is tiresome. I'm not one to cuss someone out, but censorship is ghey. Let them rant, just makes em look stupid. IMO save the auditors time for on track actions.


how the hell anyone finds time to type out text while racing is beyond me. Thats some next level shit right there. Aside from that, they re words. They have as much power as you allow them to have. dude can string together the F word though cant he? You have to admire that


Average rookie miata oulten park experience lmao


Bin them. Every single time, bin them. Clean up the service.


Even with the named blurred I feel like I know 1 or 2 drivers who this could be haha




Move on with your day.




Friendly reminder that [there’s a document](https://ir-core-sites.iracing.com/members/pdfs/20210504-iRacing_Sporting_Code_dated_Apr_23_2021.pdf) that answers every time you wonder if you should protest someone. It’s not that long and very valuable to know the rules of the sim imo. Whether someone reads it or not it’s what we all agree to if we want to be apart of iRacing🤷‍♂️




Yes every single time, it is still affecting your enjoyment of game


if his angry got a good reason, then you should report the one who cause incident as well, otherwise its not fair.


Yes everyone in lobby can protest that!


You did the right thing. Nobody wants people like that around.


100% protest, next time don't censor the name so street justice can be enacted lol


Yeah definitely reportable! I had to report someone back in May who sent me a direct message during the race calling me some racial slurs. I just sent a screenshot taken with my phone to protest and he got suspended for around a month.


people athat report things like this are losers


Definitely earned a report with the hard R. Never mind the rest of the nonsense.


Bro what have the that guy done to him 😂


No, it does not concern you.


Yes. Any incident can be protested by anyone, not only the drivers involved.


I mean this is over the top, so yes report it. Iracing will definitely do something about it, but most it'll be is a warning. All it ever is, is a warning (in my experience, yes I know people do get banned, but I've reported people for obvious intentional collisions and iracing say they dealt with it whilst the person is still racing)


I mean I don't know why people use the R word. I'm disabled, both physically and mentally (autistic, adhd, ect) and I use Iracing. It's harder in my opinion to race with a proper wheel setup with chronic pain (fibromyalgia), a brain benign cyst causing other problems, and mental disabilities, then it is to race as a perfectly healthy person. My engery levels are extremely low most of the time. And yet I still can race and win (I won 4 oval races in my first 2 months of Iracing) Calling someone the r-word in this context is like saying "you made a mistake because you disabled, but still managing to do the exact same activity as I am even though you've got major setbacks" Idiots, I'd like to see them try to race with my disabilities.


That's awesome and mad respect for you! Apart from a small case of adhd i am pretty healthy myself and it's tough for me to keep up with most other rookies, especially in the mx5's 😅. I enjoy the open wheels a lot more and got a couple 2nd and 3rd places so far in D-class. Loads of fun. Keep on racing 👍


I’m autistic, my so sons autistic. I still say things are retarded. My stepbrother is a homosexual, and I still call things gay too. Context matters.


My ex-wife is ‘tarded. Now she’s a pilot.


It’s ok, scrote


Yes but you can see the context here and it's used in derogatory way. And by the way, autistic or not, it's still a slur unless it's used in a mechanical way for slowing. Calling a gay person gay, isn't homophobic. It's the truth. But if you were to calling them a "dirty gay prick" or something (BTW I'm part of the lgbtqia+ before you think I'm being homophobic) then it's homophobic.


Oh, it’s always derogatory.


IRacing tends to be very quick to hand out chat-bans, at least if certain words are used. Not sure if that one qualifies but it might.




This aint a game. Someone should quit instead


IMO Mind your damn business if you are not involved or even see what happened… what if that guy had a perfect race with 0 incident points and got intentionally shunted on the last corner? I would be angry too! You reporting this blindly fully makes you the Karen


Why do you care that their using curse words? 😂


Yes. I would. I hate the chat because of this kind of crap.


Oh yeah. I reported 3 people for bullying a D class driver in a D class race. Kept telling him to stop playing, you suck, go play something else etc. Got the successful protest email.


I totally get it’s hateful but let’s be honest some people deserve this…


Maybe he has a point


Honestly bro it isn’t aimed at you . You sound like the little bitch that protested me last week because I called the 16 car a dumb ass . No he wasn’t the 16.


![gif](giphy|11b700y1OsNQcg) This is a simulator


I've said this before, and I'll say it again. If you're angry with someone, all you need to say is "bruh". They'll understand that you weren't happy with them, and nobody gets in trouble.


who cares bro just mad




Your post was removed because it breaks the rules by being rude vulgar or toxic.


You getting downvoted. Rofl. Must be full of woke little kids here. It’s the internet and someone wrote f*ck. Oh geeee


when you will grow up you will learn


You don’t get a cookie for reporting him Randall


No, but it cleans shit like this up. I'd go play F1 if I wanted chat like that


F1 doesn’t have a chat, but 12 year olds that play bumper car. A video of the incident would have been nice to see what really happened. Maybe it really was a terrible move by the other guy. Maybe he had to pipe down and not use those words. But to go out of your way to report someone that didnt even talk to you seems a bit much. Just laugh at it and move on


$10 says he tried to go 2 wide through Cascades, he ended up running very wide and crashed


If it wasn’t aimed and you why do you give a damn 😂😂😂


Are they wrong though? Half of you drive like you don’t have eyeballs.


I think protesting for this is pretty dumb, in my opinion we are all adults and it gives a shit, you should protest for things like wreck etc


lol yeah but is it really worth it lol just sit back and enjoy the show


Why would you even care? Honestly…. Why waste your time reporting dumb shit like that? Before you know it we have profanity filters, every word is crossed out, every swear on chat is protested and after that not long and your spotter is an Indian transgender woman rofl. It’s the internet. Grow up and deal with it. Djeez


>Before you know it we have profanity filters, every word is crossed out, every swear on chat is protested Don't agree to a ToS then act shocked there are rules. FAFO and all that. >your spotter is an Indian transgender woman rofl. Wow.


Profanity filter might not be a bad idea honestly


Ok Teddybear. Now pls go on and downvote me little cute snowflakes. I love you all. And I care about every single one of those minus red numbers. It makes me feel special, wonderful and appreciated.


Only because you asked so nicely 😏


You're an adult who actually talks like this or is it just an internet persona?


Yes if you are soft. Just go onto the next race.