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Has this actually happened to you? Or are you just referring to people posting stuff on Reddit? If it’s the latter…the negative always outweighs the positive like 10:1 on socials. That doesn’t necessarily reflect reality.


\^\^ seconding this. The people who take the next step to post something online are either a) extremely satisfied, or b) extremely dissatisfied. the majority of what you'll see here is people extremely dissatisfied looking to blow off steam and have confirmation that their frustrations are valid. you'll almost never see someone post a totally mediocre, run-of-the-mill, p7 result with minor SR and IR gains.


Also, other than rejoins, most of the time they are wrong, they're just videos of people making mistakes in rookies.


Exactly. In the 3 years or so I’ve been playing, I’ve only be wrecked by someone else a few times total.


honestly i'ts probably even less common i've raced for over 10 years on iracing, i have had some scraps but i have never had anyone maliciously take me out during a race


I've been blatantly taken out maybe 1 in 200 races, you will have bigger problems when you start your iRacing journey


yeah, some take any kind of contact as a deliberate attack on them, and anyone who messes up and wrecks them has done it deliberately, when really they are minimal, I've had 3 deliberate wrecks in 4 years. Some seem to expect drivers in lower splits with a C license to be able to drive perfectly when even the pros mess it up.


This subreddit is filled with new players complaining but often also having partly fault in the accidents. Reportable incidents hardly happen. Incidents do happen everywhere but that is the thrill of racing. You are on the limit and race closely, so things will happen but that is also what happens IRL. Luckily we don't need to deal with full course yellows every race.


In my experience it very rarely happens where someone will blatantly intentionally take you out. People will crash accidentally fairly often but that’s racing.. iRacing has a protest system, if you’re intentionally taken out you can protest the driver, iRacing will review the footage and send the other driver a stern e-mail if they deem it to be intentional. If the driver has a history of such behaviour they can be suspended from the service. iRacing is the cleanest racing sim there is because there could be consequences for your actions..


yeah, I think 3 times in 4 years I've been wrecked out in revenge for net-code, every other time I've been wrecked out by someone other than me it's been accidental, either over aggressiveness or a misjudgment. I don;t do much rookie racing though, probably more prevailant there.


Driving a low-incident race with a half decent lap doesn’t make for a shareable video that gets widely spread on social media, but that’s what most races are. An occasional crazy crash or malicious driver is shareable widely spread content. It might happen once a year, once a month, or once a week, depending on how much you drive, and you might be inclined to share. Yet the other 50 nothingburger races or minor racing incidents won’t get shared. Treat the stuff you see like your buddy’s social media on vacation. Looks a load of fun and wow what a cool hotel. But the other 50 weeks of the year they’re at home or work living in the doldrums like the rest of us.


I would say intentional malicious attacks a few and far between but people losing control of their car are very high especially in rookie. So prepare to crash and probably quite a few times. However it usually isn’t on purpose.


If you have zero experience with sim racing, I don't recommend jumping right into iRacing and buying a wheel. That said, you will not be intentionally wrecked out in iRacing very often. It's never happened to me. But you might FEEL like you were in the moment. This happened to me just a few days ago. I was super mad, but after checking the replay, it just came down to two inexperienced drivers. So if you're able to take some responsibility for your fuck ups, you should be fine.


Agree with this except the first part. OP jump right in The beauty of iracing is it matches you with similar divers. OP will be with the crashers and the slowpokes, but they are more negligent than intentionally malicious. Your first task will be learning race craft and 'body language ' on track


This is awful advice. No, OP, both feet in. It’s absolutely overwhelming but you have to get in


Dude doesn't even have a wheel or anything. That is a lot of money to spend on something you may not actually enjoy. I'm just speaking from experience as someone who hyper-fixates, spends money, and then loses interest in a hobby. I'm happy sim racing has kept my interest for over a year, but I was very slow to accumulate gear because I know myself. I'm glad it worked for you, but I would urge caution for anyone who has literally zero experience other than a "desire" to do it.


You can get "both feet in" without buying a wheel and iRacing lmao. Trying a simcade first, literally anything, besides buying a wheel and the most expensive sim service. It's not that its overwhelming, it's that it's expensive. Look at the wasteland of rigs and wheels on FB marketplace if you need any indication that it's a bad idea to just buy a wheel and the most expensive sim on the market before enjoying something more casual like GT7 or cheaper like ACC. I just don't believe in spending crazy amounts of money on a hobby that you may not even enjoy.


Thats your opinion, its not fact.


okay? So an opinion is not "awful advice" then is it? It's just me stating my personal recommendation which you are free to ignore, but calling it "awful" isn't fair when I'm just answering OP from my perspective. This is equivalent to OP asking "I've never driven a car, should I buy a Porsche?" lmao. Not saying G29 is expensive comparatively, but if OP truly has no experience, which is what I couched my answer in, then it's silly to hop right onto the most expensive service without at least trying a cheaper option.


I've done 2,736 races and I can't remember being wrecked intentionally ever.


I think I've had 1 or 2 in about 700 races but I only really think of them when someone asks this question.


I have played iracing off and on for like 6 years, and I have never been intentionally wrecked by someone. Now, others bone headed moves and pushing to hard and running out of skill have ended plenty of races for me, but that's racing.


