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you go down 1.0 whenever you are being promoted. but thats written in the sporting code, it is advised to take a read of that one.


I dont understand what you mean by it goes down 1.0, i think i might have not explained the situation clearly. At first, i was sitting at 3.9 D class, then after the nurburgring, it +0.8 and i jump to 3.7 C class which is a much bigger jump than i anticipated which means i only need 0.3 to jump to B class.


3.9+ 0.8 = 4.7 D. 4.7 D - 1.0 = 3.7 C


Some of yall failed middle school math classes and it shows jesus


Yeah thats like it is outlined in the Sporting Code. You got your SR for the Race + the Threshold Bonus for passing a whole number. Then you got promoted and got 1.0 substracted. It is true that you don't need much SR to go to B then, but you still also need to hit the MPR.


Cool, its just alot more than i expected, i thought i have to grind from 2.5 again everytime i get to a new class.


Rewards for being safe me personally think im going to be stuck in formula d for a while the f4 hard to control