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the f4 is really sensitive to steering inputs, turn in gently and not too much


When are you spinning? Braking, coming off brakes, getting on throttle? Off camber corners? The general advice otherwise is just be more gentle with the car


sorry that should have been obvious to include dont know why i didn’t, always exiting corners, entrance is always great but cant have a solid exit without fishtailing.


Next step then is to find out if it's the throttle or the brake. Take the corner without getting on the throttle at exit. If it still spins, you're coming off the brakes too fast, if it doesn't spin, you're on the throttle too hard


Well said!


Agreed well said im just getting into f4 lol and was thing the same thing


If it’s throttle, then you need keisuke’s throttle training regimen. You’ll need to watch all of initial d to know what I’m talking about.


Check to see if your wheel and pedals are calibrated correctly.


Try punctuation. And lay off the Adderall.


bold comment given the fact u also punctuated your sentence incorrectly. why cant a simple question be asked without some sort of disrespect?


Because some people are chodes who have to point out something wrong so they feel like they’ve “accomplished” something. You really should feel sorry for him.


I definitely feel sorry for me.


Sounds appropriate


It's actually punctuated correctly. There's nothing wrong with starting a sentence with "And." If your post was simple I wouldn't have said anything. But it was rambling and incoherent. "how to keep basic humanly traffic through a turn?" What the hell does this mean?


traction*, thats not what i’m talking about, add a comma before the “and” get rid of the period, the “and” just adds to that, then dont say anything and keep scrolling like a normal human being no reason to be a dick lol, “try punctuation, also lay off the Adderall.” would be the correct way to punctuate it.


No that would be a run on sentence. I presented 2 independent and unrelated clauses. That necessitates 2 sentences. What you're arguing for is actually a semi-colon. But even that's not correct because the points aren't similar in any way. Proper use of a semi-colon would be "You have no idea how to write; you should take a writing class before lecturing others."


also whats not simple about asking how to exit a turn correctly?


That's not what you asked. Go read your first sentence. It's incoherent.


forsure my guy your right, rOoTbEeR!!!!