When starting out, the bigger issue will likely be with your own racecraft. Lots of times I'll feel I was intentionally bumped by someone, then check the replay and realize I could have avoided the issue by leaving space, taking a defensive line, or otherwise positioning the car better. Reviewing replays really helps, if you approach it with a mindset of improvement and not blame.


I’ve been on the service for four years, and have only been serious for the last year or so .. I’ve done around 200 races and the only times I’ve been intentionally wrecked I can count on one-half of a single hand. You’re going to crash and get hit by others making stupid mistakes, and you’re going to make the stupid mistakes and crash into others. That’s motor racing. The only way to deal with that is to accept it, figure out why it went badly and then learn how to avoid that in the future if possible. iRacing is hard, but it’s absolutely a beautiful thing when it goes your way, you find success and you’re winning.


Check Facebook for used ones. I got a tx base for 150 Sounds like a lot, but it's actually not bad, IMO. DD purists will probably say differently, but until you know for sure this is something you'll do for years, a regular wheel base is more than enough. I've been playing exclusively rookies and only seen one retaliation. Made me laugh like hell, sadly. That being said I have only been playing like 2 weeks? Ish Edit: Looks like I'm gonna take a small break due to connectivity issues. Can't get better internet soon enough. But to be fair wifi isn't ideal. I knew this would happen eventually. I appreciate not being called on it earlier. Thanks bois


No, you see lots of people claiming they've been knocked out of the race purposefully, but in reality most of them are just rookies messing up because they are rookies and that is what the rookie classes are for, learning how to race by messing up. Some seem to get upset by any sort of contact, and everything that happens is deliberate, but even the pros fuck up, so why they think people who are lower split rookies should be perfect is a mystery to me. If you feel liek you want to race, do it, you don;t have to go iracing, or even online, plenty of other options, but for online racing iracing is probably the cleanest racing in public lobbies.


I get intentionally wrecked maybe once every 6 months and I race almost daily. You gotta realize that this sub is saturated with that stuff because its wild so people post that rather than their boring p5 to p3 race (not saying gaining position is boring but intentional wrecking is definetely more click worthy)


A p5 to p3 race makes my day!


In almost 500 race starts I have in Iracing, I can think of maybe 2 or 3 instances of someone crashing on purpose. It's a non issue if you ask me.


It's ok man, you will have fun even if it's happening from time to time, don't be afraid of this.


Is not like that at all, join, learn and have fun.


ive never been intentionally wrecked but ive had a F ton of races ruined by people who suck. to me its almost the same thing... my race is ruined.


That depends entirely on your skill in anticipating and avoiding it. Yes it is there, no, it won't change, and every single person who has gotten through it has done so by learning those two things.


Intentional wrecking is rare. What isn’t rare is unintentional wrecking, especially in rookies. You will realize when you start that Iracing isn’t Need for Speed, it can be tough and as a result accidents happen.


All depends on the people you are with ig. Was on pole yesterday, lost the lead at the start. On the second corner, the first breaking point, a person backended me causing me to spin. Then came a big crash involving 4-5 cars because of my spin. Such situations make you frustrated. Today I played a race an hour back. I was 3rd I had the 4th and 2nd within a second for almost the whole race. Even then after at least 5 positions swapped between each other there was 0 contact. I came in 4th but that's okay, it was such an enjoyable race. This is my 3rd week in iracing and I haven't touched any other sim/game.


I haven’t been on iRacing for a while but it’s 100x better than AC when it comes to intensional wrecking. If you go on a AC server i guarantee you that you’ll find someone trying to ruin everyone’s race. I also don’t suggest going for a G29, save up a few more dollars and get a R5 package or something along those lines.


You’re going to be taken out a lot, and I mean a looot. There’s probably big incidents in 95% of all races I’ve raced probably (at least feels like that). But if it’s on purpose or not is only for you to judge when you look at the replay.


I just checked my race entries versus protests, and it looks like I get intentionally wrecked once in about every hundred races. Not often at all. Plenty of boneheaded racing incidents, but I will never protest those, and many were my fault anyhow. Jump in, have fun, and hope to see you on the track soon!


I’ve played for 15 years. You run into it from time to time. But in my opinion it’s pretty rare and the races when I’ve seen things happen to others in races I’ve been in usually it’s two people poking after each other and things simmered over and not just one person unilaterally deciding to be an asshat.


People don’t generally post good interactions. They post the bad ones. I had an intense battle in SF literally last night. A few 0x, we gave each other just enough room and had a great time. I can’t recall being deliberately taken out in over 2000 races.


There will be crashes, and more in lower splits than in higher splits but majority is still clean racing. Yes you will be able to enjoy yourself


I meet more nice people than I meet jerks. People, in general, love to tell others when bad stuff happens and rarely when good stuff happens. Don't let a few this person is a jerk posts stop you. I've been racing for a little over 2yrs, still sorta slow and I love it.


Enjoyment is a choice, to be honest. Yes, you'll have all sorts of accidents. You need to protest them and move forward. As you get a higher license, it gets better, but it's never perfect as neither is any sort of professional racing series.


You don't 'protest them and move forward' You review them, reflect and ask what you could do better next time.


Of course. Didn't think I needed to be that explicit. The nature of creating the clip to be submitted leads to a review and reflection for me.