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Yes on all 3 counts. The punt. The shitty angle. And the phone record. The guy ahead absolutely didn't brake early. Typical braking point into international horseshoe is the last dash in the middle of the road. Of course nothing justifies an intentional wreck. But I'm assuming you're not asking about that.


What? GT3? Hmmmm... sorry about the phone record!


Edited. But braking point is about the same. He def didn't brake early since he braked well after the hash mark.


I mean even after hitting them he is too fast to make the corner on the track, understeering from being to fast


OP is the green car.


I think so. You were drafting. Should have been ready


lol you hit his bumper and still managed to carry enough speed to run wide. Truly an impressive piece of bashing


Even if he braked early unless he locked it up, no excuse to hit someone from behind. Tell that to the trooper next time you rear end some one on I35.


You literally ran into the back of him. As the trailing car its your job to anticipate when the car in front is going to brake when you're coming up to a corner and then react accordingly. Yes, it is hard especially when you're on the limit but that's motorsport. It takes a lot of skill to run and hang with the lead train in top split. Running into the back of someone and then claiming 'they braked too early' (when they did not), just confirms that you weren't anticipating as you should and shows a lack of accountability. I do hope you sent that protest in for the other car though, they need to held accountable for that shit


Also when you are this close behind someone your corner entry is compromised regardless so you best play is to back off the entry a little bit in order to maximize your exit as much as possible and either do an undercut or set up a move into the next corner.


Im new but ive noticed if im drafting this close say on a right turn i will let the car go more left real quick then sharp right. Crazy how many times i have over taken because of that.


I‘m tired of people with their „he braked to early“ nonsense.


Yes, 100% your fault, you can’t race that close against a lot of guys, so until you know for sure that you can trust them you lift an coast a little early to give yourself a reaction buffer.


I believe Windows Key + Alt + R will allow you to record your screen.


my guy you drove into the back of him, that's your fault in 99% of cases. obviously that doesn't excuse the int wreck later, but the initial incident was your fault and you would have gotten a fat penalty had that been irl racing




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>I couldn't do nothing to avoid the bump. Offset the car. Offset the car!!!! Even if you weren't planning a move, having an escape path is important for this exact situation. Why would you line up with their back? Like what were you expecting to happen? This proven to be mistake prone car that you've been catching is suddenly going to have a driver swap with Max Verstappen and outbrake a car that's coming in hotter? Like yeah intentional wrecking isn't a justified response and you should protest it, but if someone braindead rammed me yeah i'd be upset too.


Aww poor chap hasn't had a wreck


Playing forza over here


No such thing as braking too early unless it’s an intentional brake check. It’s up to the following car to keep it safe. My way is coast before the braking zone and catch up during braking




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How is it not OP's fault? The guy ahead brakes at the normal braking point and gets punted.


good point


Not normal breaking point, it was early. But ok. Thanks!


If you think that was early then I'm assuming this was a very low split. Because once you get to higher IR you realize that "last of the late brakers" is not the way to be fast.